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Baseball Bat Type

“Baseball is not a particular common sport here on Morbit, but our studies have revealed it to be a very common and beloved sport on similar yet distant worlds, with the bat being a focal point in all iterations. Curious and curiouser…”

ID: 0238
Type: Baseball Bat
Category: Weapon
Height: 7 inches

At the cost of health, baseball bat types can create baseball bats of various materials either protruding or independent from their body.
Physical Appearance: Baseball bat types have a standard shape with a broad-shouldered build, two legs, and a short arm. Their other arm is replaced by a baseball bat of a particular material, projecting from a wound at their shoulder. They have markings around their neck reminiscent of the grip of their typing's handle. They have eyespots like cartoon eyes and round earnubs.
Voice: Loud, brief cracks of impact and sometimes a light whistling noise, like air passing around a small object.
Skin: Standard skin.
Fluid: Standard fluid interspersed with baseball bats.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: None.

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