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Blanket Type

“Data pending.”

ID: 0327
Type: Blanket
Category: Form
Height: 5.75 inches
Max Health: GOOD (5)

Blanket types can sacrifice health to change objects or beings they touch into blankets with a design matching the original object.
Physical Appearance: Blanket types appear to have a standard shape and build, though the majority of their body is covered by fabric. The fabric points upwards in the shape of earnubs and comes down covering the whole form of the TCP with only their feet exposed. They have two feet and no arms. The fabric has patches stitched onto it. They have two round eyespots.
Voice: Soft, cartoonish snoring sounds.
Skin: Soft fabric.
Fluid: Stuffing.
Special Attributes: None
Other Notes: Subtypes: Quilt Type, Weighted Blanket Type

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