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Pharyngeal Jaw Type

“Data pending.”

ID: 0714
Type: Pharyngeal Jaw
Category: Body
Height: 9.5 inches
Max Health: PERFECT (8)
Ability: Data pending.
Physical Appearance: Pharyngeal jaw types have a standard body type shape with a wide-shouldered build. They have two arms, which end in claws, and two legs. Pharyngeal jaw types have a large mouth with a smaller set of pharyngeal jaws in their throat. They have a tail that ends in a round fin. Pharyngeal jaw types have dot eyespots and small, curved, pointed earnubs.
Voice: Clacking and clamping.
Skin: Standard skin but slightly slimy and slick.
Fluid: Saliva.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: None.

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