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Salamander Type

“Salamander types are quite slippery, and any staff handling them have to avoid both potential poisoning, and letting a specimen slide away, possibly to danger.”

ID: 0376
Type: Salamander
Category: Creature
Height: 4 inches
Max Health: GOOD (5)

Salamander types can regenerate lost limbs over a period of several days, and heal much faster than normal. Being near a salamander type will grant a similar effect.
Physical Appearance: Salamander types are short TCPs with small, stubby fingers and toes and a long tail. They have spotted markings all over their body, as well as large black eyespots and sideways earnubs.
Voice: Small, chirpy bloop sounds.
Skin: Moist, rubbery, and slimy. Some salamander types will also secrete a toxin from their skin.
Fluid: Standard fluid
Special Attributes: None
Other Notes: Salamander types like damp, cool environments, with some degree of water source nearby. While salamander types can regenerate, they tend to avoid dangerous activities. Salamander types are neither social or asocial. Generally salamander types with a brighter coloration tend to be the ones that secrete poison, although with how common designer markings are these days, this is not a reliable method of determining whether a salamander type is poisonous or not.

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