Name: Hearth
Region: Taverne
Demonym: Hearthian
Owner: Wax
Political System:
Unitary Constitutional Monarchy
Too varied demographic-wise to get good statistics, but primarily Taverne species and constructs
Population Density:
Extremely dense
Religious Demographics:
Primarily Wax followers, but all Taverne gods aside from Spit are common
Project Appearances:
Heartwarmer, Felid Factor
Pinterest Board:
Hearth is located in Taverne, and has been claimed by Wax since its creation. It features in Heartwarmer and Felid Factor and is generally seen in the Punch Clock Animal category of projects.
Hearth is a primarily urbanized zone and does not feature much in the way of natural landscape aside from the mountains that dominate its borders and center. It has the highest population out of any zone in Taverne, and one of the highest population densities out of any Morbitian zone. It is considered the capital of Taverne and its trading hub.
Hearth was created by Wax in ???? CHE, and had no “initial” native species due to Wax's indecision towards his creations. Tiny cat people are the closest thing to a God-created native species due to them being created by the zone's god in question, but due to their spawning conditions, they are typically not associated with Hearth. Botleys and Snuglins, while not God-created, are construct species native to Hearth, and are typically constructed there.
Hearth has been claimed by Wax since its formation and has gone war-free for the duration of its existence aside from taking part in the Revisionist Wars starting in 5667 FE and ending in 5672 FE / 0 RE. The development of the zone began at Wax's mountain, with the capital of Ludicrous taking the forefront- people moving into the zone from the surrounding areas due to the comfortable climate and promises of a canvas-like experience with what Hearth would become made it a bustling metropolis in no time, and the population expanded quickly. Construct science became a major draw for the zone as soon as Wax collaborated with other deities to make materials and resources available for mortals to create new sapient species and individuals of their own, and Hearth fast became one of Morbit's construct-construction capitals.
Hearth's weather varies wildly throughout the four seasons, with each season having its unique palette to the day/night cycle and climate to adjust to. While this is a major draw for tourists and suitable for Wax's imagination domain, long time residents will often comment that the changes can get “a little annoying”, and are more irritated that their city has to accommodate for the rapidly changing weather instead of having things just stay the same for once.
Hearth winters are cold in both palette and temperature, though far less cold than its neighbors of Bluster, Solitude, Whimsy or Consumption. The skies are tinted dark blues and greens, with less saturation than any of the other seasons. The snow that falls during these months is more likely to turn into slush or ice than remain particularly solid but is often admired by tourists for its glittery, almost holographic sheen. This season lasts from late November to late February.
Hearth springs are pastel in their color palette, with pinks and blues taking the forefront. The weather tends to be windy with frequent (but very light) rainstorms, and very rarely, storms will occur where petals fall from the sky, causing a giant mess that while very pretty in motion, no one enjoys cleaning up after the fact. These petals are considered very valuable due to their rarity, however, and are often collected and preserved as romantic gifts by those looking to make a quick profit. This season lasts from early March to late May.
Hearth summers are high saturation in their color palette and lean towards pinks, greens, blues, and oranges, especially in holographic and shiny sheens. Everything seems to glitter even more than usual, occasionally causing eyestrain. Thankfully for residents, the heat of this season is generally considered bearable, but the sun is definitely out more than other seasons, and rain is less frequent aside from occasional thunderstorms. Thankfully, air conditioning is present in most apartment complexes. This season lasts from early June to late August.
Hearth falls are the most dramatic season of all, with the majority of Hearth's flora responding to the changing season with nearly overnight changes in color in their leaves, with many of them resembling inorganic materials and having strange patterns. These leaves make for common design motifs for the season, and show up in plenty of festive imagery and merchandise. The day/night cycle reflects this as well, with soft but heavily multicolored gradients. This season lasts from early September to early November.
Hearth is frequently likened to a giant city despite being separated into different states and districts, mainly due to the lack of seams at its borders. The zone itself is layered in nature, with skyscrapers and tall apartment complexes being a common sight in almost all areas. Traffic is just as layered, with rows upon rows of roads, subways, and highways spread throughout the zone to get around.
Due to being primarily an urban environment, there is not much natural territory aside from mountains in Hearth. Parks and farmland are set aside both in the open air and “eco-domes”- the latter of which meant to protect the environment inside from the elements, allowing for different ecosystems to be developed and cultivated. These domes are easy enough to get with an application process and a decently sized fee depending on planned usage and size, and allow for Hearth to grow a variety of flora and food products that Taverne would not have access to otherwise.
Development on the mountains themselves is rare outside of the outskirts and is generally reserved for the bold.
Flora and fauna alike in Hearth have an almost surreal quality, not unlike the rest of the zone's aesthetic. It is not uncommon for both varieties of wildlife to take on qualities of inorganic materials, with much of the wildlife resembling toys or crafts. Despite this, there are plenty of organic creatures and plants living amongst the city, having adapted to the winding alleys and stacked roads.
Hearth flora that exists within the city itself has to adapt to urban environments, and is either planted purposefully in pots or can survive amongst the concrete jungle. Some examples include creeping, spiraling, holographic ivy, various kinds of naturally shaped topiary, and particularly juicy fruit trees. Common flora found on eco-dome farms includes a variety of plants used to make different kinds of fabric, imported fruit and vegetables from other zones both inside and outside of Taverne, and trees tapped for sap.
Hearth fauna that exists within the city itself also has to adapt to the urban environment, and have no issue navigating tight, tall spaces with little natural resources. Scavenging is a common diet for Hearth fauna, with many examples of animals living in this zone able to subsist on trash, inorganic materials, or various other leftovers from the sapient citizens that live there. Some examples of fauna include a squirrel-like creature with a tinsel-like appearance, a small, plush-like triceratops-Esque creature often kept as a pet in apartments, and a caterpillar-like plastic construct often used as a therapy animal.
Hearth is a Unitary Constitutional Monarchy and is run by Wax alongside elected officials of states. Despite the division of Hearth into states, they share laws agreed upon by the elected officials as a group, and any differing laws between the different states are minimal and considered low priority/less important at best. Wax's involvement as a head leader is minimal, and he prefers to allow the elected officials to make the majority of decisions, especially after the death of Wane. The main extent of his powers as a leader involves being able to propose executive orders and allow them to be vetoed outside of emergency circumstances, typically in times of god-based warfare or when the use of god-based powers is necessary.
Basic income is provided for all Hearth citizens, along with housing. Taxes are weighted to both provide for these services and to attempt to prevent class disparity from becoming too prominent, with Wax's dislike of the concept of millionaires and billionaires being well known to most. Despite this, the entertainment and manufacturing industry flourishes in Hearth due to Wax's domain and (sometimes former post-Morbitian TCP creation) connections with gods well versed in construct materials or construction techniques. The unique appeal of Hearth's architecture and visuals is a major draw for those looking for a place to live outside of what many consider a “normal” experience, and the surrealism of life there, in general, makes for excellent entertainment appeal.
Wax does not preach any sort of religion but does promote the idea of being creative and trying new things. This reflects in the bizarre and surreal architecture and goods of Hearth and can be seen wherever you go in the city.
Due to his intense dislike of the idea of having a personal military for Hearth, Wax has completely left the jurisdiction of the military up to elected officials and has no say over their actions outside of emergencies where his god powers are potentially relevant. Due to the extreme tensions between Hearth and Consumption, said the military is at red alert constantly in the modern-day on their border, and patrols it regularly with frequent confrontation. War has yet to break out, however, though it has threatened to frequently. Whether this military has committed any war crimes against Consumption individuals (specifically Spit cultists) in the process of trying to “keep the peace” is unknown to Wax, but highly likely. Law enforcement is handled via unarmed arrests and officers similar to “bobbies”, fair trials with a jury are given to those arrested, and most criminals are let go varying degrees of fines and without imprisonment. In the case of more severe crimes such as murder or varying forms of assault, imprisonment inhospitable conditions, and no labor are provided, with a focus on reform and in the case of eventual release, mandated checkups.
Hearth's relationship with other zones is complicated, with many other leaders both interested in trading and communicating with Wax due to his heavy involvement with constructs, but resenting him due to the creation of TCPs- the single most invasive (and potentially one of the single most dangerous) sapient species on Morbit. Consumption is the zone with the most antagonistic relations to Hearth, with the two of them having tense borders after Wane and Velvet were devoured by Spit. The rest of the Taverne zones are on good terms with Hearth, with Precipice having particularly strong relations.
Hearth's entertainment industry is incredibly robust, with a focus on highlighting the huge species diversity the zone attracts in both god-created and construct cases. Television, movies, videogames, and other forms of media showcase both fictional and nonfictional instances of different species representation, cater to different species' needs and accommodations, and market themselves as being inclusive of new ideas and concepts.
Hearth is generally seen as a pacifistic zone outside of the Hearthian love of TCP sessions, deeply entrenched in the zone's culture since their public availability is in the form of TCP arcades and god streams. Aside from that, the only combat that is generally embraced in the open is that of self-defense or organized fighting such as boxing, sparring, or wrestling, with anything else being frowned upon and widely recognized as against the law.
Hearth has a huge melting pot of different cultures’ dishes due to being the central point of Taverne and a hub for construct species, prone to new dishes being developed, and lots of restaurants at every income level are present. Cost-effective meals in Hearth typically consist of wraps of various fillings, both standard, and dessert. Not a whole lot is difficult food-wise to get in Hearth due to a lot of trading going on, and gifts foods range from new, trendy things found on the market to inventions made yourself.
Hearthian beliefs typically consist of embracing creativity and imagination, no matter how surreal and potentially frightening and outlandish it may be to outside onlookers. As long as it does not intend to cause harm to innocent or marginalized people, Wax encourages all forms of expression in art. Some critics of Wax will point out that this directly contradicts the “game” of TCP sessions involving violence against innocent lives, to which he responds that it is a necessary part of teaching gods and mortals the importance of caring for and guiding life itself in the position of a god, and arguments commence. Body modding is also a massive part of Hearthian culture along with construct making, and many citizens are modified for both cosmetic and practical reasons.
Hearthian housing is more often than not in the form of apartment complexes, with other setups being rare and typically reserved for housing built into other facilities, such as small apartments/dorms alongside eco-domes, medical facilities, or shops. Capsule hotel-like housing centers are also a popular form of housing for species that do not have complicated needs, such as TCPs, flexins and certain varieties of construct.
Creative work is highly valued in Hearth, and designers from all over the globe flock there to contribute their ideas and take part in the highly competitive industry. Product design with a focus on accommodating different species is especially valued due to the extreme diversity in the population, and Hearth's goods are exported all over the globe. The fashion industry is particularly noteworthy, with Hearth-crafted looks being easy to pick out in any crowd. Construct making is also a major industry, with many construct species and individuals originating in Hearth, both made by individuals, groups, and companies/corporations.
Education is handled through traditional, formal schooling, though some schools' approaches tend to resemble more of an unschooling-inspired take than a standardized learning one, with students being able to choose their activities and course structure based on their interests and needs. This approach can grow chaotic with the large student population, and not all schools follow this technique, but it is the tactic endorsed most heavily and personally by Wax.
Healthcare is provided free for all citizens through weighted taxes and includes many kinds of surgeries and procedures other zones may consider cosmetic or unnecessary. Hearthians often consider body modding to be a part of their culture, and their healthcare reflects that- getting a part of your body changed to reflect your identity as a person more accurately is generally covered for free, or at the very least, a lower cost.
Hearth is one of the most scientifically advanced zones in Taverne, mainly due to its advancements in the construct field. Research in departments relating to scrap-based magic and how it applies to creating life is far more advanced than other zones in the region, and in many cases, publicly available for people to work with. This information is both the result of mortals working together to develop new techniques and the collaboration between Wax and other gods to share their knowledge of how species work to help educate the mortal population and increase the construct population.
Transportation in Hearth is complicated and messy, with layers of roadways being the norm to accommodate the massive population. Traffic jams are frequent, with many Hearthians stating that if you can, learning the immediate areas and keeping to traffic on foot or by a small personal vehicle like bikes is far easier than dealing with a car or public transit via bus or shuttle.
Hearth's aesthetic and art style can best be described as surreal and somewhat futuristic (often with a retro spin), with a large focus on bright colors, holographic and transparent (both fully and partially) materials, organic and abstract shapes even on inorganic structures, and expressing one's unique sense of creativity. As such, it is rare for places or goods to appear mass-produced outside of a few prominent exceptions, such as those produced by the Snuglin Corporation. Toy and craft-based aesthetics can also be found frequently in Hearth's stylings, as well as a “cute” and hyper-stylized feel overall.
Hearth's architecture tends to mix the geometric with the organic shape-wise, with buildings being a blend of sharp edges and layered structures alongside smooth curves and rounded shapes. This adds to the zone's surreal look as a whole, with no other zone having quite a similar feel to its bizarre appearance. Many buildings feature repetition in their design, especially in the case of apartment complexes or skyscrapers- though these complexes are also meant to be customized on the inside by their tenants (to a degree). Mirrors and glass panels are incredibly common in Hearth architecture, often leading to disorientation by people unused to frequently seeing their reflections in places like regular hallways and off of surfaces like ceilings and floors. Fountains and pools are also valued and enjoyed when there's available space, and many middle-class apartment complexes feature a recreational area where tenants can relax and unwind. Its buildings are often towering and skyscraper-like due to needing to accommodate its massive population and are built to last.
Hearth's fashion, similar to its overall aesthetic, has somewhat of a retro-futuristic vibe. Holographic and transparent materials are common, both as main features and accents. Due to the huge variety of species in Hearth, standardized fashion is very rare, and custom works are far more common; as such, the tailoring industry is in full swing in Hearth. Fashion incorporating or showing off body mods is also very common and is considered a fantastic way to highlight one's identity and sense of self.
Hearth's vast diversity of species leads to some of the most diverse exports on Morbit, and the number of different goods produced there is too many to go into in detail. However, some of the more commonly produced Hearth specialties involve supplies for producing construct goods, such as witch tech and kits for robotics or similar construction methods, body modification technology, and TCP-related technology- including TCP arcades and consoles.
Canvas was the first state created by Wax and the capital state of Hearth. Located to the northeast of the region and considerably smaller than any of the other states, this is also the densest state in the zone. It is run by a mortal official.
Ludicrous is the capital city of Hearth, found in Canvas, and contains one of the densest populations on Morbit. It is also one of the biggest travel destinations on Morbit due to its incredibly surreal environment and construct draws, and features a wide variety of TCP arcades and similarly bizarre attractions.
A state south of Canvas, Sketchwork was the second state created and is currently run by a lesser god by the name of Reverse Fold. Reverse Fold is an elected leader and focuses his efforts on anti-Spit military action.
A state that split off of Sketchwork, Widerule is found on the Precipice border to the southeast corner of the zone. This state has a heavy focus on construct production and is the location of many construct-making companies (including snuglins and botleys. It is run by a mortal official.
A state that split off of Sketchwork, Parchment is found on the Whimsy/Wonder border and the southwest corner of the zone. Its focus is education, likely in part inspired by Alloy and Velvet's proximity. It is run by a mortal official.
Considered old frontier land, Dryboard is located on the border to Bluster, on the western side of the zone. Due to its proximity to the dead zone, it is often colder than other states and is sometimes considered “cursed” depending on who you ask. Its main focuses are body modification and species sciences, often working hand in hand with Widerule. It is run by a mortal official.
Breakout is a city located on the far Dryboard side of the Lost Valley mountain range and was one of the main evacuation points between Hearth and Bluster. Founded upon Wane’s death, it served as a shelter for Blusterers looking for an escape from the decaying zone’s grip. Spread out across a large swath of the mountains, transport between districts for both its items and its goods are achieved through speedy cableways, having improved significantly over the years by Hearth’s rapidly advancing technology. It has a high mothlie population compared to the rest of the region, with many refugees from the original Fall of Bluster having set up there permanently and raised families. It is about as close as you can get to Bluster without being directly inside it or requiring special equipment, and as such, is very, very cold. The overall feeling of the city is rustic, paying tribute to the traditional styles of Bluster itself with heavy use of wood and fire-based heating such as woodstoves and fireplaces. Much of Bluster’s traditional foods, goods, and legends are preserved here, and as such Wax holds it in high regard and protection. One of the local fauna that can be found there is the tiny crackle, a noisy rodent-like creature that is often found rummaging through abandoned buildings and building nests in the walls. Its name comes from the fact that with every movement, it makes a loud crackling noise, often used in frantic dances to scare off predators.
Pictured below on the left is a TCP scaled reference of the crackle, as well as a complex-sized reference of the crackle, on the right.
The newest state, Fresh Print is located to the north of the zone and is larger than most of the other states. It is home to the most eco-domes in the zone and the least developed out of the states, with the state's main focus being agriculture for the rest of the zone. Due to its proximity to Bluster on one side, it is often colder than other states- but the fact that most farmland is in eco-domes prevents crops from being affected, for the most part. It is run by a mortal official.