“There are few things more heart-wrenching than to see specimens flee from our monster types. As fairly large creature types, they have enough stature to strike fear into complexes like myself if put in the right conditions…I feel a sort of kinship with them.” | ID: 0090 |
Type: Monster | |
Category: Creature | |
Height: 11 inches | |
Max Health: FANTASTIC (7) | |
Ability: BE AFRAID Monster types generate a passive aura that makes others fear it. The severity of the effect depends on the preexisting levels of fear towards the monster type- while its friends will be able to overcome the aura easily, those who are unfamiliar with the monster type will have a more difficult time overcoming its effects. |
Physical Appearance: Monster types have large, imposing bodies, with claws on their hands and a large chainlike growth dangling from their neck. They have ten eyespots- a small cluster of five on each side- as opposed to the standard two. | |
Voice: Low growls and hisses. | |
External: Standard skin- solid bone in the claws and solid metal for the chains. | |
Internal: Standard fluid | |
Special Attributes: None | |
Other Notes: Subtypes: Sea Monster |
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