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“Data pending.”

ID: S091
Type: Puppy Love/Tragedy (genre)/Sweetness/Anthophobia/Hanahaki Disease
Category: Abstract/Body
Pronouns: Data pending.
Height: 10 inches
Ability: Fateful can sacrifice health to inflict hanahaki disease and a fear of flowers on a target simultaneously. They can also sacrifice health to ascend to a higher form and while ascended, invoke either intensified feelings of cuteness/a desire to protect others, making others' actions seem more innocent or sweet, or visions of melodramatic, frilly, tragic stories.
Physical Appearance: Fateful is a large TCP with an elongated neck and digitigrade legs, similar to other body types. Their head and shoulders are covered in red flower petals. More flower petals leak out of their jagged mouth and out of a heart-shaped cavity in their chest. Their body and legs have a black-to-red-to-white color scheme, and their arms and neck resemble green plant stems with large, white spikes protruding from it. They appear to have a pair of white wings, with an additional pair becoming visible in their ascended form.
Voice: Data pending.
Skin: Data pending.
Fluid: Red flower petals.
Special Attributes: Conditions: Lycanthropic
Anomalies: Eyespot (none), Chest (heart-shaped hole), Wings (dove), Earnubs (heart-shaped)
Modifiers: Ethereal, Profound, Lyrical, Feverish
Themed after a Shakespeare love interest
History: Data pending.
Personality: Data pending.
Other Notes: Community-owned TCP. Created via the let's make a tiny cat person forum game, commissioned by AceOfNothing.


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