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Succulent Type

“Succulent types are incredibly hardy, with deceptively high health for a nature type. I do not conduct tests regarding lethality lightly, but I am relieved to say that the specimens in my care have endured many trials willingly, and with ease.”

ID: 0159
Type: Succulent
Category: Nature
Height: 3 inches
Max Health: FANTASTIC (7)
Ability: SUCK UP

Succulent types can create and control succulent plants. While minor tasks do not have a health cost, greater uses of this ability will cost more and more health.
Physical Appearance: Succulent types have short, squat bodies with large, leafy heads. There are eyespots present on two of the more forward-facing leaves, but there are no distinguishable ear nubs.
Voice: Soft rustling.
Skin: Smooth plant material.
Fluid: Jellylike, and transparent with a slight colored tint.
Special Attributes: None
Other Notes: Succulent type cats can adapt to many different environments with surprising success, but do require sunlight and water, although they must avoid overwatering themselves. They like soil that's easy to drain, complaining that waterlogged soil can make them sick. Succulents are small and blend in fairly easily and use this to their advantage. Many of them enjoy harmless pranks, popping up in corners you're not expecting and disappearing in the same way. They are somewhat quiet cats, avoiding making a fuss, and don't have a preference towards being solitary or sociable. Succulent types need more liquid and food in the summer months, and less in the winter, and lean towards natural foods that are not overly wet. When succulents lose parts of their foliage, they may seek to plant them in ideal conditions. This occasionally leads to a new succulent forming, it is unclear if this is a very specific spawning method or some form of cloning.

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