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 Wolf Type

Wizard Type (Morbit)

“Some wizard types are generous with their ability, choosing to grant scrapwielding powers to those not fortunate enough to have them. Others are… less accommodating, and will insist on remaining a certain distance away to avoid activating their passive aura.”

ID: 0227
Type: Wizard
Category: Creature
Height: 8 inches
Max Health: GREAT (6)

Wizard types can see and manipulate scraps, and anyone close to a wizard type will gain a limited ability to do so as well, as long as they stay within a certain distance.
Physical Appearance: Wizard types have cloaks on their backs leading to ridged shoulder coverings. They have similar ridges on their hands and feet, giving the appearance of gloves and boots. They have a pointed marking on the top of their head, as well as large oval-shaped eyespots and wide, striped earnubs.
Voice: Ethereal, warped TCP babbling.
Skin: Standard skin, with smooth fabric coverings.
Fluid: Standard fluid.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: None.

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