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Rot Type

“Rot types can be difficult to contain due to their ability to degrade any surface they touch. Luckily, their ability doesn't seem to work on inorganic surfaces such as metal or glass.”

ID: 0501
Type: Rot
Category: Body
Height: 9 inches
Max Health: GREAT (6)

Rot types can sacrifice health to create rot on any surface they touch.
Physical Appearance: Rot types are large TCPs with patches of rot all over their body and a flaky spot around their neck. Their extremities are falling apart in some places, and they have tiny dot eyespots and wide earnubs.
Voice: Soft crackling and plopping.
Skin: Standard skin with squishy, crumbly rot patches.
Fluid: Standard fluid, but gummy and rotten in places.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: None.

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