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Hospital Type

“Pocket dimensions make for frustrating test development. They are fiddly and impossible for a complex of my size to actually visit, and camera footage is tricky to obtain at TCP scale. This is especially frustrating with my hospital type specimens, as knowing more about them would be revolutionary…”

ID: 0104
Type: Hospital
Category: Storage
Height: 8 inches
Max Health: PERFECT (8)

Hospital types contain a small pocket dimension within them that they can use to store wounded TCPs. While inside, stored TCPs will slowly regenerate health, and casts and bandages may appear on their body depending on the nature of the injury. The pocket dimension is white and clean-looking, and contains 20 patient rooms, each with a bed and a set of medical equipment, as well as a lobby area. It can store up to 20 patients at once, although the rate of healing will slow down the more patients are admitted at once. TCPs with medical training can enter the hospital and bring their equipment with them in order to help heal the patients.
Physical Appearance: Hospital types have a large, rectangular body with square markings all over them resembling windows, and a large cross marking on their forehead. They have droopy eyespots and small raised spots on the top of the building resembling ear nubs.
Voice: Large-sounding bumps and thunks, as well as the occasional monitor beep.
Skin: Hard and rough, like concrete.
Fluid: Standard fluid
Special Attributes: None
Other Notes: None

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