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“Data pending.”

ID: S092
Type: Meat/Fear/Slime (body)/Ice Cream Cone/Face Bank
Category: Food/Body/Storage
Pronouns: It/its
Height: 11 inches
Ability: Meatcone's body gives a healing, regeneration, and energizing effect when consumed. It can create slime on any surface that contains fear-inducing hormones. The health cost of either of these abilities can be negated in exchange for money.
Physical Appearance: Meatcone is a large TCP with an elongated neck and a body made of pink slime. It has no arms or legs, disembodied hands, and appears to be levitating a few inches in the air, but otherwise cannot fly. It has abstract type eyespots with black pupils and a smaller, blue slit pupil, and a red “outer” eyespot that produces slime, as if crying. Its body consists of a red ice cream cone, formed around the “stumps” of its legs and arms. Its hands appear to have a blue scrap glow around it.
Voice: Data pending.
Skin: Partially made of red ice cream waffle cone.
Fluid: Pink meat-slime.
Special Attributes: Conditions: Scrap-merged (nostalgia/rot)
Anomalies: Limb (major, none)
Modifiers: Levitating (minor), Nightmarish (major, death/demons)
History: Data pending.
Personality: Enjoys horror movies. Tries very hard to scare other people with its actions, even though its appearance is more than enough to accomplish it. A very big softie if you can get past the “tries hard to scare you” phase.
Other Notes: Community-owned TCP. A reference to a randomizer Vanillish from Rin and Como's Pokemon streams that had a horrible color palette. Commissioned by AceOfNothing.


Ringor Mortis ©2019

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