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Gibbon Type

“It should be noted that a gibbon type's ability does not factor in how viable it is for the target to actually be swinging from trees. Mix a gibbon type with an armor type, for instance, and you may see some very creative solutions.”

ID: 1024
Type: Gibbon
Category: Creature
Height: 6 inches
Max Health: GREAT (6)

Gibbon types radiate a passive aura that inspires others to climb trees and swing from branches.
Physical Appearance: Gibbon types are covered in fur and have disproportionately long arms that end in bare, pointed hands. Their legs are short and end in similarly pointed feet. Their faces are noticeably smaller than their heads, and they have small dot eyespots, short, downward-facing earnubs, and a pair of markings on the face resembling nostrils.
Voice: Hooting and screeching, typically in a song-like pattern unique to that gibbon type.
Skin: Scraggly fur with standard skin underneath.
Fluid: Standard fluid
Special Attributes: None
Other Notes: Gibbon types enjoy living high above the ground, often making their homes in trees and, if in an urban area, high rise buildings. They are extremely physically active for a TCP typing and need to have frequent bouts of brachiation to feel comfortable- living in an area without things to swing on will lead to intense distress. They are highly social but tend to stick to established friend groups, especially ones that can keep up with their high energy needs. They prefer fruit-based food type products when possible, though they won't turn down an insect-based meal either. Gibbon type voices are generally very loud, but no two members of this typing sound the same, and can often find work using those unique noises.

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