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Pyromania Type

“A pyromania type's eye-flames aren't hot enough to set things on fire, but they are hot enough to burn one's hand. They will often headbutt others when provoked, shoving the eye-flames into them.”

ID: 0675
Type: Pyromania
Category: Body
Height: 11 inches
Max Health: PERFECT (8)

Pyromania types can sacrifice health to create feelings of pyromania in any being they touch. The feeling subsides naturally after five to ten minutes, or earlier if it is sated by watching something burn.
Physical Appearance: Pyromania types are large TCPs with thick, elongated necks. They have flame markings on their clawed hands, and their eyespots emit small flames that may flare up if the TCP gets angry or excited. They have long, pointed earnubs.
Voice: The sound of fire crackling and popping.
Externals: Standard skin, but slightly warm to the touch.
Internals: Standard fluid.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: None.

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