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Pride Type

“Those who cross paths with a pride type, be wary. Emotion based abilities always run the risk of mental danger, but pride is especially one not to be touched lightly. Stories of political and psychological manipulation are not unfounded- though neither are the heartwarming tales of comfort and encouragement.”

ID: 0232
Type: Pride
Category: Abstract
Height: 5 inches
Max Health: PERFECT (8)

Pride types can sacrifice health to temporarily enter an ascended form. While in this form, they can view how others feel about their status and accomplishments, and they can increase another's sense of pride. This can be focused into pride towards one specific feat, which gives a greater effect, or it can increase the person's general sense of pride by a small amount.
Physical Appearance: Pride types are smaller TCPs, with round earnubs and abstract-type eyespots. They have a series of heart markings, one inside the other, on their torso. In ascended form, they gain an extra pair of arms and a heart-shaped halo, and their pupils grow into heart shapes.
Voice: Cheerful “yah” sounds.
Skin: Standard skin
Fluid: Standard fluid
Special Attributes: None
Other Notes: Pride types are usually located in cities but seem to just want to live near other people. There are reports of some living in “dangerous places to get to”, like on steep mountain paths, acting as a buffer so people can stop and think about what they've already accomplished and if they need to push on further. They like having things to do, with many enjoying to working their way up to high power positions. Some will stick to hobbies they can perform quickly and get a high sense of reward from, after all being able to complete a puzzle cube or make balloon animals is highly praised. They are naturally social cats and will try to keep themselves in people's good graces, but this is often perceived as a manipulative move. Their power can be used for dangerous things, but that does not mean every pride type is dangerous, as long as they don't see you as a threat. There is not a clear food type preference, but they have been known to become social drinkers when trying to gain standing among a group. Pride types consider even the smallest of accomplishments to be a good reason to be proud. While some cats may be able to paint pictures or write novels, some may just need to be happy they could get out of bed.

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