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Original Type: Chimera
“Data pending.”

ID: M013
Subtype: Texture
Physical Changes: The TCP's outer layer sheds regularly, either all over or in specific places, such as a patch of fur or the surface of an entire limb. This can affect any kind of TCP, including those with standard skin (sloughing off squishy material), plant life (petals), or entirely solid bodies (wood/metal shavings).
Mental Changes: None.
Ability Changes: Things made via the TCP's ability may have this modifier as well.
Overall Effects: Overall cosmetic, albeit annoying. No actual health risk aside from irritation when a shed is due for most TCPs, though some are at risk in the case of losing parts of their exoskeleton, scales, shell, or other protective material.
Other Notes: None.

Minor Cases

Intermediate Cases

Major Cases

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