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Apex Predator

“Data pending.”

ID: S089
Type: Stilts
Category: Weapon
Pronouns: Data pending.
Height: 10 inches
Ability: Data pending.
Physical Appearance: Apex Predator is a quadruped TCP with long legs. Its entire body, stilts included, is covered in thick, fleshy, orange skin with red-orange spots. Unlike other stilts types, Apex Predator's legs are flexible, retractable, and capable of fast bounding towards targets.
Voice: Data pending.
Skin: Meaty skin.
Fluid: Blood. Actual complex-like blood.
Special Attributes: Conditions: Ravenous
Anomalies: Fluid, Skin
Modifiers: Sweet, Spotted
History: Data pending.
Personality: Enjoys sports. Often regarded as a “horror movie monster”.
Other Notes: Community-owned TCP. Bot-generated and commissioned by Infomantis and AceOfNothing.


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