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Addiction Type

“In some cases, an addiction type's ability doesn't make itself very noticeable. You may find that you've been bouncing your leg for the last hour, or that you've been humming the same tune over and over.”

ID: 0115
Type: Addiction
Category: Body
Height: 12 inches
Max Health: GREAT (6)

Addiction types can sacrifice health to create a feeling of addiction towards a sensory stimulus the target has felt recently. They cannot choose which feeling the target will become addicted to exactly, but it will generally be something they experienced within the last five minutes.
Physical Appearance: Addiction types are large TCPs with elongated necks and a large marking on their torso and arms, the edged of which are marked with a set of jagged stripes. They have curved line eyespots with a number of smaller lines underneath them and wide earnubs.
Voice: Breathy shaking and trembling.
Skin: Standard skin.
Fluid: Standard fluid.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: None.

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