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Axe Type

“Many associate axe types with the outdoors, and some do indeed find themselves drawn to more wilderness-like environments- but many prefer the comfort of the indoor world, and have no particular preference towards chopping anything down.”

ID: 0689
Type: Axe
Category: Weapon
Height: 5 Inches
Max Health: GOOD (5)

At the cost of health, Axe types can create axes that are either a part of their body or independent of it.
Physical Appearance: Axe types have a standard body with a slim build, stout legs, and a long arm. Their other arm is half the length of the other, instead of a hand, the arm ends in a wound through which an axe and its handle protrude. Axe types have two large, rounded markings along both sides of their chest which give the impression of safety vest. They have half-circle eyespots and small curved earnubs.
Voice: Irregular hacking noises sometimes ended with a loud, deep groan of splitting wood.
Skin: Standard skin.
Fluid: Standard fluid interspersed with axes.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: None.

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