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Arctic Ground Squirrel Type

“When we first built our research facilities, we often grouped TCPs of the same type together in a single dormitory, lacking the foresight we have now. Many creature type dormitories would cause problems, but the arctic ground squirrel type dorm was the only one to actually melt.”

ID: 0869
Type: Arctic Ground Squirrel
Category: Creature
Height: 4 inches
Max Health: GOOD (5)

When sleeping or resting in a cold environment, arctic ground squirrel types will shiver slightly in order to build up heat. If anyone else is in close proximity to the arctic ground squirrel during this process, they will share the warming effect.
Physical Appearance: Arctic ground squirrel types have a standard shape with a stout build. They have two arms and two legs, all ending in dexterous, clawed digits, and a long fluffy tail. They have large, wide eyes, short earnubs, and a large nose. They have fur-like markings all over their bodies.
Voice: Chittering and squeaking.
Externals: Thick, warm fur.
Internals: Standard fluid.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: None.

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