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Neck Type

“Neck types are either accustomed to their long limbs or they aren't. One of my neck types frequents the jungle gym, swinging and climbing with the grace of a ballerina, while another constantly trips over their own feet.”

ID: 0433
Type: Neck
Category: Body
Height: 10 inches when curled up, 18 inches fully extended.
Max Health: PERFECT (8)

Neck types can sacrifice health to create necks on any surface they touch. They can also choose to create a neck in between two parts of an object, thus extending it.
Physical Appearance: Neck types are large TCPs with an extremely long neck and long limbs. They have long, round earnubs and small dot eyespots.
Voice: Rubbery stretching sounds.
Skin: Standard skin.
Fluid: Standard fluid.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: Neck types are well suited to any environments, though many prefer spaces they can squeeze into and curl up in. They tend to enjoy tangling themselves up around other TCPs as a form of affection and care, though this behavior can also be seen in combat. They are not particularly social or asocial, and do well in groups or alone. They are also fine with practically any food, though they tend to avoid rare food types such as metal or wires. Neck types do not have an esophagus within them naturally, and are more neck shape-like in nature.

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