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Posted by: knux400 - 07-03-2019, 02:35 PM - Forum: [DISCUSSION] - Replies (38)

Got a TCP but you don't know what it does? See what its ability is here!

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Posted by: skinstealer - 07-03-2019, 09:13 AM - Forum: [WORLDBUILDING] - Replies (8)


This is a worldbuilding thread! Here you can have discussion on the worldbuilding elements presented, and offer suggestions/ideas for developing them- thus directly contributing to the world of Morbit! Anything is fair game so long as it follows the restrictions (if any are listed). This main posts will be updated as we go, allowing for people to always have an up to date resource on this element.

  • None yet

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Posted by: skinstealer - 07-03-2019, 04:37 AM - Forum: [DISCUSSION] - Replies (9)

do you have a TCP type or ten that you don't know a category for??? post it here and we'll get to it when we can. feel free to post as many as you like!

(also, discussion is more than welcome!)

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Posted by: skinstealer - 07-03-2019, 03:00 AM - Forum: [SPECIES DEVELOPMENT] - Replies (2)

[Image: splash.png]

[CW: very simple/brief mentions of reproduction (literally just a mention cmon now it's a SFW thread)]


  • Originated in Luxson
  • Created by mass mutation of Luxson Cluster-based corvice during/after the Luxson Horror Plague
  • No real first morph due to the way they were created
  • ????


  • OBJs outside of the Cluster are rarer, whereas corvice are more common.
  • When exposed to horror mutation at all however, becoming an OBJ is very likely regardless of zone. 
  • Casings have to be imported or made custom for those outside the Cluster.
  • OBJ are often highly social, though many older OBJ have reservations due to traditional corvice culture.
  • Older OBJ either completely reject corvice culture or remain deeply rooted in it.
  • Some younger OBJ (especially those born as OBJ), lean more towards West Luxson's culture/aesthetics, not unlike beatfoxes.
  • Horror plague was in 296 RE, modern day is 316 RE- OBJ around 20 years or younger were born OBJ and are more likely to take part in more beatfox-esque cultural shit
  • OBJ older than 20 years old were, at some point, corvice, and went through the mutation process.
  • Many OBJ remain loyal to Anne's religion, though they are overtaken numbers-wise by those who reject it and embrace their newfound freedom
  • Low amount of Stope worshipers. 
  • Average amount of Fallow worshipers. 
  • Religion outside of the Cluster varies.
  • Mutated species, resulted from mass mutation.
  • Many corvice died in the process of becoming OBJ, and procedures have been put in place to help minimize risk for those mutating.
  • Said procedures are not as readily available outside of the zone though, making travel to the Cluster for surgeries more desirable.
  • High rate of disability due to the level of horror mutation, both physical and mental.
  • Disability accommodations are everywhere as a result, though those outside the Cluster may struggle more.
  • Goods often take inspiration from a mix of East and West Luxson styles, with some OBJ remixing the East Luxson aesthetic as a form of rejecting their old culture.
  • OBJ, like corvice, tend to prefer nest-like or enclosed sleeping arrangements. Hammocks, blanket forts, canopy beds, and enclosed bunks all work well. 
  • OBJ can have a hard time getting jobs outside of the Cluster due to their arm/wing configurations, though many can find specialty jobs that fit their niche. 
  • Bedding material is highly valued, and many OBJ enjoy gathering/collecting it.
  • Ponchos are a typical clothing item, valued due to its ease of putting on/taking off, and the range of motion it provides.
  • OBJ, now residing primarily under XXI's guidance, take part in the apprenticeship system. Some traditional corvice style schooling systems exist, but they are rare and often expensive.
  • Getting work is far easier for OBJ in the Cluster, as corvice-based jobs can be filled with ease.
  • OBJ enjoy collecting in general, getting great satisfaction from amassing a choice pile of clutter. 
  • OBJ are deceptively good at fighting so long as they aren't punctured- getting hit with a wing can be compared to getting hit with a sack of wet cement.
  • OBJ jaw strength varies based on the head casing, but particularly durable ones can break skin or even bite down to the bone.
  • Head casings often reflect both status and personal taste, with quality showing how much money an OBJ (or their family) is willing to invest.
  • ????


  • OBJ are generally heavier set on average than most species, with thinner OBJ being far less frequent.
  • OBJ markings are rare, but typically consist of horizontal rings- usually circling the torso/legs entirely, but partial rings do exist.
  • Voice consists of awful slimy/sloshy sounds. They're gross.
  • OBJ have head casings, containers (usually with a mouth mechanism built in) that replace their lost heads.
  • OBJ casings are typically based off of objects.
  • OBJ without casings are extremely rare (and in the eyes of many, foolish) due to the sensitivity of OBJ slime.
  • OBJ with hair are rare, having it built into their casings.
  • "Typical" OBJ height range is 4'0-6'0, though there are always outliers. 
  • Digitigrade legs
  • ????


  • All slime inside an organic shell.
  • OBJ slime is extremely sensitive, with puncture wounds causing the most pain.
  • No brain or organ systems- the OBJ consciousness is spread throughout the slime itself.
  • Limbs that are severed/amputated can be reattached if done quickly enough, so long as the slime within the limb is able to reconnect with the main body's.
  • Consciousness works similarly to a TCP's- detached parts of the body contain a degree of consciousness that fades given time and distance.
  • Losing limbs or parts of the body is intensely distressing to an OBJ due to this consciousness loss, and can come with memory loss, loss of coordination, and emotional changes.
  • OBJ that were formerly corvice have an additional trauma response to this, due to the traumatic experience of head bursting.
  • OBJ head casings often have jack o' lantern teeth, though other shapes exist.
  • OBJ have average energy levels, though they grow more sluggish in the cold.
  • Punctured OBJ tend to avoid water, as getting waterlogged is both extremely dangerous, painful, and unpleasant.
  • OBJ use their entire body to emote, partially due to no longer having much in the way of facial expressions. Shoulders in particular reflect an OBJ's mood, with hunched shoulders indicating tension.
  • OBJ sense their surroundings through awareness vs direct sensory input, but can still detect things like color.
  • OBJ love stimming on things. They love it.
  • Excess slime production leads to "sludge drool", vomiting, and headaches. Can be helped with medication, but it isn't cheap.
  • Inadequate slime production leads to difficulty moving, overall sickness, and full body weakness. 
  • Omnivorous
  • Lifespan of 90 years, reach maturity at 18-20
  • ????


  • OBJ reproduce sexually, and are a unisex species. 
  • As with the vast majority of Morbit species, OBJ identify as whatever fits best for them- however, they pronouns are most common.
  • OBJ give live birth, and typically only have one child.
  • Baby OBJ are extremely fragile and require medical care as soon as possible to ensure their health remains stable.
  • Baby OBJ have very thin skin, and are often wrapped up in thick blankets and clothing to keep them safe.
  • Young OBJ are less adventurous than most due to their fragile nature, and many keep to the indoors until it's safe for them to venture out into an unfamiliar environment.
  • OBJ have adopted the chosen family structure for the most part due to corvice schools disbanding, and due to their children needing more direct care than before.
  • As such, families can get pretty big.
  • OBJ embrace both casual and committed relationships, though marriage is seen frequently.
  • OBJ leave the family for apprenticeships once their bodies are solid enough, those leaving earlier put into way more danger.
  • ????


  • OBJ morphs only require they be based on an animal, regardless of what kind.
  • Mixed morph OBJ typically resemble hybrid animals, with those having heavily mixed parents resembling creatures no one has ever seen.
  • Head casings do not pass down, as they are artificial.
  • OBJ have hit their maximum mutation threshold, and are at high risk of turning terror if further exposed.
  • OBJ hybrids with other species are possible due to the OBJ's ability to crossbreed with pretty much anything that sexually reproduces, but said hybrids are often unstable and unhealthy due to the high amount of horror mutation and possible biological incompatibility.
  • ????


[Image: gKTeahT.png]
  • First corvice morph, so most plentiful OBJ morph
  • Wings are basically big slime sacks. They hurt to get hit with.
  • Flightless
  • Any avian goes, no matter how bizarre/silly.
  • ????

[Image: PvdpqYl.png]
  • Fairly common morph, comes from bat corvice (developed as a result of underground communities + Monte)
  • Bat wings
  • Has claw hands, fairly flexible wings
  • Membrane is very difficult to tear
  • ????

[Image: yzP42Jh.png]
  • Comes from bug corvice 
  • Affiliated with Fallow's Island
  • Bug wings are often heavily patterned
  • Claw hands
  • Can be based on any insect/arachnid
  • ????

[Image: vovguwQ.png]
  • Comes from mammal corvice
  • Can be literally any mammal
  • Arms reflect animal species
  • Typically have hands of some kind
  • Diet changes to reflect the animal they're based on
  • Affiliated with Fallow's Island
  • ????

[Image: W3jRKEP.png]
  • Derives from aquatic corvice
  • Amphibious
  • Skin is incredibly hard to puncture, leading to waterlogging being far less of an issue
  • Fins + flippers
  • Affiliated with the seas around Luxson
  • Sugar-based diets are preferred
  • ????


This is a species development thread! Here you can have discussion on the species presented, and offer suggestions/ideas for developing them- thus directly contributing to the species! Anything is fair game so long as it follows the restrictions (if any are listed). This main post will be updated as we go, allowing for people to always have an up to date resource on the species. 

  • Keep it SFW!!!!

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Posted by: skinstealer - 07-01-2019, 08:20 AM - Forum: [SPECIES DEVELOPMENT] - No Replies

[Image: 3oVqNTX.png]

[CW: very simple/brief mentions of reproduction (literally just a mention cmon now it's a SFW thread)]


  • Originated in West Luxson
  • Created by XXI in ????
  • First morph: fluffy
  • ????


  • Artisan-leaning due to West Luxson origins
  • Chosen family-centric (see life cycle)
  • Loose religious ties, seeing as XXI doesn't really do the whole worship thing
  • High number of Fallow worshipers
  • Low, low number of Stope worshipers
  • Other deities factor in based on location
  • Many Luxson beatfoxes after a certain age have prosthetics, physical disabilities, mutation, or heavy scarring as a result of the Luxson Horror Plague.
  • Large amounts of disability accommodation
  • Modular goods
  • Sleep in beds! Real beds!
  • Instruments, crafts, and artisan goods are highly valued
  • Children are sent off to go study trades under mentors, with apprenticeship starting around age 12-13.
  • Apprenticeships are typically geared towards what a beatfox pup has expressed the most interest/aptitude in, though many end up in jobs that don't quite fit.
  • Ideal housing is more spacious, giving a beatfox enough room to move around and get excess energy out
  • Often have music playing, as they feel understimulated easily in silence.
  • In general, beatfox are stimulation seekers.
  • Use their teeth (and claws, if they have them) in combat- though they're generally ill suited for it, and prefer to use weapons over hand to hand combat if necessary.
  • good god they love dancing
  • and also movies/cinema/theater
  • entertainment in general
  • ????


  • Simple, consistent shapes
  • Darker markings on limbs and ears, lighter on tail, face, and torso- for natural markings, anyway.
  • Voices typically consist of musical/instrumental samples
  • Paw pads on hands and feet
  • Tails vary in style/length by morph (though there are always exceptions)
  • Can have hair, typically follows shapes of the morph
  • Range from 4'6-6'6 for "normal" adult height range.
  • Digitigrade legs
  • ????


  • Typically have skeletons, muscles, nerves, organs, and blood.
  • Typically have sharp teeth, though the shape varies
  • Omnivorous, skews (slightly) towards meat
  • High energy compared to other species, often seen doing things with their hands
  • Tails are used in communication, wagging when excited and tucking between the legs when nervous.
  • Ears have no visible insides, but can hear all the same.
  • Eyes have a cartoon-ish blink effect
  • Sparkles/shapes can appear in beatfox eyes, often due to emotions (or whether a scene calls for it visually) 
  • More canine in behavior than vulpine- they're basically just big domesticated dogs
  • Lifespan of 100 years, reach maturity at 18-20
  • ????


  • Beatfox reproduce sexually, and have small amounts of sexual dimorphism. However, as with all Morbit species, no traits correspond to a specific gender, and people identify as they wish. 
  • Beatfox have live births, and typically have 1-2 pups after 9 months. 
  • Beatfox pups are adventurous and hard to wrangle, often getting into trouble and making messes wherever they go. 
  • Beatfox family structure is traditionally made up of individuals that choose to be with each other, regardless of species or blood ties. 
  • Families can get quite large as a result, sometimes spread over large areas.
  • Beatfox culture promotes freedom to have both casual and more committed relationships, with no preference in either direction.
  • Children are allowed to leave their families in their young teenage years in pursuit of their own chosen family, though not all decisions to do so end well.
  • ????


  • Beatfox morphs are inspired by shapes, styles, and/or types of music.
  • Beatfoxes with mixed morph parents often have hybridized shapes- think rounded spikes for a wirehair/fluffy morph, or slimy "fluff" for a longhair/slime morph
  • Fluffy beatfoxes were the first beatfox morph, created in XXI's image.
  • Hybrids often retain the shape/style look of their parents, leading to things like geometric karacel/beatfoxes, or fluffy pockitt/beatfoxes.
  • Typically inspired by domestic canines, though not always true
  • Common horror mutations: shape overgrowth, sharper/bigger teeth, jack-o-lantern mouths, claws/claw growth, hunger increase, mood instability, restlessness, auditory + visual hallucinations, paranoia, slime conversion, overall growth
  • ????


[Image: F5yVGmc.png]

  • First beatfox morph, created by XXI
  • Round shapes
  • Electronic/Dance music affiliated
  • are their teeth square i don't want to find out
  • Big swishy tails

[Image: 8bwPyH0.png]
  • Short, tiny fluff shapes
  • Stubby/docked tails
  • Pop/shit you'd find on a radio music affiliated

[Image: tFHmNjo.png]
  • Fluffy shapes 
  • Sharp claws
  • Big teeth
  • Fallow's Island origin, built to hunt
  • Very, very fast
  • Indie/folk music affiliated

[Image: lPJryUF.png]
  • Sharp, pointy shapes
  • Multi-tail/kitsune mutations are fairly common among horror mutated communities
  • Bristly to the touch
  • Nasty bite
  • Rock/Metal music affiliated

[Image: IaP66pb.png]
  • morph resulting from Luxson underground communities being mass mutated during/after the Horror Plague
  • ironically enough, they dissolve a bit in water
  • "soups" are a slang term that stuck, completely interchangeable with slime for a morph name
  • Solid slime. you can stick your hand in em (but please don't)
  • Soup pups are called "puddles", and have to be carried around in buckets or other containers due to being unable to hold themselves together.
  • Electroswing/Experimental music affiliated

[Image: I14uCGM.png]

  • inspired by vintage manga/cartoons
  • somewhat cat-like vs canine/vulpine
  • cat patternings/markings
  • Hearth origin


This is a species development thread! Here you can have discussion on the species presented, and offer suggestions/ideas for developing them- thus directly contributing to the species! Anything is fair game so long as it follows the restrictions (if any are listed). This main post will be updated as we go, allowing for people to always have an up to date resource on the species. 

  • Keep it SFW!!!!

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  Mindless’s Spraypainted Apparel (You suggest it, I'll paint it!)
Posted by: King-Clod - 06-29-2019, 10:53 AM - Forum: [OTHER ART + WRITING] - Replies (3)

Mindless’s Spraypainted Apparel (You suggest it, I’ll paint it!)

Masterpost link: https://homebrewdeviants.com/forum/thread-111.html
Rules: Choose a template, be it a t-shirt, hat, or tote bag, say what you’d like on it, and Mindless will do their best! ...Not that their best is all too good, mind you. 
It’s one article of clothing per person at the moment (person, not character, unfortunately), but that might change later on in the week. I’m sort of getting a feel for how long these things will take me right now.
Poker Chip System:

2 chips: Another article of clothing will be sprayed for you.

3 chips: A more complicated piece of clothing can be done for you, such as a suit or a hoodie. You might need to provide an anti-aliased template if you choose something really complicated, such as a ball gown.
Baseball Hat
Tote Bag
Just. You. You get sprayed directly with the spray can. (Requires character ref, aliased)

DESIGN SUGGESTIONS (In all honesty, please nothing too complicated):
Your Favorite Character
Your Name
Your favorite character next to your name, giving a thumbs up
A polar bear in a snowstorm
A rat
(RP Prompt, for those so inclined)
This has to be the best booth you’ve seen at the festival, by far. It’s adequately put together, it’s  actually painted, and well at that, and it just generally looks like something that belongs in a festival like this. A four type saunters up to the desk, a skull/memory/jelly/imperfection hybrid, with a color palette of greens, blues, and black in a pattern resembling that of a calico cat. Their skin is odd, too, it looks… translucent, almost. They’re wearing a grey hoodie and sweatpants, covered in paint. They notice you staring, and ask, “So...you want a shirt?”

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  Scatter’s Face Painting (Anything you’d like!)
Posted by: King-Clod - 06-29-2019, 10:51 AM - Forum: [OTHER ART + WRITING] - Replies (7)

Scatter’s Face Painting (Anything you’d like!)

Masterpost link: https://homebrewdeviants.com/forum/thread-111.html
Rules: Just put the face of the character you’d like to have painted on in chat, and choose an option (or suggest your own) and I’ll whip it up for you!

Please only aliased art! MSpaint gets real finicky about discolored pixels!

It’s only one full face paint and one mini face paint per person (person, not character, unfortunately), unless you turn in a chip.
Poker Chip System:
1 chip = You can get an extra mini face paint!
2 chips = You can get an extra full face paint!

Full face:
Facebank Face
Some weird electric rat? (Pikachu)

Mini face:
Superhero Eyemask
Cat mouth
Card Suit (of your choosing) Freckles
Third Eye

(These are just the base options, feel free to offer up suggestions of your own!)
(RP prompt, for those so inclined)
You see a pop-up festival tent, one of those tall, open ended things, with a folding table, a few folding chairs, and a light pink polka dotted face powder type in a golden suit and tie readying their paints. They wave to you and beckon for you to come in. There’s a sign next to the table - you can’t really read it from this distance, but it appears to have the different face-paint options available, as well as examples of how they look. 

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  Chomper’s CraAaAAaaAaaaAzy Cup and Ball Game! (YEEEEEAAAAH BOOOOOIIIIII!)
Posted by: King-Clod - 06-29-2019, 10:49 AM - Forum: [FORUM GAMES] - Replies (37)


Masterpost link: https://homebrewdeviants.com/forum/thread-111.html
Rules: A ball will be put under one of three cups. The cups will be shuffled around, and after Chomper is done shuffling them, you have to guess which cup the ball is under. 
The cup shuffling will be done by way of a written description, with the cups shifting being referred to as left, right, and middle, based on their past position. (See diagram below)
[Image: diagram.png]
[Image: diagram_2.png]
[Image: diagram.png]

L stands for Left, M for Middle, and R for right. Were the circles to be shuffled again, the black circle would be referred to as the left circle.

Cups with caps mode has Chomper put caps on the cups - allowing her to do many more elaborate tricks (such as sticking an entire cup in her mouth) that make the game more fun the watch, but a bit trickier to follow.
Poker Chip Rewards:

Regular Cup Success = 1 chip

Capped Cups Success = 2 chips
(RP prompt, for those so inclined)
You see a folding table, upon which are three red cups, a golden marble, and rather large hydra type sprawled among the cups, playing on their phone. On the table. She has a mouth on each head, a completely grey color palette, and a spiffy outfit, a red suit and tie with a... Rex t-shirt underneath. She perks up at your approach, and starts frantically waving in your direction. “Hey there, stranger! Come play my game!!! It’s the best game in this festival, that’s for sure!” She hops off the table and taps at her phone a bit, and a technopunk song starts blaring at full volume. “C’mon, my table has TUNES!”

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  Bartholomew’s Shooting Booth (Cheating encouraged!)
Posted by: King-Clod - 06-29-2019, 10:45 AM - Forum: [FORUM GAMES] - Replies (22)

Bartholomew's Shooting Booth (Cheating encouraged!)

Masterpost link: https://homebrewdeviants.com/forum/thread-111.html
Rules: This is a very simple game, all things considered. I’ll tell you what three ducks lie before you, you choose which one to aim for, and I’ll roll a d20. You’ll usually need a 20 to succeed, or a 31 if you go for the three-pointer, but you can add die to your roll by creating an advantage… or cheating. This can be anything you can think of - within reason. Don’t be afraid to use your character’s abilities, either! The more clever or useful the advantage, the higher the die added. The more “advantages” you can think to give yourself (that don’t conflict), the more die added.
Poker Chip System:

Regular Ducks = 1 chip

Orange Ducks = 3 Points
(RP, for those so inclined)
It’s shabby looking booth, with a pale teal typeless TCP with a locket around his neck inside, a crank on the side, and what appears to be a metal pole with paper ducks tied to it with string at the back of the booth, behind the rather miserable looking TCP running the booth. He introduces himself as Bartholomew, and with a quick crawl over the counter, he’s at the crank. “Just a few ground rules… I don’t give a flying frick what you do, as long as I don’t get hurt, and as long as you stay right there. You can throw the gun, break the crank, freeze time, whatever, as long as you leave me be. Got it?” He  glances at the Plush Pond, a longing look is his eyes, but quickly shakes his head, and turns to face you again. “Just tell me when to start.”

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Wink Mystery Trade Box [TCP TRADE]
Posted by: King-Clod - 06-29-2019, 10:42 AM - Forum: [TRADING POST] - Replies (5)

Mystery Trade Box (TCP Trade!)

Masterpost link: https://homebrewdeviants.com/forum/thread-111.html

Rules: Simply DM whatever TCP you want to put in the box, be it one you’ve drawn, one you’ve recolored, one you were gifted, one you bought, or even one you only have a backstory and description for, and you’ll get whatever TCP(s) that’s in the box! You won’t get your TCP back, so be sure to only put in ones you’d be up for trading!

Unfortunately the box is only accepting TCP designs/stories at the moment, rather than art trades or different types of characters, but after the festival it should open up to all sorts of trades! 

If you submit multiple TCPs at once, you can choose for them to be traded out as a group, or one at a time. In the case of one at a time, one of the group will be added to each trade after. (So, if you put in five TCPs, and Person A puts one TCP in, they’d get one TCP. Person B, however, that comes after Person A, would get Person A’s TCP, as well as one of your five. It continues on like this until all of your TCPs have been distributed.)
Poker Chip System: 
If you have any poker chips from one of the festival’s games you can turn them in for little advantages for the box!

1 chip = You get to know how many TCPs you’d get from your trade

2 chips = You get a headshot, or a snippet of the story, of the TCP(s) currently in the box

3 chips = You get to peek inside the box.
(RP prompt for those so inclined)
A black metal box sits alone on a table. There’s a chute on the top for any plushies/stories you might want to put in, and a sliding panel on the front with a golden question mark poorly painted on it’s surface. The panel appears to be locked. A small sign hanging from the table says, “Put in a TCP plush, get a TCP plush.”

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