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  Masa con Papas: - A Punch Clock Animal Story
Posted by: ThreadLurkingComorant - 06-19-2019, 11:34 PM - Forum: [OFFICIAL PROJECTS] - Replies (73)

Masa Con Papas - A Partially True Story


You are Charon Judgment. 
You're mostly a dog but probably not and you're about to play god. Book of Law, Book of Shadows, Book of Life, they're all about to get slapped. Now granted, what's about to go down shouldn't be much more than high definition smoke and mirrors but you like to think it's a lot more exciting and consequential. 

Your older "cousin" Geezer is over, one of many to visit town for the summer. Unlike most of the others he's staying with you and your Grandma. He's a bit nosy but you're confident he won't snitch and you've wanted to flex one of your little "chemistry" experiments. Play up the whole thing a bit, make a good impression and look cool to your peers. Besides, he's been quiet really for the most part. Maybe a bit too much. 


Charon: You're not going to ask anything?
Geezer: See I wanna, but then I'd be complicit.
Charon: If something goes down, you tried your best to save my soul.
Geezer: That... isn't real assuring.
Charon: It's all small scale and legal. 
Geezer: What are you even trying to summon here with that... potato homunculi? You gonna make a hair ghost come out of the screen?
Charon: That'd be nice, but nope.


He snickers at you. 
Geezer: Going to remember that when the sheriff gets called in.
Charon: You mean grandma? 
Geezer: Yep. Twenty-Five years without allowance. Fifth-teen with enough good behavior.
Charon: She's won't mind as long as I don't leave a mess. She won't know either.
Geezer: That's REALLY not assuring. For real, what's going on?
Charon: I'm trying to invoke the true form. 
Geezer: ....What?


Charon: Plenty of people talk about little bits of spirits left behind by remains right? Scraps, and shreds, and leftovers. In the right conditions, they're a way to convey the ideal of the inner self. The you that's stronger, the one that isn't in the body but in the mind, heart, and soul. Everyone has one in theory even if most will never get to see that happen right? That's where life goals are.
Geezer: Sounds like some kind of self help thing.
Charon: It's more than that! The you that you believe in... the you that you want to be... the you that you really are... the you that you're afraid until it's finally here... everyone's is a little different I guess and I wanna see what mine is. Maybe the truth, maybe the ideal, and maybe the envoy of the end itself... imagine it..


Geezer: So you're going to commit a crime against god?
Charon: Gods, plural. 
Geezer: Nice. Hook me up sometime with this setup and I'll keep quiet.
Charon: Mm. It's gonna take a bit of waiting so get comfy. You know where everything is?
Geezer: Yeah, going to grab a snack so hold up for me.

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  Morbit story ideas
Posted by: 1011686 - 06-12-2019, 12:05 PM - Forum: [OTHER ART + WRITING] - Replies (5)

I have some ideas for stories set on Morbit. I don't know if I'll ever write them, but I feel like sharing them. Maybe they'll give inspiration to someone. Anyone else can also post their ideas in this thread if they want.

First one: Somewhere on Morbit, there's a zone, ruled by a god. This god is heavily involved in the governing of their zone, and they have to do a lot of work for it. There are also factions opposing them who are attempting to murder them. So, because of this danger of dying, they want to make sure their zone is cared for properly if or when they die, so they create another god to be their successor.
They raise this other god as their child, teaching them about what they will be responsible for and what they will need to do when they're in charge. But the younger god rejects these expectations that have been put on them, initially. The start of the story would basically be about the younger god's life, their relationships with other characters, their education, their exploration of the world and themselves, with lots of small timeskips. And the younger god would enjoy their freedom during their upbringing.
But eventually, they decide on their own that they are in fact willing to accept the responsibility of handling the zone, because they feel like they would actually do a good job at it. There are a few things they want to change about the zone, and they care for everyone living there and want to make sure they have a good ruler. Eventually, in the middle of the story, the older god ends up dying, and the younger god gets ready to claim the zone, but they hesitate for just a minute, reluctant to take the final step even though they're willing to.
And in that moment of hesitation, someone else claims the zone.
The other person doesn't show themself or announce their existence, so everyone keeps thinking the "appointed heir" was the one to claim it, and now they're stuck with a bunch of problems they'd never even considered the possibility of. Should they tell everyone they didn't claim it? Should they go on to be the ruler like they've been preparing for their entire lives? What if the person who claimed it has ill intentions? Do they even need to stay if they're no longer actually responsible for everyone's lives? Could they just, leave?
And since everyone now think they've claimed the zone, some people start trying to kill them as well.
So they have to do an investigation to try and find the person who actually claimed the zone without telling anyone except for a few people they trust, while still keeping up the appearance of being properly in charge to everyone else and also avoiding assassination attempts.
Eventually, they find the other god, and they sit down with them and have a long chat about responsibility, and ethics, and sacrifice, and the other god offers to hand the zone back over to the younger god. But over the course of their short reign, they've found out that they aren't really cut out for the task, and they decide that the zone is better left in the hands of the other god, so they simply decide to leave and explore the world.

Second idea: Somewhere on Morbit, a young child finishes their first day of school, finding it both exciting and terrifying. On their way back home, they pass by a TCP just as it spawns into existence. They befriend it, and together they bond over the experience of entering an unfamiliar world for the first time. The child walks home together with the TCP.

Third idea: Somewhere on Morbit, a completely new AI wakes up to existence inside a digital medium. They explore a bit, and the only trace of whoever must have turned them on is a note telling them to do what they want. So they just start screwing around on the internet and making shitposts.
This idea is less developed but i think it still has potential.

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  Why Did Rein Ban This Game [GAME]
Posted by: AceOfNothing - 06-09-2019, 12:42 AM - Forum: [FORUM GAMES] - Replies (12)

Hello again! Some of you saw this coming, some of you this will surprise, but let's play another game!

The game is to come up with something and have the person after you say why Rein banned it, then they come up with their own question and the pattern continues. It's somewhat similar to The Banning Game, but this is all about Reins rules.

For example:
[ScrathAndScrawl]: Why did Rein ban poetry club?
[CookieCrumbles]: You and I both know people were writing about how much they hate capitalism. Why did Rein ban photoshop?
[BirdOfAFeather]: Because someone photo shopped a facebank face onto their face and Rein was not happy. Why did Rein ban superhero movies?
[FollowTheCups]: They're violent and they leave a mess, of course they banned! Why are barbecues banned?
[FashionPolice] Three words: Socks and sandles. Rein would rather every party was at least black tie formal...

You get the picture?
You don't have to follow a strict guideline in your answer/question, but please keep them to one post.

Before we begin I'd like to state very clearly that you must try not to be offensive. Do not answer with the intention to hurt someone's feelings or make them doubt themselves. No bullying basically.
I'd also like to warn for possible suggestive themes. Please do not be descriptive of anything that would make this game NSFW. With Rein's general personality and aesthetic I fear we run a risk of this, so please be mindful.
Follow basic forum rules, if I feel like they are being ignored I can/will delete the game. 
Besides that, have fun!

Side note: This game is meant as a joke. It's for fun. I don't mean Rein any harm, and I don't want anything incredibly bad said about them. Ill say it again, please be mindful. None of this should be taken seriously.

Alright let's begin
Why did Rein ban Wattplants?

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  (distant yet alarmingly loud nightcore on the horizon)
Posted by: adjobj - 06-04-2019, 02:05 AM - Forum: [INTRODUCTIONS] - No Replies

hey !

im rex / morgana ! aka adjobj / adjective object / furniture / Normal Horse. im 22 years old, and im weak for the colours purple and orange 

u prob know me from chat stuff already at least a little, but if u dont: im a freelance artist + music hobbyist and im real into petz ! 
im also the host of a polyfragmented DID system; youll see me around the most, but if anyone else decides to talk here, theyll sign their posts

yaaaaaay ?

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Posted by: skinstealer - 06-03-2019, 12:39 AM - Forum: [OFFICIAL PROJECTS] - No Replies

A species of small, feline individuals find themselves at the core of a god game- their lives in the hands of players and whatever their motives may be.
[Image: image11.jpg?v29148011660551]
Quest hosted on TGChan, run by Ringor Mortis + edited by Comorant [ONGOING]
16+ for suggestive conversations/innuendo, partial nudity, cartoon violence/body horror/gore, abuse, drugs, existential bullshit, torture
A tent type tiny cat person begins his life in a world of hills and fields.
[Image: image13.jpg?v29148011660551]
Quest run by Knux400, with additional help by Ringor Mortis [ONGOING]
CWs: pixel body horror/violence/gore, existential bullshit
A Mothlie named Trinket plays a game of TCP on an arcade cabinet. Hilarity ensues.
[Image: image12.jpg?v29148011660551]
Quest hosted on TGChan, run by Lucy with additional character design and assets by Ringor Mortis and Pear Suns [ONGOING]
16+ for violence, suggestive content, cartoon violence/body horror, more TBD as needed

Description TBD
[Image: image16.png?v29148011660551]
Roleplay Event hosted by the Homebrew Deviants team [ONGOING]
16+ for pretty much everything you'd find in TCP, no NSFW content allowed.

A deadly gameshow seeks TCPs to run its trials, with promise of any reward imaginable.
[Image: tcpdex:tcpdexlogo.png]
Primarily in-universe bestiary for the Tiny Cat People species, run by Knux400 and Ringor Mortis [ONGOING]
16+ for cartoon body horror + gore, text depictions of violence
Description TBD
An island cluster in southeast Morbit finds itself in constant god-created turmoil, with only a small agency of detectives to protect it.
[Image: image17.jpg?v29148011660551]
Indie Game directed by Ringor Mortis and Comorant, developed by pretty much everybody. [EXTREME HIATUS FUNTIME]
Age rating not yet decided on, CWs include abuse, unhealthy relationships, drugs, violence, gore, body horror, heavy themes of death, grief, trauma and recovery.

A private detective protecting his community is brought to face his past.
Description TBD
[Image: image24.jpg?v29148011660551]
Webcomic run by B. Comorant [ONGOING]
16+ for mild violence, language

A vaguely rabbity thing deals with the mundane gone wrong.
Description TBD
[Image: image22.jpg?v29148011660551]
Run by Winds [ONGOING]
16+ for Trauma stuff, Violence (Not particularly graphic, will usually be stylized), Mental Illness, Abuse, Manipulative people, Potential body horror

This story follows the life of an old drowning victim trying to sort out her place in the modern world of Aspersion.

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Posted by: skinstealer - 06-02-2019, 11:53 PM - Forum: [OFFICIAL PROJECTS] - No Replies

The eastern region of Taverne is one of Morbit's most notorious- even with its reputation as one of the most chaotic, dangerous regions, people find their own daily routines, and get through the day.

[Image: image47.png?v29148011660551]
Quest hosted on TGchan, run by Ringor Mortis + edited by Comorant and Ari [ONGOING]
18+ for explicit sex, nudity, heavy gore and body horror, child abuse and death, CSA/SA implications, ritual abuse, medical abuse, a whole lot of other kinds of abuse please don’t touch this if you can’t take this it’s a very bad time

A creature that may or may not be a cat attempts to escape the nightmarish facility dominating Precipice’s body modification scene- The Menagerie.

DISCLAIMER: The intro to Maybequest (up until Intake is reached) is going to be reframed/redone once Part 1 is complete. It doesn't reflect how we want to tell stories at all, and is a major screw-up on our part. Please keep this in mind, and we'll fix it whenever possible both through redoing the intro and addressing concerns in the main story itself.

[Image: image18.png?v29148011660551]
Webcomic run by Comorant and Ringor Mortis [UNFINISHED/UNRELEASED]
18+ for explicit sex, nudity, heavy gore and body horror, child abuse, SA/CSA, ritual abuse, heavy religious shit, medical shit everywhere, it's a rough time but we love these assholes

A sadistic surgeon and her masochistic assistant find solace in each other and their work.

[Image: Zuvrjkz.png]
Story hosted on the forums, run by Ringor Mortis + edited by Comorant, Ari, Lucy, Thursday, and Loddite [UPCOMING]
18+ for SA/CSA, incest, abuse, violence.

Time can't change everything.

Story hosted on the forums, run by Ringor Mortis, edited by Comorant [ONGOING]
18+ for BDSM/kink as a major theme, not pornographic, more TBD
An underground community is thrown into chaos as a mysterious force begins to terrorize its residents.

Webcomic run by Comorant, edited by Ringor [UPCOMING]
Description TBD

[Image: c4uZMeo.png]
yeah that's right baby this is coming back

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  How about Sunrise Land™
Posted by: Kajah995 - 05-31-2019, 12:00 PM - Forum: [INTRODUCTIONS] - Replies (1)

So there's like,,,, 15 of us and that's a lot. We're the Sunrises (You've prolly met Eppie but there are mooore)

she/they pronouns are preferred here, if you're talking to us personally ask for pronouns/use the pronouns of the person fronting if you know 'em.

We're just.... meme garbage. That's all.

YEE- and I cannot stress this part enough- HAW

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  [MORBITIAN] fluffy pile
Posted by: Pichi2214 - 05-30-2019, 02:10 PM - Forum: [HOARDING PILES] - No Replies

Welcome to my pile where I hoard all my morbit characters that aren't TCPs! Everyone is listed in the order in which thought of the character. I might need to revamp this though and put some of these characters somewhere else, but we'll see.
You can click on the small picture frames for a link to the full pictures!

Please don't reply to this thread! 


1. Floof - ruffneck/OBJ hybrid
2. Patches - OBJ
3. Splotches - OBJ
3. Jester - karacel
4. Maud - pockitt
5. Crochet - Selected/centinel hybrid
6. Silk - mothlie
7. Cottoncloth - 
8. Tea - Selected
9. Firescorch - 
10. -
11. -
12. Quill - greater god

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  [Trade-TCP] Ace Exchange
Posted by: AceOfNothing - 05-28-2019, 04:24 PM - Forum: [TRADING POST] - Replies (25)

[Image: 9_16_10_23_6_48_34.png]
This is a thread for tcp adopts and trades
I have a bunch of cats generated I have to edit still, those will probably be for forum cash but
Who Knows
I am not keeping up what I had going on on the old thread. Cats that had the little “where I saw them” will keep it but new cats won’t
Different bio set up, you’ll see
If you have any questions please feel free to message more
Some rules/guidelines:
1. You are welcome to change anything about the tcp once it is yours.
2. If you trade me a tcp I do reserve the right to trade it myself and/or change anything about it I want. I extend this right to you of course, you do not have to keep the bit of story I add.
3. Be nice, if I do say no to something please don’t pressure me.
4. You have to comment on here to claim a cat, no longer accepting discord claims as I need a way to look back at this easy

I will give each cat here a forum cash amount but I’m possibly open to other trades (art, cats, ya know) feel free to ask!
When they’re yours you’re welcome to change anything you want
[Image: 9_14_11_23_6_49_30.png]
“If you hear humming in the early morning, they’re probably nearby”
Name: Gisauri
Type: Lyric
Price: 10 fc
FF name suggestions: [LITTLE_TUNE]
  • Has an eye anomaly (intermediate)
  • I get the feeling they like warmer temperatures over cold temperatures

[Image: 9_15_11_23_12_25_32.png]
“No matter what the time of year is, this cat is always dressed for fall”
Name: Herbell
Type: Slime (body)
Price: 5 fc
FF name suggestions: [$PICE], [PUMKIM], [FALL_VIBEZ]

[Image: 9_15_11_23_12_43_22.png]
“This cat really enjoys ‘tell the difference’ and ‘find this image’ games you see in magazines.”
Name: Recall
Type: Zombie
Price: 10 fc
FF name suggestions: [TINY_THINGS], [SEARCHING], [BRIGHT_EYES]
  • I think they doodle on their clothes without thinking about it.

[Image: 9_15_11_23_1_46_50.png]
“With their whip like tail reflexes this cat has set records for stone skipping.”
Name: Skipper
Type: Snake
Price: 20 fc
FF name suggestions: [THE_BEST_STONES], [FAST_SKIP]
  • I like this one, not sure why, so they’re a bit more.

[Image: 9_15_11_23_1_57_22.png]
“They always know the secret ingredient, chefs hate them”
Name: Kovac
Type: Smoke
Price: 10 fc
  • I say they have an edible modifier to Be icecream. That’s not required.
  • Brings icecream charcuterie boards to partiers

[Image: 9_15_11_23_1_58_50.png]
“This cat has gone through several procedures to make their skin look like a superhero costume. They have no powers or plans on what to do as a hero, but they have a costume plan”
Name: Wave Crasher
Type: Osprey
Price: 10 fc
FF name suggestions: [WAVE_CRASHER], [OCEAN_BIRD], [HERO]
  • I have a feeling they try very hard to be helpful, and end up in the way A Lot

These Are Free
When they’re yours you’re welcome to change anything you want
[Image: 9_16_10_23_6_53_10.png]
"This positivity type loves holidays! It can't get enough of a good party."
Name: Preston
Type: Positivity
FF name suggestions: [WARM_MITTENS]
  • From the past: Ace notes: "I think I saw them in Hearth or Hoopla? They were wearing a lampshade on their head, not really sure why. Great party, but really loud. Would easily frighten a more timid tcp."
  • Includes a character sheet

[Image: 9_02_11_23_5_03_49.png]
"This dad type likes sunny days- but only to look at, never walk around in."
Name: Sungaze
Type: Dad
FF name suggestion(s): [LIGHT_EYES], [BRIGHT_AND_WARM]
  • From the past: Ace notes: "Probably Hearth, Wonder, Precipice, or Monte. Went on and on about sunny days, but scoffed when I asked if they wanted to go for a walk then. We ended up just looking at pictures online, strange cat."
  • Includes character sheet

[Image: 9_02_11_23_5_06_08.png]
"This fish type enjoys fishing- don't ask why."
Name: Luther
Type: Fish
FF name suggestion(s): [HOOK_LINE_SINKER], [GONE_FISHING]
  • From the past: Ace Notes: “Oh I didn’t see them in any particular zone, I was out in the water… I think. They mentioned another fish named Freddi but she was apparently on an adventure.”
  • Includes character sheet

[Image: 9_14_11_23_6_46_47.png]
“This cat really loves new art trends, jumping from trend to trend, never seeming to master them”
Name: Tinkerray (Ray)
Type: Atychiphobia
FF name suggestion(s): [FADING_AWAY], [PAINT_SPILLER], [GLUE_GUN]
  • Has a ton of half finished projects in their house

[Image: 9_14_11_23_8_47_01.png]
“This cat can spend hours in the park people watching, usually late at night”
Name: Pogo
Type: Anxiety 
FF name suggestion(s):[EYE4EYE], [PARK_PATROL]
  • Eye Anomaly
  • I briefly gave them a cat tail but I kinda hated how it came out. I can share if asked

[Image: 9_15_11_23_1_32_08.png]
“They swear they have the perfect technique for roasting marshmallows, but most people swear it’s too burnt”
Name: Toasty 
Type: Fire Pit
FF name suggestion(s): [SMORE_HUNTER], [MALLOW_MARSH]

[Image: 9_01_11_23_3_26_51.png]

Name: Roya
"This doctor type costs a fortune to visit, and spends most of its days on its own."
Ace notes: "I saw them in either Wonder or Solitude, don't remember where I was exactly. They didn't want to talk, complained I was wasting their time. Not overly friendly."
On hold for: Pichi





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  The Banning Game
Posted by: AceOfNothing - 05-27-2019, 01:02 AM - Forum: [FORUM GAMES] - Replies (46)

Before we begin: This is not meant to be taken seriously. Please don't be mean spirited or make any uncomfortable jokes. Remember the rules and have fun.

The banning game is simple! Ban the person above you. Why? For any reason!
For example:

Starting post: Ban myself for being unoriginal
Candysune: Banned for not using a period.
Bankit: Banned for making me want sugar.
Scake: Banned for craving sugar!
Revihs: Banned for "!", too much energy.
Troubletailed: Banned for your name just being backwards.

I think you get the idea. This is light hearted fun, nothing serious. Do not be mean.
I'll start

Ban myself for being incredibly bored right now and not doing anything productive

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