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[PWYW] TCP sketch comms [Forum Cash] |
Posted by: MonochromeClown - 01-08-2025, 11:36 AM - Forum: [MARKET]
- Replies (4)
Give me a TCP to doodle, I'll sketch them and then you pay whatever in forum cash.
This'll be done either traditionally or in mspaint depending on my energy level.
(Please forgive the sloppy formatting I am on my mobile)
Posted by: Lucy - 01-02-2025, 08:52 AM - Forum: [FORUM GAMES]
- Replies (6)
Simple game, this is a roll to dodge. 3-6 people enter, one person leaves. Every turn players will submit an action, which i will then write out the results of according to a dice roll. 1 being a critical failure from which you will likely not survive, 5 being a total success, and 6 being a complete overshoot from which you will likely not survive. We have fun here. Actions will be processed in the order they are posted. First come first served.
To enter simply make a character. You can be as brief or as elaborate as you want, all I strictly need is a name and a short physical description of them.
HELLO FINE FOLKS, it's me, youre lovely inter dimensional demonic being and generally suave host.
I WILL BE NEEDING SIX, thats right folks, SIX (or three) WONDERFUL wonderful entrants today, to compete, for glory and theiur fucking lives. Lets dodge some cars.
SKINSTEALER SCRAMBLE: Make the Exorcist Fall In Love |
Posted by: skinstealer - 12-30-2024, 07:28 AM - Forum: [OTHER ART + WRITING]
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Make the Exorcist Fall in Love is a relatively new manga written by Aruma Arima and illustrated by Masuku Fukayama, the latter of which has a known presence in the manga and illustration scene that I Must Investigate, and the former, as i can tell, is a complete unknown.
this both bothers me, because i desperately want to know what makes them so fucking good at writing this manga, but also, i think is the best course of action.
this is because that Make the Exorcist Fall In Love is the best portrayal of child exploitation, especially in the sexual sense, and DEEPLY, DEEPLY in the religious sense, that i have seen in recent years. it is also boldly political in every way, and in ways that would make a lot of people very mad- to the point of the manga itself saying so upfront. it is an insanely graphic piece of work that i would consider on the severity level of Berserk, and very clearly pulls from our other favorite manga of all time, Chainsaw Man. Fujimoto's influence can be felt in every crevice of this manga, and i consider that something that is not only a strength but something this story takes and runs with, planning its own course and jumping over Every Single Hurdle i could have fucking imagined it would have.
there were many times where i went, jesus, is this going to actually be anything? this is usually the point where i'd jump ship. this is Usually the point where i go "oh fuck me man i cant do this" in a manga and i have read so much goddamn manga. but Infomantis of manga recommendation fame told me that it was good, REALLY good, and i stuck with it.
every single time, i was proved right for trusting the team behind this work. pretty much every single potential issue i could have had with this one is handled. the literal only thing i can think of after my first read is an off color offhand comment about familiar-fucking cartoon axolotls that you know. i think at this point they may actually address that seriously later. i can't even be surprised if they do at this point, because that has already happened LIKE FOUR TIMES.
that's plenty of preamble though. i just need you to be ready for me to wholeheartedly recommend you a shonen battle manga about teenage priests fighting satan.
i said i was ready for the review but i am sorry there actually are some more points to cover beforehand, just a lot less vague. as i've said, this one is Very Graphic, and about a lot of extremely painful topics- including ones i am deeply familiar with. if you're reading this review there is a high chance you know our work at least a little bit, and know that our whole deal is creating narratives about severe abuse and topics such as disability and queerness entangled within them. just as frequently, religion is involved- and often pulling from our experiences as an Ex-Christian, Sort Of. the more accurate term would be "christian-via-schizophrenic-mother's-religious-delusions", which has lead us to have a lot more strange and secular experiences with the stuff. even so, we gravitate towards media that takes on a lot of Good Ol Christian Values! through different approaches, and explores them in different ways.
our dear husband @comorant is also ex-catholic, and read this with us. he considers it one of the best portrayals of catholic guilt, repression, and most importantly, raw self destruction. i second this statement, from more of the angle of one of the best portrayals of being raised as an Other, forced to do roles and duties for some unseen, holy force- while the peers around you watch as you drive yourself into the ground.
it is a narrative critical of established oppressive structures and THOROUGHLY dissecting them with a laser sharp precision and a pointed stare at its audience. it is also a narrative of what enables those structures to exist on a fundamental level...and the way that OTHER people with different goals and an ever-similar longing for power can use that. this is not just a story about catholicism, of Satan vs God, etc, but about global power structures, reactionary movements, and what that does to oppressed classes. the most obvious route it takes with this is, arguably, the most unifying oppressed class in the entire world, throughout all of known history.
Exorcist is a shonen battle manga about systemic abuse of children.
the premise of Make the Exorcist Fall In Love is fairly straightforward, on the surface. god is real and so is the devil! and they're stuck in a holy war! fuck! the demon lords and witches are going head to head against the church, which has trained BATTLE EXORCISTS! IN FULL PRIEST REGALIA!
this manga KNOWS it is a shonen- and it's proud of it. it is silly, it is flirtatious- after all, it is a romance! the title says it all! and that doesn't conflict with what topics it's taking on. if anything, it serves them beautifully. there will be tropes aplenty from shonen throughout the ages...and in ways that make me very, very happy. i am a shonen lover at my core, but the genre has always left me with a lot of scrambled, nasty feelings when it curveballs into sketchy territory. this goes right up to those tropes- SOMETIMES VERY BLUNTLY, and says. yeah no. that does suck. but let's not just bash it- let's talk about Why it is there, and give a good fucking alternative. we'll get into that, but...
onto our boy.
our main character is referred to most accurately as Mr. Priest, based on what i believe is the official translation, but i read this on a super legal manga site so what do i know. he Has a name, but we've never heard it- and no one uses it for him anyway. it's outright stated that he doesn't even want people to use it. the in-universe documents wedged between chapters don't even use it, even when they're official documents of the church itself- or hell, even diary entries of his mentors and the staff that raised him. he is a complete unknown, and even where we are at in the manga as of writing this- 81 chapters- there is still so much left up in the air.
he is, however, very clearly Made For This. he is a super powered mega priest who fuck man i don't even think you can powerscale so please don't try. what kills me about this is that it is established from the first chapter that this was not something he signed up for. this is all he's ever known, he's been groomed into this position and the thought of being anything But an exorcist does not exist in his head. many times throughout the manga, he repeats catholic beliefs so literally and so to the letter- usually while putting himself in harm's way- that even the other priests are disturbed.
i desperately do not want to spoil the majority of this manga, so i will not. not even under a spoiler box, i refuse to spoil this beyond the first chapter and some generalized discussion. let this be a warning though for the rest of this review: i cannot possibly CW for everything in this, but GRAPHIC depictions of children in peril, especially sexual, as well as frank takes on dealing with sexual guilt, are entrenched into the narrative and themes. if this is a lot for you, please turn around now.
in the very first chapter, amidst all of this introduction, we witness Priest be sexually assaulted in great detail by the demon lord of lust, Asmodeus. it is a harrowing scene and one of the most accurate depictions i've seen, at least to my own experiences, with a formative moment in life gone horrifically wrong in ways you cannot understand, and having to carry that. this is never, ever a joke. in fact, remember how i said this shonen takes on tropes and provides thoughtful commentary and alternatives?
common things, tropes, etc i have seen in shonen many, many times that this manga addresses with what i would argue is a fairly masterful stroke:
- male child protagonist being flustered by women in sexual situations - unknowingly sexual loli trope (YES, REALLY, YOU ALL KNOW I WOULDNT FUCK AROUND IN SAYING THIS AT ALL) - rape being funny - rape being sexy (established from like chapter one in explicit, unambiguous detail) - body horror as a vessel for ableist disgust - shinji get in the robot - extreme violence is coooool! (and also still manages to make it look cool amidst the commentary. this is the epitome of having its cake and eating it too.)
it also tackles on the following things, if that wasn't enough for you
- the nature of revenge - the nature of love - social media's presence in all of this and how it is manipulated, yes they have fucking iphones and twitter is real, this is a modern day manga and you will know it - what it means to be a part of humanity - biometric tracking - the confusing feeling of wondering why a manga about battle priests may be my favorite of the year, both felt by me and you, the reader - some of the best surrealist imagery and designs ive seen since chainsaw man, like, late stage chainsaw man for fuck's sake - touys - mother figures and the specific ableism they can exact - an extremely nuanced exploration THROUGHOUT the manga of the different ways child predation can occur and what leads the victim into that situation - the true nature of Sin- and how the seven sins can be used to discuss power structures that have perpetuated for all of known history and Why they've been allowed to perpetuate - white boy depression - no really the white boy depression is actually an enormous part of this - the idea of men being inherent rapists and predators, and women being inherent sex objects and breeding stock (especially vulnerable ones such as children and minorities) (yes this manga takes on bioessentialism already and i can only imagine how the fuck it's going to go in the future) - a harrowing exploration of how grooming can be exacted upon someone from an isolated world, i cannot spoil this one but jesus fucking christ - homophobia! big time homophobia and predation both sexually and nonsexually related to it! abuse dynamics too- that's right folks, this is not a clean queer representation this is a NIGHTMARE SCENARIO FOR ALL INVOLVED - Cuteness ! - reactionary movements both globally and in specific cultures (i don't think this mangaka pair likes america much and i cheer every time they write about it, genuinely fantastic analysis shit) - what forgiveness Really means.
it's also got divine comedy shit, which is a drastic oversimplification but it made Como jump out of his chair and yell to see some really thoughtful use of that story- which, regular readers of our HD works know that that is one of his favorite things in the world.
but: after we set up our good boy Mr. Priest as the protag, and clearly some kind of catholic superhuman weapon...
we meet the conceit of the plot.
priest has been tasked with the protection of Imuri Atsuki, a famous teenage painter...
...who is also a succubus, trying to make him fall in love with her to thwart his impending onslaught on Satan and his demon lords.
what proceeds is one of the sweetest, goofiest, and heartwrenching romances i've read in a manga, with both of these two dumbass teens having to make their way through both the perils of untangling messy feelings, wrangling with disparity between what each person wants and needs, hiding secrets and repressed urges, deliberate lies and witholding and the consequences that come with it-
and it's good! it's really really good! you made me give a shit about teen romance when generally i really do not care for how most shit does it! good fucking job, Exorcist! it is BRUTAL, it is deeply upsetting, but god if i am not standing up and rooting for Mr. Priest to just catch a fucking break already and let himself get a hug without getting triggered and throwing up. i am desperate to watch this absolute nightmare unfold. i am so hooked. jesus fucking christ.
if i had to say something less enthusiastic about this manga...it is that my experience may not be yours. it Not being your thing could very possibly be true on a Large, Dramatic level, and that is because of a couple factors.
there is a shitload of delving into complicated topics of oppression, and every time they introduce a new intersectional vector to that, i'm very, Very pleased! for example, i was not expecting taking on historical depictions of religious ableism being so so deeply prominent in this one, and i love how it's taken on. however...
the things it digs its hands into are messy, complicated pieces of humanity and real world oppressive structures, and some things that may ring true to me, may not for another person- and frankly, that's okay. it feels like the team behind it deeply cares about portraying these things, and it's likely in the future they may express that in a way that isn't in line with my perspectives or experiences.
one thing i can think of off the top of my head is the emphasis on dissecting bioessentialism and natalism, particularly by religious groups- they haven't addressed how heavily this intersects with transphobia and especially transmisogyny- but honestly, i think there's a nonzero chance that they might. at this point in time there's been multiple gay characters (i'll get to that) and an enormous emphasis on characters feeling uneasy with a harshly enforced gender binary and being reduced to what bodies they were born with...i dunno. with how much this piece talks about minority groups both as a natural part of the worldbuild and the emergent political drama, i wouldn't be surprised.
similarly, there have not been many dark-skinned characters at all, with only one shown on screen thus far (and not for long). this is another thing where i have to wonder if they'll get to it, and if my gut feeling there that they Will is correct. i have no guarantees, so let the record state that yeah there is Not much at all in that department. thus far we have been deeply entrenched in stuff relating to italy and japan, and what comes next, i have literally no fucking idea.
onto the gay characters. i will not spoil who they are or what their deal is. that's for your adventure. i cannot guarantee you will like the way they are written, or agree that they are good representation, or whatever the fuck. but they have something to say, and at the very least, for me, i was captured the whole time.
and finally, lastly...
it does show the rape stuff on screen. like, really, really on screen. it shows these teenagers dealing with sexuality way more explicitly than i am usually comfortable with, by a long shot. if you have heard me talk about Evangelion, you understand where my boundaries are on this. personally, i was able to read all of this without getting triggered. there were points where i could barely breathe from the tension, but i did not break down. this is not likely to be a universal experience.
i really like this manga. i love it, even. it's possessing my brain and i am glad to let it. if you feel like you could give it a try, i say to go for it- and if you get to a point where you'd usually quit...maybe gauge whether you're up for hearing it out and seeing what it has to say. i gave it a lot of chances i usually wouldn't- and it more than paid off.
i need to survive the game awards |
Posted by: skinstealer - 12-06-2024, 04:54 AM - Forum: [OTHER ART + WRITING]
- Replies (12)
please present to me themes, 5 per person max. these themes can be anything. they could be a phrase, even, or a song. a moodboard. it matters not. what matters is that i will make as many pipecleaner beasts as humanly possible with the themes provided during the duration of the 2024 game awards and i require all of your help to make this happen. i will randomly pull a theme from what will likely be a fairly large pool and it will become real and in my house. no NSFW, but have fun.
[PERSONAL] ????????????????? |
Posted by: skinstealer - 11-18-2024, 12:53 AM - Forum: [OFFICIAL PROJECTS]
- Replies (1)
this will have a name eventually but for now it is a deeply informal """project""" involving how we want to present our system and information about it going forward. so far, this has included our personal site (instead of a carrd, we're going SCP as hell on it and invoking the TCPdex with extra steps/different vibes) with dossiers on system members, and a slowly growing collection of experimental 3D modeling + SL screencaps as renders. this is not an ARG or a narrative project, so while discussing cool shit like our system members' TCP abilities and such is more than allowed, we have a couple of rules.
1) no theorycraft or whatever, we're winging this shit as we go and none of it is really meant to be "reveals" so much as conveying vibes and personal information about ourselves in a way that feels less direct and more safe. please god do not try to look deeper into this one. no shipping no nothing. while the system members are often referred to As characters in the project itself, they are us, don't be weird about that. we just like metanarrative presentation.
2) this is going to get extremely heavy and likely NSFW and a comprehensive list of CWs is not likely or viable. we will spoiler anything particularly brutal/graphic but this isn't a project we're really willing to pull punches on, and will be putting a lot of thought into what gets revealed about our personal life and what doesn't. some will be more literal, some will be metaphorical, and basically all of those things will be extremely hard to guess which is which. we're making this for us, and sharing it is our current choice. can go away any time.
3) consistency is not a goal. we are throwing shit at the wall to express ourselves. it's fun!
4) with all that said, comments and discussions are allowed both on here or on discord (we're going to make a channel i guess), and we welcome thoughts as long as people are respectful. this list may change if any issues come up, but we trust people to interact in good faith.
i am going to go grab my second life work momentarily, but for now, have a list of currently "finished" profiles for system members. regrettably, the website does not have alt text for images yet, but that is something we're looking to implement sooner rather than later.
Vino Tinto/Blanco: Project Previews |
Posted by: ThreadLurkingComorant - 11-17-2024, 08:08 PM - Forum: [OFFICIAL PROJECTS]
- No Replies
Previews for a upcoming twine project, Vino (Working Title)
The Vineyard Weed[Chapter Preview 1, CH-02] CW: Mentions of Blood Characters: Bucket, Francesca Perspective: Bucket Judgment[Image Description: Two Anthropomorphic dogs standing back to back from a side profile. The left one is smiling and wearing a sleeved dress with her ears pulled back. The one on the right is much larger, hair poofier and wearing a sweater with a large belted pair of baggy pants. They are cradling a sword. Both dogs have their eyes obscured by their long hair.] You wake up frantically in a stranger's bed. You immediately pat around for your weapon.
???: Awake?
A voice you've never heard before, a dog with long messy hair and white fur slowly making her way to your bedside.
Bucket: Where are my belongings? Why am I here?
???: You can relax, your sword is by the door. Took the time to wipe off the blood before it left any rust. As for the rest? Left it on the side table for you. Figure its the least anyone can do for you, takes a lot of guts to pick a fight with a sentryman.
You give the room a good look around, confirming what she said. It was a small little cabin, but one that was well loved.
Bucket: You carried me inside?
???: Mmhmm! Better me than most of the townfolks, they're not exactly the most trusting when someone like you shows up.
Bucket: Like me?
???: Nobody here's convinced you're just a cute dog after the show you put on. Punching far above your weightclass, good show really. Have to wonder what you're deal is...
Bucket: So in other words I've gone and frightened them. Would figure as much.
???: Maybe, but people tend to forgive a pretty face.
Bucket: I'm already quite accounted for.
She pokes her tongue at you.
???: You're assuming a lot there, its the truth of things. Give your hair a good brush and smile just right and they'll be quick to drop their suspicions. People are simple like that.
She slides you a drink, seemingly hot chocolate.
???: A good knight like yourself shouldn't have to walk out of town with nothing to show for your work anyway
Bucket: Knight? You're assuming a lot there.
???: I think I'm on the mark actually. The stature, the way you carry yourself your weapon of choice, the hardened pads..
Bucket: The pads-
???: Knights are couriers, no? The pads show how much you've traveled.
Bucket: That still doesn't mean anything-
She shuffles through her pockets and pulls out a letter.
???: There's also this. It's addressed to a Vergil Judgment. Sounds like you're one of the old couriers. Was looking to see if I could contact a relative but... the question now becomes which one. That's a pretty old school guild from what I looked up.
You make a face.
She's caught you and she knows it.
???: Right on the mark?
Bucket: I'm a descendant, yes.
???: I mean obviously, must be pretty new though aye? Got quite the young face.. but then again those teeth say you've been at this for awhile.
You couldn't help but laugh with a bitter undertone.
???: What's so funny then?
Bucket: You're very so observant, have to know what this means all to you.
???: What do you mean?
Bucket: People tend to sleuth most when there is aspect of personal interest and value. You may contest me on this but-
???: What's your favorite stageplay?
Bucket: Pardon?
???: Pin me as the observer, nosey to the last shed and yet it's clearly projection. Nothing more than the natural magnetism of theatrics.
Alright, you want to play this game.
Bucket: Give me verse.
???: Thy have plenty already.
Bucket: And I choose to pass initiate.
???: Under roof of another you play by the host's rules... but if a sweetener be needed then you are granted that and nothing more.
A little courtesy under messy hair.
???: Francesca Ottos, the Outskirt Witch.
Wing it.
Bucket: Vergil Judgment, the Wandering Knight.
A bow in return.
Francesca: Et si tu devais mourir?
Bucket: C'est la vie. Terrible.
Her tail swished around.
Francesca:: So cultured... where are you from?
Bucket: Overseas, grew up in town not far unlike this one.
Francesca: Then you understand how boring a place like this is. Nothing changes.
Bucket: Mm, for better and for worse.
Francesca: Mostly for worse. Since you made today a little more exciting though you're welcome to stay while you get back on your feet. Nice to have someone who gets it.
Bucket: And what is it that you want in return?
Francesca: Officially you don't owe me anything, but I can't deny I want to know more. What are you exactly? Strong, soft spoken, prosed as a poet... and yet there's something in your eye. Makes me wonder if we have something else in common...
She reaches for your covered up arm.
You pull it away.
Bucket: You will get sick.
Francesca: I'm already sick.
Bucket: Consider this a mercy then, keep a certain distance.
Francesca: Suppose that's fair.. what do you want for now then?
Bucket: Access to a phone, my sword-
Francesca: You are not bringing that hell slab into town right after a fight like that, people can feel the pulse.
Bucket: And what do you mean by that?
Francesca: You can't play dumb, it's alive. Something living and organic is rooted inside, people here got a good eye for that and whatever's in there isn't happy.
You raise a brow at her.
Bucket: And these people can gauge it how?
Francesca: Bit of a local craft, plenty of people who work wood and metal tend to be specialists on this sort of thing. Common to find parasites having made home of them and a lot of the older crowd considers them a bit culturally important.
Bucket: Sounds dangerous.
She grabs your palm.
Francesca: For many but not for you. You're not to different yourself, stronger even. That's how you keep its voice at bay.
Bucket: And what makes you so confident in that?
Francesca: I'm in the same boat! If you're going to be here for a bit, I've got a blade that's needed a hand like yours for a long time. Interested?
Bucket: Sounds dreadful but.. if you insist this much I should at least take a look for myself.
Posted by: sarcovyn - 11-11-2024, 09:20 PM - Forum: [GENERAL CHAT]
- Replies (6)
Hello HOMEBREW DEVIANTS FORUMS. In the name of market research, curiosity, and sharing fun facts about yourself I am interested in hearing your thoughts about TCP types. for your convenience I am including a link to the TCPdex right here
Please answer as many or as few of these questions as you like, in no particular order, with as much or as little detail as you want:
- What TCP types do you like?
- Do you have favorite TCP type(s)? What are they?
- Are there particular TCP characters or individual designs that you like, whether they belong to you or someone else?
- What kinds of TCP types would you like to see more of?
- Regardless of your opinion on them, what typings would you consider to be most iconic? Most appealing? Most unique or interesting?
More questions may come at a future date