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[Image: 1-cover.png]
[image description: a cover image for the project, titled:
Universal Constants
Episode 1: First Blood

on the cover image itself is a desk covered in different objects, split between two colors. red objects include: a strange, railway track-like weapon, a split heart pin, and a photo of abstract shapes that while hard to parse, resemble an eye. green objects include: a surgeon's scalpel, a folder with a strange heart insignia, and a photo of 3 anthro cat children, doing their best to support each other in a nervous embrace. a lime green image exists as well, underneath the other objects- a photo of a canine shadow, featuring frightening teeth and a pearl necklace.]

content warnings for this project can be found here, for both overarching themes and individual episodes.

[Image: 1-1-1.png]

[image description: a reddish brown canine furry takes up most of the frame, sitting down in a waiting room chair. his black hair is covering most of his face in a curly mess. large, round glasses obscure his eyes, and his expression is calm and stoic- a singular canine fang sticking out of his mouth. he's wearing a red turtleneck sweater, maroon high waisted pants, and a reddish purple cape with a holographic, starry print. there's pins on his shoulder, where the cape hangs off of his body- a no-entry sign and a heart split down the middle.

the room itself is simple in what we can see in-frame, a door off to the side with a distinctly alien handle compared to what we have on earth- with a smaller upper grip laid horizontally, and a much larger lower grip angled vertically. there is alien writing on the door's sign, indicating who works there, and arrow-like patterning on the door's surface.

color-wise, the room is a rather sterile white and gray, made to feel warmer by the piece's overall cozy lighting. shiny particles hover around the dog's cape, leading to a dream-like feel.]

Charon rubs his fingers against the edges of the folder in his lap, his documents kept nice and neat inside. He'd be meeting up with the head honcho of the Menagerie, a facility staple on this continent for its medical importance. A renovation job for someone with a very specific skillset, that's what the guild explained when he took a look at the contract.

The waiting room is clean, almost too clean to be inviting- the entire facility felt clinical and cold, and this area is no different. The only audible noise is the hum of the lights up above him and the unintelligible discussion in the office ahead. No one else is left, all other people having gone through the office before him, and a sense of unease begins to settle in.

He tries to see if he can get any sort of sound or look at whatever was going on inside, just to know what he's exactly about to deal with. This lab had many stories behind it, stories that spread and snowballed into the thing of myth and fables. He couldn't say his family would approve of him taking a job with the reputation the previous owner had, but he was assured things were... mostly different.

As if to confirm his worries, the voices inside escalate in volume, someone bursting out of the door and scrambling to get out of there as quickly as possible. The dog tries not to mind it too much, probably just an anomaly. At the very least it means that he’s about to be called up.

He gets to his feet and gets a quick stretch in...he'd been in that lobby too long. His whole body starts clanking and clattering as he does so, a mix of his metal limbs and his fluffy tail, adorned with porcelain plates, making a racket.
????: Next.
Charon shuffles over into the next room as quickly as possible.
The office is tidy, everything clearly having its own place- though a little sparse, with no decorations or knick knacks to be found anywhere. The karacel at the desk sits with straight posture, her hands clasped in front of her and a stoic expression on her face. Her brown fur contrasts with her green accents on her nose, ear tufts, and eyelids- the latter currently half lidded over what looked to be black prosthetic eyes. It’s an exasperated expression on her face, barely turning to acknowledge him in her exhaustion.

????: Sit.

The dog creeps on over to his chair.
CHARON: I take it you're in charge?
????: You'd be correct.

She doesn't react much, keeping her posture steady.
????: Maes Artag, I run this facility and act as its head surgeon.
CHARON: Mm. I'm here for the job regarding renovation of the lab, you certainly have some... interesting requisites for it.
MAES: You're the contractor that Synna wants me to hire, then.
CHARON: Mmhmm. I'm not entirely sure why you need a knight for this but I take it you have bigger issues than roaches in the basement.
MAES: You could say that.
MAES: Synna says that your resume holds up well, but I wanted to see it myself.
MAES: You see, Mr...?
CHARON: Judgment.

He slides over a file.

CHARON: All my documents are in there... I heard that touch script copies were ideal in this office, so I brought those too.
MAES: ...Thank you.

She seems a little impressed at the touch script inclusion, opening up the folder with care.

MAES: You see, Mr. Judgment, I have immensely high standards for the kind of work we do here at this lab, and your work will be especially difficult.
CHARON: I've been through the worst work of my career, it's all uphill from here.
MAES: I highly doubt that.

She grimaces, just enough to be noticed.
MAES: What kind of job do you think this is, from the requirements and briefing alone?
CHARON: I'd say you want me to dip my toes into hell and clean up some old regrets.
MAES: Regrets?
CHARON: Failed projects that need more than a mop and a dustpan to get rid of.
MAES: And what gives you that impression?
CHARON: The application mentioned the job requires an immunity or heavy resistance to horror and experience in security.
MAES: Facilities are built on horror vents all the time, any kind of building can be- especially in this area.
MAES: What makes you think there's regrets involved?
CHARON: Because this lab has a bit of a reputation, one that uttering it may be distressful to any staff within ear shot.

Her grimace worsens.

MAES: Go on.
CHARON: This lab built too far into a horror vent, farther than most are willing to go.
CHARON: Now you need someone who can deal with them when they eventually leak and give trouble to your construction crew... and off the record, the stories around this place make it plausible those vents were used for more than basements.
MAES: Every major facility has stories around it. Do you believe these?
CHARON: I'm prepared for the worst should any of it be true, but I rather they be exaggerations.
MAES: The reasons why the underground needs renovations do not concern you. Getting the job done and done effectively does.
CHARON: I do need to be aware of all safety hazards that may come out of this. I don't want to have anyone injured on my watch, if I'm frank.
MAES: The only people who will join you in the cleanup are people who are similarly equipped.
MAES: I don't risk lives if I can help it, Judgment.
CHARON: That's good to hear, I'd refuse if I heard anything otherwise.

She runs her hand over the first paper, taking a proper look. The resume itself features a mention of involvement in a relatively well known investigation involving sensitives, users of scraps, those who can supposedly connect to spirits and remnants….

Maes’ frown twitches.

CHARON: Is... something wrong?
MAES: You believe in magic.
CHARON: Pardon?
MAES: It says here you've worked with...spirits.
CHARON: I've worked with sensitives in the past, yes.
MAES: And you believe in it.
CHARON: Is there an issue here?
MAES: We'll see.

She continues reading, her brows just the slightest bit raised now.

CHARON: It should not impact my ability to work if you are worried.
MAES: It better not.
CHARON: It won't.
MAES: I suppose I'll have to take your word for it.

It comes out cold- possibly more than she intended, by the look on her face- and she hurriedly gets back to her reading.

MAES: Are there any other problems I should worry about, Judgment?
CHARON: Define problems.
MAES: I simply don't want to hear that you're looking for ghosts in our underground levels.
MAES: It concerns me.

She flashes the slightest bit of teeth as she says it. Charon just barely catches a glimpse, his heart rate speeding up and a little intake of breath at the sight of it.


CHARON: I don't plan to.

Maes pauses, ear twitching almost too subtly to be seen.
Shit, she noticed.

She reads more of his file, but there’s something about the way she speaks that makes Charon feel…scrutinized.

MAES: You seem tense, Judgment.
MAES: Do I have to worry about you cracking under pressure?

She makes sure to almost snarl the last word.

CHARON: Please, an interview doesn't scare me.

Charon focuses- he’s grateful to be blessed with the ability to gauge subtle elements and emotions, an aspect of his family line. He tries to see what he can find in Maes, nervous about what he might find.

[Image: 1-1-2.png]

[image description: a dutch angle shot over charon's caped shoulder, showing maes at her desk. her face looks tired, but  has a difficult to discern intent. she's a brown-furred cat furry with large, horizontally positioned ears tipped in green tufts, long, fluffy black hair, and an hourglass build. her outfit is a black tight dress with green accents, featuring sleeves with cutouts at the shoulder and a much looser green scarf. her prosthetic eyes are portrayed as black filled in shapes, her eyelids green and half lidded over them. maes' posture is upright, and it's clear she means business. even with all of the gravity of her pose and expression, the atmosphere of the image and textures on maes are warm, as if charon's emotions are tinting the situation.  on the desk, charon's folder sits.]

She’s curious, testing him. Something about him’s off, and she can't quite place it yet...and more than anything, she wants to see more. She flashes her teeth quickly as she exhales, too fast to be read as anyone but him.

Charon’s tail flicks in a half-wag, anything but a fear response- the porcelain plates on it clattering just loud enough to be audible.

The karacel in front of him’s ear twitches again, but she continues.
MAES: Your file...says you boast exceptional pain tolerance.
CHARON: It's the peak threshold for any non-synthetic being.
MAES: And how has this been tested? I assume to know such a thing, you'd have to have survived some incidents.
CHARON: I've endured electrocution and varying slash and bite based injuries without passing out, screaming, or going into shock. It's in my medical records.

She drums her claws on the desk, her expression purposefully flat- as if she’s trying to hold a straight face and not let anything slip.

A soft noise of her own escapes, barely perceptible.

Charon’s ears perk up.

MAES: That...should come in handy.

She tries to veer things back on course.

MAES: Such durability will hopefully be unneeded, but it's definitely interes- a perk.
CHARON: A perk?
MAES: It's better that you're more well prepared, that's all.

That was clearly not all.

CHARON: Prepared for what exactly if I may ask?
MAES: It's an old lab, many parts of it untouched for over a decade- like I mentioned prior, I refuse to send anyone down there that isn't ready for the potential risks.

She keeps her voice even.

CHARON: I'm more than prepared for something like this, I'm not too worried.
MAES: I suppose that makes up for the occult interest, then...

She flips to the next page, studying its contents.

MAES: It also says you have an expertise in old technology. Am I to expect difficulty with operating modern equipment?

Even with her attempts to remain straight-faced, her teeth seem to show more and more when she talks, or at the very least, Charon’s attention keeps getting drawn more and more to them.

CHARON: I should be absolutely fine with modern equipment, and anything I'm not familiar with can be explained with ease.

The dog tries his best not to make a sound but he’s fidgeting more than a little, and audibly, in no small part due to the damn porcelain.

MAES: Is something the matter, Judgment?
CHARON: Nothing, why do you ask?
MAES: Nothing.
MAES: Perhaps I'm just reading you wrong.

She closes his file, sliding it across the table.

MAES: You're coming off rather...agitated.
CHARON: I've been sitting quite a bit today, so it's a little difficult.  

The dog takes his file back.

MAES: You seem like a fit for the job, at least... though we'll have to see how you perform.
MAES: I have big expectations for you, Judgment.

She rests her hands in her lap, clearly trying to ignore how tense the room had become.

MAES: And quite the first impression.

The dog leans forward in his chair.

CHARON: I'd assume they're quite good ones based on what you've read for the most part.
MAES: We'll see if you live up to your records.

She leans in just as much, without realizing.

MAES: Don't get cocky before you've even had a chance to show what you can do.
CHARON: I don't underperform, I have too much reputation at stake.
MAES: So you've told me.

She sits up straight once more, trying to get back to her professional posture from earlier.

MAES: You should go discuss lodging and your duties with Synna, she's a few departments down.
MAES: I'm sure she can get you up to speed on how we do things here.
CHARON: Mm, room number?

The dog gets to his feet and brushes himself off.

CHARON: I'm not familiar with this place so I need a point of reference.
MAES: 173. It'll have her name on the door. Oh, and, Judgment?
MAES: There's a single occupancy restroom just outside the waiting room.
MAES: I would personally recommend you...compose yourself, before meeting with Synna.

She keeps her tone clinical, the slightest bit of blush crossing her cheeks.

CHARON: Excuse me?

He raises a brow in response.

MAES: Just a suggestion...I have work to get back to.
CHARON: I think I'll manage fine. Thank you for your time.
MAES: Don't fail me, Judgment.
CHARON: I do not plan to.

[Image: 1-1-3.png]

[image description: a close up shot of charon leaning against the wall, his expression tense and strained. he's sweating and gritting his teeth as he attempts to calm down. his glasses are fogged up to the point of just barely showing his red eyes- portrayed in a cute cartoony style in this panel. he's holding his cape around himself, almost protectively.
around him float little red sparkles, as if he's still in a daze.]

He makes his way toward the hall quickly. Maes gets up to shut the door behind him just as fast, sliding back against the door.

Charon leans against the waiting room wall, trying to catch his breath. She caught onto him, hopefully that doesn't deduct.

He can't help but worry that this is all a setup to catch him screwing up. That was too tense for his own good.

He’s a little tempted to take her offer to use the restroom. Fuck. Not right now.

He takes the time to breathe deeply and relax himself. Whatever just went on during that interview was more than he was expecting.  Nothing that can't be managed though...hopefully.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 1-2-1.png]

[image description: synna, a warm brown marsupial furry with floppy ears, stands in front of charon, a few feet shorter than him. she has darker markings on her muzzle and ears, wiry fluff for her hair and neck ruff, and a casual expression. her outfit is simple yet sporty- a pair of blue and white athletic shorts and a yellow and blue crop top revealing the top edge of a belly pouch. her eyes are a reddish pink, and have no pupils.

charon looks curious, but not sure what to make of this new figure. he has cute dot-styled eyes again, adding to the friendly-yet-cautious vibe of the scene.]

This is taking forever, and Synna feels like she’s about to go nuts from the waiting. She’d organized the files on her desktop already, watched a few episodes of her favorite cartoon, browsed the news at least three times over by now, and nobody had bothered to knock on the door or call her up. She shouldn’t have even taken a day off for this, but noooo, she wanted to make sure that Maes had someone on standby in case someone actually passed her ridiculous interviews. How many people even applied for this job? She had made it sound as scary as possible in order to weed out people who couldn’t hack it, but she wouldn’t be surprised if people tried to go for it anyway, with the kind of pay and housing the lab was offering.

Synna flops back into her chair, exhaling hard. When is Maes going to be done grilling people? She just wants to get it over with and hear the inevitable "no, they all sucked, why would you put me up to this Synna, I'm mad now."

Before she can get comfortable, there’s a knock on the door.  She nearly falls out of her chair, completely startled as she scrambles to her feet.

SYNNA: ‘Bout fucking time you got done, I was starting to think you'd actually consider someo-

She opens the door, only to reveal a dog she doesn’t recognize in the office doorway.

CHARON: It seems you were anticipating someone else.
SYNNA: ...looks like it.

She looks up at him with a squint.

SYNNA: Who the hell are you?
CHARON: Charon Judgment, traveling knight and engineer of oddities.
CHARON: I've just been contracted to work here and was given the suggestion to talk to you.

She stares at him for a moment before peeking around the doorway.

SYNNA: This isn't a prank? She actually picked somebody?
CHARON: That reaction has me a little concerned..
SYNNA: Yooou shooouldn't have a single worry about that!

She tries to correct her tone mid sentence, snapping back upright.

SYNNA: I'm just a little surprised. Maes has pretty high standards.
CHARON: Seemed rather intense, I'll take it as a compliment.
SYNNA: Yeah, well...we'll see whether you can hold up.

She opens the door and gestures for him to step inside.

SYNNA: I'm a little under-prepared, but I should be able to get you set up.

He walks into the office, taking a look around as subtly as he can.

CHARON: No pressure, I appreciate the assistance.

Her office is smaller than Maes' by a significant amount, stacks of folders, drink mugs, strange chunks of electronics, and CD cases piled up everywhere. The only chair available for him to sit in looks kind of rickety, swiveling around as Synna turns it to face him.

SYNNA: Take a seat. We'll go over your forms- I hope you filled those out in advance, or we'll be here for like, an hour- and then I'll show you around.
CHARON: Mm, I acquired everything required in advance.

He scoots into the chair and pulls out a couple of folders from his coat. Synna flops into her own chair, doing a lazy little spin before leaning forward onto her desk.

SYNNA: Hand 'em over, I'll skim and make sure it's all in order.

Charon slides them onto the desk.

CHARON: It should all be in there. Let me know if there’s any issue.

She picks up the first one carefully, flicking through the papers there.

SYNNA: So Charon Judgment, huh?
SYNNA: That's a hell of a name. People here just call me Synna.
CHARON: Any last name?
SYNNA: Nope. No family or organization ties, no need for it.
SYNNA: I mean, aside from the lab I guess, but I'd rather be my own person outside of that.
SYNNA: No offense to yourself intended.
CHARON: None taken. How's it all looking?
SYNNA: Looks like everything's in order at a glance- good, you included touch script.

She sighs in relief.

SYNNA: I can see how that got you points with her.
SYNNA: From what Maes has been telling me about the interviews so far, people haven’t been bothering to cover their bases- even though it’s in the fucking ad.
SYNNA: …pardon the language. Can’t help it.
CHARON: I try to do a little homework before applying for any job, long term or temporary.
SYNNA: And what drew you to this one in particular?
SYNNA: I mean, probably sounds pretty scary, right?
CHARON: I'm a knight and a little more, I'm about as equipped as it gets for this.
SYNNA: I thought knights were more a 'protect the town from devastation' kinda deal.
CHARON: This lab is big enough to qualify as a town as far as I've heard, and worker safety is a priority of its own.
SYNNA: Point taken, works for me...I'll try not to grill you too much.
SYNNA: Guessing she really tore into you, huh?
CHARON: Define.
SYNNA: If you actually got the job, that means she must have interrogated the hell out of you.
CHARON: Perhaps, but it seems I've passed unscathed.
SYNNA: You're setting my expectations high- do you prefer first name or last?
CHARON: Up to your preference, know some like to keep things formal.
SYNNA: We'll do Judgment for now, I'm not one of those stuffy types, but it'll make me feel cool to go around calling for some prestigious knight bloodline.

She can’t help but grin.

CHARON: A noble cause, I admire and approve of this.
SYNNA: Trust me, it should turn some heads.  

She goes for the next folder, skimming this one even faster.

SYNNA: We have a lot of high profile people both coming to us for work and working with us, but knights are definitely a new one.
CHARON: I imagine most of them are scared off by the stories.
SYNNA: Stories?

She raises a brow.

SYNNA: Tell me one.
SYNNA: Just one, and then we'll go look around, show you the sights.
CHARON: Hmm... there's quite the absurd one. Supposedly the lab is secretly run by a fire breathing dragon from the depths of hell.
SYNNA: Well, I can debunk that one- I've never seen Maes breathe fire, and as far as I know, she doesn't have any scales or wings to speak of.
SYNNA: The "from hell" part isn't too wrong, though.
CHARON: Is there some sort of truth to it…?

She holds her hands up.

SYNNA: That's all I can say, classified information.
CHARON: Noted. Mildly concerning, possibly important one day, but kept in mind nonetheless..
SYNNA: Don't think too much of it, yeah?
SYNNA: Just a little dark humor.

She shrugs, setting his folders down and getting up.

SYNNA: We have a lot to see, so let's get moving.

The dog follows suit.

CHARON: Of course.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 1-3-1.png]
[image description: Synna and Charon visible through the little window of a subway-like tram, seated comfortably as they converse within the tram speeding from location to location within the lab...the colors are warm and inviting, but distinctly metal and artificial.]

SYNNA: You didn't get carsick on the trams getting around to this sector, did you?
CHARON: ...There were trams?
SYNNA: ...did you walk?
CHARON: I flew.
SYNNA: No, not to the lab itself-

She chooses to ignore the flight comment, clearly not wanting to open that can of worms. Charon can tell that she thinks he's weird enough as is.

SYNNA: We use a tram system to get around the lab sectors, to help speed things up.
SYNNA: It's a big place, and walking everywhere isn't too efficient.
SYNNA: You must have been bushed to get all the way out here to the staff areas.
CHARON: It wasn't all that hard... though I’ll gladly consider faster methods.
SYNNA: I'll show you how they work.
SYNNA: Both patients and staff can use them, but there are special cars for things like transporting critical patients- think of it like an ambulance, just in the actual hospital.
SYNNA: There's also some just for staff members looking for some privacy, but you need ID to enter either of those.
SYNNA: You probably won't have to deal with the former, but the latter I can hook you up with tomorrow.
CHARON: It's much appreciated.
CHARON: I should be able to handle the motion just fine, so no issue there.
SYNNA: Well, we'll start here- this is one of two staff areas.
SYNNA: They've got offices for the most part, but there's a reception area on the far end.
SYNNA: The other one's towards where you probably came in, facing Mockery- that's the one most people use, and it's a lot busier, and close to the emergency sector as well.
SYNNA: We don't see a lot of people coming in this way, so it's way quieter.
CHARON: What kind of staff tend to make up the bulk of this sector?
SYNNA: Bit of everything, considering people have to have somewhere to do paperwork.
SYNNA: Administrative folks like me and Maes as well- though both of us like to get our hands dirty with more tactile work.
SYNNA: Maes does surgery, I do robotics engineering, and we both handle massive amounts of paperwork in our spare time.
CHARON: You have a robotics department?
SYNNA: I run the robotics department.
SYNNA: People come from all over Taverne to get body modifications here, and I make sure that robotic ones are top of the line.

She pats her own left leg, showing off its pink prosthetic material. It's sturdy, and from what Charon can make out- impeccably well made.

SYNNA: I work with a lot of engineers in Hearth as well, some even responsible for the creation of construct species.
SYNNA: Keeps me pretty busy, but I took the day off to handle the possibility of someone actually making it through an interview with Maes.
CHARON: Which it would appear I have.
CHARON: I'm curious, are you any familiar at all with older prosthetic tech?
CHARON: I may have to come to you if you do.

She glances over at his hands.

SYNNA: Noticed that. I haven't seen work that old fashioned in ages.
CHARON: Mm. It's a blend of lost tech and a little extra.
CHARON: There's certain design principles and a level of durability that still make this sort of thing viable in a field like knighting. Makes it difficult for me to be willing to upgrade.
SYNNA: Guess I could take a crack at it, though I may need to do some research beforehand…

She leads him over to what appeared to be the entrance to the trams, passing by some lab coated staff.

SYNNA: Keep close.
SYNNA: Gets a little crowded this time of day.
CHARON: Noted, I'll try not to lose track of you while we're here.
CHARON: What goes on around this hour that makes people so busy in particular?
SYNNA: Well, it's getting to be close to evening in an hour or two, and you've got a lot of people trying to get last minute work in before switching shifts.
SYNNA: People trying to make it home in time for dinner, you know?
SYNNA: Well..if they don't live here anyway.
CHARON: Mm. I've heard of the large living spaces to accommodate the staff...
CHARON: I suppose I will be allowed to stay here too while I am working, yes?
SYNNA: Yep, just as it says in the application.
SYNNA: We'll make your apartment the last stop, so get excited for that...or don't, they're not that special.
CHARON: I'd never complain about a job that includes housing.

She taps her ID at a turnstyle, tapping a button on her way through.

SYNNA: Should let you through, but hurry up.

Charon does his best to keep up the pace.

CHARON: So I must ask, why is the 'boss' so picky with employment?
CHARON: It sounds like it's been a hard process.
SYNNA: Oh, simple. She doesn't trust anyone, and only wants the best for the lab.
SYNNA: And I mean the best.
SYNNA: must have shown some serious stuff to actually win her over.
CHARON: Better not underperform then….
SYNNA: Eh, if you do, she'll just eat you.
CHARON: She can't legally do that, can she?
SYNNA: I'm kidding, kidding!
SYNNA: She's a tough boss, but not like that.
CHARON: What's she like, then?
SYNNA: You want the short description or the long one?
SYNNA: Short description, she's a grump who needs to lighten up but has her reasons to be the way she is, so don't treat her too harshly.
SYNNA: I mean, call her out on her shit if you can, honestly- but do it gentle, you know?
CHARON: I'll do my best.
CHARON: Seems like she's had a hard time.
SYNNA: You can pick up on that already, huh?

She smirks as she takes her seat, a distinct trace of bitterness to it.

SYNNA: Smart dog.
SYNNA: She'll either like you or hate you.
CHARON: Feel like it'll be a bit of both.
SYNNA: Yeah, probably.
SYNNA: As for the long description...I've known Maes a long time, longer than I can really go into comfortably to a guy I just met.
SYNNA: She's not the happiest person, and I think I could probably count how many times I've seen her smile on my hands.
SYNNA: She's not a bad person, but she's tired and overworked and sick of dealing with people giving her hell- and to her, anybody on the planet is someone who's likely to give her that.
SYNNA: You included.

The dog ponders this info for a moment.

CHARON: Do you think... there's anything that would help her feel more comfortable?
CHARON: I'd rather stay on people’s good side for a long job like this.
SYNNA: Uhhhh....shit, I'm honestly not sure. If I knew, I'd be doing it myself.
CHARON: Mm. I'll put some time into figuring that out then.
SYNNA: My best guess is like...don't be offended when she doesn't do stuff like laugh at your jokes, and don't have weird expectations of her being friendly or fake smiling or whatever.
SYNNA: She's pretty blunt, and absolutely hates it when people want her to fit their mold of what she should be like.
CHARON: I suppose the priority for now is doing my work efficiently, but there certainly will come an opportunity to ease some tension that may come from working with others.
SYNNA: Yeah? You really think you can do that for her?
CHARON: I'd like to think I have a good shot.
SYNNA: Good luck, man. You're gonna need it.

Synna pats him on the back, getting up off of the tram seat.

SYNNA: This is our stop.

Charon follows along, getting up from his own seat.

CHARON: Are the others around here any easier to work with?
SYNNA: Oh, yeah. Some are difficult in their own ways, but you'll manage just fine.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 1-4-1.png]

[image description: a close up of a surgical instrument tray, with a slight view of an X-ray image, tile walls, and a curtain. the image is tinted blue, and has a cool feeling.]

SYNNA: This is the main surgical wing. It's what it says on the tin.

Someone passes by with a rather mutated looking person on a gurney.

CHARON: That... isn't an in-house incident is it?
SYNNA: No, we treat a lot of irradiated people.
SYNNA: The nearby city, Mockery, has a rep for a high monster population, and a lot of casual horror radiation to cause it.
SYNNA: Sometimes people’s mutations take them off guard or go in ways they aren't prepped for, and we're here to help with that.
CHARON: And success rates? Overall pretty good?
SYNNA: Oh, yeah. For sure.
SYNNA: We're one of the best facilities in Taverne and we have earned that title.
CHARON: Noted.

[Image: 1-4-2.png]

[image description: another panel overlaid on top of the previous one, like a stack of photos. this one is warmly tinted orange, and features a nurse tending to a patient. the nurse is a canine furry with a cute round nose, a bob cut, glasses, and patterned scrubs, and the patient is a rabbit furry with a singular large eye and fangs.]

SYNNA: Here's the patient rooms- keep your voice down.
SYNNA: You're not gonna be over here much considering you're working under the lab, but I figure hey, it's worth showing you around.
CHARON: They seem quite nicely accommodated for.
SYNNA: We've got tons of room for them, and a lot of little areas for physical therapy- we've even got a pool.
CHARON: Do wish them the best, know the process myself…
SYNNA: Feel free to sign up to help visit and cheer some of them up on your off days- I come in and show them my new gear sometimes, bring them trinkets.
SYNNA: They love it.

The dog manages a tiny smile at that, full of a subtle warmth.

CHARON: I may do that.
SYNNA: Any questions before we move on?
CHARON: None at the moment, let's keep the pace.

The adjacent area is full of people running around, people carrying clipboards, folders and trolleys.

SYNNA: Research wing. Don't touch anything.
CHARON: What are they researching here?
SYNNA: Body mods, typically.
SYNNA: I spend a lot of time out here working on my inventions, got a little workshop on the other end.
SYNNA: There's also a lot of looking into organic modification, and even some horror based stuff.
SYNNA: Top notch, and a lot of it is top secret, so don't go nosing around too hard.
CHARON: I'm curious if anything here could help me.
SYNNA: Yeah? With what?
CHARON: Anything, updating technology is very useful as a knight.
SYNNA: Could look into it, as long as you call somebody in advance and make an appointment.
SYNNA: We have enough sudden interruptions to the schedule here as is, we don't need people getting even crankier.
CHARON: Fair enough, if you can fill me in on some details I can get a bit of research ahead. Avoid stepping on too many toes.
SYNNA: Easy, I can get you that by the end of the week. Remind me if I forget.
CHARON: Will do.

[Image: 1-4-3.png]

[image description: another panel laid on top of the pile, this one depicting a colorful cafeteria tray closeup. there's a stylized meal with lots of spices and vibrant colors, resembling meat and beans on top of some kind of dough. also on the tray are a bottle of pink juice and a yellow fruit with a bite taken out of it.]

SYNNA: Starting to loop around back to where we started...this is the cafeteria where you'll probably be eating. It's the closest to the main lower lab entrance.
CHARON: Off the record, what's the food like here?
SYNNA: Not half bad, actually. We've got pretty good chefs- it's not like, restaurant quality or anything, but it's a varied menu suitable for any kind of person, and they make accommodations for patients and staff with specific diets all the time.
CHARON: Do they accept volunteers?
CHARON: I'd love to assist from time to time.
SYNNA: You cook?
CHARON: A decent amount.
SYNNA: I'd have to ask, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind.
SYNNA: All hands on deck, right?
CHARON: Absolutely.
SYNNA: You're really getting into everything around here, huh?
CHARON: As much as I can contribute.
SYNNA: You're showing potential, man.
SYNNA: Keep it up.

[Image: 1-4-4.png]
[image description: another panel laid on top of the pile, this one depicting a closeup of a massive metal door, rivets and paneling all over it. there's a triangular hazard sign on the door itself, depicting a monster face with an X behind it, and an exclamation mark on the front.]

SYNNA: Last stop before I show you your new place.

Synna leans against the heavy metal door, thunking it with her knuckles.

SYNNA: You see this bad motherfucker? This big ass door?
CHARON: Mm. What's the deal?
SYNNA: That's the entrance to the lower lab.
SYNNA: You're going to get real familiar with this.
CHARON: Take it this is where the bulk of my work will be?
SYNNA: Yep. You're gonna be doing a lot of up and down here.
SYNNA: Our main renovations guy, JB, will help you out getting through it, and as far as I know, Maes wants to oversee a lot of the work done personally.
SYNNA: She's taking a lot of time off her usual surgery jobs and passing them off to others- equally qualified of course- to do it.
CHARON: Is she usually this personally invested into reconstruction projects?
SYNNA: That'd be classified information.

She shrugs.

SYNNA: I can't tell you everything.
CHARON: Fair enough, I know that this project is particularly important.
SYNNA: And for right now and possibly ever, that's all you need to know.
SYNNA: And if you know what's good for you, you won't talk conspiracy theories with Maes either.
SYNNA: She hates them.
CHARON: Conspiracy theories about her or in general?
SYNNA: Both, but especially the former.
CHARON: There a lot of them?
SYNNA: More than she likes to hear, that's for sure.

[Image: 1-4-5.png]
[image description: a final illustration panel on top of the pile, this one depicting a close up of a bedside, including a cozy-looking pillow and blanket and a potted plant on a nightstand. the atmosphere is warm and inviting, and tinted in pink. ]

SYNNA: Hohkay....last stop. You holding up okay from all this walking and tram riding?
CHARON: Mm. Just a little tired.
SYNNA: Good news for you, you've got a brand new bed with your name on it.
CHARON: I could use that right now.
CHARON: When will I be able to go and retrieve the rest of my personal belongings?
SYNNA: Tomorrow'd probably be best, after you pick up your ID from my office.
SYNNA: You'll need it to get into staff-only areas, which should make getting around a lot easier, especially if you've got stuff to move in- how much are we talking, anyway?
CHARON: A couple travel bags and a toolbox.
SYNNA: Easy. How far away are they?
CHARON: They're in town, at the hotel I was staying. I can go pick them up tomorrow morning if you'd allow me.
SYNNA: Yeah, of course. I'll try to get your ID ready by then.

She steps forward and unlocks the door, tapping the number on the door plate.

SYNNA: Memorize this. It's your new home now.
CHARON: I'll have it figured out.

She opens the door up, stepping in with a goofy grand gesture. The apartment itself is simple but tidy, with a fairly large bed, kitchenette, television with a couch and armchair setup, and presumably a bathroom door to the side. It isn't fancy or anything, but it’s spacious for a studio setup.

CHARON: ...Is everyone equipped like this?
SYNNA: Yep. My apartment's the same layout, so's Maes'. Nobody gets special treatment.

He sits himself down on the bed, getting a feel for it.

CHARON: It's nice...
SYNNA: Yeah? You dig it?
CHARON: Mm. This is excellent.
SYNNA: It's your space, so feel free to accessorize- just don't like, paint the walls or anything.
SYNNA: Bathroom's nice, got one of those shower tub combos, a sink, toilet, the works. Should come with towels too, so don't worry about that much.
CHARON: I don't know how you manage to set everyone up this well but... I really appreciate it.
SYNNA: Basic rights, you know?
SYNNA: Everybody deserves a place to eat and sleep.
SYNNA: We don't want anybody to go without here.
CHARON: That's a good mindset, gives me a lot of confidence about working here.
SYNNA: Yeah, well...I can't take credit.
SYNNA: Maes' idea to make sure everyone was set up like this.
CHARON: This is the best living situation I've had in awhile, so I may have to thank her personally.
SYNNA: I think she'd appreciate that, honestly.

She starts heading towards the door, looking over her shoulder.

SYNNA: I left my number by the phone, on the nightstand.
SYNNA: Call if you need anything, okay?
CHARON: I will if something comes up.
CHARON: Thank you for taking the time to show me around.
SYNNA: No prob- I'm glad to see Maes actually took the plunge on somebody.
SYNNA: We really need the help, and I've got a good feeling about you.

She shoots a finger gun at him before heading out.

SYNNA: Don't trash the place too hard.
With that, she closes the door and leaves him to his own devices. Charon lays himself down on the bed, soaking it all in.

CHARON: Things are looking up…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 2-cover.png]

[image description: a cover image for the project, titled:
Universal Constants
Episode 2: Into the Depths

on the cover image itself is a tile room half covered in silhouette, with what's visible scratched up and stained in blood.]
[Image: 2-1-1.png]
 [image description: charon judgment talking to mandrake, a spider neuroth with black, gold and white markings. she is wearing a white sweater and gold pants meant for taurs.]

????: There are a few things down there you'll need to be on the lookout for, along with the duties that Dr. Artag and JB have you doing-
????: Are you listening, Judgment?

Charon lets out a yawn.

CHARON: Mm, of course.
CHARON: …You may continue.

????: ...Am I boring you, or did you not get enough sleep for something this important?
CHARON: The latter.
CHARON: First night in a new environment, bit harder to get rest than usual.
CHARON: You know the feeling, yes?
????: ...I guess so.

The neuroth sighs, massaging her temple.

????: Let's start over.
????: My name is Dr. Mandrake, and today, you will be heading into the lower levels of this facility to assist in cleanup and data retrieval.
MANDRAKE: Are you following that much, so far?
CHARON: Mm. Sounds simple enough.
CHARON: There will be horror wells, yes?
MANDRAKE: Yes, and while they should be contained, we have had accidents due to the underground not being fully staffed as it had been in the past.
MANDRAKE: You will be given protection and will be starting off in an area that can be locked down away from any breaches in the case that something does occur- which it shouldn't, we've been running checks.
MANDRAKE: much as we can, anyway.
CHARON: I'll make sure everything goes to procedure, I'd rather not have staff be injured on my watch.
CHARON: What type of protection are we talking, out of curiosity?
CHARON: If it's fear of radiation, that's not really a problem for me- my body is immune and resistant to most forms of natural toxins and mutating substances.
MANDRAKE: Well, I suppose that means you're exempt from having to wear the horror-proof suit.
MANDRAKE: It's mostly the radiation risk that's the worry, but you should watch yourself around the residents going through rehabilitation as well.
MANDRAKE: Please try not to aggravate them, they've been through a lot and if they don't know you, they can be a bit prone to jumpiness.
CHARON: Understood.
CHARON: I take it that showers will be nearby afterward?
CHARON: I'd rather not drag any toxic material back with me.
MANDRAKE: Yes, you should be able to clean up before re-entering the upper lab.
CHARON: Good to confirm.
CHARON: How big is the crew we're working with?
MANDRAKE: You'll be going down with Dr. Artag and JB, and meeting up with Ruby, a nurse who works with our rehabilitated residents.
MANDRAKE:  There will be other crew members already down in the lab, but Dr. Artag prefers to keep the people actually exposed to the knowledge of the lower levels to a minimum.
CHARON: Keeping things small and close to the vest, understood.
CHARON: I guess at this point I have to ask what's the next step for me.
MANDRAKE: Well, as I was saying earlier...I want you to look for a couple things in particular.
MANDRAKE: You're probably just going to be in the Stasis sector today as people see how you can handle being down there and test your ability to be trusted.
MANDRAKE: Most of that sector's already been cleared out in order to make room for the rehabilitation wings.
MANDRAKE: It took us a few years to properly get going down there, and we haven't reached the last of the cells- and some of the remaining areas need of some serious help.
MANDRAKE: I need you to mark down which cells need cleanup, anything you find within them, and anything else you notice that could be of use or of note to us.
CHARON: I'll make sure things are charted thoroughly.
CHARON: I’d like to keep things fast and tight. Longer I’m escorting non-combatants, the more potential of harm toward them. No overextending, no unneeded risks.
CHARON: I do hope everyone else will have a similar mindset on this.
MANDRAKE: You'll be among like-minded people, I'm sure.

She taps a pen against the desk, keeping her eyes trained on him.

MANDRAKE: Do you have any questions for me, Mr. Judgment?
MANDRAKE: If you have them now, it's a good chance to ask before I send you off to Hashbrown for an overview of what gets used in the underground levels.
CHARON: None, I think I'd like to move on for now.
CHARON: The faster I'm up to speed on how this job works, the sooner I can start thinking about the game plan for this.
MANDRAKE: Go for it, then...and good luck out there.

[Image: 2-1-2.png]

[image description: a bust shot of hashbrown, a desaturated cherished selected with a mostly-shirtless chest aside from an apron. a  screwdriver sticks out of the apron, and their expression is tired.]

????: Okay, so you've got a couple tools I can set you up with...all of which are optional, seeing as Dr. Mandrake called ahead and said you won't be needing the suit.

The going-on-elderly looking selected, having just introduced themself as “Hashbrown”, rifles through some boxes and cabinets, pulling out some gear and setting it on the table in front of Charon.

HASHBROWN: Do you want to start with the dangerous stuff, or the really dangerous stuff.
The dog leans in to take a look closely at the equipment.

CHARON: Start with the bare essentials and we can work up from there.

The snake points to a small box, featuring a few buttons and switches on its side. It’s nondescript, with no writing or decoration on it aside from a single green rim on the sides.

HASHBROWN: This here is a gadget that'll send a frequency out that'll make just about anything flinch at minimum and take something out entirely if you crank it up high enough.
HASHBROWN: It doesn't discriminate, though- horrors, terrors, people, whatever.
HASHBROWN: You'll be given some earplugs that'll keep you safe, but in case of an emergency, you might just want to scream for people to cover their ears and hope they do it fast enough that they don't get blasted.
CHARON: If it works, it works.
CHARON: I take it this is pretty high end tech, coming from a lab like this.
HASHBROWN: Only the finest, though one of the things here is based on some pretty vintage stuff.
HASHBROWN: We'll get to that one.

They move onto the next piece, a palm sized orb with a flat bottom. The selected picks it up to reveal an inset button underneath, pointing to it with a serious expression.

HASHBROWN: This here's a containment capsule.
HASHBROWN: It looks tiny, but when you press this, it’ll set off a timer. The longer you hold the button, the longer the timer’ll be.
HASHBROWN: Once the timer runs out, it'll expand to capture whatever's moving around near it- so if it goes off, stand still.
HASHBROWN: Want to catch something in an instant? Press and throw.
HASHBROWN: Setting a trap? Hold it down.
HASHBROWN: It forms a barrier between you and whatever's inside- fireproof, airtight, horror resistant- not proof. Resistant.
HASHBROWN: We're working on it.
CHARON: Never seen something like this in person, take that it’s not exactly public knowledge yet.
CHARON: I could see this being incredibly useful in a lot of situations outside once it's finished.
HASHBROWN: Very much so.
HASHBROWN: At the current point in time, it's...expensive to produce.
HASHBROWN: We need to figure out how to make it not that.
CHARON: It should be easier over time. I'm always willing to jump in and give my two cents on how to improve tools that can handle horrors.
HASHBROWN: That should be handy...though hopefully, you won't ever have to use these outside of testing exercises, yeah?
CHARON: Hopefully. Admittedly get a bit excited by the idea of seeing new tech in action but.. I’d rather not have it be at someone else’s expense. Won’t go seeking out danger if I can help it.
HASHBROWN: Good mindset to have about it, I suppose...just don't do anything stupid with 'em.
HASHBROWN: Last thing...

They hold up a long, metal rod with a ring orbiting the end.

HASHBROWN: This is your vintage Menagerie shock stick design, updated to modern standards.
HASHBROWN: Dr. Artag doesn't like that we keep these things around, but they're effective against horrors and residents turned terror- rest their souls- and we may as well not reinvent the wheel.
CHARON: Oh, I won't be needing that. I have something similar on my person.
HASHBROWN: Oh? What's that, then?

The dog rolls up his sleeve, fully exposing a gauntlet layered over a prosthetic brace. As he moves his fingers ever-so slightly, there’s a visible electric crackle between them, ready to shock.

CHARON: Being able to shock something that's effectively a giant nervous system without any specific vitals to hit is very handy.
CHARON: This is admittedly a refurbished older model as well, but it gets the job done quite well.
HASHBROWN: Yeah, but with that you gotta get close enough to let it bite you.

They hold up the stick again, this time with feeling.

HASHBROWN: This gives you range.
HASHBROWN: Not a lot, but enough to keep it from chomping that gauntlet of yours right off.
CHARON: I suppose I'll hold onto it, but no promises it'll be my first thought.
HASHBROWN: Not my fault if you lose your hand, then.
HASHBROWN: That'll be your gear, unless you feel like you're missing anything in particular in your kit- in which case, I can see what I've got laying around to accommodate you.
CHARON: I should be more than good with this unless there's something else.
HASHBROWN: Then we're done here.
HASHBROWN: Ideally you won't need any of this, but...procedure.
HASHBROWN: Don't get too freaked out down there.
CHARON: I've worked with horror wells before, as long as everyone handles things with caution I should be fine.
HASHBROWN: Yeah, well…

They laugh as they give him a stiff pat on the back, no humor in it.

HASHBROWN: That's not what I'm worried about.
HASHBROWN: Good luck.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 2-2-1.png]
[image description: charon talking to JB, a metal, griffin-like construct with tan and green segments. charon has a pleased expression, though JB's expression is fairly neutral.]

????: My name is JB, and I head the lower level cleanup effort.
The construct that stands before Charon is broad and imposing, and completely made of shining, well cared for metal. He extends a clawed hand.

JB: It's a pleasure to meet you, Judgment.
JB: Here's to hoping working together goes smoothly.

Both of them reach out and shake hands firmly, each feeling the other's metallic grip.

CHARON: Likewise, I'd rather avoid unnecessary conflict myself.
CHARON: What's the situation we're looking at today?
JB: Dr. Artag will be meeting up with us, and we'll begin familiarizing you with the lower levels.
JB: Today we'll be starting you off in the Stasis sector, where we've begun renovating the old structures into a rehabilitation and residential facility for some people still in need of our care in the past few years...special cases.

He keeps his grip on Charon's hand.

JB: The project is primarily a secret for their privacy.
JB: Consider it like...a witness protection program.
CHARON: Consider my lips sealed.
CHARON: Who are these “special cases” we're looking out for?
JB: That information is given out on a need to know basis, and until we know you're sticking around for sure, you don't need to know anything more than that they're patients here who deal with horror mutation and need a lot of rehab and education before they can properly enter society.
JB: They're good people who need better lives than the ones we can currently offer, so part of your job is to help us clean up and make it better for them.
CHARON: Fair enough, that doesn't seem particularly uncommon for a medical facility of this nature.
CHARON: I am putting a lot of faith into a massive unknown by taking this job, can’t help but worry.
JB: Fair, but please understand, we're putting a lot of faith into an unknown by hiring someone outside of our inner circle.
JB: We have delicate lives on the line here.

He lets Charon's hand go, leading him forward.

JB: The residents you'll meet down there aren't the most talkative sort, especially around strangers, but some may want to meet you.
JB: Please don't badger them if you can help it...friendliness is encouraged, but try to be professional.
JB: Don't raise your voice, try not to make sudden movements, and- don't tell me Hashbrown gave you one of those damn shock sticks.

Charon shrugs.

CHARON: I didn't particularly care to bring one personally but they insisted.
CHARON: Don't plan to use it personally if I can help it, but they were worried I’d lose a limb if I handled it my way..

JB puts his face in his hand, rubbing his beak.

JB: For the love of- keep it hidden, at least.
JB: I keep telling them to stop handing those out for days we're going down into the rehab center, I don't care how effective they are...Don't let any of the residents see it.

The dog shuffles it deep into his cloak.

CHARON: Take it there's some bad history with these?
JB: Like I said, need to know basis.

The construct sighs, trying to get back on track.

JB: Today, Dr. Mandrake probably told you, your overall job is cleanup and getting whatever data we can from the old lab, which is a huge undertaking in and of itself.
JB: Frankly, we could use a much bigger crew than just you, Dr. Artag and myself as the frontrunners, but Dr. Artag insists that we keep the number of people involved as low as possible.
JB: So...we'll be tackling the highest priority areas, and moving from there.
JB: Recovering what crucial information we can and letting the lower level crew members take the rest after Dr. Artag gives clearance.
CHARON: I’m honestly more comfortable with a smaller crew anyway if there's a risk of an encounter.
CHARON: Big groups are difficult to manage, like to keep it simple.
JB: That too...larger groups mean more chances of panic, and it's harder to train bigger groups of people with our resources set aside for this project.
CHARON: Having to explain horror combat training in a budget meeting wouldn't exactly go too well...

JB takes a seat at a table, gesturing for the dog to join him.

JB: Do you have any questions for me before Dr. Artag gets here?

The dog follows suit and scoots into the chair.

CHARON: I suppose I'm curious from your perspective what kind of person our employer is.
CHARON: It's a little difficult to pin her down.
CHARON: I’d guess the tough type, but her intentions seem to be with others in mind.
JB: That's...a difficult question to answer.

His head sways from side to side slightly, thinking with a bird-like movement to him.

JB: She's no quitter, I can tell you that much.
JB: Very dedicated.
JB: This whole operation was her concept- whatever she didn't have the knowledge to understand, she either researched it herself or brought someone in after making a hundred percent sure they were qualified.
JB: She puts hard work into everything she does.
CHARON: That lines up with everything I've seen so far.
CHARON: I'm wondering how working here is going to end up in the long run, but we'll see soon enough.
JB: I will warn you... if you mess up, she won't be easy on you.
JB: This whole project is her life's work, more than anything else she does here.

JB’s tone is completely serious, if not outright grave.

JB: Sorry to put the pressure on on your first day, but...when you hear that she's rough above ground, you're hearing from people who don't even know about this venture.
JB: When it comes to this?
JB: She's all business.
CHARON: I don't plan to make mistakes if I can help it.
CHARON:  Every job has a lot on the line for me, family trade and all
CHARON:My family has a reputation and I have to live up to expectation, whether I want to or not..
JB: I don't know much about your whole "knight" deal, but that sounds about right...can't say I expected someone with your qualifications to be the one she ended up picking, but it makes sense.
CHARON: My qualifications?
JB: Slaying beasts and the like.
CHARON: I don't see how that's an issue, got plenty under my belt.
CHARON: Getting your license as a knight requires you to be more than a fighter. I’m a bit of a jack of all trades, registered as a medic under combat or crisis as well.
JB: I'm not doubting that- it was just a surprise to see it, I'm used to Dr. Artag doing more by the book picks.
JB: Sure, she picks eccentrics here and there, you need to in order to find people qualified for this kind of thing-

JB gestures to himself.

JB: Constructs like myself aren't exactly common around here either, and even though a lot of us are horror immune, good luck finding one that uses that immunity for an actual job.
JB: Kind of got this whole cultural thing about thinking they're cursed.
CHARON: Honestly, I can relate to a lot of that. Fiendish heritage, we’ve got a lot of our own stigmas and urban legends around us.
CHARON: Brings a number of perks though, radiation wouldn’t do much to me.
JB: Heh, I was actually meaning the horrors were cursed, but-

The sound of boots on tile starts echoing down the hall, someone approaching.

JB: That'd be Dr. Artag.

The dog adjusts his posture, making sure to fix anything that looks out of line on his person. JB tries not to snicker a little, but does his best to sit up straight all the same.

JB: Morning, doctor.
MAES: It's afternoon.
JB: Only by a few minutes.
CHARON: Are we heading out soon?

The director is wearing a thick, horror-proof, hazmat-like suit, mask tucked under one arm and a white cane in the other. A sword sheath lays across her back, thin but distinctly recognizable. She keeps her posture straight, moving straight ahead without stopping to acknowledge either of them much.

MAES: Momentarily, yes.
MAES: Your file said you won't be needing any protection from radiation, correct?
CHARON: That is correct, yes.
CHARON: I'm entirely immune, no personal risk of exposure..
CHARON: Still, need a shower nearby. Anything I trail back is still a risk for others.
MAES: There's one immediately available on your right after re-entering the upper levels.
MAES: I've been told you were briefed on what we're doing today, but to make sure you were paying attention- what is our task?
CHARON: Marking cells that need cleanup and collecting any data on what's within them.
CHARON: Gathering information on any other findings and prepping the place for further expansion for the sake of rehabilitation, yes?
MAES: Well done.

Her voice doesn't sound too impressed, but lacks any sort of coldness, at the very least.

MAES: And you know how to handle yourself around our residents?

The dog stands up from his chair.

CHARON: Keep things quiet, don't cause a panic.
MAES: And in the case of an emergency, what's your plan?
CHARON: Evacuate the other crew, prevent a full breach.
JB: And you're sure you're ready for this?

JB gets up from his own seat, pushing his chair in.

JB: The danger factor aside, once you're down there, you're going to be seeing and taking notes on things you won't be able to share with the outside world.
JB: Innocent lives are going to depend on that privacy.
CHARON: Been on jobs where sensitive information is a factor, I don't have any issue with this.
JB: I say he's ready.
JB: Enough putting him through the wringer.

Maes bristles at JB's interruption, but doesn't protest.

MAES: Very well. Lead the way.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 2-3-1.png]
[image description: ruby, a karacel with folded ears, stands in between two other karacels while wearing a doctor's outfit and a surgical mask. they have long dark hair, blue-gray fur, and tired eyes. one of the karacels near them has particularly large eyes, and the other towers over them.]

Entering the elevator for the lower levels has a sense of dread to it, something incredibly off about the air around the group as the lift begins to move. Charon grips the railings on the wall with a sense of anticipation- there'd been rumors and stories around the lab and the cleanup effort seemed like it was about to dabble into the leftovers of some of that.
The feeling only intensifies as they get deeper into the lab's underground, until the elevator finally comes to a rest.

MAES: We're here.

Maes is the first to step out, her mask strapped to her side.

MAES: The cleared out parts of Stasis, where we're checking in first, are a hundred percent safe from radiation- they have to be, for our residents' sake.
MAES: The places we're going to aside from that should be as well, they're far away enough from the wells...but I'll be masking up when we get there as a precaution.
CHARON: Noted.
CHARON: I must say I'm somewhat surprised to see someone of your position being this hands on and direct with the process.
CHARON: It's potentially dangerous work and your job is quite important to the lab.
MAES: I have a personal responsibility to see that this project is done right.

Her tone is curt, clearly not willing to elaborate as she walks ahead. Charon follows along.

CHARON: So how far deep underground are we right now?
JB: Deep enough that you'd be grateful for these thick concrete walls. We're right above some horror wells.

JB tries to keep his own tone a bit more upbeat, though there’s a bit of morbidity to it.

CHARON: We're actually inside the well? Fascinating.
JB: Well, not quite, but close enough to right by the edge.
JB: Gotta be this close to have access to as much as this project needed...

JB trails off, noticing Maes' tail lash in irritation. The director pushes open the door ahead of them, the sign above reading "STASIS" in worn down font.

MAES: Keep your voice down.

The dog gives a grunt of acknowledgement in response, watching how the other two react carefully for any cues.

The pair lead him forward, the first hall having only a few people lingering outside- two visibly mutated karacels in simple, casual wear and what seems to be a nurse, judging by the uniform- also a karacel. The nurse is tending to one of the karacel's legs, the cat in question sniffling and wiping their large eyes as their caretaker bandages a scrape. The other karacel looks like he didn't know what to do with himself, his expression turning guilty as he notices the newcomers entering the hall. All three of the cats are definitely adults, though the one who got scraped up definitely seems to be on the younger end of that.

JB leans over and whispers in Charon's ear.

JB: Rehab residents.
JB: Looks like they might have gotten too rowdy again.
CHARON: Hope nobody's gotten hurt too bad.
JB: Well...

JB makes a shaky hand gesture as they approach.

The nurse's ear twitches, turning to face the group. Their face is partially hidden under a surgical mask, but their eyes can be clearly seen, and incredibly tired ones at that.

????: it time for the check in already?

Charon stands by quietly, watching to see what’s going on. Maes goes to open her mouth and speak, but the nurse brushes right past her.

????: ...oh, you have the new guy.
She bristles as the other cat peers around at Charon, leaning in to get a good look at him.

?????: I'm Ruby.
RUBY: I work here with the other maybecats as a nurse and rehab specialist.

Charon holds out a hand.

CHARON: Charon Judgment, I'm the knight that was hired to assist with this project.
CHARON: I'm hired muscle and a little bit extra I suppose.

Any recognition towards the word "knight" that the other employees had is completely missing in the nurse, Ruby mostly nodding out of courtesy as she shakes his hand.

RUBY: Extra sounds nice, we could always use a little extra, I think.
RUBY: You came just as I was breaking up a skirmish between Amanda and Ruffles over there-

They turn and gesture at the two residents trying to sneak off.

RUBY: I'm not done with you two yet, you're getting written up for this!
CHARON: You deal with a lot of troublemakers around these parts?
RUBY: Pretty much all of them grew up with some kind of fighting in their background, and some of them still see it as a way to either solve disputes or just blow off some steam.
RUBY: Thankfully, this time, it was just the latter- just goofing around like dumb kids do-

Maes cuts in.

MAES: Aren't they twenty years old?
RUBY: Well, yes- but people still play around at that age.
RUBY: Amanda just scraped her leg on some broken glass, it's not exactly the safest place to screw around in.
CHARON: I've seen plenty in their 20s do that sort of thing.
CHARON: I do hope everyone is okay.
RUBY: Just needed some first aid, they'll be fine.
RUBY: I'd love to get some kind of proper rec room or something down here, better than what we have set up, but...I'm worried they'll just use it to hold wrestling tournaments.

Their frown can be felt from behind their mask.

RUBY: I don't limit what kind of media can be brought down from the surface at all, but the day they discovered that on the TV we have down here, I knew we were screwed.
CHARON: That'd honestly be pretty funny if it weren't for the fact that someone needs to clean up after.
CHARON: I pray they never discovered... the chair.

From the somehow even more tired look on Ruby's face, someone had definitely discovered the chair. Charon holds back a laugh.

CHARON: I'm so sorry.

Ruby glances over at Maes, seeing her tail lash in irritation again. They gesture for the group to start walking down the hall, giving Amanda and Ruffles a quick pat on their way by.

RUBY: coming back for you two later
RUBY: Well, it helps that they're durable for the most part...and the majority of them know by now not to mess with the ones that aren't.
RUBY: Growing up together for years will do that, even if they definitely have their share of rivalries.
CHARON: I'm glad to hear that much, I'd imagine that if they've grown up with each other they'd have a sense of family.
CHARON: At the very least, so they won't feel lonely and be able to support each other.
RUBY: Well...more or less.
RUBY: In the younger generation, yes, absolutely. Older generations, not so much.

They pass by another karacel resident, this one having to be in her late 30's- and looking far, far more fragile than someone in that age range should be.

RUBY: Afternoon, Agnes.
RUBY: Don't forget your meds. Your bones need those.

Charon watches quietly, not wanting to interrupt any routines. Once they pass by, Ruby continues on.

RUBY: Like I was saying...the older residents, they don't get along as easy.
RUBY: Therapy groups get a little testy.
RUBY: Those are the fights you have to watch out for, especially because they're the more fragile group as well...those are the injuries that might not heal.
CHARON: I take it they haven't had the same opportunities with rehab as the younger ones?
RUBY: Well, our rehab program started about…
JB: Seven years ago.
RUBY: Seven years ago! When Maes took over.
MAES: me Dr. Artag, please.
RUBY: Fine, fine, when Dr. Artag took over.
RUBY: It took a few years to start up proper therapy programs and start making this Stasis sector into a center for the residents, compared to the shabby setup we had before, god knows that just reinforced people’s bad mental states.
RUBY: The Devil’s Advocacy project itself had been going for a bit under 60 years when she cut in, which is honestly kind of incredible-

Maes is gripping her cane noticeably tighter at this point in Ruby’s monologue, her frown deepening. Charon quickly takes notice, trying to save the mood.

CHARON: Ah, I'm sorry if this was a sensitive subject at all.
CHARON: I was just curious about how this place works.
CHARON: I figured it would make it easier for me to really... understand the mindset of the staff I suppose- but I've taken up enough time.
RUBY: Oh, I'm an open book when it comes to questions.
RUBY: Mae- Dr. Artag just doesn't like me talking about it, even though I have just as much right to.

Their tone is upbeat despite the almost passive aggressive wording. Charon doesn't put in another word.

RUBY: ...suit yourself!
RUBY: Feel free to come by for a history lesson when you're done cleaning up.
MAES: Which we should really get to doing, Ruby.

Maes is practically gritting her teeth.

RUBY: Cells 120 through 140 all need checking to start, from there you can check back and I can see what you need to do next.

The nurse unlocks a door and ducks in for a moment, bringing out two clipboards with note sheets and writing utensils attached-  one set up for touch script, and the other with a standard pencil- before handing them to Maes and Charon respectively.

RUBY: Dr. Artag knows the drill.
RUBY: JB, I need your help fixing up some things in the kitchen, if that's alright…
JB: Oh, sure…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 2-4-1.png]
[image description: charon glancing back at the camera, his no-entry sign pupil looking particularly freaked as he's face to face with a grimy, tiled cell- with a pile of cardboard in the corner, covered in feline teeth.]

Charon turns toward Maes.

CHARON: Doctor, what are some of the subtleties to look for on this job?
CHARON: Assume there's specifics in mind.
MAES: Things left behind by the cells' past inhabitants is the big one, though I wouldn't call that subtle.
MAES: They didn't tend to have possessions, but there were exceptions, and there are the occasional...remains.
MAES: Do you need gloves?
CHARON: I should be fine with what I have, can sanitize just fine.
MAES: Very well.

She starts walking ahead, only to stop herself with a huff.

MAES: ...Please lead the way to cell 120, there should be a sign on the wall.
MAES: Ruby always gets me lost in these hallways, no goddamn respect, and the guidance system isn’t installed down here yet...
CHARON: Certainly.

He starts walking up ahead.

CHARON: Doesn’t seem like you two get along much...
MAES: Mmm.

She grumbles, tail still twitching in agitation.

MAES: a good job down here, otherwise.
CHARON: That much is certainly good to hear.
CHARON: I’ve heard you were the one in charge of launching the rehabilitation project?
CHARON: Wouldn’t mind a little bit of your perspective on it…
CHARON: On your left, careful.

He turns a corner, careful not to go too far ahead. Her ears perks up slightly, her pace quickening as she’s able to keep closer to his side.

MAES: My perspective? In what sense?
CHARON: What it means to you, long term goals. Clearly you're putting a lot of work into this.
MAES: Like I said before, I have personal investment in this project and making sure it goes well.
MAES: What that personal investment is and how deep it goes is private, but know that I will do whatever it takes to achieve my goals here.
MAES: As for what said goals are...I'd like it so that the residents here are able to rejoin society- well, no.
MAES: Join society, more like it.
CHARON: They've never really had the chance to begin with.
MAES: Mmm.
CHARON: Hope it works out for them. Everyone deserves that chance.
CHARON: Right turn here.
MAES: Thank you.
MAES: We've been able to start releasing people in the past few years- generally people from the middle range age groups.
MAES: The older groups have too many health issues to be safely released above ground, though some are pending regardless...I'm not going to prevent someone from trying if they want to risk their last few years on the surface.
CHARON: Mm... ever been outside yourself?
MAES: ...No.
CHARON: Any reason?
MAES: None that I'm willing to share with someone I just hired.
CHARON: That's fair… we’re here. We should get to taking notes.
MAES: Cell 120, then.

She steps forward, pulling a clearance card out of her pocket and opening the first cell.

The interior is clean for the most part, some dull, near completely faded stains on the far wall.

MAES: How does it look, visually?
MAES: I can keep track of certain things that you'll almost definitely miss and wouldn't know to look for in the first place, but I'll need you to be my eyes.
CHARON: It looks mostly fine... can't tell if that's minor water damage or something else though.
CHARON: Either way, nothing that's a big issue from the exterior view of things.
MAES: Most likely blood, and if you’re not freaking out, likely fairly minor. We can get someone to get that out.
MAES: Nothing left behind, no cracks in the walls or tile?

Charon takes a thorough look around, finding nothing of importance.

CHARON: It seems fine.
MAES: Next cell, then.

The next cell, unfortunately, has the distinct presence of feline teeth piled up in the corner, almost as if someone had hoarded them there.

CHARON: There's... teeth?
CHARON: There's just teeth here.

Maes doesn't seem concerned in the slightest, letting her cane hang from her wrist strap while tapping her stylus against the corner of her clipboard.

MAES: What condition, how many, describe how they're arranged.

He walks on over and took a closer look. There have to be at least a mouth and a half's worth of teeth over there, and they’re definitely bigger than normal- and while still looking grimy, they’re meticulously piled, consciously so.

CHARON: They're organized, like someone's been collecting them for a while. Large, a mouthful of them.
CHARON: They've got a bit of...grime.
MAES: Mmm.

She takes down her notes, thinking it over.

MAES: Going to have to see if that lines up with any of the residents.
MAES: They're old, I'm guessing?
CHARON: Mm. That phrasing concerns me, but they are certainly not fresh.
MAES: You'll have to get over that if you want to keep up.
MAES: We'll clean these up after our run through. Next cell.

The next cell is completely clean, not a stain on it.

The one after, however, has scratch marks all along the walls, deep and left behind by something far larger than either of them.

MAES: Is it clean?
CHARON: Seems to be, a little scraped but otherwise good.
MAES: How scraped are we talking? Is the damage repairable, and where is it?
CHARON: Scratch marks on the wall all around.

She walks forward and traces her hands along them, feeling the grooves.

MAES: It'll take some work, but we've worked with worse.
CHARON: Are you going to smooth them out or just have to add a new layer over it?
MAES: Smoothing them out should do the trick...and that's everything? No stains?
CHARON: None to speak of as far as I can tell.
MAES: These are going easier than usual.
CHARON: What's the usual like?

Maes leaves him hanging in the moment, but his question is answered soon enough.

The next cell has an unidentifiable red mass growing from the ceiling, dripping an equally distressing liquid into a large pool on the floor.

MAES: ...Judging from your stunned silence, this one's a bit more standard.
CHARON: What am I even looking at?
CHARON: It's like a weird lump leaking everywhere.
MAES: Does it look organic?
CHARON: It might be. Likely. Not sure entirely what it is though.
MAES: My best guess is the remains of what would have ideally been a resident.
MAES: Stand back.

Charon steps back, letting her take the lead here. Maes reaches up with her cane, giving it a poke. The mass doesn't budge, only dripping a bit more fluid. The karacel makes a face, her muzzle crumpling up slightly under her mask.

MAES: Mmmrgh.
MAES: Well, whatever it is, it doesn't appear alive, or at the very least, responsive.
CHARON: It's hard to believe it was ever a person in the state it's in.
MAES: Any features at all? Limbs, anything?
CHARON: It's kind of just a gore mass.
MAES: I'll have to go back in the records to see if there's anything that lines up with this...
CHARON: Let’s pray it's not too much of a biohazard.
MAES: It's not good, that's for sure. We'll prioritize clearing that out.

The next cell has another mass, this time hunched in the corner, and distinctly more person-like. Maes steps inside and takes a moment to tap it with her cane before sighing, letting him by.

MAES: Please tell me that's not what I think it is, and that the cell is clean.
CHARON: It's terrible.

She makes a distinct growl of irritation, tail flicking from side to side.

MAES: Just my luck...I'm going to have to call some other staff in here, there's no way the two of us are going to be able to remove two of these in a timely manner.
CHARON: Is this what a more typical day of this tends to be?
MAES: More or less, though two masses this big is particularly unlucky.
MAES: Usually any remnants are properly decayed after a minimum of 7 years, but anomalies like this happen.
CHARON: I don't understand how a mass like that survives for over half a decade…
MAES: I'm a surgeon, and I'm just as out of the loop- but stranger things have happened.

She gives it another test poke with her cane, getting no response.

MAES: Good, this one's dead too.
MAES: I'd hate for it to have been someone left here, I'd have the people doing the initial sweeps for residents' hides over that.
CHARON: I really hope you're not implying there's people who've survived this long like this.

She tilts her head towards him slightly, her tone cold.

MAES: If someone was still out here, I would know about it by now, and if somehow, in any way, I didn't, I would find whoever was responsible for inspecting in my stead and have them held responsible.
MAES: I may not be able to look around by myself, but I see to it that this job gets done.
CHARON: ...Fair, I suppose.
CHARON: Should we call for assistance now or shall we wrap up documenting the cells first?
MAES: Finish documenting, just in case there's any more of these...

Thankfully, the next cell is clean.

MAES: Tell me some good news, Judgment.
CHARON: This one actually seems all fine. Dusty, but otherwise easy.
MAES: Mmm. Good.
MAES: You don't sound as scared off as I expected you to be after that.
CHARON: What do you mean?
MAES: Most new hires end up vomiting as soon as we get to any kind of gore, and we have to let them go.
CHARON: It's an occupational hazard that comes with knighthood, I'm prepared for it.
MAES: Not as many nosy questions out of you, either.
CHARON: Sounds like a common issue.
MAES: Common enough that I don't usually go out with anyone but JB as my eyes during inspections, but he's been needed for other tasks.
MAES: Synna insisted the job could use some fresh blood more suited to things than grunt work, both to help speed things along and to aid me in the duties I insist on handling personally...and now you're here.
CHARON: And what are your overall impressions so far?
MAES: You certainly left a distinct one at your interview.

She raises her brows a bit, keeping her voice even.

CHARON: Can't tell if that's a good distinct or a bad one.
MAES: You got the job, didn't you?
CHARON: I did.
MAES: Most people would take that as a success.
CHARON: I suppose I'll consider it that...
MAES: You don't sound all that convinced.
CHARON: I just wonder, that's really all.

Maes thinks it over for a moment.

MAES: I'm not used to people managing to pull off an interview while practically drooling over me at the same time.
MAES: The fact that you managed to prioritize conveying the information you needed to over whatever was going through your head shows that while you likely have some kind of perversion towards monstrous features, you cared more about the job and kept it from becoming a liability.
MAES: I'm hoping that's a trend that continues.
MAES: How is that for impressions?
CHARON: Quite the analysis, and a rather large confirmation that you noticed something I suspected you did.
CHARON: Surprised it didn't urge you to kick me out.
MAES: Are you going to give me reason to kick you out?
CHARON: As tempting as it would be to test you, I need the pay more.
MAES: Depending on your definition of "test", you might end up strung up like the corpse in the past cell.

She drums her claws on her cane, starting off towards the next cell.

MAES: You're best off doing the job you came here to do, and don't get your hopes up for anything more.

From the look on her face, it’s almost as if she’s reassuring herself of it too.

CHARON: I've survived much worse, though I do suppose we should save this sort of banter for after the job.
CHARON: How much more ground do we have left to cover?
MAES: Fourteen cells, by my count.
MAES: Then we report back and figure out the cleanup procedure from there- and we will be chipping in if possible.
MAES: I don't like leaving the crew by themselves...
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 2-5-1.png]
[image description: maes' gloved hand aggressively pointing at ruby, the nurse pulling away slightly. there is a warm tone to the image, though in a way that looks almost sickly.]
The rest of the cells are fairly easy to manage, aside from one other far down the hall having another flesh mass (much to Maes' irritation). Many of them are definitely in disrepair, stained with old blood, unknown substances or scratched along the walls and floors, but aside from the corpse, they all seem workable.

MAES: Three corpses...tch.
MAES: We're lucky none of the residents have clearance to these cells, the last thing we need is them seeing something like this.
CHARON: Any one of them is enough to make someone gag, can’t blame them.
CHARON: I'm holding up fine though, that all said.
MAES: I suppose I'll have to give you points for that, you're faring better than I thought you would.

She sighs, looking stressed already.

MAES: Start leading us back...JB isn't going to like this news.
CHARON: We'll return quickly and try to get this over with as smoothly as possible.
MAES: You say that as if we won't be spending hours prying flesh off of walls, I'm willing to bet it's ingrown into the building at this point...
CHARON: Is that a thing that happens?
MAES: Stranger has happened, here.

Maes does not elaborate.

CHARON: I'm used to strange, so I'm sure I'll feel at home.
MAES: I don't think I've ever heard someone describe feeling "at home" here.
CHARON: Here in the lab or here deep underground? Because I can settle for either fine.
MAES: Really. You could settle into a place you just discovered three corpses in.
CHARON: I've seen worse.
MAES: Mmm.

The two of them approach Ruby's office, the nurse talking with an older resident. They turn to face them as soon as they wrap up, ears perked.

RUBY: Ah, you're did the cleanup go?
CHARON: Gonna need some help removing organic remains.

He looks toward Maes.

CHARON: Boss, you probably have a better handle over discussing procedure.

Her ear twitches at the term "boss", but she makes no further comment as she hands over her notes.

MAES: We found three masses of flesh, all of which we confirmed to be deceased, or at the very least non-living. They're most likely corpses.
RUBY: Hmm, all in a similar fashion?
MAES: Yes, as far as we can tell.
RUBY: Might have been a specific shared test group...we probably have something on record.
RUBY: How large are we dealing with?
MAES: Large enough that we're going to need more crew, and you're definitely going to want to keep them away from the residents' eyes.
RUBY: Please. You know I always do, Dr. Artag. I'll arrange it-

They reach over to take Charon's notes as well, looking them over.

RUBY: How'd you handle it yourself?

Charon passes them over, everything numbered and written down neatly.

CHARON: Fine I suppose, why?
RUBY: It's nice to see someone who doesn't balk at the sight of a little bit of blood. Finding people who are willing to work with us is so hard.

They nod, checking everything.

RUBY: Yeah, this all looks good.
RUBY: Nicely done.
RUBY: Next time, be sure to write down any kind of feelings you get when you enter the room.
RUBY: Didn't Maes tell you about that?
MAES: Dr. Artag, and no, I did not, and I'm not enforcing that.
CHARON: When you say feelings, what do you mean?
CHARON: Wouldn’t happen to be talking about a certain chill of the spine?
RUBY: Yes, exactly.
RUBY: Things like that, especially if they're more distinct.
CHARON: I’ll take note in the future.

Maes makes an irritated sound under her breath, but Ruby seems plenty pleased.

RUBY: Thank you! I need it for my research-

They start coughing a bit, covering their mouth with their elbow even despite the cloth mask already doing the job.

RUBY: Don't mind me, just a cold.
CHARON: What are you researching exactly?
RUBY: I'm curious as to what remains along with the physical-
MAES: I've told you before that I don't want any time invested into it, Ruby.
MAES: Don't task him with this.
CHARON: I've.. actually had a few experiences with what you're talking about, so I'd be willing to assist where I can.
RUBY: Excellent.
RUBY: I like him, Maes.
MAES: Dr. Artag.

Maes grits her teeth. Ruby pays it no mind, looking just as chipper.

RUBY: You both should come and help me catch JB up on what you found before we go get the cleanup crew together, he'll want to be in the loop-

Before Ruby could get another word out, a siren starts blaring, Maes crumpling over and covering her ears. Ruby practically flings the clipboards into their office, running for their keycards.

RUBY: Okay, finding JB now.

Charon sticks with Maes, going to help her up.

CHARON: Sirens?
CHARON: What's happening?

Maes struggles to her feet as she adjusts to the sound, fur on end.

MAES: ...breach.
MAES: A damn horror breach.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 2_27_05_24_9_04_46.png]

[image description: a cover for the third episode of universal constants: Foxtrot Horrorshow. a horror glares down maes in a horror-proof radiation suit, the visor covered in a horror radiation warning sign. the visuals of the cover are distorted and discordant.]

[Image: 2_27_05_24_9_05_04.png]

[image description: maes, charon, and ruby racing down a hall, maes' visor covered with a horror radiation hazard sign as she touches the wall and grips a half-collapsed cane. charon follows behind, and ruby takes the lead.]

Charon starts sliding his cloak off his shoulders, offering out toward Maes to help her muffle out the overstimulation of the sirens screaming.

CHARON: A horror?

Maes starts collapsing her cane without much acknowledgement for the dog- or dignity for that matter. The noise is clearly taking its toll quickly, the karacel’s face scrunched up and grimacing as she settles for halfway closed with a huff. Charon tosses his cape back on as the two of them prep to get moving- there’s no denying the urgency. Ruby seemed to be on the same train of thought; a large firearm in one hand and keycards in the other, quickly stuffed into their coat pockets as they leave their office. With Ruby giving a gesture, the three get moving together.

RUBY: JB was by one of the surveillance stations, w-we'll be able to locate the breach from there.
RUBY: Chances are he's already initiating lockdown of this sector- I'm not going to be able to come with you when you go handle it, I have too much to take care of here!
CHARON: I need its location as soon as possible, would like to handle it without anyone else being at risk of engagement.
CHARON: Crew and wait back on standby to seal the breach up after.
MAES: You're not handling this alone.

Maes manages to snarl her words out over the din of the sirens, her voice slightly distorted through the mask's filter.

MAES: I've taken these down with JB's help before you got here.
CHARON: You hired me for this purpose, if you're coming with me I want you to promise me you're not going to get yourself hurt.
MAES: I can handle myself!

A massive metal door slams behind them as they run, just narrowly missing them. Ruby tries not to wheeze as they talk, having more than a bit of trouble with their cough.

RUBY: That's JB with the lockdown...we're almost there!
Charon does his best to maintain a sprint, struggling with the stiffness of his heavy braces more than he’d like. Maes keeps to his side, keeping a hold on his arm and not straying too far from him.

Ruby skids to a stop, opening up the door to a room at the end of the hall and scaring the large construct inside shitless.

JB: For the- thank god you're safe, is that Dr. Artag and Judgment?
RUBY: They're here to help, I have to get back and make sure no one got caught outside the rehab sector.

Maes steps forward, her expression visibly strained even through the now-fogged up mask’s glow.

MAES: Do you have a location on the breach?
JB: Yes, and it's close, too close for comfort.
JB: If we don't move soon, we risk it approaching any minute now.
JB: From the reference I was able to get on the surveillance footage, it's not too big that we can't take it out, but it's not a solo job.
JB: Usually Dr. Artag and I handle these ourselves, but providing our newest recruit doesn't mind getting his hands dirty on his first day, I can operate locking down areas from here to keep it from escaping while you corner it and knock it back into the pit.
CHARON: Just toss me straight at it, I can handle it nice and clean.
JB: ...what, you just want to kill it?
CHARON: Not necessarily, though if that’s your preference for the job I can handle that.
JB: It's a horror and it's going to mutate the residents if we don't do anything, I don't care what you do with it as long as you don't get yourself killed on the first day.

Ruby starts to duck out as JB talks, not bothering to say goodbye in the chaos.

JB: I'll get a crew ready to seal the breach as soon as you've disposed of it one way or another.
CHARON: That's fine, just point me where to go from here.
JB: Down the hall to your right, two lefts from there. Dr. Artag, you have your sword, correct-
MAES: It's fine. I just want to handle this thing and go home.

She practically growls the words out, getting an affirmative nod from the construct.

JB: Good luck. I'll turn off the sirens to make it easier on your ears.

With that, the two are sent down the hall, the alarm bells finally silenced and replaced with a sinking dread.

Charon fiddles with his gauntlets in anticipation for what's to come.

CHARON: Did you come prepared with everything you need?

Maes unsheathes the sword on her back and expands her cane, holding each in a hand.

MAES: I’ll be collapsing my cane when we get close, and I’m plenty capable with a blade.
MAES: I’d generally prefer to use my claws and teeth in combat, but with a horror, that’s not really an option.
CHARON: If you're certain.
MAES: I am.
MAES: Don’t doubt me.

She starts walking, gesturing for the knight to lead her.

MAES: ...I will need you to function as a guide, however.
MAES: JB and I had a system- I would call out when I needed to get my bearings, and he would respond with key signal words.
MAES:  Left, right, above, charging, typically relating to the horror- but whether you’re attacking it is important too.
MAES: One word signals. No sentences. The only time I want to hear more than one word is if you need to clarify whether it’s you attacking or the horror- necessary information.
MAES: You keep up with me and do not hesitate when I call on you- and if I am going to miss something, act before I call.
MAES: Do you understand?
CHARON: I can operate under these conditions.
MAES: I am putting a significant amount of trust on your shoulders.
MAES: This goes beyond proving yourself to me, this is both of our lives at stake, and the lives of the people here.
MAES: Do not fuck this up.

The rest of their walk is silent.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
A deafening crash comes from up ahead, Maes freezing in her tracks and collapsing her cane as quietly as possible. She moves quickly but with very little sound as she attaches the aid to her hip, the cane snapping onto the belt found there.

MAES: Sounds like we're close.
MAES: Don’t let me lose that.
CHARON: I won’t.
CHARON: The horror’s not in view yet, but stay on guard regardless.

Charon takes the lead.

[Image: 2_10_06_24_4_48_42.png]

[image description: an image of a morbitian horror hanging from the corner of a room, made up of pitch black, amorphous tendrils. it has one scribbly eye and what appears to be an open maw. the background is made up of of a collage of text files.]

The chamber ahead is decently open spaced, long-since empty glass tubes lining the wall. Judging from the thickness of the material, they aren't meant to hold standard substances.

The most notable feature of the room, however, is a spindly, many-legged horror, impossibly dark and stretching itself along the walls. It has to be around eight feet tall, and seems to be occupied in fussing with hanging wires.

MAES: Is it there?
MAES: Describe it.

Charon keeps his voice somewhat low.

CHARON: It's in front of us, quite large, many limbs.
MAES: Where is it in relation to us?

The two of them have some distance between their position and the wall sporting the horror, who appears content to tug and tear at the electrical cables hanging loose.

CHARON: Decently ahead, it's messing with power cables.
CHARON: I could approach it to help you get a good gauge of its positioning.

Maes nods.  

MAES: Call out if it notices you.
MAES: I'd rather be aware of it than be caught off guard.

Charon walks up to it very slowly, keeping enough distance just enough to safely duck out should its attention be drawn toward him.

The horror doesn't turn, but some of the bristles on its back seem to change its silhouette ever so slightly- possibly just enough to be a trick of the eye.

After all, it’s still messing with cables, tilting its head and nipping at them, only to hiss when it gets shocked.

CHARON: I'm going to bait it away from the cables so we can take it down safely.
CHARON: Be ready.

Maes gets into a fighting stance, holding her sword at the ready.

MAES: One word signals. Be communicative.
CHARON: Baiting.

Charon lets out a sudden crackling noise from his gauntlet to try and call its attention. The bristles on the horror’s back spike out, the creature tilting its head all the way around to face him with a low hiss.

CHARON: I’m noticed.

He starts pacing backward, continuing to let the gauntlet spark. The horror focuses its attention on the sparks, starting to move its many legs off of the wall and stretching them down onto the floor, approaching curiously.

MAES: Call.
CHARON: Approaching.

Charon stops at a midpoint, away from the wall and close enough for Maes to be able to engage with it the moment he makes the call. The horror cranes its neck in closer, seeming to extend beyond what length it looked to be earlier- it looks like it wants the sparks, filled with the same attention it had to the wires.

Charon reaches out toward it with an electrified gauntlet.

CHARON: Interacting.

The horror opens its mouth just slightly, not going in for a bite so much as a slight nip.

CHARON: Striking.

He discharges the gauntlet as it gets in proximity, a very quick, close-ranged jolt. Maes takes the opportunity to charge forward as the horror reels back with a shriek.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 2_02_07_24_5_33_56.png]
[image description: an action panel of maes and charon facing off against the horror, faint code text overlaid on top as an accent. charon is standing and ready to fight, while maes stands stanced with her sword- blunted at the tip. a strange, metal plated figure stands behind charon, the plates themselves like a dress. its head is an abstract shape, barely visible in frame. the horror has chunks of ice piercing through its head, a lance sticking out.]

Charon steps to the side, quick to yell orders.

CHARON: Aim vertical, pull back on impact.
MAES: Short commands!

Even with the irritation, she follow directions immediately, gritting her teeth and getting the most efficient strike in she cans.

It isn't nearly enough to hit the slime beast for lethal, the creature swinging in a confused scramble.

CHARON: Stay low!
It's sudden, but Charon swore he can see Maes bend...almost unnaturally, cartoonishly, as she ducks, quick on her feet.

As if there's no spine to worry about.

It doesn't really matter too much in the moment, as long as she's safe... Right now the two of them needed space. As much as Maes wouldn't like it, a bit of magic was needed right now.

CHARON: Swinging big, back up!

A lift of his cape manifests a large, metal plated knight- zero hesitation as it slams into the horror with a thundering crash.


Maes skitters backwards, ears back and breathing hard.

MAES: What did you DO-?
CHARON: Worry about it later!

A second crash, the phantom knight pressing its weight down against the creature, taking a moment to pierce it with a lance- much to the horror's dismay. The beast howls, echoing and horrible, as the area around the wound crystalizes into ice.

CHARON: Creating opening!

She almost seems to roar as she charges in.

CHARON: Minimizing risk!

The towering knight throws the horror onto the ground.

CHARON: Swing low!
Her strike is brutal, slicing deep into the horror with a terrifying amount of force.

Charon joined in, pummeling the creature to limit its ability to strike back. Loose tendrils begin to flail around in response, at risk of belting anyone too close.

CHARON: Raise your guard!

Maes narrowly dodges getting hit by one, slashing away at the tendril and risking another critical strike.

The risk of Maes getting struck is too clear- the tendrils picking up pace as the creature's form became less distinct. The knight takes matters into its own hands and jumps in front of the cat.

CHARON: Hold fire!

She pulls back with a loud hiss, fur puffing up under her suit- clearly jostled from his voice not matching up with what was in front of her.

The knight takes the full brunt of the horror's attacks, using the opportunity to tire the horror by trading blows.

CHARON: Backing you up!

Charon whips out a large metal weapon out of his cloak- seemingly from nowhere at all- and makes his way over, close to the cat's shoulder.

CHARON: I'm here.
She seems to take a moment to breathe at that, a little bit of the edge taken off...but not much.

MAES: Oh, are you?
MAES: Show me how to kill this thing or it'll be your head too!

The dog gestures to the knight, already in the middle of repositioning the horror, looking more than ready to end this.

CHARON: Covering high, swing right going low.
Charon makes a quick swing with the weapon's blunt end,  deflecting every tendril to create a opening.

Maes gets to her feet with a deep inhale, taking the chance and nailing it right in the front of its skull, piercing deep-

-causing the horror to cry out in agony, a terrible, miserable sound.

Charon can't help but wince at that. The horror too large to kill in a single clean swing.

CHARON: Drag the sword toward you.
MAES: Go down!

She can't help but snarl at the beast, slicing clean through and splattering pitch black slime all over the three of them.

The ghost knight dissipates quickly, its job done. Charon waves his hand, torching the mess off of himself as if it was never there at all.

CHARON: Danger eliminated.
CHARON: Any injuries on your end?

Maes stands there, trying to catch her breath.

It's a moment before she speaks.

MAES: We will have ten minutes maximum before the cleanup crew comes.
MAES: So- you have ten minutes to explain what the fuck you were doing, before I shove you into the breach along with this thing.

Another deep exhale, shaky.

MAES: If you-
MAES: If you use magic, or whatever that was-
MAES: I need to know.
MAES: I cannot see what you are doing.
MAES: I trust you- I rely on you, when you are my partner in combat.
MAES: So whatever explanation you have, for why the hell you chose to OMIT INFORMATION, when I SPECIFICALLY told you to communicate, it better be damn good.
CHARON: ...You said you didn't want to engage with it.
MAES: I didn't-

She looks like she's about to pop a gasket.

MAES: When I say I don't want to engage with it, I-

Maes presses her masked face into her hand.

MAES: didn't tell me, because you didn't want to upset me.
MAES: That's your reasoning?
CHARON: You've put me in a bigger bind than you might've realized.
CHARON: You made it clear you wanted to avoid interacting with that aspect. You insisted on being on the frontline today.
CHARON: It becomes paradoxical quickly.

The dog reaches over to the now limp ooze, pulling his lance out of the melting frost.  

CHARON: I'd rather guarantee safety and deal with the consequences of breaking orders later.. so if you'd have me fired go ahead, I'm not playing with lives operating at half capacity.

Her whole face scrunches up, trying to process this.

MAES: ...
MAES: helped me kill that horror more quickly and with less casualties than I'm used to.
MAES: I'll give you that.
MAES: Neither of us were seriously hurt, and we didn't need a crew.
MAES: When there's a crew?
MAES: Even a highly trained crew?
MAES: There are debilitations.
MAES: Worst case?
MAES: Deaths.
MAES: Worse than that?
MAES: Terrorification, and then more of the same.
MAES: I have lost many, many people to breaches.
MAES: Good people.
MAES: I recognize that keeping that kind of skill on this project, regardless of your shitty, shitty decision to pretend I didn't need to know what was going on, would be more beneficial than firing you.
MAES: It's practical.
MAES: You are good at what you do and you saved lives today.
MAES: But if you want me to not be  a fucking nightmare every time we have to speak to each other, I need you to be honest with me.
MAES: Give me some reason to believe that I should trust you after that.
MAES: Not your skills.
MAES: You.

Charon's at a loss for words.

????: He needs my assistance, we're a bit of a package deal..

The knight had reappeared discreetly enough for neither of them to notice.

????: I think it's only fair if I have say in this too..

Maes freezes.

MAES: ...I-
MAES: It talks.
MAES: Your- the thing that jumped in front of me.
MAES: It talks.
CHARON: .. I don't think thing is the right word but yes.

She turns to face the knight, ears still somewhat back.

MAES: ...not a thing, then.
MAES: You're a person.
MAES: Is that correct?
CHARON: Mmmm, in a different way from you and Charon.
CHARON: Check for yourself.
MAES: ...fine.
MAES: Hold out your hand.

The knight does so.

She reaches out, flinching as she makes contact.

MAES: ...real.
MAES: You're actually real, tangible.
MAES: ...
MAES: said you were assisting him.
MAES: An aide?
CHARON: Mmhmm!
CHARON: For over a decade at this point I suppose.

That seems to hit, her expression losing some of its severity.

MAES: ...since he was a child, then.
MAES: Or- teenager.
???: That's when I first manifested, yes..
MAES: ...

She is quiet, scrunching her eyes shut before letting out a long, exasperated sigh.

MAES: ...fine.
MAES: If you want to keep this job, meet me in my office after getting cleaned up.
MAES: Don't be late or waste my time.
MAES: I have questions, and if I'm going to work with you- either of you, I want answers.
MAES: Do I make myself clear?
????: Of course..
CHARON: Bring in reports and check out for the day?
MAES: Correct.
MAES: ...don't make me regret this.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 3-1-4.png]
[image description: maes, charon, and the bizarre geometric knight charon had summoned in battle- all sitting in an office, and all looking varying degrees of tense.]
Maes' office was the same place as it was before...though feeling more intimidating with every step. Most people in this part of the facility had gone home by now or retired to their own rooms to handle paperwork, leading the halls to feel far more empty than they had been with his interview.

It isn't too long until he reached the door. He'd made sure to clean himself off thoroughly in advance, anything less- is likely asking to be grilled.

He gave three knocks on the door, polite but audible.

MAES: Come in.

Her response is immediate, cutting.

Charon makes his way in, door closing just as quick as he opened it.

MAES: ...Judgment.

She's back in the same outfit in he had seen her wear during the interview, albeit more hunched over than expected- her posture no longer straight and rigid.

CHARON: I'm here as promised.
MAES: On time, as well.

She sighs.

MAES: Passed the first test, I suppose.
MAES: Sit.

He follows along, getting situated.

MAES: ...

She takes a deep breath.

MAES: I said.
MAES: It would be highly impractical to fire you, as upset as I am.
MAES: I have many issues with how that went.
MAES: I have many issues with how you handled this, and what you chose to withhold from me.
MAES: However.
MAES: I recognize that I have also caused issues for you, in ways that do not match the standards of how I treat the people I work with.
MAES: We have a conflict of needs.
MAES: I want to hash that out before either of us do something reckless, as stressful and agonizing as this conversation may be.
CHARON: I understand so far.
CHARON: It's... difficult, if I'm honest.
CHARON: Not just withholding information which I will accept fault in but.. it feels necessary.
CHARON: Survival.
CHARON: You are hardly the first case of this happening admittedly...
MAES: And what did you do in those situations?
CHARON: I finished the job and took the pink slip.
MAES: Is that your plan here, as well?
MAES: Because if so, I'd rather not waste my time.
MAES: I'm offering you the opportunity to avoid that.
MAES: Are you willing to work with it?
CHARON: I'm willing.
MAES: Well...the fact that you have history with this means we have something to analyze, at least.

She leans back.

MAES: ...and my own history as well.
MAES: A....compromise, can likely be found.
MAES: should I...refer to...the whole...matter, before.
MAES: With the other being.
MAES: You said that it's not a "thing", so what should I call it?
CHARON: She goes by Mar.
CHARON: Proxy, extension of self manifested.  
CHARON: It's old magic but incredibly powerful and I owe her my life.
MAES: ...she.
MAES: Understood.

She nods, taking a moment to process.

MAES: ...I've heard the word proxy before.
MAES: We've had some cases come up, particularly when horror mutation interacts...negatively.
MAES: But I generally pass along those cases, due to inexperience and difficulty acquiring experience.
MAES: While you have been saved by magic- I abhor it.
MAES: It has been nothing but-

She shakes her head.

MAES: Specifics don't matter.
MAES: But here I am, working with a magic user, and one who requires it for aid.
MAES: As much as I loathe the topic at would be cruel to prevent you from utilizing something like that.
MAES: I'm far too aware of that myself.
MAES: ...can she be...summoned, or something?
MAES: You called her out during the fight, I'm assuming.
MAES: I'd...rather have her here for this, as well.
MAES: If nothing else, I may as well get used to it while not fighting for my life.
CHARON: I can ask h-
MAR: I'm here!

Mar appears without making a single noise other than her voice.

MAR: I've been listening in, figured I should.

Maes does her best not to look startled, claws still digging into the desk a bit.

MAES: ...I'd like to propose that we find a way of announcing that less abruptly.
MAR: Sorry...

The dog clears his throat.

CHARON: Mar is pretty quiet, doesn't really make much of a noise when she moves or manifests.
MAES: While that's appreciated in many respects,
MAES: Perhaps just.
MAES: Lower enthusiasm is fine.

The dog and knight mumble amongst themselves.

CHARON: That's something to account for..
MAR: We can troubleshoot a solution, it's no bother..
CHARON: Hopefully...

Mar turns toward Maes.

MAR: I hope its alright that I manifest more often as well if we're trying to get you used to this...
MAES: I was about to ask for as much.
MAES: Acclimation will be...difficult, but even aside from that, I'd also rather address someone directly if given the chance.
MAR: Of course.
MAR: Here's a thought, are you familiar with digitized constructs?
MAES: Yes.
MAES: Again, not my specialty- but I have helped them get acclimated with Synna and her department before.
MAR: Maybe think of me as closer to that?
MAES: So...
MAES: You are a person.
MAES: Undoubtedly, at this point- but you a different state, a different context.

She raises an eyebrow.

MAES: Am I following?
MAR:: Mmhmm.
MAE: Now imagine if that construct was just stored on a drive in someone's pockets, and could project into a physical construct on a whim.
MAES: That's...fasc-

She clearly tries to hide her sudden intrigue, covering her muzzle with a hand.

MAES: ...very curious.
MAES: I suppose that works for an analogy that I can understand.
MAES: Knowing how things work takes the edge off, for me.
MAR: That's how a proxy works in a way, at least in my context... sometimes magic is just science under a different set of rules?

She continues to think in silence, taking a good few awkward moments before speaking up.

MAES: I'll admit that it hits a personal note, and not a good one.
MAES: There have been instances where our prior management has attempted to justify unsavory "experiments" under that excuse- that it is science, and that it is thus noble to pursue it. Necessary for advancement, for success.
MAES: Despite my position, and despite my interest in such fields..
MAES: Something being qualifiable as that does not make it any less dangerous, in my eyes.
MAR: I... suppose I can se-
CHARON: Mar's existence isn't dangerous.
CHARON: She's the best of me and the reason I stand before you today.

She seems a bit taken aback at the firmness in his voice, but does not protest.

MAES: ...understood.
MAES: apologies.

There's something in her voice that seemed...regretful, even if only for a moment.

MAES: It...was not my intent to imply that.
CHARON: It's... she formed out of circumstance, one that was the result of horrors likely not unlike those that seem to haunt your older staff.
CHARON: I've dedicated much of my life toward this career in the hopes that horrors I can never truly recount never reoccur.
CHARON: I don't mean to snap but if.. I wish I could even begin to convey it.
MAES: ....

She turns away, a little bit. Thinking it over, unsure what to say.

CHARON: Sorry...
MAES: Don't apologize.
MAES: We're...more similar than I realized.
MAES: I know you did your research.
MAES: You listened to rumors, you've...heard Ruby address me.
MAES: You've put pieces together, you're fast on the uptake.
MAES: Surely you must know my position to the rehabilitation program, at least some semblance of it.
CHARON: I've heard plenty, yes.
CHARON: Know the people you work with and all..
MAES: ...then you can imagine I can relate to the idea of being considered dangerous, just for being made.
CHARON: Mm.. then we do share plenty of common stigma.
MAES: ...

She takes a moment.

MAES: ...then we would be best to be allies.
MAES: I think we've...misunderstood each other, at minimum, me towards you- and Mar.
CHARON: I never thought you antagonistic in nature if that's what worries you but... I agree.
MAES: If you are willing to work with me further on communication, and allowing me to feel out what's needed for accommodations- I'll do the same for you.
MAES: ...
MAES: I will have high standards.
MAES: Very high, considering how delicate this operation is.
MAES: But-
MAES: It would be a good idea for me to have someone alongside me who understands the gravity of this, even on the cursory level we've mentioned here.
MAES: I never thought I would meet someone who could even conceptualize that.
CHARON: Hopefully it's the best kind of surprise for you.

Maes raises a brow.

MAES: The best?
CHARON: Rather that then the worst, no?
MAES: I'm more interested in what your definition is, there.
CHARON: As in one that turned out beneficial?
MAES: Hmm.

She nods, her expression almost...amused.

MAES: We'll see.
MAES: does...Mar, feel about this?
MAR: I'm still here!
MAR: I mean, I'd like to know more about you, and I've enjoyed working with you so far?
MAR: So I can agree to this myself...
MAES: ...more about me?
MAES: ...
MAES: Well...
MAES: I suppose it-
MAES: It would be ideal to get more familiar, if we're to be working together closely.
MAES: It would help me understand your situation, at least.
MAR: Of course!
MAES: Let me propose this, then.
MAES: We're currently off hours.
MAES: I want to keep professional as possible, when on the job.
MAES: But I will allow time to familiarize with each other.
MAES: Either here, or...I suppose my apartment would be fine, provided you're willing to be a respectful guest- guests.

Mar turns her attention toward the dog.

MAR: Charon?
CHARON: I think you should be the one to pick all things considered.
MAR: I mean I can be polite but.. would that really be okay?
MAR: Your apartment?
MAES: Considering how your companion reacted during our interview, I would have assumed it'd be exciting for you to see my extremely boring abode.

The tiniest smirk.

MAES: But, if you would prefer an office chair-
MAR: Hmmm we could just play it by ear.
CHARON: Mm... I suppose we could stick here a bit longer and figure out the rest of our evening from there.
MAES: That's acceptable...then, what are your terms for this venture?
MAES: What do you consider important things to cover?
MAES: Things to avoid?
MAES: I'll warn you in advance- I'm not the type to socialize.
MAES: At all.
MAES: So...I may as well have something to go off of.
CHARON: Mar and I are pretty open to a lot, but we'll let you know if anything comes to mind.
MAR: Basic courtesy is usually plenty.
MAES: ...then I suggest this.
MAES: To start, we'll do a little, game, or something.
MAES: We ask questions back and forth, see what comes of it.
CHARON: I wouldn't mind.
CHARON: Both of us?
MAES: ...that's true, there are three people here.
MAES: Very well-
MAES: You'll each answer a question of mine...
MAES: ...and you can each ask me your own.
MAES: Shall we begin?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 3-1-5.png]
[image description: a close up of maes' tail brushing past Mar and Charon flirtatiously, both of them flustered by the action- mar's abstract head splitting in a tiny, cracked smile, and a small view of charon's ears shaking. the piece has sparkling, dream-like accents, and a warm palette.]
Mar nods.

MAR: We'll see how that goes then.
MAR: You start us off?
MAES: Hmm.
MAES: What did you both think of the rehab center today?
MAR: I haven't seen too much of it myself but.. the people do seem nice from when I peek.
MAR: Charon?
CHARON: Lots of work to be done toward expanding things, it seems- but more than worth it to clear the air of bad memories.
CHARON: I'd like to get to know others more.
MAES: They're good people, and I want to help set them up for a new life, one where they can be out and free.
MAES: ...Part of why I snapped earlier was...I need to be in control of this situation.
MAES: I serve as the ambassador between the two levels- the underground, and this hospital.
MAES: I can't afford to not know what's going on, and for that, I need an aide.
MAES: ...
MAES: This project is my life's work.
MAES: I believed you were endangering it.
CHARON: Mar and I bring nothing but our best.
MAR: Mm.. we really are sorry about earlier but.. we do mean it sincerely when we say that we refuse to compromise staff and residents.
MAR: You can never get those people back.
MAES: ...I agree.
MAES: With that context, I'm glad it went the way it did.
MAES: But we can't have it happen like that again.
MAES: I will do my best to suck up my issues with magic if it means serving the rehab center to the best of my ability.

The dog ponders it for a moment.

CHARON: You seem fine talking to the two of us right now.
MAES: ...I'm a professional.
CHARON: We're off the clock.
MAES: I've been told I'm a workaholic.
CHARON: We can fix that.
MAES: Is that so?

The dog smirks.

CHARON: I think so.
CHARON: Are you opposed?
MAES: You'd have quite the undertaking.
CHARON: I'm willing.
MAES: And why is that?
MAES: I screamed at you today, even threatened to kill you- and now you're offering to help me relax.
CHARON: I was prepared for as much, it was a threat you weren't honestly feeling like committing to, and I'm here to help you- so its only good courtesy.
MAES: ...I probably meant it more than you realized.
MAES: But...I'm glad I've dialed it back.
MAES:'s your turn for a question.
CHARON: I kind of want to ask something bad.
MAR: Charon...
CHARON: Any rules?
MAES: ...well now I'm curious.
CHARON: How often has the thought of biting me on the spot occurred?

The proxy makes a flustered noise at the dog's question.

MAES: have been working here for one day.
CHARON: And it must have been considered at least once today, no?
CHARON: Maybe twice now.
MAR: Oh my god....
MAES: So my initial assumption about you was correct.
CHARON: You're avoiding the question.

The smugness in his voice is thick.

MAES: Hmm.
MAES: Well, Mar also gets a question.
MAES: Why doesn't she ask before I answer?

The metal knight responds with another little surprised noise.

MAR: Before I ask, subjects to avoid?
MAES: ...necromancy, preferably, if I had to specify a magic I don't want to touch in the slightest.
MAES: Aside from that...
MAES: We'll see what comes up.
MAR: Well good news is we don't dabble with such so.. unlikely to come up unprompted.
MAES: Then we'll see how it goes.
MAES: ...go ahead.
MAR: Mm.. I suppose before I ask it's only fair to state something.
MAR: It's.. not exactly common practice in general, massively taboo and widely considered impossible.... we won't press but it does worry us admittedly..
MAR: I'm sorry for whatever happened.

Maes lets out a soft exhale.

MAES: It's not something that should come up often, if you're not going to make it my problem.
MAES: Thank you.
MAR: I'm a manifestation of death, don't exactly like to meddle with nature.
MAES: I...appreciate it.
MAES: Your question, then.
MAR: Am I alright all things considered? Phantom death knight and such? We just met but I'm curious about impressions so far..
MAES: ...I'm developing an opinion.
MAES: But I would be remiss to act like you aren't a person, and at the very least, that requires an amount of respect and accommodation.
MAES: I know very little about you as an individual- likewise for Judgment here, though he's certainly giving me some kind of impression-

She raises her brows.

MAES: But I will do my best to treat you fairly.
MAES: "Phantom death knight" or otherwise.
MAR: I'll accept that..
MAES: And as for you-

She turns to Charon.

MAES: You're very bold.
MAES: Most people in your position would see my mouth and run for the hills- and you choose this.
CHARON: I'm hardly the biggest monster in this lab, but I'm the one with least to fear.
MAES: Still- you have nerve.
MAES: ...but I will answer your question.
MAES: I've considered biting you three times.
MAES: Satisfied?
CHARON: That does in fact answer my question.
MAES: And now I get to ask you one- though I'll ask Mar first.
MAES: Mar, is he being sincere, or is he trying to goad me?

The proxy takes a good look at the smug dog.

MAR: Which part?
MAES: What I'm asking is- is he asking because he wants to be bitten, or is he mocking me.
MAR: He's mocking you to get you to bite him.
MAES: Mmmmmm.
MAR: That's what I can gauge.
MAES: Mmmmmmmmmmm.
MAES: I see.
MAES: Then, for you, Mr. Judgment- do I have to worry about your self preservation?
CHARON: I'm not even a quarter through my life, I plan to use most of that time.
MAES: Interesting choice on what to spend it on.
MAES: Your turn.

Charon's smirk makes its way into his cadence.

CHARON: How many times was the thought pleasant?
MAES: ...once.
MAR: Hmm.. we operate on a sort of hammerspace, if you're familiar with the concept.
MAR: Everything and anything tucked away in pockets the defy traditional rules of storage.
MAR: Should we potentially discuss rules on its usage?
MAES: ...that would be ideal.
MAES: Is an inventory list possible?
MAR: ...Uh... I don't think either of us could count off the top of our head.
MAES: How about crucial items, tools, etcetera?
MAES: I want to know what you're going to be using in advance.
MAR: Personal martial arms for self defense, a few allies of a similar nature to myself, a personal library of resources, raw materials for various forms of craft, a first aid kit?
MAES: ...allies?
MAES: There's more...proxies, you called them?
MAR: Yes?
MAR: Though only one can appear at a time.
MAES: I'm...going to need a lot more meetings, then.
MAES: Is it possible for me to meet them before they come into the field, or are surprises inevitable?
MAR: So long as days like today aren't too frequent?
MAR: You'll have time.
MAES: Workable, then...try to get me a full list of everything you think would be relevant to our work. I'll allow you a week.
MAR: We can work together to take inventory, its our domain after all...
MAES: Good.
MAES: I will allow usage of it, provided the list is given to me and sufficiently reviewed.
MAES: ...just...give warning.
MAR: I would like to request that whoever is available among us can provide aid in a pinch, our skillsets are very overlapping.  
MAR: I'd also like to request permissions for any tools that came into play today as well.
MAR: In case something comes up ahead of the due date.
MAES: ...very well.
MAES: I'll allow it.

The proxy can't help but "smile" to herself, a little pleased crack in her face showing as Charon nudges her shoulder.

CHARON: Bit of a negotiator today.
MAR: I had to ask..
MAES: She's professional.
MAES: I can appreciate that.

Maes gives Charon a pointed look.

MAES: I believe it's my turn to give you a question again.
CHARON: Bring it.
MAES: You confuse me, Judgment.
MAES: I could be asking you a million questions right now pertaining to the job-
MAES: -though I suppose Mar is doing an excellent job of handling that aspect-
MAES: -and yet I can't let go of the fact that you're angling for me to take a chunk out of you.
MAES: You're an anomaly.
MAES: You don't make sense.
MAES: Do you truly know what you're asking for?
CHARON: I'm biologically vampiric, I understand the value and merit of consensual feeding more than most people I'd imagine.
MAES: You'd have less permanent damage shoving a limb into a woodchipper.
CHARON: I have a healing factor after drinking blood, if you're willing to provide a vial or two the damage can be minimized.
MAES: You're serious.
CHARON: You have a preferred way for someone to appreciate that grin?
CHARON: Otherwise, I think I'm quite certain.

A slight tinge of blush on her cheeks.

MAES: It's not really something people appreciate.
CHARON: Then know that someone in this room is absolutely a fan...
MAR: Mm?
MAR: Was lost in thought.
MAES: And what were you thinking about?
MAR: The best way for the others to meet you!
MAR: Want to give everyone a way to make a good first impression.
MAES: We will be coordinating these after hours sessions...
MAES: I suppose that would be a good a time as any.
MAR: Then it's settled!
MAES: I expect them all to behave as well as you.
MAES: ...your turns for questions.

The proxy gives a little noise of acknowledgment.

MAR: Anything you'd like to do relax during our sessions?
MAR: You must have less professional interests.

It takes her a second to think it over.

MAES: ...I listen to audiobooks, though I doubt you'd find them interesting if you aren't fond of research papers and other nonfiction works.
MAR: You'd be surprised!
MAR: Charon is a bit of a bookworm, and I suppose a couple of us are as well...
CHARON: I wouldn't call myself that.
MAR: You keep a library on your person...
MAES: ...he might get some mileage out of my collection on mutated anatomy, then...seeing as he seems so fixated.
CHARON: I'm plenty versed-
MAR: I'd still say go for it, you two have that in common after all..
MAES: Mm, I would have thought you'd be raring to find out facts.
MAES: Sate some curiosities of yours.
MAES: ...speaking of, it's your question, Judgment.
CHARON: Mm.. would you mind if I prepared a meal here and there for these occasions?
CHARON: I can accommodate for any specific needs and we're bound to get hungry.

Her ears perk up before she can stop them.

CHARON: If you have anything you'd like to try in particular don't be shy.
MAES:'d be asking for trouble.
MAES: I'm...

Her ears flop back down as quickly as they went up.

MAES: ...I don't exactly have an ideal diet for something like that.
CHARON: Try me.

She admittedly looks a bit uncomfortable, her posture slumping.

MAES: ...large quantities of raw meat.
MAES: Very large.
CHARON: ...Is that it?
MAES: You're not appalled?
CHARON: Why would I be?
MAES: ...I don't usually eat around other people.
MAES: It...disturbs them, both the choice of meal and the quantity.
CHARON: Maybe you just need to meet more people who get it.
MAES: So far you sound more like you would rather be that meal yourself.

A small smile creeps onto her face, if only for a moment.

MAES: ...but...I appreciate it.
MAES: Perhaps you're right.
CHARON: Let me treat you for a day some time, everyone deserves a little of that.
MAES: I'll admit, you're winning me over.
MAES: Somewhat.
CHARON: I'll get there.

He can't hide the satisfaction in his voice.

MAES: We'll see.
MAES: turn- I'll make this my last.
MAES: Mar.
MAES: What fears do you have towards me, right now?
MAR: ...Seeing you potentially hurt yourself on the job.
MAR: You have a tendency to overextend.
MAES: You think as much from one day?
MAR: You seemed stressed..
MAES: You might have to get used to that.
MAR: Maybe we could make that easier.
MAES: You and him both making promises now.
MAR: Too much? I can stop..
MAES: It's not often I get so...spoiled.
MAES: Allow me to be selfish.
MAR: Feel free.
MAES: And...Judgment.
MAES: What are you most looking forward to?

The dog's ears perk up at that.

CHARON: Getting to know you, you're interesting.
MAES: Interesting.
MAES: That's a choice.
CHARON: Did you want to hear something else?
MAES: No. I can work with interesting.
MAES: We'll see where that interest goes...and just how mutual it will be.
MAES: And now, your questions.

Charon looks over at his proxy.

MAR: Mm... what would you do if you got this project done?
MAR: No issues, everyone is happy.
MAR: Would you give yourself a break?
MAES: ...

She sits there, completely stunned.

MAR: You don't have to answer..
MAES:, it's-
MAES: No one's...really asked me that.
MAR: Now's a good time then.
MAES: ...I suppose I can't really see an end to it.
MAES: There will always be something to do.
MAES: Even when the residents leave, they'll need support.
MAR: At some point they'll rely less on you, other people will be working on the project, and they'll support each other too.
MAR: You'll have more time even if you're still busy.
MAES: Time isn't something I've ever had.
MAES: It's an impossible question.
MAR: But if you could?
MAES: ...I wouldn't know.
MAES: Thinking about that kind of thing isn't something I've done.
MAES: ...I know that's an unsatisfying answer.
MAR: Could it be something we come back to some day then?
MAR: Maybe?
MAES: ...maybe.
MAES: We'll see.
MAR: Then I'll settle for that as of now..

The proxy scoots back, giving the dog room to speak.

MAES: It's your turn, Judgment.
CHARON: Mm.. think we both promised you a lot today.
CHARON: Think we'll make good on that?
MAES: That's a pretty tame final question.
CHARON: Is it a little anticlimatic?
CHARON: I could ask something bigger.
MAES: I'd like something I could answer more than a "yes" to.
MAES: Something that leaves an impact.
MAES: Go on.
MAES: Try me.
CHARON: What makes it worth it all to you?
MAES: I'd like a better future for my- for the residents.
MAES: They've never gotten to have that, and I've had opportunities they were never afforded.
MAES: I'd like to use those opportunities to help them get to my level and beyond.
MAES: ...and with any luck, this will never happen again.
CHARON: Then I hope you get to enjoy that with them.
MAES: With your help, I just might.

She pulls out a piece of paper and a stylus, beginning to press in some script- before handing it to Charon.

MAES: Here.
CHARON: I'd like that... what's this?

He takes a good look at it-

It's very clearly a phone number.

MAES: I can't answer texts or calls often, but I'm sure you'll make good use of this.
CHARON: I'll try not to jack up your bill.

The dog smiles to himself a little.

MAES: We'll see.
MAES: You two...intrigue me.
MAES: And I'd like to see more of what I've gotten a glimpse at so far.

The karacel rises to her feet, going around the desk and walking by the two of them-

-brushing her tail against both of them, the flirtatious nature of it completely unmistakable.

Even so, her tone remains calm, flat.

MAES: Would that be something either of you are interested in?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 4-cover.png]
[image description: a cover image for episode, titled
Universal Constants
Episode 4: Networking
Mar, a large metal dress-like knight poses in a backless, sleeveless sweater with angular accents. Surrounding her are boxes filled with text messages.]


Testing, it's Judgment.

That was quick.

Had to be sure.

Afraid I gave you a burner number, Judgment?

Won't deny its happened before.

I'm sorry to hear that.
No, this is my number. Congratulations.

Does that congrats come with a free car?

No, cars aren't exactly in my prize pool.


What, is that really the best prize you can think of? A free car?

What would you have asked for then?


A nice dinner.

I wouldn't be opposed to that, no..

I assumed as much.
I can't say that I have a refined palate myself, but...

Really? I'm surprised.

Diet of raw meat, as mentioned.
I suppose I do have preferences.

Specific cuts?

Of course, as well as the source of the meat itself. Taverne has a great many to offer.

Personally picky, try to go to local markets for specifics.

Oh? What's your favorite?

Hmm.. poultry. Grilled and marinated in something with a bit of a citrus zing. You?

I can't say I've had a marinade.
My answer will likely be fairly boring.

I'd still like to hear it.

I prefer a large slab of meat, in whatever cut makes that most possible.
As fresh as it can get.
What is it that some chefs say?

So rare, its heart's still beating?

But have you enjoyed a beating heart before?

Would it frighten you if I have?

Not at all, personally I'm more of a fan of tongue though.

I've heard it's incredibly decadent, when prepared correctly.
Unique texturally, as well.

Mm.. unfortunately a bit uncanny and tough rough even for the most carnivorous. I suppose I'd have to prep you dinner myself..

From how much you talk yourself up, I expect only the finest cuts.

Unfortunately, it's time for me to sleep. You seem to have gotten me up past my bedtime.

Mm, hopefully for your sake this won't be too recurring.

We'll see.



Did you and Mar manage to finish that cell block?
I'm sorry for having to leave early. Surprise meetings are never a pleasant occasion.

Mm, went incident free on our end.

Good. With that one done, we can really start moving.
Anything of note?

They really like wrestling down there. Is that normal?

The residents have a lot of energy. Staying indoors 24/7 isn't helpful towards dissuading that.

So they find outlets.

A few scrapes and bruises every week and understanding boundaries and technique is a lot less problematic than them /not/ doing anything like that regularly, and ending up breaking bones when someone gets the whim to spar.

Mm. Better that, they seem pretty durable for it too.

Extremely so, though most ride the line between powerful and frail.

Certainly relate to that.

Go on.

Fiend, magical, volatile in every other department but I'm also usually the strongest thing in the room.

A similar case for the residents.

Mm, I can empathize.

Helpful, I suppose.

Like any sweet drinks? Coffee? Trying to keep note of things.

Lemonade is a preference.

In case I ever go on a outing to the city, may bring you something back.

You don't have to.
But it does sound very nice.

As your assistant your morale is one of my priorities so.. expect things on occasion.

Gifts aren't necessary as my assistant.
As an interested party, however...
Is this how you usually court people with sharp teeth?

No, usually it's a little more outlandish from my end.

Holding out on me.

You want me to step it up?

Try me.

I could invite you for a bite after work.

More details.

Sink your fangs into something new and exciting for a bit, can't imagine you get enough chance to.

No chances actually.
Can you promise new and exciting?

At bare minimum.

That sounds nice.
Not tomorrow.


My place when we do.
Is that acceptable?

I can work with those terms.

It's a deal.

Thank you.

Of course, I'm looking forward.

A dinner for three.



Is Mar doing alright?
I'm unfamiliar with whether proxies bumping their heads on doorframes actually causes physical damage.
Not my wheelhouse.

She's fine, was worried she'd crack the frame more than anything. You concerned for her?

It sounded like it hurt.
It's only natural to be a little worried.

She's pretty tough, would've gotten harsher feedback if it was something severe.

Very much noted.
Actually, can she read these texts?

She can, I can pass the phone along.

Go ahead. I wouldn't mind a chat.

Testing, this thing is a bit small.

I use voice to text, personally.
It may be easier on your hands.

Testing, wow that really works.

It's immensely helpful.
It does mean that I prefer to text in private, though. I have ways to type fine enough, but I prefer this.

Mm.. the others might prefer typing I think but this helps me a lot.

I'm guessing you don't get the opportunity much, considering I don't think I've noticed anyone else acknowledge your presence.

Sorry if that's rude.

Most can't see or hear me without outside tools to be fair.

Any reason why I can?

Natural potential. Exposure to anomalies. Allergies. Stress. Quite a number of possible things.

Well, stress would do it.

Its surprisingly common..

I can assure you my stress is exceptional.
Apparently granting me magic powers.


I can't say I ever expected this turn of events.

Have you had any concerns you'd want to bring up?
Regarding my acclimation.

Nothing immediately comes to mind.

No issues?
I'm glad I'm doing alright with it.
It isn't my area of expertise and I do want you to bring things up if they happen.

I will, although I'd say you've done good so far.

And what do you think of it all?

I'm happy enough knowing you're really giving this a proper go.

I know it isn't easy.

No, but.
I don't know. It's strange for me as well.
I went from being enraged at both of you to being more curious than I've ever been.
Like I said during our first after hours, you and Judgment are anomalies to me.  I've never seen anything like either of you.

We're pretty new to someone like you as well I think.

Just as curious too

What intrigues you the most?

Trying to figure out how you work.

Rough edges but something completely different under.

You think you've gotten a glimpse from such a short time?

I could be wrong but we get the feeling.

Well now I'm curious.

No magic secret today sadly.

What do you want to see then?
If you could take a look underneath it all.

The thing that would make you smile.

You'll be hard pressed.
I barely know that myself.

Reason for all of us to work together.

Is it really that important to you?

Because for how much you seem to risk for others you hardly put any time toward yourself.

I do plenty of things for myself.

Is it enough?

I don't see why it wouldn't be.

Then if you don't need perhaps you want?

Wanting is different yes.
I could say I want many things that I don't have.

You're allowed to want more than the minimum

Not with what I crave.

Are you sure this is a conversation you want to be having with your responses out loud?
Asking me to elaborate on said things may be more than you've bargained for.
You've been much less forward than Judgment.

There may be some merit to keeping it to ourselves I suppose.
If that would do more for you.

I don't mind either way. I'm in the comfort of my own apartment and it is soundproof.
No one's here to listen to me but I imagine Judgment is nearby.
I don't know your boundaries. It's up to you.

Maybe I'd like to save it for in person, Judgment there or not. Just in case.

Did Judgment tell you our plans?

Which ones?

Meeting up soon.
Our dinner for three.

Right! Should I dress up? Should he dress up?

Would you like to?
I wouldn't mind being treated.

We can arrange.

I would offer but my wardrobe is limited.

If you're feeling brave we could go find you more.

I'm not exactly one for leaving the lab.

Why not?

It would be new to me.

But is it impossible?

I suppose not.

We could make accomodations if that's too big a leap just yet.

What do you have in mind?

Something in personal quarters, gauging tastes.

You'd like to dress me up?

Not if you don't want to, but I'll always take a chance to shop for clothes with someone else.

It could be nice.
Again, new.

But maybe nice.

We'll dress up for you either way.

I look forward to it.



Are you up.

Boss, is something wrong?

I tried to sleep.
Didn't work.

What can I do to help?

Need a distraction.

I can do that.

Do your worst.

So one time my cousin and I were invited to dinner at a neighbor family's place. The food was drenched in sauce and got a bit messy.

One of their kids our age was too embarrassed to ask for a napkin so she wiped her hands on the family pet beneath the table.

Is this a real story?

Very real.

What's it like?

Which part?

Any part of it.
Neighbors. Dinner.
Family, pets.

Small town, lived with my Cousin and Grandmother on the outskirts. We were an old knight family who's residents either expanded off continent or moved away from the business. Last of our guild on Taverne, those of us who grew up there. We'd been close to the people nearby for generations, though outside of the Blancs I feel like we were never quite considered entirely part of their world.

I wouldn't feel a part of their world either.
Or yours. It's foreign.
All of it.

Even if the surface above and the city nearby were your world, it still wouldn't be what can be considered my world I think... ultimately that's not what's most important, I think.

No, I want to hear it.
What is your world?

It's one that exists in moments rather than places, those times I'm surrounded by people who understand.

When do you feel it?

That's hard to say, sometimes it comes unexpectedly.

I suppose that makes sense.

When was the last time you felt it?
If that isn't too personal.
I'm curious.

I'll have to think on that, it isn't the same every time but... I'd like to perhaps find some of that while my contract is here.

In a place like this?

It's happened under harder conditions.

And what did it for you then?

Good company.

That's all it takes for it to feel like home to you?

Isn't that all you need sometimes?

I can't say I'd know.

Maybe that could change some day.

Is that an offer?

It can be.

And what would you get out of it?

More opportunities to feel at home.

Why me?
You've barely just met me and you talk like I have so much potential.

I just have a good feeling.


Is it really?

It's simply that I've felt similarly.
It's an ambiguously hard to word good feeling.

Maybe we're both onto something.

I can't say I expected chemistry.

We're in a laboratory, it's a risk we both take by being here.

Sounds like you're up for experimentation.

Perhaps I am.

There could be hazards.
Lab accidents could happen.

Is that not why you hired me? To keep them from getting out of hand?

I could be a lot to handle.

What's your point?

High maintenance, high needs.
You'll be taking on a commitment, and one with risks.

You don't need to sell me further on this.

And what do you want in return?

I'd already be getting it, a chance to spend time with you.

Very sweet. Tame, even.

I don't mind that.

Not disappointed?

Well, I doubt you'd skimp on the extreme.
You're the one who wants to stick your head into a dental woodchipper.

Teeth are teeth.

And here I thought mine were special.

They are.

Am I fishing if I ask how so?

You want to really know so bad?

It's late at night and I'm tired and lonely.
Go ahead.

I like their shape, the way they peek out when you talk, the presence they give you and the way they contrast with the softer energy you show at times.

Would you touch them if given the opportunity?
Feel them?

You want that?

Do you?


I would allow you...provided you earn it.
Are you up for the task?

I am, pray you know what you've unleashed.

I expect your worst.



[Image: 4-1-1.png]
[image description: maes looking particularly strained, unable to keep a grimace off of her face. she trails behind charon, walking through a metal laboratory door with mar taking the rear. the size difference between the trio is apparent, with maes' head not even coming up to mar's chest.]


MAR: You seem rather tired today...
The large knight gives the cat a look of concern.

MAR: Did you sleep enough?
MAR: Hungry still?
MAES: ...sore.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 4-2-1.png]
[image description: a close up shot of mar's white metal hand brushing against maes' tail, with the proxy's hand visibly battle damaged, and faint black scars on maes' tail.]

Maes avoids turning to face Mar, her ears drooping.

MAES: Doing all of those back to back tasks was productive, but...

She seems outright ashamed to admit it.

MAR: Charon! [/font]

The proxy calls out toward the dog.

CHARON: You need a bit of quick care before we get going?

Even more ashamed now.

MAES: ...

A sigh.

MAES: Yes.
CHARON: Where does it hurt?
MAES: back.
MAES: That's the usual spot, along with my calves.

Charon makes his way over.

CHARON: I've got you, Boss.
CHARON: Turn around.

She shuffles around,  the slightest slouch to her posture- and it's clear that she's still trying to cover it up.

Charon presses his hands down against her back, just slightly.

CHARON: Overwork?

She tenses up at first, unused to the touch.

MAES: ...I don't overwork.
CHARON: Then what's got you?
MAES: Nothing.
MAES: ...this is normal.
CHARON: ...Chronic pain.
MAES: ....

She doesn't answer, ears drooping more.

CHARON: Boss....
MAR: You can talk about it...
MAES: I can manage it.
MAES: I have for a very long time.
CHARON: You're not used to having people around to see it.
MAES: It's not exactly something I enjoy.

Charon positions his hands.

CHARON: Could I try something?
MAES: ...tell me what it is first.
CHARON: Technique, field tested in crisis situations.
CHARON: Sends a vibration through my gauntlets, eases the tension in your body to reduce pain and allow healing to happen easier.
MAES:'re going to vibrate me?
CHARON: Just the sore spot.. maybe a bit more than that? Depends on the density of your internal fluids..
MAES: And here I thought you'd save that for after hours.

A sly smirk.

MAES: Vibration and internal fluids.
MAES: Very bold, Judgment.

Mar accidentally lets out a noise.

CHARON: Please excuse her.
MAES: Mmm.
MAES: Noted for later.
CHARON: Now... shall I?
MAES: ...yes.

A single sensation, quick and distinct. Sudden alertness followed by the desire to nap.

She looks...startled, and then deeply content, enough for her droopy ears to settle into a relaxed state.

MAES: Ah..hh..
CHARON: Give it five minutes and you'll be good.
CHARON: Calves next, yes?
MAES: Yes...

He starts to scoot down into position before getting a bit sheepish, Mar's sudden bird-like shuddering audible.

MAES: That sounds like you see something you like.
CHARON: Mmhmm, you.
MAES: Don't let your mind get into the gutter.

She brushes her tail against his side.

MAES: You need to be ready for work in...five minutes.

He shivers a little.

CHARON: Then I'll make it quick, ready?
MAES: Mhm.

Another little discharge, Mar quick to catch her...

Maes flops into her arms, the tiniest bit of black blush on her cheeks.

MAR: Good save..
CHARON: Are you alright, doctor?
MAES: Y-yes...just my balance.

She doesn't seem too excited to leave, taking a few minutes before getting back on her feet.

She blinks, shifting her weight from leg to leg.

MAES: ...not bad.
MAES: Not bad at all.
CHARON: Keep you going just a bit easier today..
MAES: ...worthy of a reward, in any case.

Her phone alarm in her pocket goes off, easily solved with a quick button press.

MAES: Looks like you'll have to wait.
CHARON: Clock started?
MAES: We are now on company time.

She stretches out, approaching the entrance to the underground.

MAES: Make sure to behave yourself in the elevator.
MAES: This isn't a dirty movie.
CHARON: As much as the temptation is there we have a deal.  
CHARON: Afterward though.. perhaps I can show you more extensive treatment.

The elevator's the same it had been over the past four days, Maes resting her back against the wall.

MAES: We'll see.

Charon scoots inside, Mar squeezing in a little easier today than yesterday.

MAR: Sorry, doctor..
MAES: ...No complaints, so long as you press the button.

Mar manages to squeeze up to it with a rehearsed motion.

The dog smirks.

CHARON: Got it in one.
MAR: Yes, well..
MAES: You learn fast.

The elevator heads down below at its usual fast rate, Maes having to resist flirting so blatantly any more.

CHARON: You know, it'd be good to tell us more often when you're feeling it.
CHARON: Work's hard.
MAES: Will I get that sort of treatment?

It feels like there's barely any time to chat.

CHARON: Nothing less.

The elevator stops, Maes making her way out with a slight tail swish.

MAES: My expectations are high, then.
CHARON: As they should be.

The dog lets Mar walk ahead, the proxy's fluttering making it clear she's maybe a little flustered.

MAES: ...she's unused to this, isn't she?
CHARON: Doesn't have a poker face for this, no.
MAES: Very interesting.

The door to the facility opens with a bit of grinding- typical, for the rusty doors.

Ruby's sitting at a newly-installed desk, looking completely out of place in the large, warehouse-like space.

RUBY: ...oh! Morning, Maes- and Judgment, as well.

Charon gives a confident little gesture in response.

CHARON: Morning, how's the fort holding up today?
RUBY: It's...

They make a face that could only be interpreted as a grimace, even with the cloth mask over their mouth.

RUBY: ...Maes, can we, uh- change up the ssssschedule-?

Maes tenses her entire body, the relaxation from earlier lost.

MAES: Why.

Charon offers cat a hand for comfort.

Maes hesitates before settling for a brush of acknowledgment, subtle enough that Ruby didn't notice- at least not visibly.

RUBY: You know, it's just- I know you two have been on renovation duty and all-
MAES: Get to the point.
RUBY: ...Achilles is out sick, and so's Botches.
RUBY: We need some help handling social check-ins.

The dog gives a little bow.

CHARON: I can handle that.
MAES: I- Judgment, that's-
RUBY: Thaaank you, Judgment!

They shoot a smug look at Maes, the other cat bristling.

RUBY: Remember, Maes- he works for all of us rehab management.
MAES: Ghh.

She takes a deep breath.

MAES:'re right.
MAES: aware he answers to you as well.
MAES: Fine.

He gives her a nudge on the shoulder.

CHARON: It's the most important part of the job, hardly need to worry about me.
MAES: ...

Maes nods, quiet.

RUBY: Great!
RUBY: It's settled.
RUBY: Maes, you'll come with me and help out with...Jester, Rosetta, and...Carrion.

She tenses at the second name, but nods again.

RUBY: Judgment, you've got Smith and Ginger.
CHARON: Mm, both in their rooms right now?
RUBY: Smith's in the gym...pretty usual for him.
MAES: he having-?
RUBY: Agitation issues?
RUBY: Oh, yeah.
RUBY: We can't figure out how to tire him out.
MAES: Great...

The dog raises his hand.

RUBY: Yes, Judgment?
CHARON: Could offer him a sparring session?
CHARON: Done some proper group training overseas.
RUBY: sure about that?
CHARON: You say that like I should be worried.
RUBY: Well...
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 4-3-1.png]
[image description: The illustration invokes the texture of a old stained newspaper that's seen time and wear. Charon Judgment, a anthropomorphic dog in a cloak with a halo above his head stands with a playfully mocking gesture. Towering over him is Smith Artag, a karacel resembling a anthropomophic sphinx cat with no fur making a fairly neutral if someone confused expression at the dog. The two are positioned to have a friendly spar. Coming from outside of the frame of the artwork is the mechanical, skeletal hand of Mar pointing ad the drawing. The word "Parar" floats between both Charon and Smith.]
The maybecat in front of Charon is easily over ten feet tall- by a large margin, too. Hairless, wrinkly, and extremely built, Smith towers above- a quizzical expression on his face.

SMITH:'re the new guy?
CHARON: I am, sent to check in on a few folks today.
CHARON: Heard you've got a bit too much energy right now.

His tail lashes instinctively, covered in spikes big enough to gore the dog.

SMITH: ...unfortunately.
SMITH: Not something I particularly like.

Charon brushes his coat aside to point right at the cat.

CHARON: Perhaps a sparring session could fix that- interested?

Smith raises his brows.

SMITH: sure?
SMITH: I mean-
SMITH: I do like to fight, but, uh-
CHARON: I can take it, promise.
CHARON: Swing at me, hardest you can.

He pauses, weigh his own fist in his hand.

SMITH: ...well, alright.

His hand swipes down with blinding speed, claws out.

Charon blocks it backhanded, as if the massive hand weighed barely anything at all. No recoil, no noise, just complete stop to the motion.

Smith's eyes widen.

The dog immediately swings at a sandbag nearby, vibrations ricocheting through it- but the bag staying in place.

SMITH: ...huh.
SMITH: You've got some things going on.
SMITH: ...and you've got stamina?
CHARON: ....Unfortunately.
SMITH: What makes it so bad?
CHARON: A fight gone too long tends to go wrong.
CHARON: But... for the sake of exercise, it's perfectly fine.

He puts up his hands, large metal knight of a proxy suddenly creeping out of a corner.

CHARON: I assure you, if you'd like to go harder than usual I can take it.
SMITH: ...explain the ghost, first.
CHARON: ...The ghost?

He points at Mar.

The proxy waves back.

CHARON: She's there to prevent things from getting out of hand...
CHARON: I'm surprised you can see her.
SMITH: It's not the first time I've seen them around here.
SMITH: ...if you can imagine, place is decently haunted.
CHARON: That tracks... introduce yourself then.

She scoots her way next to Charon.

MAR: Mar Rook, glad to be working with you today....
SMITH: ...Smith Artag.

A little bow from the knight.

MAR: If a fight was to go so far that risk of severe injury came into play, I'd step in and prevent that so.. feel free to fight to your fullest pleasure.
SMITH: Not sure if pleasure's the word for me, but...

He cracks his knuckles.

SMITH: If he's as good as he says, I'll get some of this energy out of my system.

Charon gives the massive cat a cocky little gesture, giving him the first blow. Without hesitation, Smith puts on pressure- landing one hit after another. The dog carefully uses the backs and sides of his hands to guide and pacify each strike- blows that could crumple a larger person were now a game of honing precision without a single bruise or crack.

CHARON: Don't get much chance to box with someone in your weight class.
SMITH: Not many people in my weight class around here period.
CHARON: Fortunate I showed up then.
SMITH: So I've heard.
SMITH: Been here less than a week-

An especially hard blow.

SMITH: And you're all anyone talks about.
CHARON: It's strange really, up there I'm not that much of a big deal.
SMITH: Whole different world down here.
SMITH: Always has been.
CHARON: Plenty of different worlds out there too so to speak.
SMITH: Any as terrible as this?
CHARON: That's a question.
SMITH: Is there an answer?
CHARON: Short one is yes.
SMITH: Upsetting to hear it.
SMITH: ...unsurprising though.
SMITH: I see the kind of face Maes wears coming down here sometimes, and I don't think it's completely out of coming to visit family.
CHARON: She's not one to smile much to be frank.
SMITH: ...yeah.
SMITH: That's what I figured.

He sighs, still managing to get a hard swipe in.

SMITH: Only seen it a couple times.
CHARON: I've had a good experience working with her so far, but it's clear she's needed a assistant for a long time.

The dog's left turtling a bit.

SMITH: Well, she let you in.
SMITH: What's your secret?
CHARON: A good resume and a lack of fear.
SMITH: She usually just thinks brave people are stupid.
CHARON: Is my courage not earned?

The dog drops his guard mid fight.

A tail swing hard enough to knock him on his ass if he's not careful.

SMITH: Maybe, maybe not.

Charon plays it up, headbutting it like a soccer ball and only being pushed back just enough to skid a few inches.

Smith can't help but grin.

SMITH: Leaning more towards maybe.
CHARON: This is harder than it looks admittedly...

He hops back, halo visible above his head.

SMITH: Now you've got a floating thing.
CHARON: Mm, handy isn't it?
SMITH: What's a weird ring going to do?
CHARON: Enough for now.
SMITH: Cryptic.
SMITH: That's going to drive her crazy.
CHARON: I got plenty to make up for it.

He gives one last slug before stepping back- sweating just the slightest bit, and trying to catch his breath.

SMITH: ...makes me wonder, though.
SMITH: Got some weird questions.

Charon gives a thumbs up and scoots toward the nearby bench- despite his efforts to play it off, it's clear footwork during fights are hard on him.

CHARON: Go for it.

He plunks himself down on the floor, legs sprawled.

SMITH: Why here?
CHARON: I want to help people, but I don't want the baggage of expectations from familiarity.
CHARON: The name Judgment means little here.
SMITH: ...Family name, I'm guessing?
SMITH: ...I get that.
SMITH: Lots of debates around here over who keeps and who ditches the last name.
CHARON: Not quite the same situation I don't think, but... legacy is difficult.
SMITH: Lot to live up to.
SMITH: ...or spite, I guess.
SMITH: I'm sure you can figure which boat I'm in.
CHARON: Its odd to admit so early, but I feel more in my element so far than I've had at any other job.
SMITH: You're, a, uh...

He wracks his head for the word.

SMITH: One of those... guys for hire, right?
CHARON: Mm, a big of a general freelancer more than a mercenary.
SMITH: Freelancer...

His face scrunches.

SMITH: ...define that, please.
CHARON: A jack of all trades.
SMITH: ...right.
SMITH: So you do everything?
CHARON: Mm, combat's not my main forte but I can be muscle in a pinch.
SMITH: I never actually struck back.
SMITH: You're defense, aren't you?
CHARON: You've got a good eye.
SMITH: Kind of had to.
SMITH: You see anybody else this big around here?
CHARON: Not so far, no.
CHARON: So what impact does this observation make?
SMITH: Back then, if you were a big guy, you were also a big target- and if you can believe it, I'm old.
SMITH: Not the oldest one here, but...close.
SMITH: ...even fighting aside, the big ones didn't live nearly as long.
SMITH: Part of it's just dumb luck, and part of it is I had to pick up on stuff like that.
SMITH: Helps ends fights as soon as possible.
CHARON: And now what do you gauge of someone who can take blows but has yet to throw one back with all your experience under your belt?
SMITH: Could be a lot of things. Lot of that's based on you as a person, but...
SMITH: ...I think you're the kind of person to get a good idea of what's safe and what's not.
CHARON: You survive enough, you tend to gauge well what kills people.
SMITH: Yeah, and what would kill you, too.
CHARON: Being able to redirect stuff like it's pretty handy for testing the waters.
SMITH: Mm.. or just taking the hit outright. So far nothing's worked.
SMITH: ...You usually in alright shape after stuff like this?
CHARON: Can't go this hard everyday, but should be fine.
SMITH: This kind of energy's been built up for weeks.
SMITH: Doesn't help that food's been short.
SMITH: ...ideally won't be too often.
CHARON: Can manage that-
MAR: I'll make sure he doesn't overdo it...

The phantom knight chimes in.

MAR: How are you feeling now?
SMITH: ...alright.
SMITH: Better, for sure.
SMITH: said your name was Mar, yeah?
MAR: Mm...
SMITH: Judgment said he was surprised I could see you.
SMITH: That common?
MAR: Odds of someone without intensive supernatural experiences seeing me so clear is... one-in-ten?
SMITH: You just hide then, most of the time?
SMITH: One in ten is...not insignificant, at least not in a crowd.
MAR: I have other ways to blend in, but...
MAR: I suppose that still is hiding.
SMITH: ...well.
SMITH: You can talk to me, I guess.
SMITH: I know what it's like to be isolated.
MAR: Are you certain?
SMITH: Why wouldn't I?
SMITH: It's just talking, right?
MAR: True...
MAR: I guess this is just rare for us...
SMITH: All the more reason.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 4-4-1.png]

[image description: Ginger, a orange anthropomorphic cat with one large central eye, wearing a shirt and baggy shorts, holds out an encyclopedia. She points to a photograph in the book of a desert animal. Strapped to her hip is a carrying bag with a assistive tablet poking out of the opened flap. Charon Judgment, a dark haired canine with cloak and large glasses is engaged in conversation with her with a small, excited smile across his face]

Ruby's instructions when it came to Ginger had been brief, but simple. She needed more conversational practice with her tablet, and it could be anything- but the company was needed, especially if he could stick around for a while.

Ginger's room was down in the residential blocks, a converted cell turned into a surprisingly cozy living space- looking more like a well-loved dorm room than a former prison, including actual paint and new flooring.

The karacel inside sits at her desk, tail idly swishing as she looks over a tablet- something high tech, judging by the touch screen she keeps messing with.

Charon gives a little knock on the doorway, gesturing at the cat.

CHARON: Handling check-in today.

Her ears perk up, Ginger turning around in her rolling chair. Upon noticing him, she blinks her singular, huge eye and grabs for her device, the screen displaying an array of buttons for her to press.

GINGER: Hello.

The voice comes out of the tablet in a pre-recorded sample, her cyclopsian eye looking back up at him.

GINGER: My name is Ginger.
GINGER: What's your name?
CHARON: Judgment, I'm the boss' assistant.

A fancy little bow.

It takes her a moment to hit buttons in sequence, assembling a full string.

GINGER: Are you new here?
CHARON: I am, hopefully folks don't mind too much.
GINGER: What is your job?
CHARON: General assistant, security during the refurbishing process.
CHARON: Officially speaking I was hired through a knight's contract.
GINGER: Do you like it?
CHARON: So far I'd say I like this job, working with Maes as well.

The name gets some recognition, Ginger nodding.

GINGER: Are you scared?
GINGER: Scared of Devil's Advocacy.
CHARON: Not at all.
GINGER: Are you scared of me?
GINGER: Are you scared of my siblings?
CHARON: Not even a little, no.
CHARON: Should I be?
GINGER: The laboratory is dangerous.
CHARON: What do you mean?

She swivels in her chair, tapping the side of the tablet while thinking.

It takes her a moment before she thinks of a good way to say it.

GINGER: Scary family.
GINGER: Lots of secrets.
CHARON: Heard rumors of such. I'll do what I have to for myself and everyone else to remain safe.

She nods, leaning onto one arm and resting her tablet flat on the table. Her gaze flits between Charon and the tablet's buttons as she types, clearly having familiarity with the device's layout- but wanting to be sure.

GINGER: You are brave.
CHARON: And why is that?
GINGER: My family is sick.
GINGER: Devil's Advocacy is big.
GINGER: What do you know?
CHARON: A number of rumors and speculations regarding old management, stories of cult interactions.
CHARON: Suppose I've taken a personal interest in cutting he threads of the latter away from people.
GINGER: Do you believe it?
CHARON: Even if its not, I believe at the very least there's some basis and... my limited time here at the very least confirms something did happen.

He adjusts his glasses.

CHARON: Ultimately, taking care of the people who've been hurt takes priority.

She pauses, giving him a shrug.

GINGER: Good enough.
GINGER: I am sick too. Working on it.
GINGER: I am learning how to talk again but my tablet helps.
CHARON: Do others use tablets as well?
GINGER: Sometimes.

She grimaces, shaking her head.

GINGER: Tablets cost lots of money.
GINGER: I share this tablet.
GINGER: Sometimes other siblings need it more.
CHARON: Understood.
CHARON: I have a few friends living with a similar situation.
CHARON: Please let me know if I can do anything to make things easier for you.

A pleasant smile.

GINGER: What do you think?
CHARON: I'm willing to accommodate needs, engage in hobbies and interests, aid in any personal pursuits you may have.
CHARON: I can't guarantee anything but...

He does a little showy gesture with his cloak.

CHARON: A jack of all trades like myself will consider most things.

She holds up a finger before tucking her tablet into the bag on her hip, rolling over to her nightstand, grabbing a book and scooting herself back- extending it to him.

An encyclopedia of wildlife in the area surrounding the nearby city of Mockery, all manner of desert plants and animals.

He takes it carefully in hand.

CHARON: Bit of a biology enthusiast?

A very enthusiastic nod.

Upon closer inspection, there are sticky notes peeking out of the top, marking places.

CHARON: I'm a bit of one too, comes with the territory of being a traveler...

He carefully flicks through the pages, getting a good look at things.

The vast majority of the flagged pages are animals suited towards the cities of the zone- both ruins and active ones like Mockery itself. Things that learned to adapt, to be around people even in the harsh environment.

CHARON: Can see you have some favorites.
CHARON: Urban evolution... might I interest you in a book from my own collection?

Even more enthusiasm.

He carefully offers the book back with one hand and reaches into his own cloak with the other.

CHARON: Excuse me a moment, I'm carrying around here somewhere....

She tilts her head, trying to peek at what he's doing.

He tries to cover up a little bit more before pulling out another book on a literal silver platter.

A locally written encyclopedia from Plaza, edition just a couple of years old documenting the wildlife of the city-island region.

CHARON: Hopefully this is up your alley.

She narrows her eye and raises her brow, keeping her eye on him while pulling her tablet back out.

GINGER: You're hiding secrets.
CHARON: I'm a magician on the side, can't help but show off when the chance appears.

He does a little sweeping gesture to prove it's empty.

More narrowing.

CHARON: Not convincing?
GINGER: No. I believe you.
GINGER: Magic is bad here.
GINGER: My siblings do not like it.
CHARON: Mm... perhaps I've been reckless today.
GINGER: Do not hide secrets.

Ginger gives him a very stern look, shaking her head.

GINGER: Be honest.
GINGER: Be careful.
GINGER: My family does not like lies.

He gives a nod in return.

CHARON: It feels important to be transparent of my own nature if I'm to be working so closely with others.
CHARON: And as you can see, I'm hardly typical of this place and the surface alike.

Ginger looks him up and down before giving him an exaggerated, knowing smirk.

CHARON: You're welcome to borrow that book as long as you'd like, on a side note.
CHARON: If you find yourself bored I've got plenty more.

She flips open the book and starts skimming, thinking to herself as she takes note of the marked pages.

GINGER: What things do you like?
CHARON: Ah, that's a bit of a long list...
GINGER: What are your favorite things?
CHARON: ...I have a soft spot for cooking.
CHARON: Don't tend to get to as often as I'd like lately but making meals for others is almost therapeutic in a way.

She nods, thinking it over.

GINGER: My family is very hungry.
GINGER: I am too.
CHARON: I suppose could make a little extra and bring some for you next time I cook.
CHARON: Any allergies

She shakes her head again.

GINGER: I don't know.
GINGER: Probably no.
GINGER: Tell me more about food.
CHARON: Ah, well, believe it or not, I do actually have the licenses needed to vend.
CHARON: A large common part of knight work is relief and restoration of community, so they're always looking for people who can operate soup kitchens.
CHARON: Got a good number of hours under my belt in such environments...
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 4-5-1.png]

[image description: Close shot of Charon Judgment with a slight grin responding to a call from Maes on a cellular phone.]

[align=center]The upper floor feels all too quiet without Maes in tow, the first time she hadn't walked back at least part of the way with him.

Ruby had said she'd been pulled away for another impromptu meeting.

...It should be expected from time to time. Suits don't particularly care for armed guards at the table.

Charon quickly gets comfortable on his bed, joints feeling achy.

It's a few minutes before his phone goes off, buzzing and playing its full tune.

He's quick to flip it open and answer.

CHARON: Hello?

There's a significant pause, before a familiar cadence comes through.

MAES: Ruby said you did well today.

It's the first time he's actually heard her voice on the phone.

CHARON: I put my best foot forward as always.
MAES: You must be tired.
CHARON: Just a little.
CHARON: Everything go well on your end?

A pointed lack of an answer.

MAES: What are your plans from here?
CHARON: Not sure yet, why?
MAES: I haven't eaten.
CHARON: Continue.
MAES: I seem to have found some supplies delivered to my apartment.
MAES: Interesting, I can't say I expected to find a set of pans and condiments at my door.
MAES: It would be a shame if they went unused.

The dog's ears perk up.

CHARON: You need a expert?
MAES: I need someone willing to put their heart into a dish.
MAES: So fresh it's still beating, remember?
CHARON: Not a bad time for dinner, I can arrange something.
MAES: Immediately.
MAES: I'm texting you my apartment number.
MAES: And- Judgment.
MAES: If you agree to it, consider this a formal session.

CHARON: You know, for being in charge of this place I'm surprised the setup is so simple.
CHARON: Expected it to be a bit of a step up from everyone else.

Charon takes a moment to really take in the apartment.

CHARON: Only thing my spot's missing is the full sized fridge.

Maes sits back on the couch, leaning over on one of its arms.

MAES: I don't see a point in making my space luxurious, Judgment.
MAES: Accommodations for myself are all I really need, and those are plenty expensive on their own.
MAES: ...Besides, I funnel as much of my salary as I can into the rehab project.
MAES: It's not exactly something I can ask for public funding for.
CHARON: That's fair enough, does speak volumes I suppose.
CHARON: Just.. don't think I've ever seen this little of a gap between the average crew member and the top of the ladder.
CHARON: It's a nice change of pace to be frank.
MAES: ...did you think of me as a CEO-type?
MAES: My position is more out of necessity than anything else.

She can't help but raise a brow.

CHARON: No, you'd be more well rested if you were.
MAES: Tch.

She smirks.

MAES: Touche.
CHARON: Good thing for you is that I like tired.

The corner of her mouth twitches, her thoughts twisting into something more...

Ah, here we go...

MAES: Are you the type to see eyebags and grow flustered, Judgment?
CHARON: I'm the type to appreciate a all-nighter.
MAES: Well, aren't you bold.

Maes can feel her face heating up, the karacel lifting a hand to cover it.

CHARON: ...Wasn't intended that way, admittedly.

His metal limbs rattle as he gives a dramatic flourish.

CHARON: Vampire, you know how that goes.
MAES: A shame, really...and here I thought you'd be propositioning me for dessert as well.
MAES: Though, I can't say that I do know much about vampiric people outside of those with similar horror mutations...myths and lore tend to go over my head.
CHARON: Mm.. I'm sure you've done some research on the side.
CHARON: That is tempting though, admittedly.
CHARON: If it's worth anything, I've thought about getting a bite in.
MAES: You biting me?
MAES: Now I definitely get to call you bold.
CHARON: It's a biological urge, can't be helped.
MAES: And do you get such a biological urge towards just about anyone?
CHARON: Like this?
CHARON: Hardly, and even then, its not something I've indulged in often.
MAES: And what makes me so different?
CHARON: You're just a little spooky.
MAES: Spooky.
MAES: Hmmm.
CHARON: That's a good thing.
MAES: It's not a word I've ever heard slung in my direction.
CHARON: Not a substantial enough answer for you?
MAES: It's certainly not what I'd expect for something like vampiric cravings.
CHARON: Fair enough.
CHARON: Maybe if tonight goes well, then I'll expand on that further.
CHARON: What's our gameplan for now?
MAES: was a long day, and someone promised me a meal.
CHARON: Dinner shouldn't be too hard..
MAES: After that, well...I have my audiobooks, and a speaker.
MAES: Would that be exciting enough for you?
CHARON: That sounds like plenty for.. what are we calling this, beyond a formal session?
MAES: What would you like to call it?
CHARON: Anything between a get together and a date seems plausible.
MAES: Tell you what.
MAES: If you can convince me to move away from my raw meat diet, I'll call it a date.
CHARON: Consider it done.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 4-6-1.png]
[image  description: Maes and Mar seated together on a couch, the flowy warm atmosphere of the room prominent as the two express intimate interest in each other. Maes has a small smile as Mar towers over them.]

Charon immediately makes his way over to the kitchen setup.

CHARON: I've done a bit of prep in advance to save time, won't be too long hopefully.
MAES: And what's on the menu, exactly?
CHARON: Baby steps, starting with a mushroom cream steak.
CHARON: Should be a good start.
MAES: M...mushroom cream?
CHARON: Mm, something to help go for a salty and savory taste.
MAES: I can't say I'm used to many flavors period.
CHARON: Then you'll find out soon.
MAES: Mmmm.

I...well, it's a big step...

MAES: I'll...give it a try.
CHARON: Promise you won't regret this.

He starts pulling out bags and containers filled with ingredients out of his cloak and placing them on the counter.

MAES: Are you open to talking while you work?
CHARON: As much as I can.
MAES: Then...
MAES: ...I'm curious about you, I suppose.
MAES: And I imagine you're curious about me as well.
MAES: You certainly had questions during our first after hours conversation, and we've been texting..
CHARON: Mm.. but since this is your domain, you can have initiative here.
MAES: Perhaps...some ground rules, would be ideal.
MAES: It's clear there's mutual interest by now.
MAES: To what yet to be seen, and I get entirely different vibes regarding that interest towards me, between you and Mar.
MAES: But I want to make something very, very clear.
CHARON: Continue.
MAES: We keep this to after hours.
MAES: ...breaks at absolute maximum.
MAES: I don't want this to interfere with work.
CHARON: I can agree to that, seems perfectly fair.
MAES: And...what are your limitations?
MAES: ...Mar's as well, if asking her is an option.
CHARON: I can bring her out.
MAES: Yes, please.

The dog scans around the room looking for a good clearing. With a snap of a finger the proxy manifests, stretching out with the sound of wings flapping and a tiny little yawn to back it up.

MAES: ...sleepy, Mar?
MAR: I'm not nocturnal as this one... It's 6pm..
MAES: Why don't you come sit on the couch next to me, then?

The proxy makes her way over quickly and scooted next to Maes, very polite in posture.

MAES: Now, Mar...
MAES: I was just asking Charon what ground rules he wants for our arrangement.
MAR: Good to establish those early, had issues in the past...
CHARON: It was nothing serious...
MAR: The ghost?
CHARON: Not their fault they're invisible to most.
MAR: The rabbit?
CHARON: ...Aye, we had to put rules in place about teasing too much in public.
MAES: You're in luck, I was just telling Judgment that this is an after-hours arrangement.
MAR: ...That's been a recurring issue, yes.
MAR: It's always fun until you're stuck with no way to deal for hours..

Maes can't help but snicker, but...

MAES: Are both of you so pent up?
Her tone is...understanding.

Charon gets the stove going.

MAR: Not yet.. It doesn't take much.
MAES: Not yet.
MAES: Interesting.
MAES: Are you two anticipating me toying with you?
MAR: Possibly, that's part of the fun I suppose.
MAR: Get experimental, he's into some interesting things..
MAES: Then, I repeat my question.
MAES: What are your limits.
CHARON: Degradation, that's a safe boundary.
CHARON: No removal of equipment without permission.
CHARON: There’s a bunch of very specific scenarios but none are applicable.
MAES: Understood...and I'd like to know of those scenarios.
MAES: You don't know my interests and I don't know yours.
CHARON: Mm... no pocket dimensions without asking, no hypno eyes during daytime hours, no headless nuzzling right before work, no copping a feel with psychic powers in public, no soul jars, no mind reading without asking, no gearplay, no-
MAR: He really means it when he says not applicable..
MAES: ...
MAES: You know, I see what you mean.

The cat pales.

MAES: ...
MAES: Is t-
MAES: Headless?
CHARON: Robots.
MAR: The gearplay thing was a double whammy...
CHARON: Not breaking fingers today.
MAES: ...H-headless is.
MAES: Very off the table.
MAES: You won't have to worry about that.
MAR: I don't imagine yours just comes off... are you alright?
MAR: You can rest on my shoulder..

Maes hesitates before slowly leaning on Mar's shoulder, her ear squishing against the proxy. The proxy quietly bristles at the karacel cuddling up, the plates almost like feather on touch.

...such an interesting texture...

MAES: decapitation. And no necromancy.
MAES: Aside from that-
MAES: No...messing with my hair. Or kissing.
MAR: No touching hair at all?
MAES: Touching is...probably fine.
MAES: No roughness, and especially no pulling.
MAR: Easy.
MAR: And kissing?
MAR: Too special, or just don't care for it at all?
MAES: Not quite...special.
MAES: ...
MAES: Sensitive, is a better word.
MAR: Mm.. a complex relationship with it then.
MAES: put it lightly.
MAES: Aside from that, I'm with you on the degradation front.
MAES: Which...I suppose that brings us to stuff the three of us do like.
CHARON: Teeth. Claws.
MAES: Hmm.
MAES: You know, I would never have guessed.

Her voice drips with playful sarcasm.

MAR: And you?
MAR: I'm... actually really curious as well.
MAES: ...Hm.

She hesitates.

MAES: ...I can't say that I've actually told anyone.
MAR: Shy?
MAES: This is further than I've ever gotten, so...I suppose you could call it that.

She sounds...shy, at that.

MAR: ..Really?
MAR: Well then.. we're glad to be sharing this experience with you.
MAR: We'll make it as good as we can.
MAES: I can't say I expected it to be with two people, I'll...say that much.
MAR: Technically it's a five-in-one situation...

The smell of ingredients on a hot pan begins to fill the room.

CHARON: Mm, its complicated.

Maes can't keep the intrigue out of her body language, her whole body perking up and nuzzling unintentionally against Mar in the process.

MAES: ...even moreso, then...
Mar returns the nuzzle gently.

Their entire face tinged with black again, surprised at the gesture.

The proxy puffs up a little, seeing the blush.

MAR: Was that too much?
MAES: It's...nice...

She clears her throat, doing her best to regain composure.

MAES: You-
MAES: You asked me my preferences.
MAR: Mm, we did.
MAR: If it helps that's new for me too..
MAES: ...I hadn't considered that you'd both have different levels of experience.
MAR: Most people don't exactly engage in the proxy thing like this.
MAES: ...Mm.
MAES: that case. Hm.

Her cool exterior seems to be peeling away when actually prompted to open up.

MAES: ...your interest in becoming a meal surprised me.
MAES: I can't say that I expected someone to ever crave that, let alone from me.
CHARON: Obviously in reality there's limits but... the temptation to be pierced-
MAR: Maybe don't phrase it like that...
MAES: No, I'm curious.
MAES: Describe the piercing.
CHARON: How much have you read up on fiends?
MAES: ...some.
MAES: I didn't want to dive too deep into myths and legends, versus talking to the real thing.
CHARON: That's... more than fair actually.
CHARON: I appreciate that..

His plated tail audibly swishes a little.

MAES: Consider it an olive branch to encourage you all to do the same for me.
CHARON: I suppose then you should know that land based fiends typically have a baked in resilience to many natural hazards.
CHARON: Claws, teeth, poisons. mutating radiations... to some degree it's healthy and important to our development to be exposed to the elements.
CHARON: Even as a adult there's still plenty of room to grow.
MAES: a degree...
MAES: Becoming my personal chew toy would do you more benefit than harm.
CHARON: Absolutely.
CHARON: Obviously there's limits but if things are how they should be, I'd actually become more capable of springing back quickly overtime.
CHARON: A fiendish healing factor accelerates if the need for it to see play is recurring.
MAES: And here I thought your self preservation could use some work.
CHARON: If your body grows stronger from surviving stray hits, you can afford to take a few.
MAES: ...and you specifically want me to do this.
CHARON: Having a outlet might help your mood, no?

She bristles, just slightly.

MAES: ...biting someone, let alone eating someone, is a complicated territory for me.
CHARON: We can start with gnawing to see how you feel.

She softens.

MAES:'ve really caught onto my interest, then. Beyond our flirtations.
MAES: ...I won't deny it.
MAES: This has been...something I've craved for a very long time.
MAES: And here you come, presenting yourself to me on a very willing platter.
CHARON: Would you want it any other way?
MAES: I've known for years that if I was to actually seek out prey-

Maes lingers on the word, almost savoring it.

MAES: -fearing me would not be an option, and vice versa.
MAES: I enjoy the idea of intimidation.
MAES: Of feeling dangerous, even...monstrous.
MAES: ...but in a way that excites. Not the way people see me by default.
MAES: You are the first person to actually see me in a way that feels true to my nature.
CHARON: It's attractive, if I'm frank.
MAES: As is your openness.
MAES: I would be lying if I said you haven't been on my mind.
CHARON: I haven't been subtle about the mutuality in that.
MAR: Same.... its nice being a part of this.
MAES: both occupy different kind of thoughts, for me.
MAES: Though...I think in part, that's because you-

She pokes Mar's cheek.

MAES: -are more of a mystery.
MAES: Judgment shows his excitement on his sleeve, to put it lightly.
MAES: You're more of a puzzle.
MAES: Clearly enthusiastic about spending time with me, but to what end...I'm not sure.

The proxy unconsciously nuzzles up to her hand.

MAR: Think that's a feeling shared..
MAR: I like getting more pieces of you.
MAES: Am I wrong then, in assuming you'd prefer to go slowly?
MAR: We can be as flexible as needed...
CHARON: The knight's mantle is like that, yes...
MAES: Flexible...I can work with that.
MAES: And dinner?
CHARON: Just about ready... how do you want things plated and set?
MAES: ...the table.
MAES: But I'd like you and Mar both to be facing me.
CHARON: Mm, get situated then.
MAR: Mm?
CHARON: Help her grab anything she needs, time to serve.
MAR: Of course..
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 4-7-1.png]
[image description: Close up of Maes' face as she grabs a bite full of meat dripping from the fork with cream. Emphasis is played on her absurd amount of teeth.]

Maes follows through with the setup, everything going nice and smooth...with a significant amount of hands grazing against Mar's as the two of them set up.

Eventually, she sits down at her place, hands crossed.

Mar makes herself a spot across from her as requested, and sets down a second chair for Charon himself. The dog carefully places down the plates and utensils.

CHARON: Shouldn't be too hot, feel free to take a bite.
MAES: In a moment.
MAES: I've decided how I want this night to go.

Charon wraps up, getting situated himself.

CHARON: Care to share?
CHARON: I'm curious.
MAES: I'm going to eat this meal in front of both of you- you're free to eat as well, but consider this your first task in our strange arrangement.
MAES: I'm not willing to take the plunge on more severe play until I have a better read on any of you.
MAES: So you're going to watch me eat this, and visualize it being you on my plate, and I will do the same.
MAES: I want to see how we both react to this.
CHARON: ...I suppose this is a type of foodplay, curious to see if you'll end up wanting to try me seasoned after this.
MAR: Charon!
CHARON: I'm putting things as they are.

Maes snickers, not bothering to quiet her amusement.

MAES: He's allowed.

Charon makes a pleased snicker, Mar responding with a shy hum.

MAR: You're usually not this direct...
CHARON: It'll be fine.
CHARON: Now then, Boss?
MAES: We'll play it by ear after our meal, but...I am looking forward to listening to some books together.

Maes takes up her fork and knife, visibly and clumsily hesitating before cutting in.

CHARON: ...You usually eat with your bare hands, don't you.
MAES: I don't.

Clearly lying.

MAES: -besides, even if I did- you put sauce on this.
MAES: It's-
MAES: It would be impractical.
CHARON: You're allowed to cheat if you need to, I understand.
MAES: Mmgh.
MAES: sure?
CHARON: Nobody's watching.
CHARON: Besides, you're not going to be sticking a fork in me I assume.

She sets the utensils down, taking a moment before picking up the steak in her hands, her claws already getting the sauce all over them. Another moment before bringing it to her mouth-

-the cat letting both Charon and Mar get a better look of her teeth than they'd managed to before now, and then chomping in.

The two can only watch with quiet anticipation for her response.

There was a moment of quiet as she savors the bite, eyes widening and ears perking up.

CHARON: ..How is it?
MAES: C...completely new to me.
MAES: Like nothing I've ever had.
CHARON: Is that good?

She takes another bite, her teeth more eagerly ripping in.

The dog can't hold back a smile, the proxy nudging him as a friendly reminder to eat before food gets cold.

...though really, more an excuse to take a crack at leading conversation.

MAR: Charon and I wouldn't mind doing this regularly...

Maes swallows, a little bit of cream sauce still on her lip.

MAES: I- I would not be opposed to that.
MAES: This is-
MAES: I'm not used to it, but I, hm.

Another large bite, ripping and tearing.

MAR: Could introduce you to more foods, it's not exactly difficult to make larger portions-

Charon pulls a fast one and slips a bite into the proxy's mouth.

CHARON: Mm, I'm used to cooking for big tables, so it's not really all that much.
CHARON: I know your biology requires a lot more protein than most.
MAES: And a ravenous appetite...

Another chomp, a soft noise somewhere between a light moan and a growl paired with it.

MAES: You're making a dangerous offer.

The two of them have to hide a reaction to her noises.

MAES: You've given me my first taste for something like this...offering to do so more frequently, well-
MAES: It's a lot of cooking to keep up with, for someone like me.
MAES: Not just in terms of portions, but frequency.
CHARON: I have a number of hands that can help.
MAR: Mm, good opportunity to meet the others.
MAES: And will they be so interested in our arrangement?

She lingers on the next bite, drawing it out in a show just for the two of them.

MAR: I'm certain-
MAES: I suppose I can put them to work.

A break to try the mushrooms, taking a slice in between her claws and making an active effort to give them a good look of her teeth and tongue.

MAES: Mm...surprising how meaty these taste...
CHARON: It seemed like a natural fit if we're trying new things.

The warmth in his voice grows.

MAES: You thought correctly...

One last bit of steak, with Maes being the most gratuitous she'd been yet.

CHARON: Really playing it up...
MAES: I want you to know just what I'd do to you if given the chance.
MAES: As I said, willing meals don't come easily.
MAES: ...and you made this special.
CHARON: ...Have you never done this before?
MAES: If you keep asking me whether something is my first time, you're going to make me feel self conscious.
MAES: The answer is going to be yes.
CHARON: That's.. not the intention at all...

The dog's tone is apologetic, Maes wincing.

MAES: apologies.
CHARON: I guess put best, I want to gauge your experiences.
CHARON: I know you also have been deprived of many people take for granted so... I don't want to overwhelm you with introductions.
MAES: A...good clarification.

She sighs.

MAES: ...I have a limitation for tonight's play, if that reassures you.
MAES: A concept you can refuse, of course, but-
MAES: I am not about to dive off the deep end.
CHARON: Bring it.
MAES: First of are the two of you feeling, after watching me demonstrate?
CHARON: Admittedly, I was more worried you wouldn't like my cooking..
MAR: Are you going to eat me next?
MAES: I can assure was delicious.
MAES: Almost overwhelmingly so, frankly...
MAES: And, as for you, Mar...would you like that?

The proxy's scales rattle.

MAR: Mm...
MAR: Not really going to be the same though, but I at least like it in concept.
MAES: I'll have to figure out how to tempt you with it...
MAES: But-
MAES: My main reason for asking is this.
MAES: I'm taking my time with physical contact.
MAES: It's not something I'm familiar with- as established- but I crave some steps in that direction.
MAES: And, if the two of you happen to be excited by this dinner...
MAES: I wouldn't mind allowing you to release some tension.
CHARON: Mm.. bring it.
MAR: Mm.
MAES: And you're done with your meals?
MAR: We are.

She turns her chair around to the side.

MAES: Kneel in front of me.
MAES: Both of you.

The dog manages to just fine, Mar audibly struggling.

MAES: Mar, you can sit in a way that's more comfortable for you.
MAR: Its a bit hard to when I'm not sure on context for this..
MAES: ...I'll put it outright, I'd like you two to either get off to me, or tell me your current thoughts on the meal, or both.
MAES: Whatever lets the three of us experiment with the dynamic.
CHARON: Ah, an offering.
MAR: It's really more of a exhibition..
CHARON: A public execution, then.
CHARON: Suppose that's fitting.
CHARON: Rules?
MAES: No touching me, though you are allowed to look and ask for posing- as long as you explain your reason why.
MAES: If you want me to be a certain image for you, I'd like that information for later.

The smug look on her face tells them all they needed to know.

MAES: In general, I'd like feedback.
MAES: I'm allowing you to get release in exchange for learning how the two of you tick.
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