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Posted by: skinstealer - 01-16-2020, 06:26 AM - Forum: [SPECIES DEVELOPMENT] - Replies (2)

[Image: T4zQ8j3.png]

[CW: very simple/brief mentions of reproduction (literally just a mention cmon now it's a SFW thread)]


  • Originated in Bluster
  • Created by Wane in ????
  • First morph: Traveller
  • ????


  • Formerly found mainly in Bluster, now scattered across Taverne region in much smaller numbers due to the majority perishing post-Wane death
  • Found in colder regions, such as Solitude and what’s left in Whimsy. Can also be found in warmer regions such as Precipice and Wonder, but many find this uncomfortable and unpleasant. Very few numbers in Consumption.
  • Traditional mothlie families are based around “clans”, a primarily bloodline-based group that shares reputation and status
  • Clan reputation can go back generations, with some clans having notoriety for crime and malicious behavior, and others having fame for kindness and charity
  • Charity and helping others is valued highly in traditional mothlie culture, even if helping others involves violence/fighting/dueling
  • Affiliated with Wane, especially after their death made their species hypervisible to the world at large
  • High number of Wane, Wax and Velvet worshipers, moderate numbers of Grind, Alloy, and Rein worshipers. Extremely low number of Spit worshipers, with the majority of mothlies seeing Spit as a great and horrible evil that damned their people to die
  • Mothlies are easily picked out in crowds due to their distinct appearances compared to other Taverne species, something that leads to disguises and bulky outfits in potentially dangerous areas
  • High rate of illness due to mothlies being suited for much colder climates than the rest of Taverne can provide.
  • Despite Whimsy dying slowly, many Mothlies have travelled there for the lowering temperature alone.
  • Equipment and goods used to help lower temperature, such as air conditioning or portable ice packs, are common for mothlies to have around, especially in hotter areas
  • Many mothlies end up having to shave their fur if in a warmer location, though doing so is seen as expressing defeat against the elements
  • Mothlies sleep in beds, though some clans are known for sharing a common sleeping area and forming a large pile
  • Education in traditional mothlie culture is done through homeschooling from the clan itself
  • Mothlies without established clans/that were rejected from their clans can often slip through the cracks education-wise if not adopted by another group
  • Adoption of orphans/clan rejects into another clan is fairly common, especially after the majority of the mothlie population perished
  • Traditional mothlie houses were large, lodge-like and sprawling, built to accommodate an entire clan within its walls
  • Mothlies often have trouble fitting into other regions’ housing due to cramped spaces and the more isolated nature of apartments and small houses
  • Light is valued among mothlies due to their natural attraction to it, many mothlie residences having string lights or traditional lanterns
  • Mothlie fur is valued highly on the market due to its excellent use as insulation, with many mothlies able to make a living from shearing off their fur and selling it to local artisans
  • Fighting is a major part of mothlie culture due to Wane’s love of bloodsport, though few mothlies are willing to fight to the death like old times
  • Boasting is an equally huge part of mothlie culture, with many mothlie clans having tales of victory passed down through generations
  • One of the strongest Taverne species despite their appearances, even a novice fighter has a shot against an adept one of another species
  • Use their teeth and claws in close quarters combat, able to detect even small movements before they happen
  • Swords and blades are valued highly and often used in combat- most mothlies on the street are armed in some capacity, even if they have no intent on getting into a fight
  • Telling stories makes up the majority of traditional mothlie culture, though they often get warped over time. Many mothlies find success in the writing industry (for books, television, or otherwise) due to their species’ emphasis on storytelling as a skill
  • Clothing on the upper body accomodates for wings by either lightly covering them, having slits, or similar fashions. Some mothlies go without upper body covering entirely, avoiding the hassle.
  • While mothlies are capable of flight, having to adjust to other species' norms has lead many of them to give up flight entirely.
  • ????


  • Body shapes vary widely for mothlies, though most morphs have segmented, carapaced bodies (currently, every morph except cryptids)
  • Markings are inspired by moth markings, particularly on the wings. Carapace markings are more flexible.
  • Natural palettes are often grayscale/subdued with color accents, dyed colors can be anything
  • Voice is composed of growls and roars, surprising many who have never heard one before
  • No paw pads
  • No tails
  • Hair can be present, but is fairly uncommon on morphs outside of hunters
  • Range from 3’6-5’6 for "normal" adult height range.
  • Four arms and two legs, clawed hands
  • Wings are present and most mothlies are flight capable, though very rarely do they use them
  • ????


  • Mothlies have an exoskeleton, muscles, nerves, organs, and blood
  • Sharp teeth, often tusks and fangs
  • Primarily carnivorous, but can consume plants and other food as well
  • High energy levels, require a lot of physical activity to remain healthy
  • Express with their antennae and hands, exaggerated motions are common
  • No visible ears
  • Eyes are large and extend off of the head in most cases, though some morphs have hidden eyes
  • Wings are fragile and do not heal easily, with some older mothlies having significant wear/damage to theirs
  • Mothlies prefer to be active during the night, and may struggle to remain awake during the day
  • ????


  • Reproduce sexually and have minimal sexual dimorphism
  • Lay eggs in clutches of 5-7 at a time
  • Children are known as kids, and resemble caterpillars until they hit a period of adolescence (typically around 13 years old), at which point they form a cocoon and go dormant for up to a year before emerging as a mothlie. They are still considered children until age 18, however.
  • Clans are sprawling and accommodate for new kids as best as they can, making sure to provide resources and safety for their dormant young
  • Orphaned mothlie kids are in great danger due to their vulnerable dormancy period, making rehoming them (even with other species) a necessity for survival
  • Proper nutrition and safety is required for a mothlie kid to cocoon, and those who don’t either evolve into [undeveloped morph] or die
  • Mothlies are fine with either casual or committed relationships, but marriages between mothlies can join clans together into one (sometimes to great turmoil and disagreement)
  • If a mothlie leaves their clan, it is typically some point after cocooning due to the dangers of being an orphaned mothlie
  • ????


  • Morphs are inspired by different kinds of mythical monster, such as werewolves, fairies, cryptids, beasts, etc (typically those associated with forests)
  • Mixed morph children tend to exhibit more of one morph’s trait than the other, with some blended traits including carapace style, wing style, and eye shape
  • Traveller mothlies were first morph, made to be simple but versatile
  • Mothlie hybrids are extremely rare and often do not live long enough to go into dormancy, but often develop multiple arms, antennae, and wings if they manage to live that long
  • Based on moths and monsters
  • Common mutations include size increase, hunger increase, issues regulating emotions, insomnia, extra eyes, extra arms, larger claws, issues cocooning/going into dormancy, radically changed appearance after metamorphosis 
  • ????


[Image: nWJgUka.png]
The first mothlie morph to exist, traveller mothlies are named such due to their wandering natures. Such a name became ironic after Wane’s death and their displacement from their homes, but many wear it with pride all the same.
  • Based on story protagonists/adventurers
  • Rounded wings
  • Round eyes
  • Round pupils
  • Average claws
  • Rounded antennae
  • Fluffy mane
  • Fangs
  • Smooth carapace
  • Associated with Wane + Bluster

[Image: Ha6bmyN.png]
Attracted to the moon, lycan mothlies are most active during full moons, full of energy and high spirits. Conversely, eclipses induce an almost hibernation-like state, their constantly changing energy levels leaving them struggling to fit into society outside of Bluster.
  • Based on werewolves 
  • Pointed wings
  • Almond shaped eyes
  • Slit pupils
  • Long claws
  • Fluffy antennae
  • Fluffy mane
  • Tusks
  • Fluffy carapace
  • Associated with Wane/their lesser gods + Bluster

[Image: xDGf9bJ.png]
Hunter mothlies feel a deep hunger rivalled only by the terrors they grappled with before Wane’s death, acting as protectors for their communities. Despite their frightening appearances, hunters are just as prone to kindness as any other person, with many using their size and strength to aid those who need it.
  • Based on monster legends
  • Tattered wings
  • Hidden pointed eyes
  • Slit pupils
  • Very long claws
  • Antler-like antennae
  • Pleated mane
  • Double tusks
  • Smooth carapace
  • Able to survive in Consumption better than other mothlie morphs due to their strength + natural ability to fight terrors/hostile animals
  • Associated with Consumption + Bluster both, though more with the latter

[Image: vK4rMfy.png]
Despite their sometimes dainty appearances, fae mothlies are just as strong as their peers, if not moreso due to their agility. Attracted to small trinkets, many fae mothlies make their keep from trading objects they find interesting.
  • Based on fae (specifically the trickster variety)
  • Scalloped wings
  • Lashed eyes
  • Slit pupils
  • Long claws
  • Curly antennae
  • Poofy mane
  • Fangs
  • Smooth carapace
  • Associated with Whimsy + Velvet

[Image: 7x6XJgx.png]
The rarest of the mothlie morphs, cryptid mothlies are scarce even within the sparse Taverne population itself. Easily spotted by their glowing eyes, many believe that they’ve encountered some manner of ghost...aside from mundane situations, anyway.
  • Based on cryptids 
  • Furry, bird-like wings
  • Round eyes
  • No pupils
  • Claws
  • Round antennae
  • Hidden mouth
  • Covered in fur all over
  • Associated with Solitude + Rein


This is a species development thread! Here you can have discussion on the species presented, and offer suggestions/ideas for developing them- thus directly contributing to the species! Anything is fair game so long as it follows the restrictions (if any are listed). This main post will be updated as we go, allowing for people to always have an up to date resource on the species. 

Keep it SFW!!!!

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  [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots (18+)
Posted by: skinstealer - 01-03-2020, 10:24 AM - Forum: [OFFICIAL PROJECTS] - Replies (13)

here's where we put all the misc one-off stuff that qualifies as 18+ rated! any team member can contribute to this thread, comments are allowed, and stories will be added to a table of contents here.


Pillow Talk- 2020
Ringor Mortis + B. Comorant, Punch Clock Animal/General Morbit
CW: Sexual content, implications of past sexual/physical abuse (nothing explicit)

Chelsea and Bucket try something new.

Promise - 2020
Rin + Shivers, Punch Clock Animal, etc.
CW: implied abuse/torture, cults, death, implied violence

Bazil finds something new in Hell.

3:00 AM - 2020
Shivers + Rin, Patchwork Kernel, Punch Clock Animal
CW: implied sexual/physical abuse (nothing explicit), violence

Pepper tries the vending machine.

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  TCP: Oddity Session
Posted by: Blue_Fox - 01-03-2020, 04:47 AM - Forum: [ADVENTURES + COMICS] - Replies (49)

You wake up surrounded by a white void. After an indeterminate amount of time that feels like forever and an instant, a white slip of paper appears before you.

[Image: tcp_time_1.png]

The note reads:
"GIVE- sharing gifts makes the kitties happy and well! anything can be a gift. 
CREATE- the void is pretty but has full of nothing! kitties can't walk or play on nothing. 
NAME- naming kitties makes them unique and special! they like two syllables best. 
TEACH- kitties have nothing but fluff in their heads! teaching things will make them skilled and strong. 
CHECK- checking kitties is a good way to make sure everything's okay! sometimes they have secrets. 
SPAWN: if you already have a kitty, you'll need more to keep them company! spawning with words helps you make more, but only if the limit says it's ok. 
KILL: sometimes kitties aren't nice to eachother, or go bad along the way. this helps you keep things friendly!"

A booming voice drills straight past your ears and in to your brain.
"Please present the Void with a noun. Any noun will do."

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Posted by: skinstealer - 12-30-2019, 08:23 AM - Forum: [OFFICIAL PROJECTS] - Replies (41)


[Image: hcD0Jsv.png]

You are VOIDSY, and you are currently in an enemy TCP’s head. Your newfound nemesis, the very dog you’re trying to strike down, is in front of you as well, looming over her TCP with a wicked grin. 

SPIT: So this is what happens when you mix up two communication items...interesting, interesting.
SPIT: Veeeery interesting.
SPIT: You know, I should thank you.

She reaches forward and pats Hark on the head, the TCP trying not to flinch. 

SPIT: You just helped me figure out a lil’ ol’ trick for other sessions! 
SPIT: Who knows what kinds of shit I can pull off like this.
SPIT: Face to face...is it everything you hoped, collective?
SPIT: Are you gonna be brave, say I’m ugly, say you hate me, that you’re gonna win and be the big badass of this story?
SPIT: Or are you gonna flirt with me again, breaking my poor lil’ sister’s heart?
VOIDSY: ...sister?
SPIT: Oh, she didn’t tell you? That’s a real shame…
SPIT: Then again, everything about that little wretch is!

She cackles, and you feel your paws clench into fists.

[Image: Ahx92iu.png]

SPIT: So how about it, kitty cat?
SPIT: You’re right here, you got the chance...why not a little brawl?
SPIT: We’re all mental, right? Nobody’s gotta get hurt for real...not yet.

She reaches forward, grabbing Hark by the throat.

SPIT: Do I need to give you something to fight for?

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Posted by: Zenthis - 12-25-2019, 04:55 AM - Forum: [SFW] - Replies (3)


[CW: very simple/brief mentions of reproduction (literally just a mention cmon now it's a SFW thread)]


  • Originated in Cage
  • Created by Turbine in an unknown year
  • First morph: Gremlin 
  • ???



  • Found mostly in Cage, but they have a moderate presence in port towns and smaller islands
  • Gremlins have no concept of blood family, young Gremlins are cared for by older Gremlins who volunteer
  • It is fairly uncommon for any Gremlin to worship any god, as their culture sees them more as equals
  • Disabilities are uncommon among Gremlins, though any Gremlin with one is treated with respect by their peers
  • Gremlins are quite fond of backpacks, and will go to great lengths to acquire one that they feel truly suits them
  • Due to their unique reproduction method, Gremlins are very careful about how they sleep. Gremlins rooms usually only have room for 6 to sleep in comfortably 
  • Gremlins often sleep together in one large pile, both to conserve warmth and as a social activity. Gremlins who are not fond of this are generally accepted but often misunderstood 
  • Gremlins are too new to the rest of Morbit for most places to have any sort of accommodation for them already set up
  • Gremlins do not have any form of formal education set up, most skills being taught either by caretakers or on the job as needed
  • Gremlins usually make their homes in remodeled passenger planes, particularly in the cockpit and the cargo hold
  • Nearly all Gremlins have minor innate magical abilities, and not having them is considered a seriously debilitating disability 
  • While Gremlins teeth are not as hard as you might expect for a species that eats so much metal, they are still very tough in a fight
  • As Gremlins were until recently stuck underwater, they have not created much art of any sort. Most of it is songs that are sung to help keep time when they work together on large projects that require many Gremlins 
  • As they are very new to the surface, many Gremlins do not yet fully understand the point of fictional stories, however the youngest generations have started taking a keen interest 
  • Gremlins often play fight as a way to relieve stress, it is generally frowned upon to continue after bruising or drawing blood
  • Gremlins as a culture are very technically minded, having spent a lot of time taking apart planes with their teeth and figuring out what kept it all together 
  • ????



  • Full Gremlins are usually wispy with poorly kept fur, any morphs tend to take after whatever the other species was in terms of overall shape
  • Gremlins historically were not able to take care of their fur very well, leading to split ends and many other problems
  • Gremlin fur patterns seem to have no rhyme or reason for what they can be, ranging from simple spots to small blurry passages from books
  • The typical Gremlin voice sounds like metal scraping together and engine sounds. Because of this many Gremlins are self conscious about talking in the rest of Morbit where their voices are considered ‘grating’ and ‘noisy’
  • All Gremlins have paw pads
  • Most Gremlins have tails, and they are fairly instrumental for balancing on their hind legs
  • While most Gremlins have fur, very few have hair unless they are from a morph that does
  • Range from 9”-3.5’ for "normal" adult height range.
  • ????



  • Gremlins have skeletons, muscles, nerves, organs, and blood
  • Gremlins have an assortment of sharp teeth, but how many and how large is usually unique to the individual Gremlin
  • Anything you could find in a plane with no passengers makes good food for Gremlins. Metal, wires, and seat leather are all fair game for them
  • Gremlins are often very high energy, and any with low energy are usually looking for a place to sleep right then
  • Gremlins move around in ways that are largely comparable to house cats
  • Their paw pads are unusually tough, to better help them walk around in an environment with so much broken glass and sharp metal
  • Gremlin pupils are able to change to various symbols in order to emote, although all Gremlins have a symbol that their eyes default to when they aren’t actively emoting
  • Gremlins are semibipedal, having the ability to stand on their hind legs but generally only doing so if they need use of their front paws for something
  • Lifespan of ???? years, although because of their poor living conditions, up until recently it was rare for any Gremlin to reach that age
  • ????



  • Gremlins do not reproduce by normal means, and no one truly knows how it works. When 7 or more gremlins are asleep in the same room there is a small chance that a single newborn gremlin may appear there before anyone wakes up. If any non gremlins are asleep in the room when it happens, the child may take on features of their species and be a morph. A quote from Turbine on this matter is “I just made it magic, I didn’t want to think more about it than that.” 
  • The amount of Gremlins ‘born’ in this way is never more than one, regardless how many Gremlins are in the room in total
  • Gremlin kits are often a handful, even more energetic than the average Gremlin and with a penchant for sneaking away to explore
  • Gremlin families vary wildly in structure and size, it is often said that if you ask 10 Gremlins what the ideal family is you will get 100 answers
  • Gremlins have a difficult time understanding romantic love, and don’t see what makes it different from a very good friendship
  • Gremlins until recently didn’t really have a choice to leave their families, as there were only so many fully habitable villages in Cage. Recently this has become more common as all of Morbit has become an option to live in
  • ????



  • Other than the original Gremlin morph, morphs are all 'hybrids' with other species
  • 'Hybrid' morphs do not share any DNA with the non-Gremlin 'parent,' nor do they inherently share any visual similarities to that 'parent' besides some that are common in the species the morph is mimicing
  • Gremlin morphs will sometimes take on special or magical qualities of the species they mimic, such as OBJ headcasings or ruffneck smoke
  • All morphs of Gremlin are semibipedal and usually walk on all fours
  • Gremlins primarily have feline features, but this is almost always overwritten in morphs by the mimiced species’ features
  • Gremlins are fairly resistant to horror radiation, but the first thing that usually gets affected are the Gremlin’s pupils, which may grow, shrink, split, or disappear altogether
  • ????



 [Image: JXTF6V6.png]
  • The original type of gremlin created by Turbine
  • Very well suited to living in underwater planes
  • Not very well suited to swimming



This is a species development thread! Here you can have a discussion on the species presented, and offer suggestions/ideas for developing them- thus directly contributing to the species! Anything is fair game so long as it follows the restrictions (if any are listed). This main post will be updated as we go, allowing for people to always have an up to date resource on the species.  

  • Keep it SFW!!!!

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  BESTIARY QUEST [name pending]
Posted by: skinstealer - 12-23-2019, 09:03 AM - Forum: [ADVENTURES + COMICS] - Replies (27)

You are a researcher working for [REDACTED], a group dedicated to cataloging strange and mysterious creatures...you know that your job is to create a database of whatever beings you come across in your travels, but you can't help but think of it as a bestiary. Many other researchers contribute their findings alongside you, hopefully leading to a comprehensive guide to all that lurks in the unknown wilds.

Today is a very important day- you're here to give your first report. From what you've seen in your training course, these reports are...strange. They start out with fairly straightforward questions, and just get weirder and weirder...but you're going to do your best. Simple answers work just as well as complex ones, but they have to be text- any images attached are rejected, which never made much sense to you in the first place. 

Looking at the questions in front of you, you hope that your notes are adequate. Only one way to find out...

  1. How large was your creature?
  2. What Earth animal does it best resemble, and how?
  3. How did your creature behave in the field?

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Posted by: skinstealer - 12-22-2019, 02:25 AM - Forum: [SPECIES DEVELOPMENT] - Replies (1)

[Image: aoZFrjq.png]
[CW: very simple/brief mentions of reproduction (literally just a mention cmon now it's a SFW thread)]


  • Originated in Consumption
  • Created by Spit in ????
  • First morph: Warrior
  • ????


  • Found spread throughout Taverne, primarily in Consumption, Hearth and Precipice
  • Formerly a large number in Bluster, not anymore for obvious reasons
  • Found in other regions to varying degrees, moreso than other Taverne species due to their native zone being hostile to live in
  • Associated primarily with Spit, but the number of worshipers are actually spread between lots of different gods
  • Many ruffnecks actively reject the Spit association
  • High number of Grind and Wane worshipers
  • Middling numbers of other Taverne god worshipers
  • Other religions vary based on region
  • Inability to breathe smoke is a common disability found in many regions, see biology section
  • High rate of injury-based/mental health-based disability for those living in Consumption due to its violent culture
  • Being sick is seen as something to fight through and overcome, even for small viruses
  • Goods made to be chewed on and worn down are common
  • Ruffnecks can sometimes grow “deposits” on their necks, typically gemstones or minerals, but some exceptions exist. These deposits are often times managed through shaving them down, to prevent difficulty in moving their necks and possibly injuring themselves
  • The deposits on ruffnecks’ necks are considered incredibly high value, the exact worth depending on the quality and type of deposit. Gemstones and rare deposits (such as ferrofluid) are particularly sought after, and jewelry made from ruffneck deposits sells for high prices
  • Special goods are made to help shave down/chip away at neck deposits safely
  • Ruffnecks sleep in beds, though many have adopted sleeping piles and close-quarters sleeping arrangements
  • Smoking paraphernalia has a place in ruffneck culture due to its significance in helping those who can’t produce smoke naturally on their own
  • Goods made from neck deposits are easy to sell, even if the goods themselves are simple- the novelty is a big selling point
  • Ruffnecks in Consumption are rarely educated through formal schooling, and are raised by their pack as best as they can
  • Ruffnecks out of Consumption vary in terms of education
  • Housing for ruffnecks varies greatly based on region, but traditional Consumption housing typically involves close-quarters spaces constructed at least partially underground
  • Ruffnecks are excellent fighters, using their sharp teeth and neck deposits to do serious damage to anyone they fight. Some ruffnecks also develop claws in lieu of more paw-like fingers, which also come to their aid
  • Entertainment typically consists of physical activity, be it partaking in it directly or watching others. Sports and games are very common interests for ruffnecks, and help them get excess energy out of their systems
  • Many ruffnecks reject the violent nature of Consumption’s culture, shying away from more aggressive entertainment such as Hoopla’s death games
  • ????


  • Ruffneck facial shapes vary in terms of muzzle length, though most resemble wild dogs, hyenas, thylacines, etc
  • Ruffneck fur is typically fluffy or wispy, with almost smoke like shapes
  • Markings typically take from wild dogs, hyenas, thylacines, etc, though domestic dog patterns can also be common
  • Voices are typically composed of barks, howls, growls, and laughter
  • Most have paw pads, aside from those who have claw fingers (though palm pads are still present)
  • Tails are present on all ruffnecks
  • Hair can be present on ruffnecks, but is not always. Ruffneck hair is typically wispy, and hard to style without product
  • Range from 4’6-6’6 for "normal" adult height range.
  • Digitigrade legs
  • ????


  • Ruffnecks have skeletons, muscles, nerves, organs, and blood.
  • Sharp teeth that occasionally protrude from the mouth as tusks/underbites/overbites
  • Healthy ruffnecks produce and exhale smoke, with unhealthy ones finding themselves unable to
  • Ruffneck smoke is harmless to other ruffnecks, but can cause health issues in other species if precautions are not taken
  • Primarily carnivorous, but can eat anything (even metals)
  • High energy levels
  • Use their ears, tails, and overall posture to convey expression
  • Smoke production is increased in times of tension/excitement
  • Excellent hearing
  • Can see in the dark, but not as well as other species like karacels
  • Pupils are often a lighter color than the sclera
  • Deposits grow on the neck, often times embedded/hidden in fur. Proper upkeep of these deposits involves shaving/chipping away at them to prevent harmful growth
  • No sensation can be found in these deposits, similar to hair
  • Wild canine-like behavior, though some morphs are more akin to domestic dogs
  • Often struck with the urge to hunt things, even in situations that could be dangerous for them or their “prey”
  • ????


  • Ruffnecks reproduce sexually and have moderate amounts of sexual dimorphism
  • 1-3 offspring per “litter”
  • Ruffneck children are referred to as pups, and have high energy levels
  • Pups need lots of exercise in order to stay healthy, leading to issues and discomfort within close-quarters Consumption housing
  • Live in large families sometimes referred to as “packs”, though solitary ruffnecks can be equally common
  • Chosen family is common due to communities in Consumption needing to be tight knit to survive
  • Packs can and often do welcome in members of other species
  • Both casual and committed relationships are equally valued
  • Leaving the family occurs whenever the pack determines the child to be ready to do so, typically once they hit adulthood
  • Lifespan of 80 years, full maturity reached at age 18-20
  • ????


  • Morphs take inspiration from wild dogs (such as wolves, coyotes, dingos, jackals, and African wild dogs), hyenas, thylacines, and occasionally domestic dogs
  • Mixed morph children tend to take on traits from both parents, such as facial shapes, tails, and ears
  • Deposits are often inherited from parents, though mutations can occur
  • Warriors were first morph
  • Ruffneck hybrids often inherit smoke production and deposits, as well as wispy fur and lighter colored pupils
  • Common mutations include increases in size, hunger, irritability, and energy level, claw growth, teeth growth, excess fur growth/shedding, deposit growth, smoke overproduction, extra eyes and tails, increase in hunting urges
  • ????


[Image: DvTLp3J.png]
  • Based on wolves/coyotes
  • First morph
  • Pointed ears
  • Neck fluff
  • Wispy fur
  • Wispy tails
  • Associated with Spit and Consumption

[Image: 2OOPLcv.png]
  • Based on jackals
  • Long, pointed ears
  • No neck fluff
  • Short fur
  • Long, tapered tail
  • Associated with Rein and Solitude

[Image: H23xFqF.png]
  • Based on thylacines
  • Rounded ears
  • Short neck fluff
  • Long, tapered tail
  • Short fur
  • Associated with Velvet and Whimsy

[Image: AKqDaSl.png]
  • Based on African wild dogs
  • Large, rounded ears
  • Neck fluff
  • Longer, wispy fur
  • Long, wispy tail
  • Associated with Hoopla and Wretch

[Image: UrL7FwC.png]
  • Based on hyenas
  • Pointed ears
  • Manes
  • Short tail
  • Scruffy fur
  • Associated with Grind and Precipice

[Image: vtuCFPs.png]
  • Based on domestic bulldogs
  • Folded ears
  • Ballistic gel segments all over body, particularly at joints
  • Deposits grow within gel, sometimes puncturing it
  • Short fur
  • Tapered tail
  • Associated with Wax and Hearth
  • Commissioned by @Pichi2214


This is a species development thread! Here you can have discussion on the species presented, and offer suggestions/ideas for developing them- thus directly contributing to the species! Anything is fair game so long as it follows the restrictions (if any are listed). This main post will be updated as we go, allowing for people to always have an up to date resource on the species. 

  • Keep it SFW!!!!

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Posted by: knux400 - 12-16-2019, 08:57 AM - Forum: [OTHER ART + WRITING] - Replies (9)


Have you ever heard a story? Sure you have. Everyone has. Have you ever imagined that that story might be real? That Superman or Captain Kirk or Harry Potter could be out there, somewhere? News flash- they are. You might even be able to meet them.

Imagine our universe- every planet, every star, every galaxy, even other dimensions- as a dewdrop on a spiderweb. A really, really big spiderweb. Probably infinite, and going in every direction at once somehow. The threads connect our dewdrop to other dewdrops, and those dewdrops to still others. So what's inside the other dewdrops, exactly? The answer is simple- fictional worlds. Books, movies, television shows, vague ideas scrawled on a soggy napkin.

Each story that we create requires a world for it to take place in, even if that world is not necessarily part of the story. In order for Luke Skywalker to embark on his journey to stop the evil Empire and discover his true power, the entire Empire needs to exist, as well as the millions of workers that presumably work there. Each of those workers needs a planet to grow up on, a set of parents, and years' worth of history. It would be impossible to actually describe, but it must exist nonetheless. Every work of fiction has an entire universe for it to take place in, and we only get to see a tiny shred of it through the thread connecting our dewdrops together.

Got all that? Because it's about to get weird. Imagine we could leave our dewdrop, and walk along the thread to visit the neighboring dewdrop. We'd literally be inside someone else's story. Not present for the actual events of the story, of course, but there somewhere in the background, unnoticed. We could sit in a house on Tattooine and watch the Millennium Falcon take off from our window. This is possible through a recent breakthrough in trans-dimensional technology known as a "fiction hopper". With it, we can see all the threads that are connected to our dewdrop and travel along them.

Types of Connections
We can't go everywhere all at once- just like we have to traverse a series of roads to reach a destination, we have to traverse a series of threads to reach a specific dewdrop. There are two basic kinds of connections to different realities: Origin Connections and Relativity Connections.

Origin Connections are formed when someone in one universe writes a story. The home universe of the writer and the universe the story takes place in are connected via an Origin Connection, the strength of which increases based on how much of the world has been written about.

Relativity Connections occur when the content of two realities is nearly identical, with only a few minor differences. Often times there will be large clusters of different realities, each with some events happening differently or different people falling in love.

Restricted Events
When traveling across fictional realities, sometimes travelers may find themselves unable to speak certain phrases, perform certain actions, or enter certain areas. This is due to a protective aura that emanates from "written events". When one comes across a particular event that is important to the story, they will be unable to say or do anything that would alter the way said event is written or described in other realities. It is currently impossible to alter the contents of a book or movie due to the way this aura works.

A clarification
Dewdrops are neither created nor destroyed- only the threads between them. The countless dewdrops that exist right now are all the dewdrops that have ever existed and ever will exist.

(feel free to reply with questions or comments!!!)

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  [RP] The Singed Saloon: Haven
Posted by: victorianflorist - 12-16-2019, 06:44 AM - Forum: [ROLEPLAYING] - Replies (40)

Hello! And welcome to THE SINGED SALOON
COOPER & CO. creation.
Please register to begin.

USERNAME: ________

This digital space shall load upon the entry of [4] individuals, as set by this room's moderator.

This RP takes place in an extradimensional space created by the Greater God of Conduction, Cooper. 
You may Log-on and roleplay as yourself or a character from morbit.
For your initial message only put fill out the registration above. 
I will rotate people or increase the number of allowed players if need arises.
Think of this akin to VRchat.

Formatting is as follows:

USERNAME: Conversation

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Posted by: A_Mi_Manera - 12-16-2019, 12:02 AM - Forum: [WORLDBUILDING] - No Replies


[Image: HBVMOdu.png]



What are they?
  • Champions and heroes of the meek and defenders the common folk from divine wrath, otherworldly abominations, and those whom actively bring harm to others. They’re among the oldest of armed protectors around.

  • Commonly dedicate their work toward one master or a town who’s taken them in. They bare an emblem on their person that represents their name, heritage, and those they fight for.
  • Can be of an existing line (blood or adopted alike) or a self made warrior. 
  • Their status is dependent on location, and the title of knight can bring admiration, scorn, or indifference. 
  • Typically carry a specialization permit, allowing certain types of gear and arms to be carried within the legal limits of the region.
  • Often form in guilds.

    [Image: FWMBP3o.jpg]

  • Very distinct from person to person, long sleeved protective wear common to avoid infection from fighting creatures with sharp claws and fangs.
  • Tends to carry a rotation of domestic attire, work attire, and “siege” attire. The former for public settings, the second for slightly more
  • Crests and Emblems should find themselves worn on person day to day while on shift. Pins, patches, and patterns on outfits are common for the emblem mentioned. Siege attire is purely oriented around conflict and is often heavily protective. Not as common among younger knights who may not have it within their budget or found jobs that require it as of yet.

    [Image: 9emP343.png]

  • Chokers and protective collars are popular and common, although not required.
  • Must refrain from concealed weapons off duty. Any crucial tools capable of being used in combat must be at least partially exposed. Protective wear is allowed to be concealed.
  • Many modern Knights may lean into the aesthetics of long coats, fur accents, and tinted or colored eye wear in modern day. This is the result of influence from scrap sensitives, paranormal enthusiasts, and witches on the trade.
  • Classically trained Knights will lean into a signature tool and will carry it almost everywhere.  They also tend to travel much lighter and wear less protection, which often leads to the common misconception that knights don't wear armor on the job. It's a massive point of disdain for many.
  • Non-Combative knights(Doctors, Sensitives who do not fight, Technicians and Engineers,) must have registered the title on their licenses. They are not allowed to fight without public declaration and should wear the local region’s mark to show they are not a combatant. Depending on the location, they are protected and assaulting one is a major crime. 

    [Image: ii2T8YG.png]

  • Many Knights use a Guild system to find job opportunities until they find themselves a long term/lifelong employer or master. 
  • Guilds take a finder’s fee and offer shelter, emergency supplies, and a safe haven should things sour.
  • Guilds often have strong rules of peer to peer respect. Breaking these will massively drop your standing among other knights
  • Guilds are often run by veterans in the job who no longer serve a master or are settled into a town and have accommodated the resources, often as a gift to future generations.
  • Many guilds end up not lasting long after a founder’s retirement or passing. Successors often have conflicting interests, many attempts to turn the guild into a massive business result. These often fall apart and end in revolt. Trying to capitalize and bank on many self righteous people with swords is a bad idea. 

Weapon Classes

[Image: WJIUe3A.jpg]

    These may vary from region to region. Your class specialization is on your permit and will decide what you can carry without requesting extra permission from local regulators.  Common ones are:

  • Swordsmen: A very classical weapon class, often overlaps bludgeoning and cutting tools. Finds itself a lot of usage due to many common dangerous creatures only being sludge based. The face of Knighthood.
  • Powdersmith: Based on explosive and chemical weapons. Somewhat distrusted by many due to carrying arms that are either massively destructive or more effective against flesh and blood than angels and horrors. 
  • Arcane:  Magic or scrapped based weapon. Increasingly popular due to influence from witches. Sensitives and witches with familiars or proxies often fall into these and tend to request a dual license. Outright not given out in some regions.
  • Unorthodox: A legal nightmare and often treated as a secondary license. Proves you’re capable of defeating anyone with anything in the right situation. The right gods may nudge things in your favor in a fight.
  • Organic: Living weapons and tools made from an organic mass, or part of the knight’s body. Commonly seen when the region has native species that have natural protective traits beyond teeth and claws.
  • Animal Handling: Allows handling of a creature for protection. 
  • Pending: A secondary license, for tools that the local region hasn’t registered among any local or general subclass. Sometimes unusual tools local to a specific region may require this when exporting them due to their lack of widespread nature.

    [Image: 1f1DCne.png]

  • While most knights these days are newcomers without direct predecessors to their line, a handful of knights may choose to carry the weight of those before.
  • Carrying a title from a previous relative tends to get extra attention from certain employers but also demands a higher standard to avoid issues of underqualified staff due to nepotism.
  • Lines that have run long tend to pass down blueprints and archives with generations worth of vital knowledge. Though sharing between peers is not uncommon, some have formally established libraries and museums with what they’ve been handed.
  • When multiple active members of a line co-exist, this may lead to rivalries among the same line. There also have been recorded cases of hurt morale for those who are constantly compared to more successful knights baring the same crest.
  • Adopting into the line has become popular as a means to give brave young folks a chance at a better future should candidates within bloodline seem uninterested in carrying the title
  • Knights who carry a passed down emblem will find themselves challenged by other knights more often, as felling a veteran family is seen as a massive boost in status.


[Image: ZgNUT7p.png]

   There are various forms of specialization that a knight may choose to focus on. Primary examples are but not limited to:
  • Dueling: Knights who exist to duel other knights, demons, or gods in order to aid in acquiring power for a master.
  • Classical: A dying archetype due to the difficult and physical/emotional strain. These knights speak in flowery and formal patterns. They’re crowd pleasers and play well to an audience. They may also play a character or role for the sake of their employer. In the most dedicated of cases, they may serve roles such as body doubles or pose as a partner to their employer. Classical knights seek employment from someone who will give them a close and mutual trust.
  • Dark Knights: Like the Classical Knights above, they lean toward less public affairs and more purging things that are not meant to exist. Many of these knights are mutated or descendants of monsters and have a tolerance to the extreme.
  • Non-Combatant: Though broad and misleading as all knights are trained to be able to fight should it be required, knights who specialize in care or maintenance jobs are akin to elite doctors or engineers who can tackle dangerous jobs civilians can’t and are very much valued in the modern day.
  • Revolutionists: Folk hero types, find places in need of change and empower the people against those who control them but do not have their best interests in heart. They don’t live long when a god comes into play.

Knight - Master Relationships
  • Many Knights may commit long term to a master for a very unique form of companionship that’s said to go beyond normal understanding.
  • Knights who have committed to this idea are typically a good number of years into their career. The Knight offers loyalty and protection in the promise of a potentially life long home, care, and perhaps a genuine emotional understanding. This is often prompted by the knight and not the master. For those hiring a knight for the long run, it’s important to consider that this may come up at some point.

  • For a knight, this is often on the same level as marriage between a couple. Rejection will probably not sit well and without proper communication it will end in a very sad bastard.
  • These relationships are often non-romantic in nature but very close and personal despite this. The master will be the first one to know when the Knight is thinking about making an important life changing decision and will be asked to be there for most major personal events.
  • In the rare situation this dynamic becomes romantic, a third person should be brought in to mediate and assist. 
  • These behaviors are mainly seen in classical knights, most modern knights have their life together in this regard. 

    Ongoing, ask away and it will update overtime.

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