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[Morbit Fanwork]
The Real Earth Society Webpage
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01- Site online!
Posted by DieDifficult007
Hello fellow Earthans and curious onlookers! Today I've launched a site to collect information about the mysterious alien planet of 'Earth'. Also known as Dirt, Marble(blue), and Terrain, this world hosts many wonders unknown to Morbit. Some may call me a fool for believing in such a thing, call it a hoax or a 'conspiracy theory' but folks, I tell it how it is. Earth is real, and I'm here to document it.
02- Feature: Earth Astronomy.
Posted by DieDifficult007
Hello again Earthans! Today we'll be looking at what the stars look like in Earth's night sky, and it's place in the universe. before I begin I'd like to let you know that comments have been enabled. I'll make sure to reply to anything you have to ask. Ok, moving on to the fun stuff!

Earth is a lot like Morbit in the cosmic scale. It has one moon named 'moon' and a bunch of artificial satellites set up by earthians for scientific and Telecommunication reasons. It is the third planet from it's sun, named 'sun' and has an orbital period roughly the same as Morbit.

The planet orbiting closest to the sun is called 'Love' and is really hot and is made mostly of gas. Unknown amount of satellites.

The second planet in the system is called 'Hg' It is a barren wasteland. a rock without atmosphere. No satellites.

The fourth planet is called 'Martian' It is a predominantly red planet with a breathable atmosphere and few living things except for small little green bipeds. the natives have destroyed every probe to have reached the surface of Martian. It is believed that Earth will go to war with martian within the next few hundred years. Two satellites, 'Phoebe' and 'Denie'.

The fifth planet is called 'Red Spot' after the never ending storm that is visible in this gas giant's atmosphere. 56 satellites, some with oceans, some where it rains diamonds, but I don't have any info on them specifically.

The sixth planet is named 'Saturday Night'. A gas giant again, with stunning rings of ice that surround the planet like some kind of mad gyroscope. there are nine rings that each orbit the planet at a different angle. There is a popular Earth TV series about this planet called Saturday Night Live, which is a constant livestream from an earth Probe orbiting, with commentary from astronomers and celebrity guest stars. too many satellites to count. 

The seventh Planet's name is unknown so far, any source I find is always a troll. It's always something vulgar and insulting, like a bad 'yo mamma' joke. It is a gas giant with a set of rings not to dissimilar from Saturday Night. It's orbit is irregular and sometimes crosses with the eighth planet, swapping which one is closer to the sun. Uncountable Satellites again.

The Eighth planet is called Trident and is an ocean world without intelligent life. Unknown amount of satellites.

The ninth and final planet of the system is called Pluto. I've actually got a picture for this one. It's a cold rock far from the sun, but it has a heart to it.
[Image: Pluto_3369858b.jpg]
To wrap this feature up let's talk about the galaxy Earth resides in. It's called The River of Milk and contains approximately 14 billion stars. Who knows, maybe our sun is one of them?
[peppermint sucks, fite me]: your buttons don't even work dipshirt
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
[DieDifficult007<Admin>]: Shit, I must have messed up the scripting. Sorry, first time making a website. I don't know when I can get this fixed, coding isn't my thing. Uh you can contact me privately at @Morbmail/Die007.mail. no affiliates yet and no questions to populate the F.A.Q. so it's fine for now I think?
03 - Feature: Earth species: Human
Posted by DieDifficult007
First of all, apologies on the state of the site. Next week I should have someone to look at the webcode and figure out how to make it all work. Thanks to peppermint_sucks,_fite_me for pointing this out. 

It's hard to understand earth without understanding humans. they are the sole sapient species left on earth. once there were more. 'Mermaids', 'Trolls', 'Hobbits', and 'Velociraptors' are all examples of extinct species, but throughout Earth's history, only Humans survived.

Humans were created by the god Mother Earth on the continent of Africa close to 100,000-500,000 years ago. They are bipedal nearly hairless mammals with a head of hair as the only true furred part of their body, the rest is covered with various amounts of hair depending on the human and the morph. They lack a tail and have plantigrade feet. Provided below is an artists rendition of a human being
[Image: 220px-Peter_Griffin.png]
Humans appear to have various regional variants that have adapted on their own to various climates, mainly changing the color of their skin. It's hard to figure out the distinction in these variants so I'm sticking strictly with morphs.

The first morph I'd like to cover is one of the oldest besides the base morph. Created by the late god Gaigax, the elf morph is noted for sharp symmetrical features, hairless skin save their heads, their height, pointed ears, and eyesight. Artist's rendition bellow
[Image: xyWdHH3.png]
The next morph is a fairly recent one. 'Cat Girls' were made by the god Hatsune Miku, this morph resides almost exclusively in the Japan zone. Cat ears replace the base morph's rounded ears and a cat tail is present despite there being no tail in any other morph. Fur colors can be any color of the rainbow. Artist depiction bellow.
[Image: frLAzCO.jpg]
The final morph I'll be covering today is called the 'blue men group'. made by the god deadmau5 in an attempt to make a musically inclined human morph, these are a rare morph that may die out. Notable features include blue skin, pointed or no ears, and thin frame. rare photo below.
[Image: L9lOIFl.jpg]
Other morphs have little information to go off of, so I'm not including them for fear of getting info wrong. If you have any questions or concerns, as always feel free to leave a comment. I recently learned an earth goodbye so I'll sign off my posts with it from now on. Smell ya later Earthans!
[CHEAP_SNOOZE]: Finally a place talking about humans, I swear that Void from Eastwood's lastest session has some of them in there.
[CHEAP_SNOOZE]: Do you have any more information on Lobsters?
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
[DieDifficult007<Admin>]: Earth flora and fauna is a planned topic, but sometimes I get conflicting info. take this with a grain of salt since I haven't done the research I'd normally put into a feature. Lobsters have conditional immortality. they cannot die except if they are killed by a predator. They are hunted and eaten for this power(a few weeks added to life expectancy per meal) by humans and are considered the deadliest catch of the seas. That's all I got.
[CHEAP_SNOOZE]: What has void done?
[CHEAP_SNOOZE]: Releasing TCPs based on creatures like that?
[CHEAP_SNOOZE]: May Alloy have mercy on our souls.
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
[DieDifficult007<Admin>]: CHEAP_SNOOZE I will not have any discrimination on this site. that includes discrimination based on TCP types. Consider this your first warning.
[bone]: oh nice I've been looking for new resources for Earth info for a while now
[bone]: the catgirls are especially interesting, they almost look like... partially hairless, plantigrade karacels.
[bone]: are they mouth breathers? I can't see any nostrils in the reference image
[bone]: also, do you have any knowledge on Earth birds?
[bone]: you did say fauna is tricky, so probably not
[bone]: I know of two morphs, Macaroni and Horned, if you'd like more info in that department
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
[OCERIS-ONLINE-USER-4209] i herd that earth is planing an INVASOIN an thats why we keep HEARIN about them
[OCERIS-ONLINE-USER-4209] you ever seen a burido b4 last year
[OCERIS-ONLINE-USER-4209] i have it on good auhtority that it came from earth
[OCERIS-ONLINE-USER-4209] there planing on replacing morbit brians with there brians and snatching our bodys
[OCERIS-ONLINE-USER-4209] buridos are the 1ST STEP in the cultur war between our planets
[OCERIS-ONLINE-USER-4209] just you weight
[Image: 7ypC3K8.gif]
[fred@funnyinvestigations.pri] Fake & gay
The Real Earth Society Webpage
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What is The Real Earth Society?
The Real Earth Society is a community of people dedicated to learning more about the alien planet of Earth. Earth is a strange place that holds great value. we only know it via certain beings and concepts(not the species) that have made their way across the ocean of ideas to form into something here on Morbit.

What is Earth?
Earth is a planet with only a single species, all others having gone extinct at some point. There are many things about earth that make it a worthwile subject of study. The have achieved spaceflight(note that the banner photo is taken from space), They have no horror, their Angels are much rarer and less destructive on average than Morbit's, their oceans are saltwater, and their zones and regions do not need to be claimed by gods and are self-regulating ecosystems. That just scratches the surface though, and we will get into much deeper into how this fantastical and alien place works.

Who are you?
I go by DieDifficult007, a reference to a popular earth play in which the character Hamlet has to save the holiday 'Christmas' by punching Morph-Supremacists during the revolutionary war of the zone France. I'm a freelance reporter with a side job at a laundromat, and avid enthusist of the occult and weird. My species is a secret Wink

How can I join?
A Mpress acount is all you need to join in on the discussion! If you have new Earth information, hit up the contact info page. Feel free to discuss things in the comments or the forums! I look forward to hearing from you!
The Real Earth Society Webpage
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Mpress messages:DieDifficult007
You-hoo?! IM-ID:DD_007@9124-A1
The Real Earth Society Webpage
[Image: Earth-and-Moon.jpg]
Home | About | Contact Info | Forums(under construction)| -Affiliates-


None yet! Hit me up via the contact info page if you'd like to partner with The Real Earth Society!
04 - Site Update
Posted by DieDifficult007

Hello again fellow Earthans! The site actually works now Blush. Sorry for the long downtime, Had some hosting issues, but no more! The FAQ page had been changed to About, and should give people a good idea of what we here at The Real Earth Society are all about. Thanks again to [peppermint sucks, fite me] for pointing out the mistakes.

The forums should be up within the next month or two, just working out some backend stuff. Additionally the next feature will be up winin a couple of days! It's gonna be an interview I had with a Collective who's made of earth ideas! I might even get them to do a Q&A once the forums are up. If you have any questions or comments about the new site, or just want to check in, let me know in the comments! Smell ya later, Earthans!
[OCERIS-ONLINE-USER-4209] webmaster be cairful dont fall for any of there earth triks
[Image: 7ypC3K8.gif]
[bone]: neat
[bone]: ill have to look forward to that interview then
[bone]: do you have anymore info or tidbits for us to chew on in the meantime?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
[CW: unreality, talking about human teeth]
05 - Feature: Interview with an Earth Collective
Posted by DieDifficult007

This interview was conducted a week ago via video call. The Collective I interviewed wished to remain anonymous, so from this part on, I'll refer to them as AC.

Me: Hello?

AC: yo! you the Real Earth Society guy?

Me: I am, It's nice to meet you.

AC: Same, dude. big fan of your work. I just love how accurate and detail oriented you are. it's like being back home, almost.

Me: You think of Earth as your home?

AC: Kinda, I mean… Shit, man. We’re made up of human ideas, things that almost feel like memories. Sometimes we go to watch a TV show that doesn’t exist, or look forward to a game coming out that we’ll never get to play, even going so far as to looking up airline tickets to places bajillions of lightyears away. We’ve almost had lives there, so yeah, feels like home, in a weird way.

Me: I’m sorry, that must be terribly lonely. Do you mind if we continue?

AC: Oh absolutely!

Me: ...

AC: ... Shit, wait I meant absolutely we should continue, not absolutely I mind.

Me: Ok… Well, first question: how would you describe Earth?

AC: Oh dang, gonna start out big huh? Well… Earth is more boring than Morbit in a lot of ways, but safer too. We don’t- sorry, Humans don’t have to worry about horrors or monsters, they only have to deal with angels if they have sinned, and our gods are lazy or absent.

Not that it’s a safe place, by any means. Humans are really good at waging war with one another without the help of gods. Plus the threat of things like sea-bears, packs of 30-40 feral hogs randomly terrorizing backyards, and the constant threat of the moon hanging over them… not a good time.

Me: I’m sorry, the moon?

AC: The moon is cursed. It has a face and will fall down on the earth if a powerful artifact is used on it. Thankfully there’s a proficy of a time traveling mute elf hero that will save the day should that come to pass.

Me: I see, that sounds pretty scary.

AC:Yeah It creeped me the fuck out when I was a- oh, I wasn’t a kid, was I?

Me: Are you alright?

AC: Yeah, sorry, next question please?

Me:What about earth do you think Morbitians would find the most shocking?

AC: Oooh. hard one. Lemme think… Fossil Fuels.

Me: I’m sorry, what fuels?

AC: Ok, so… long time ago the gods made earth the planet. Then they fucked off. Didn’t give it life, just left it a barren rock. Millions of years pass and life forms on it’s own. The-

Me: On its own!? How would, what? You want me to believe life just… happened?

AC: Yes. anyway life evolves over millions of years, much slower than here, and one day the moon falls on earth, wiping nearly all of it out. The stuff that got buried, it lasted so long that it got imbued with magic energy, so now we power our cars, homes, and cities with the skeletal remains of ancient earthans.

Me: That’s macabre.

AC: Sure is. It’s also killing our planet.

Me: Wait, what?

AC: Shit, said ‘our’, ugh, gotta get better about that. Anyway so when you burn this stuff… like the fear from the impact event gets released into the atmosphere, where it traps heat and alters the weather. Shit’s gonna flood from all the melted ice in the nex hundred years.

Me: Why would they keep doing that?

AC: Why does hoopla have death sports?

Me: … Touché. What are the best and worst things about Earth, compared to Morbit?

AC: The best? Huh… that’s hard considering y’all have places with universal basic income. I’d have to say… Anime. It is an ancient tradition among humans, to animate things with such beauty and precision it goes beyond the limits of what is natural. An artform the expresses ideas and emotion with such force that it shakes the world. What I’m saying is that Anime Is Real.

As for the worst thing, in comparison to Morbit? ██████ █████. They are these ███████ that █████ rapid ██████, resulting in ██ ███████ that ████████ everything ██ █ ███████ ████ ██████, and leaves ███████ lingering ███ █████████.

[The words came out staticky, in a way that felt like they weren’t meant to be said, as if the concept they were trying to convey would break reality.]

Me: I’m sorry, I didn’t get that, what exactly is it?

AC: It’s █████, dude, big █████. The Absolute worst of humanity.

Me: ...Let’s move on. How is living on Morbit different from living on earth, day to day?

AC: Frustrating lack of satellite images on map apps, for one. Then there are little things, like not having exactly the right ingredients to make something from Earth, or being disappointed the tooth fairy didn’t come.

Me: Tooth fairy?

AC: A Fae being who bargains for human teeth with coin. You must place a tooth under your pillow and recite an ancient incantation while you go to sleep, then when you awaken, money!

Me: Why do you have something like that? Is the exchange rate good?

AC: nah, just like pocket change, usually.

Me: Then why? How often in your life would you find yourself in possession of a loose tooth?

AC: Human teeth fall out as they get older. Easy cash for kids

Me: Ewww… Ok, time for the next question: Why is Earth called… well Earth, Dirt, Soil, that kind of thing?

AC: Ok, so magic on the planet Earth has four elements. Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. The Earth is the land, the place you stand on. Air is the sky and wind. Fire is lightning, heat, energy. Water is the rivers and oceans that flow through the earth. Before we knew what a planet was we knew that Earth was what everything else sat upon, the base of it all, the land that even oceans rested on. So that’s what we ended up calling it.

Me: Interesting, still seems like a stupid name.

AC: What about Morbit? Seems kinda stupid to just pull a name out of a hat like that.

Me: It’s… not? Morbit means this planet, specifically. That’s the concept, the word.

AC: Yeah but it’s still a word, made up of sounds.

Me: But the sounds could be anything? As long as you convey intent you’ll be understood.

AC: Oh. Oh shit! I forgot, sorry. That’s not how communication works on Earth and our mind has kinda been filtering stuff into English

Me: English?

AC: Yeah it’s an earth language.

Me: Language, I’m not familiar with that concept.

AC: You know what you just said about conveying meaning with any combination of sounds?

Me: Yeah?

AC: That’s not how it works on Earth. We can only communicate by patterns that both parties have learned the meaning to.

Me: Huh?

AC: Look it’s like-

[They tap on their desk randomly]

AC: That doesn’t have any meaning right?

Me: right.

AC: But what if two people decided that it should? Agreed it was random noise but decided to give it meaning anyway?

Me: Then it would gain meaning and anyone could know what was said.

AC: Nope. Only those two. If they tried that pattern with anyone else no one would know what it meant, no matter how much they wanted to convey it’s meaning. This is true amongst all forms of communication. You have to learn what things mean on Earth. And what things mean is just what the group of people you’re a part of decides it means. That’s a language. And there are thousands of them, and a speaker of one can’t understand a speaker of another.

Me: Holy shit, how does anything get done?

AC: any given language would have millions, if not more, words. You’d have to learn another language to speak to someone who doesn’t know yours.

Me: That is mind blowing. Uh… next question I gu-

[There’s an explosion in the background, AC jumps up from their chair]


Me: what


[They run off screen]


[A scrap ghost flies by, knocking over the camera and ending the call]

AC wasn’t up to continuing the interview after that, but said they had a good time.

Well, what do you think, fellow Earthans? How does the real thing stack up? What did you find most interesting? For me it has to be languages, that’s bananas! Let me know in the comments. Until next time, Smell ya later, fellow Earthans!
[bone]: oh rad
[bone]: specially the fossil fuels and time traveling mute hero bit
[bone]: do wish they could've elaborated on the fauna a bit tho, i've got some theories about those
[bone]: do you think the tooth fairy is a god, or are fairies another lesser known human morph?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]

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