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kinda want a food or herb name 2 match w/ mint.....
Name the doll Sky, because you want to see the outside world too now. Also ask if you ever think they'll let you out. Offer a hug.
Sea and sky seem to go together, and we're named See, so maybe we can name the plush Sky? And offer to show Monty our skill note, too, if they haven't learned first aid already.
(This is Clod, just on mobile rn and can't log in easily)
sky is a good name, i like sky!
no longer active
[Image: 18-1.png]
SEE: I think that works,’s giving me a lot to think about.
MONTY: Good things, I hope?
SEE: Yeah. 
Both of you sit in silence for a few minutes as you mull things over. It’s comfortable, even with the big empty room and the giant pit in the center. After a bit of quiet, you can’t help but make your doll walk over and peek around Monty’s backpack, getting a shaky giggle from the larger TCP as you make it wave at them. Monty makes Mint wave back, and it doesn’t take much for the two of you to make the dolls wiggle around and play together. You don’t really know what you’re doing, but it’ It’s genuinely fun, and you think you get Monty’s deal now.
SEE: ...I think I have a name idea for mine.
SEE: How about Sky?
SEE: Sounds good with my name, and now I want to see the outside world too.
MONTY: I love’s a perfect fit.
MONTY: Did you know that the sky can come in completely different colors based on where you are outside? 
MONTY: Some places have blue skies, some have red, some have purple, some are dark all the time...
MONTY: ...sorry, getting on rambles again.
SEE: You don’t have to worry about that, okay?
SEE: And...I wanted to offer a hug, if that’s alri-
[Image: 18-2.png]
Monty nods before you can finish, and scoots their backpack to their feet to give you room. You clamber up into their lap, settling into a hug. Their body is cold and clammy even with a jumpsuit on, and shakes’s frankly not the most pleasant feeling, but you can’t say you mind. They hold you carefully, and it’s hard to believe you were ever scared of them.

You shift into a comfortable position, and almost drop the skill note wadded up into your hand. 
MONTY: What’s that?
SEE: Oh, uh- it’s one of those skill papers.
SEE: I brought it with me so that I could teach whoever’s out here it.
MONTY: Okay, yeah...I have a few of those on me as well. 
MONTY: I can share if you want, they’re pretty basic though...I save the really valuable ones to me in my room, so that I know I’m giving them to people I can absolutely, one hundred percent trust. 
MONTY: I’ve got combat basics, cooking, and repair skills, though. 
SEE: You take ours too- it’s first aid.
MONTY: Thank you...I haven’t picked that up yet, I don’t think.
You cling on as they reach over to rifle through their bag, and papers are swapped and read.

You now know about COMBAT BASICS, COOKING, and REPAIR. Knowing about cooking in particular reveals some interesting are made of chocolate, a food commonly seen as a snack or dessert. Huh. Kind of like ice cream. Not sure how to feel about that.
MONTY: ...thank you so much, See.
MONTY: I know we just met, but I really needed this…
MONTY: I have a friend I work with when we can meet up together, and he’s a great guy...but after a recent experience, I’ve been having a hard time opening up to him, even though we’ve known each other for a long time and none of it was his fault.
MONTY: I guess I just got it in my head that it’s dangerous to let people close…
MONTY: Having even a brief nice experience with someone new reminds me that it’s going to be okay…
They trail off, something clearly still bothering them.
MONTY:’d probably like my friend. He’s a bit tougher around the edges than I am, but he appreciates things like food and toys too.
MONTY: But...I don’t know.
They pat your back carefully, their cold hand humongous yet gentle. 
MONTY: Being around either of us...isn’t the safest move anymore, I don’t think.
MONTY: ...sorry.
[Image: 18-3.png]
The intercom comes to life, startling the hell out of both of you.
INTERCOM: Apologies for the delay, our attention was elsewhere.
INTERCOM: See, you have made an impression.
INTERCOM: Monroe, you have made an impression.
INTERCOM: You may both collect your rewards when you return to your respective rooms.
Two doors on opposite sides of the ring open up. 

Monty is frozen stiff, and you swear you can feel their fear.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
what's wrong? do you want us to walk you to your room? maybe hang out bit longer?
(09-13-2021, 10:31 PM)dediles Wrote: what's wrong? do you want us to walk you to your room? maybe hang out bit longer?

seconding this basically. maybe squeeze their hand reassuringly
no longer active
agreeing with the above suggestions, seems like a good idea
Hey, no need to worry. We can just sit here for a while. Can you tell me what type your friend is so I can tell them I know you if I meet them? (Clod on phone)
[Image: 19-1.png]
SEE: ...What’s wrong?
MONTY: ...I mean, you heard it…
MONTY: I’m the person you’re looking out for-
SEE: You’ve been nothing but nice to me.
SEE: Whatever’s up with that, I don’t care. There’s gotta be more to it.
MONTY: There is, I just-
MONTY: I can’t talk about it.
MONTY: Not without risking a lot.
MONTY: ...and honestly, you’re better off pretending you don’t know me. That we never met.
MONTY: I don’t want you getting dragged into this too.
You aren’t really sure what to say to that. Monty’s your friend now, right? You...don’t want to forget about a friend.

But...right now their comfort is important. You’re here to help other people, after all.

You reach over and squeeze their hand, the larger TCP squeezing yours back.
SEE: No need to worry, okay?
SEE: Do you want to hang out for a bit longer?
MONTY: Just a bit…
MONTY: I should get back soon and try to meet up with my friend again, we had plans and were hoping to meet up this cycle.
MONTY: I guess it worked out in the end anyway, haha…
SEE: What type is your friend, anyway? At the very least, I can tell them that I know you, right?
MONTY: He’s a plastic type.
MONTY: We...make toys together, sometimes.
MONTY: Or we used to, before I started having issues. I’d like to get back to it with him once things have relaxed a bit…
MONTY: His name is Rudy, though.
MONTY: Oh, and...I should let you know my typing too, I guess…
MONTY: I’m an atychiphobia type.
SEE: ...a what?
MONTY: It’s...the fear of failure.
MONTY: I worry that it makes me worry too much, like my worries are a part of me, but I can’t help it-
SEE: Hey, it’s okay.
SEE: You’re okay. It’s all good.
MONTY: Okay…
SEE: I’m a molded chocolate type myself-
They brighten up immediately.
MONTY: Like the dessert?
SEE: Exactly.
MONTY: That’s wonderful...people love your typing so much in the outside world, chocolate is one of the world’s favorite foods.
MONTY: Though...mainly for eating...
MONTY: ...Don’t let people take advantage of that, okay?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I won't! Unless people need help, I guess. I'd like to be able to help wherever I can. It seems like that's in short supply in this place.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Don't worry monty, we'll look out for ourselves. good luck. We won't forget about you though, you gave us the sky. whatever your issues are you're a good person and a good friend. I hope we can help the next time we meet up.
thank u for the warning, monty..
Think Monty would be okay if we drew a little picture of sky and mint together in our journal?
Give Me Your Coins
[Image: 20-1.png]
SEE: I won’t! I’ll look out for myself…
SEE: But if people need help, I want to pitch in wherever I can. 
SEE: Seems like it’s kind of in short supply in this place.
MONTY: That’s for sure…
MONTY: It means a lot to know someone like you is working to help people in here. 
SEE: I’ll look after myself, don’t worry.
SEE: And...good luck to you too.
SEE: I won’t forget about you- you gave me the sky.
They lower their head slightly, clearly touched by your words.
MONTY: Thank you…
SEE: Whatever your issues are, you’re a good person and a good friend.
SEE: I just hope I can help you out the next time we meet up.
MONTY: ...we’ll see. It’d be...nice, if things were smoothed over by then.
SEE: Oh, one last thing- would it be okay if I drew a little picture of Sky and Mint together in my journal?
MONTY: You’d do that? It really means that much to you?
SEE: Of course it does. 
MONTY: I would love that...and provided we meet again, I hope I get the chance to see it.
They give you one last hug, and you hop off of their lap, carrying your new little friend with you. 

They’re visibly reluctant as they get up to leave, hauling their backpack over their shoulder and giving you a sad wave.
MONTY: See you...stay safe.
SEE: You too.
[Image: 20-2.png]
You walk back to your room, feeling both heavier and lighter than when you left. 
INTERCOM: Welcome back, See.
INTERCOM: Cycle reset. 
INTERCOM: You have earned one reward. Please tell us what you would like, though it must be a physical object, or a skill note. 
INTERCOM: We will try to meet your request as best as possible.
INTERCOM: You have one question remaining in this trial cycle.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
look at the computer/electronics section of the catalog
i second the electronics!!! ..also comfort items maybe
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
seconding the above, that sounds like a good idea
I think we should also look for comfort item stuff, and also look through survival gear stuff
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
Maybe we can find some first aid stuff? Our ability can only go so far
thirded pichi!
[Image: pngegg.png]
[Image: pngegg.png]

As for items, maybe a refrigerator/cooler? We can break off small bits while we rest, store them in there, and give them to others as needed- that way we can use our regenerative abilities to our advantage.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
[Image: 21-1.png]
You sit down on your bed and reach for your journal, not wanting to forget your doodle idea. Drawing Sky and Mint comes easily, though you aren’t exactly good at it yet. Looks like that’s a completely different skill.

Finishing it makes you happy, though. You can’t wait to show it to Monty when you meet again.
[Image: 21-2.png]
Time to figure out your next reward. You bust open that shopping catalogue and start flipping through pages. 

The first section is labelled “Electronics”, and seems to have all kinds of weird things your mind calls “devices”. 

Listed on these pages are:

-a mobile phone. It boasts a complimentary phone plan, which you don’t know anything about. It also says it comes with 12 ringtones, a camera, and something called a MessiRoom app. None of this makes any sense to you, but okay.
-a laptop computer. This one has a ton of features listed, and you can barely keep track of all the new jargon. It says it has a battery life of 24 hours- a whole day, apparently! You’re pretty sure that’s supposed to be impressive. It also says that it comes with a bunch of programs included, including something called “pinball”. 
-a videogame console. This one lists having motion controls and comes with some kind of sports game. Sports is a fun idea what it means, though. Something something “pressure sensitivity,” whatever that is. Comes with one controller. It keeps talking about how fun it is, so that’s promising?
-an internet router. It says it’s easy to set up and has a wide signal range. There’s something noting that it should work with all devices with something called “wifi” enabled- looking at the previous three listings confirms that they all have it. Maybe you should consider this if you’re picking up any of them?

This section makes your head hurt. 

[Image: 21-3.png]

You flip around a bit more, stopping when you see a section labelled “Comfort”. There’s dolls and other toys in here!

Listed on these pages are: 

-a jar of slime, marketed as something called a “stim toy”. 
-a weighted blanket- this one you can actually understand, considering your bed has one of those. Still, weird that it has...weights, in it? You hope it’s not too heavy.
-a squishy plush, shaped like a dab type plush. What’s a dab? Either way, this toy sure has long arms, kind of like Monty. Could be a companion for Sky? You know Monty would probably like to see it.
-a tangle toy- this one has really fun colors! You have no idea what it does, but it’s apparently calming to play with.

At least this part’s easier to understand than the electronics. 

These are all pretty neat, between the electronics and the comfort don’t have to stick to what’s here, considering these sections have a lot of pages each, but this feels like a good starting point. 
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
this is a bit silly, but i think the laptop would be a good choice, purely because it includes pinball.
pinball's fun! i think we should go for one of the comfort toys tho
wait does this room have power? if we get an electronic device will we be able to charge it? if so go for the laptop. then we can get the router later.
How want the phone? The laptop would need a wifi router, and the phone comes with a plan installed - as well as a camera. It would be easier to conceal, too.
(Clod on phone)
(09-15-2021, 09:29 AM) Wrote: How want the phone? The laptop would need a wifi router, and the phone comes with a plan installed - as well as a camera. It would be easier to conceal, too.
(Clod on phone)

It doesn't specify of it has a net browser, or of the phone plan even includes data. Even then getting quality internet so we don't need to spend rewards on learning materials and (as much) entertainment feels like a priority.
I was more considering the camera, and the possibility of swapping numbers with people we meet. We could always get the wifi router later on for the other features too.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Know we're getting something electronic but I'd like to see the bag options anyway, just so we can think about later
Give Me Your Coins
[Image: 22-1.png]
You can’t seem to get your eyes off that laptop. It has so many features...and that weird squishy thing on the bottom looks really fun to touch. 

You press the intercom button.
SEE: For my reward, I’m thinking the…”Oak T-480 Laptop”.
SEE: Does that work? It’s in my catalogue.
INTERCOM: Reward on hand in your size. Dispensing…
There’s less of a thunk this time and more of a loud sliding noise, as if they were more careful sending your prize tumbling down.

Inside the chute is a big box, which you can just barely squeeze out of the opening. Weirdly enough, you swear the chute got bigger on the inside to accommodate. You shake off thinking about it too hard, dust the confetti off, and open your prize up.

Inside is a laptop and charger. You have no idea what a charger is, but it seems important…
[INTERCOM]: To summon a power outlet, tap on a portion of the wall three times in quick succession. 
[INTERCOM]: You are allowed five power outlets at a time. 
[SEE]: ...thanks?
[Image: 22-2.png]
Opening the manual for the laptop sheds some more light on the subject, and you tap the wall next to your bed three times. Part of the wall slides away and reveals a power outlet, just like that. Plugging in the charger takes a bit of force, but you manage to get it in and charging.
SEE: Says to wait five minutes minimum to get it a charge…
You get busy reading the manual for your device as you wait, your head hurting a bit with all of the new knowledge...but it’s pretty cool, too. All of these words are fresh and mysterious to you, but there’s kind of a rush from getting something so...complex. It makes you curious and eager for more.
[Image: 22-3.png]
You can’t help but feel a bit excited as your laptop finally boots up, making a little jingle. The bottom half of the computer is covered in what your manual calls a doughboard, a universal input device for the laptop. You flick a latch on the side and it puffs out, ready to be kneaded and squished around.

Immediately, you’re in love with the thing. It feels amazing to use, and you spend a good minute or two shoving the doughboard around to make things pop up.

There’s a couple programs already installed, looks check your manual.
-Domain Web, an internet browser. It says you need that wifi thing to use it, though.
-Spectral Pinball, a game that comes free with pretty much all Domain OS computers. 
-Domain Office, a document editor. You could probably write digital journal entries or something in this?
-MessiRoom, a chat client. Says you need wifi again. Damnit.
-Scribbler, an art program. You could make digital drawings in this! That’s kind of exciting...
-Scrap Solitaire, another game. Has to do with something called cards.
It’s kind of overwhelming, but in a fun way. There’s so much to do on this thing!
Before you can click on anything though, the intercom makes its usual noise.
INTERCOM: See, you have made an impression.
INTERCOM: You may collect your reward at any point within this room.
INTERCOM: You have also earned an additional question.
As if that weren’t enough to process, the door to your room opens up.
INTERCOM: You may also now leave your room.
INTERCOM: Please enjoy your time outside.
Oh god, so much to do.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Get the router get it now
Oh yeah router is a good idea, definitely.
Let's also try each of the games before we go, and maybe check out the art program if we have time.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Eh, I say we wait on the laptop a bit and just go see the next room. More impressions hopefully to think about getting more things.
Give Me Your Coins
def get the router, save ur question tho.. if we get it and set up our chat stuff before leaving also, if we run int2 someone else we can askfor their username
seconding getting the router and setting up the chat client. that way you can connect w/people on there later, in case you dont meet them in person again, considering the whole weird maze thing.
It is router time, once we get that router set up we should boot up messiroom, see what we can access.
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
i'm confused about what we did to make an impression here. we didn't even do anything with the computer aside from turning it on, do you think the impression was from that?
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[Image: 23-1.png]
You press the button.
SEE: I’m gonna go for this router in the catalogue.
INTERCOM: Reward on hand. Dispensing…
After a few moments, the sound of something falling down the chute comes through, and you open it to another box. Inside is the router.
Oh god, the manual for this one is way worse. 
[Image: 23-2.png]
You don’t know how long it takes you to set this damn thing up, but it practically drives you nuts by the end of it. Finally, you get it going, with all the lights on the way they should be. Everything checks out…
[Image: 23-3.png]
You scoot to your laptop, flip through the manual for that to get an idea of where the whole...wifi menu is, and find it. Your network is visible, as well as...some other locked one named…”gamers paradise”? Huh. Guess someone else had the same idea as you.
[Image: 23-4.png]
You go to set up MessiRoom, and are prompted with a pretty barren looking chat window. Your manual says that this interface can be customized, but you’re not going to mess around with that right now.

It’s prompting you for a username input, though. Gotta think of something for that so that you have something to give people- but you should probably head out after.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
input username: [SEA_AND_SKY]
no longer active
Nursee comes to mind first but skymedic is also cute
[Image: 46L7SNf.png]                         [Image: AccxU29.png]
(09-20-2021, 08:45 PM)cosmo Wrote: input username: [SEA_AND_SKY]

seconding this, except spelled as [SEE_AND_SKY]
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
I second [SKYMEDIC]
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
Seconding [SEA_AND_SKY], spelled as is
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
(09-20-2021, 08:55 PM)King-Clod Wrote:
(09-20-2021, 08:45 PM)cosmo Wrote: input username: [SEA_AND_SKY]

seconding this, except spelled as [SEE_AND_SKY]

Seconding this seconding, with it spelled [SEE_AND_SKY]
[SEA_AND_SKY] is very cute! w/ the a tho both r, rly
[Image: 24-1.png]
You settle on the username [SEA_AND_SKY]- it seems to feel...resonant, in your head, and it involves your cute new plush friend. 

...You hope Monty will like it.

You close the laptop after setting the program up, making sure everything is stashed on your bed- especially Sky. You even tuck the doll in for good measure, giving it a little pat.

Time to go.
[Image: 24-2.png]
You step out into the next trial chamber, and are immediately overwhelmed. You’re on a pillar, but there’s others all around you, and by the look of it, water surrounding them...after a steep, scary drop.

The door closes behind you before you can back out.
[Image: 24-3.png]
A familiar voice calls out to you, an equally familiar face peeking over the edge of a far pillar, way above your head. 
SUZANNE: See, I’m glad to see you!
SUZANNE: Max’s room is open up here! 
SUZANNE: You can-
[Image: 24-4.png]
Atop another pillar, between See and Suzanne, a less familiar TCP stands up. They seem to be wearing a heavy duty belt covered in...pouches?
????: Oh finally, more people!
????: That took way too long.
From the sound of it, they'd been sitting there a while.

????: Are you all fun? I hope you're fun. 
Suzanne startles, seemingly not having noticed the other TCP come in- too focused on Max, you figure. 

SUZANNE: ...I...I guess I'm fun?
SUZANNE: What's your name?
[Image: 24-5.png]
????: I'm TeeVee!
They look almost like they're posing a bit.
TEEVEE: Good answer by the way.
TEEVEE: What about your names?
TEEVEE: I need to know who I'm about to beat.
TeeVee steps closer to the edge of the pillar they're on, they sound very confident. Suzanne looks a bit on edge, glancing over at you nervously.

Looks like she wants you to answer first. 
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
panic and tell them you're normal
no longer active
I'm see please don't beat me, I don't want people to get hurt, this is my friend, Suzzane, her friend is hurt and I can help, it's kind of important..
beat at uh, beat at what? like physically or in smth specific here or. 'beat up' is usually the phrasing 4 physical so hmm. we dont rly know what the trial is yet tho idt

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