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  [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019
Posted by: skinstealer - 10-06-2019, 01:08 PM - Forum: [TCPDEX RP] - Replies (36)

I apologize for the sudden correspondence, but we have a bit of trouble on our hands. Something went wrong with our spawning equipment, and apparently with the amount of people thinking about and celebrating Darkest Night...wires got crossed, so to speak. We’ve had a massive influx of TCPs, all of them coming with costumes of all things, sometimes accessories as well...this is completely unprecedented, and to be honest, we’re overwhelmed. We need your help- if you can take in a TCP at your housing situation, we’d be grateful...or even just a referral to somewhere else, anything will help at this point. 

Attached is a form detailing information we need from you. Once we receive the form, either from you or someone you’ve referred, we’ll send information on the closest matching TCP pair. From there, you’ll pick the one that fits best, similar to how we did for your first housing candidate, and you can either pick them up or we’ll pay for their transportation. As long as these TCPs get homes, no charge is too great. 

One last thing… all of them spawned in groups of two (hence mention of pairs earlier) and seem to have visions of other places and their counterparts, almost as if they existed together in another life. We’ll send as much info as we can along with the TCP candidate info, but they seem to take the form of stories- at least, that’s how the TCP pairs tell them. Whether these stories are true has yet to be seen…

Thank you for your cooperation. We hope to hear back from you soon.

You need to have completed all of DN-1 in the TCP Research Initiative to enter this event. This research post will be active until November 9th, 2019.

Who is offering housing?
Are you new to our housing program? If you are new, include who referred you.
What kind of stories intrigue you?
What kind of stories do you fear, detest, or avoid?
The TCP you pick may want to keep in contact with the TCP they spawned with. How will you facilitate this?

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Posted by: victorianflorist - 10-04-2019, 05:08 PM - Forum: [OTHER ART + WRITING] - Replies (2)

A running log of all available types which can be generated through Grandma.

Entry formatting

Category: (Storage/Food/etc.)
Generation Settings: (Basic/Default/Fancy/Dither)

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  I've had enough of you Bert Foogee
Posted by: Lucy - 10-03-2019, 07:44 AM - Forum: [OFFICIAL PROJECTS] - Replies (40)

Log 445

30.8.4046 20:30

Weather clear. Environment calm.

Returned from year long voyage today. Got into harbor, immediately greeted by security forces. A misunderstanding of course, but apparently there was a suspicion that I was avoiding taxes. I'm an honest person, I would never dodge responsibilities like that. I had the receipts to prove it. I cannot help but feel Foogee had something to do with this. They are always trying to ruin my name. Have not looked for a new job yet. I'm tired.


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  [INFO] Character Board Guide [+Inventories]
Posted by: skinstealer - 10-02-2019, 07:10 AM - Forum: [CHARACTER BOARDS] - No Replies


welcome to the TCPdex RP Character Board Directory! here you can make threads for your TCPdex RP characters, keep track of their inventories, and customize them however you like. 

your first post should work as a sort of overview for you as a player, easy for quick reference (especially for mods). they should include, at minimum:
-table of contents for your characters, with links to each one's post
-research prompts completed with links to each one in the research thread
-any other info you'd like!

there's no set format for character posts on these boards, as long as they include:

-character picture
-character name
-character type
-character ability (go ask knux if you don't have one, sorry knux)
-character housing/zone/location/whatever-inventory (see more in inventory section)


your TCPs have inventories of their very own! each TCP can have a "starter kit" of items and can earn/find new items through missions and research posts. these are yours to manage and detail on, and are pretty freeform. as long as you don't make something blatantly meant to break the game and ruin peoples' fun, the sky's the limit. equipment and items given to you through the roleplay itself will come with plenty of room for you to define what it is and does, so it's up to you to come up with your TCP's stuff!

your starter kit, from coming straight out of the lab includes:
-at least one outfit
-one weapon
-one tool
-one personal belonging
-some kind of storage device to hold these things
-a device to access the morbit internet with

outfits are always free to add to your TCP's inventory, as are personal belongings. if you want to add a new item to your inventory, find a way to work it into a research post, even if it's just a mention. furniture and things in your TCP's housing do not have to be listed in an inventory- this refers to things that your TCP can and does carry on their person.

when you list a scrap, please include the following info:
-memory contents
-emotion contents
-energy contents (think of how strong the scrap is)
-scrap type

you can also include possible uses, if you want!
there's no set format for how you do your boards beyond this required information- go wild in making your board your own!

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  [TCP] Divine TCP Support Group
Posted by: cosmo - 09-27-2019, 03:29 AM - Forum: [ROLEPLAYING] - Replies (40)

Hello! My name is Extra and I set up this chatroom so that divine origin tcps would have a place to discuss their experiences. For those unaware, "divine tcp" is a term denoting that a tcp spawned in a session of the TCP "Game". Personally I feel it sounds a little grander than the position merits but I want this to be accessible to those looking for support. Just know that while you are free to refer yourself that way, I will probably not refer to myself in this manner from here on out, just out of personal preference!

(The following message is pinned to the top of the chat.)
1. Be polite and respectful to your fellow chat members.
2. This chat is intended for tcps that were spawned in a session ONLY. I am sorry if this policy feels exclusionary to anyone, but I really want to offer a place where we can talk about our experiences without fear of judgement or being pitied and I feel restricting this chat to only those who share this experience will help in doing so.
3. NO JUDGEMENT! This is not a place where we judge others actions while they were in a session. I will be very strict about this. Not everyone is lucky enough to be spawned to a kind or understanding player, and many have been in bad situations which they already regret immensely. I do NOT want anyone shaming others for what they did while they were ultimately subject to their players' whims.
4. You may share as little or as much as you want. The goal here is just to provide a supportive environment to talk about and process what we've been through.
5. Provide a warning before discussing something potentially triggering. If anyone has specific triggers, you may DM me and I will add them to the rules section here.

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  Door Game Raffle (Read Carefully)
Posted by: AceOfNothing - 09-26-2019, 11:55 PM - Forum: [FORUM GAMES] - Replies (9)

Sometimes dreams bring you to new and unusual places. Where have yours taken you?
"Time to wake up, you can't keep them waiting."

A soft touch stirs you from your sleep, tickling you just under your nose. This small annoyance is combined with a cool breeze and an almost blinding light above you, pulling your eyes open even as you struggle. You slowly manage to blink yourself awake, eyes having to adjust to the harsh sunlight, and give yourself a moment to take in your surroundings. You've woken up on the side of a hill, tall grass brushing your sides, and flowers dotted around. The wind is soft, bringing a soft chill with it that you appreciate under the sun’s light. The air smells sweet, and it’s quiet enough that you can hear the sound of a bug’s wings as it flies past your head. Above you, from the top of the hill it seems, looms a large rounded shadow, and your curious nature leads you up the hill to investigate. When you arrive at the top you come face to face with a marvelous willow, something so beautiful you think it could make a god cry. The tree is surrounded by a thick ring of flowers that stop just before completion, leaving your eyes to wander to a door carved into the tree. It beckons you, calls out to you to see just who is inside.

Will you knock?

You are, quite rudely, pulled from your sleep as something cold hits your face. You jolt up, gasping as your heart thunders in your chest, looking around confused. It takes several long seconds for you to realize where you are, and you groan as you do so. This was just a favor for a friend. You must have fallen asleep. You decide to get back to work, as they promised they would collect you when your "shift" was over, and the only other thing in this room is water that has collected on the ceiling. The room around you is dark, gray and gray. Ahead of you sits only a few windows. You are supposed to watch them for anything suspicious. You're cold, tired, and sadly pretty wet. You're in a lab by the way, the lower layer of a research lab that is trying to study sea life. They just want you to watch the windows, but that's so boring! Your eyes keep wandering away, until you hear a faint knocking. You perk up, looking at the center window, one that you swear seems to be a door, and you hear the knocking again. You can't see anything in the window personally, but you do hear something. You'd like to know what.

Should you knock back?

The alarm clock blaring on your side table is what wakes you up. You’re in your bed, in your small apartment, nothing is unusual. You go about your normal routine; get dressed, eat breakfast (toast and juice), brush your teeth, and check your schedule. Today you need to buy groceries, desperately, you’ve pushed it off long enough, you can do this. You get out the door with minimal procrastination, and fall into a rhythm on the crowded city street. You’re almost at the store, stopped at a traffic light waiting for the walk signal, when something catches your eye at the edge of an alley. You decide to investigate. There sits an old beat up box, with black marker drawn on it to look like a house you’d see in the suburbs. You try honestly to find where the box is from, but all of the markings and writings seem foreign, not in any dialect you’ve ever even seen. It looks like it’s falling apart, and someone is desperately trying to change that. The windows are tapped over so nothing can get in the box, the door appears to be taped on from the inside, and you hear a soft humming coming from inside the box.

Do you want to knock?

Honestly, it’s unbearably hot when you wake up. You whine, kicking the blankets off yourself and trying to curl up again, but you find the heat hasn’t changed. You ignore it, or try to, counting down in your head trying to lull yourself to sleep, until it’s absolutely impossible. So you get up, sitting up and stretching, eyes opening with a groan. You’re amazed to find yourself in a beautiful white room with large steaming pools, what you assume must be a hot springs. Steam swirls in the air, curling around you, leading your eyes to the large stained glass windows. Each window is carefully made, depicting beautiful imagery from different stories of the gods you’ve heard over the years, or just showing you gorgeous scenery. Each window is polished, sun shining through with gentle colors reflecting across every surface possible. It feels like you’re trapped in a rainbow, in the sky even. That’s when you notice it, a very simple stained glass door, with a shadowy figure standing just behind it. It could be just steam, but you’re pretty sure someone is there.

Is it safe to knock?

You feel sticky. Sticky and cold. You have to get up quickly, ignoring that last bit of sleep as you pull yourself from the ground. You felt sticky because you were, in fact, laying on a candy road. You are also, somehow, surrounded by candy, a candy forest. The trees are tall lollipops, the low plants are made of gumdrops and peppermints, and you see several large scoops of ice-cream just sitting there. This feels like a child’s dream, it makes your teeth hurt from how sickeningly sweet everything looks. You decide to see where the path leads you, it has to go somewhere right? You pass by pools of chocolate syrup, a bubbling soda waterfall, and caves filled with crunchy rock candy. Have you eaten any candy? You really could at anytime, but you’re not quite sure if it’s okay. Is someone tending this forest, is this a new zone, or are you just dreaming? You ponder this, the only thing pulling you along the path is the sweet sweet smell in the air. It seems like you’ve been walking forever before the path starts to shorten, leading you to a large candy cabin. Now you’re getting some weird fairytale vibes. The house has a door made of sweet smelling chocolate, and an archway made from two large candy canes. It has gumdrop doorknob, but you don’t think the door actually opens that way? Still, you’d like to know what’s inside. If the door isn’t also sticky at least.

Can you knock?

Hello hello hello
Welcome to the door game! Hopefully that introduction didn’t confuse you too much.

I have to stress that I need you to read this carefully, I’m going to try and answer all of your questions.
1. What is this? It’s a door game! You pick the door, you enter the raffle for that door, you maybe win a prize! There is only one winner per door, and thus one prize per door.
2. Where is this? There is no door selected for any of the zones. They are just doors. Doors doors doors, I didn’t want to limit myself per zone. You can imagine them being somewhere, or you can just move on from that.
3. What is behind the doors? Each door has a tcp behind it, themed after the door, created by Rin. He’s made some absolutely adorable cats, I’m excited to share them with you! I appreciate him making them, but besides doing that commission he is not involved in this raffle, please refrain from bothering him with questions. 
4. Can I see the cats? Well that would just ruin the fun! I may show a preview of them closer to the end of the game, but for now no. 
5. How long will this be running for? Approximately a month. I want to give people some time to enter. However I do not have a day picked out, and I would prefer to not be asked repeatedly when I will be ending this. I will keep updates on here, and will post when I am closer to closing
6. How do I enter? I’m going to stress again, read carefully. There are two steps to entering, and I’m even providing examples. So here we go:
I’m allowing everyone the ability to pick 2 doors to enter under. To keep this easy for me, please keep clearly state the door numbers and tell me how you knock. This doesn’t mean you have to role play or provide a detailed response, I just think it’s fun


I would like to knock on doors 2 and 4, and I knock softly

I knock on either door 1 or 5 with my foot.

I would approach either door 3 or 5, knocking quickly and loudly.

I would only like to enter for door 2, and inside of knocking try pulling the door open. 

I don’t believe it’s overly complicated. 
Disclaimer: When we end I will be writing a closing statement to introduce the cats, and how you knock may or may not effect this.
If you at any point decide to change your doors, please redo your entire entry, stating clearly you are reentering:

I would like to redo my entry. I knock on either 1 or 4 with my foot.

Now to keep this from getting cluttered, please refrain from talking here. If you have any questions either tag me on discord or direct message me.
I will post updates here, and will eventually post when the final day is about a week in advance.
For now, please have fun!

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  [TCPDEX] Points Shop
Posted by: skinstealer - 09-26-2019, 07:42 AM - Forum: [TCPDEX RP] - Replies (86)

Here is where you can spend the points you earn from roleplaying- enjoy! To spend points, just put a message below with what you want, and we'll get to you ASAP.

Artist prizes are prizes well, done with custom art. Due to the extra effort put into these, they're not always cheap...but some will help you out in games and roleplays!

[Image: oT8vpU7.png]
ID CARD- 50 points each
ID cards are required for your TCP characters to go on "missions" (coming soon!), and will allow you to join a party. You can purchase one ID card per TCP you've acquired through the TCPdex RP. ID cards are currently not available for non-TCPdex RP TCPs, but that may change in the future! You'll be able to customize any of the text fields on this ID, as well as the backgrounds and colors.

[Image: 626615376138207242_hazard1.png]
PHOTOSHOOT- 100 points each
Photoshoots get you well, photographs! For now, we offer basic backgrounds and bust poses- though more will be added to the options as time goes on!

[Image: 626621595506704405_hazardcasual.png]
OUTFITS- 75 points each
Get an outfit for your TCP! Outfits will either be sketched on top of sketches/flats/refs (if you have them) OR a grayscale ref for the TCP's type- think of it like a mannequin!

[Image: 626638898335973396_hazard.png][Image: 626639987722420225_hazardanimated.gif][Image: 626643650432204810_refill.png][Image: 626644744579055636_refillanimated.gif]
PIXELS- 75 points each
Pixel art of your TCP- you can get one per TCPdex TCP. Purchasing will get you a static pixel, a very lightly animated bob version, and scaled up versions of both. These may be used for games down the line!

All TCPdex RP TCPs come from Grandma Simulator, our handy dandy bot- and now you can get some new recruits from the facility! These are far less customized than the TCP you've received as a player character, but can be gifted/traded with other people- just make sure to have an in character reason! Recruits from these rolls do not have to share housing with your player TCP. We have many tiers and options for rolls, with more specific/custom requests costing more! 

If you roll a TCP you don't want, you can exchange them for 50% of the point value, and placed into the Lab Candidate rolling pool for other people to get! You can also put them up for trade or adoption- it's up to you.

These are the general rolls done without customization at all, and you'll receive the first TCP that Grandma spits out for your request. Note: these TCPs may not look especially cohesive/might come out a little funky looking. Don't let that deter you, though- they still make excellent friends! 

[Image: 626652817381261332_0.png]
BASIC ROLL- 20 points each
Basic rolls give you TCPs with a limited palette, making them simple friends at an inexpensive point cost. Some details, shading, and markings may be lost with this option- but it's kind of a unique look on its own!

[Image: 626656095733153792_21.png]
DEFAULT ROLL- 30 points each
Default rolls give you TCPs with full palettes, but just recolors. Some details/shading might be lost to this roll method, but for the most part, they come out looking great!
[Image: 626661816801558538_16.png]
FANCY ROLL- 50 points each
Fancy rolls give you TCPs with full palette and mask markings- Grandma has over 1000 and counting to work with, with all kinds of themes! While these come out well, fancier than other rolls, colors CAN clash and they will be notably harder to draw. Still, it's whatever floats your boat.
[Image: 626662433745797134_13.png]
DITHER ROLL- 20 points each
Dither rolls have a limited palette and a dithered effect- they pretty much always come out muted, but it has a nice retro feel!

With Grandma Simulator, we have what's called the "Prize Box"- a folder full of TCPs hand selected from generated piles, chosen for their cohesive, nice looking designs. All of the player TCPs came from this box, and event TCPs will as well. You can guarantee that your design will look good when they're from the box! All designs rolled from prize box will still be the first one randomly selected.

[Image: 626656379796455434_12.png]
DEFAULT PRIZE BOX ROLL- 50 points each
A default TCP rolled from the prize box. Well composed color palette guaranteed!
[Image: 626662072821743616_47.png]
FANCY PRIZE BOX ROLL- 75 points each
A fancy TCP rolled from the prize box. These guys come out really unique- no TCP will ever be like yours!

All of your roll options, now with the ability to select a type category! You'll get the first roll within the type category of your choosing. No real descriptions provided for these guys seeing as they're self explanatory, but the example category was storage!

[Image: 626653137754652673_21.png]

[Image: 626656769212678154_8.png]

[Image: 626658085133484032_28.png]

[Image: 626658343825440770_19.png]

Been craving a new TCP, and you know just what kind you want? This kind of roll will let you specify a type, and guarantee you the first TCP you roll within that. No descriptions for these, but the type picked was Irony!
[Image: 626653324829130753_19.png]
[Image: 626656913228038155_1.png]

[Image: 626657326170112039_12.png]

[Image: 626657466452541442_9.png]

Type category and type specific rolls, now taking from the prize box! Expensive, but well worth it to get a TCP you can't stop thinking about.
[Image: 626658587581874177_7.png]

[Image: 626659705888047130_39.png]
[Image: 626660654723497984_23.png]

[Image: 626660463912026122_13.png]

Themed rolls are similar to the player character rolls you did at the start of the game, but a lot less custom- you'll provide a theme and a TCP will be selected from the prize box- there is some randomization involved, rest assured! Themes can technically be anything, but the example one here was "soft and cozy!"

[Image: 626661158702546945_41.png]
DEFAULT THEMED ROLL- 75 points each
[Image: 626661524613890069_22.png]
FANCY THEMED ROLL- 100 points each


[Image: VEmEPvl.png]
LAB CANDIDATE ROLL- 100 points each
Get a leftover lab candidate from the Housing Initiative, or any other official ways of obtaining TCPs! If you've seen a TCP you liked but didn't get chosen, this is a roll for you.

[Image: 7Saoq81.png]
PALETTE ROLL- 150 points each
Rolls a fancy TCP with a chosen palette! Provide 5 colors, and we'll roll a TCP with that in its color scheme.

Yeah! Wattplants! We got em! What you can do with them, we're not sure yet- but they're here!

[Image: 626653762148237319_42.png]

[Image: 626654943389941761_29.png]

[Image: 626655307233230848_20.png]

[Image: 626655472287481876_3.png]

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  [TCPDEX] Points Records
Posted by: skinstealer - 09-26-2019, 06:28 AM - Forum: [TCPDEX RP] - Replies (12)

Here's where you can find your current point total! Points can be used at the RP Store, and in possibly other ways later on.

115 points (cosmo)
40 points (ember)

20 points (ken)
0 points (jay) 

seppawku- 15 points

victorianflorist- 35 points

pichi1224- 25 points

AceofNothing- 20 points

shifter55- 15 points

knux400- 35 points

clockwork citrus- 105 points

aeshihowl- 90 points

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  [TCPDEX] TCP Comunication Network
Posted by: skinstealer - 09-26-2019, 05:15 AM - Forum: [TCPDEX RP] - Replies (47)

Welcome to the Official Chatroom of Hoopla's TCP Research Facility! As a former specimen of the facility, you have been granted access to this chat, meant to encourage communication between TCPs just like yourself. You'll have plenty of common ground, and this chat should ideally serve as a great resource for sharing research and coordinating cooperative efforts.

Please remain civil, keep it clean, and remember to treat your peers with respect!

[TASTY_TREAT] has logged on!
[TASTY_TREAT]: hohkay i guess i'm the first one in
[TASTY_TREAT]: hope it gets a bit busier soon though...it's such a slow day and i'm going nuts

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  [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative
Posted by: skinstealer - 09-23-2019, 11:35 AM - Forum: [TCPDEX RP] - Replies (68)

this thread is a part of the TCPdex RP (proper name pending), and can only be entered once you've gotten your player character from here. anyone can go grab a player character, but you gotta have that starting TCP to get in on this. thank you!

Thank you for your participation in our brand new TCP Research Initiative! As former residents and specimens of the TCP Research Facility of Hoopla, we know we can trust you to get results. Your job as researchers will be to document findings based on topics sent out by researchers, typically ourselves. With TCPs from the Housing Initiative going to places all across the globe, we believe that your input, even when alongside your typical day to day schedule, will yield huge results. 
As promised in our initial letter, you will be awarded a base amount of [REDACTED] cash for each report given, variable credit towards goods and services sold/processed by the Facility based on the quality of your reports, and occasional bonus opportunities. Your report can be brief, even a bullet point list will do- though reports detailing more substantial, documented evidence towards our research goals will be awarded more credits. You are welcome to include images, drawings, photographs, physical goods, anything that helps you to create your report. As long as you get us results, we're willing to be flexible on what the medium of those results can be. 
We will occasionally post a new research topic, though older ones can always be revisited. If we are able to use your reports to further our own research finding, we will post an update and award bonus credits. Good luck!


TCP Spawn Points [SP]
Horror [ HR ]
[SPECIAL] Darkest Night [DN]

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