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[IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - Printable Version

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[IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 10-25-2019


[Image: 637230859027611649_brisk.png]
[Image: WOxKePR.png]

I'm Brisk. When I was back in the lab, I had a friend called Casket. We both got put up for adoption, but due to lab regulations, only one of us ended up going- and it turned out to be me. I told her when I left that I would write, and I did. That was a week or two ago, and she hasn't replied yet, which is unlike her. I tried messaging her on the online chat thingy, but no such luck there either. When I got this weird pocket dimension equipment in the mail the other day, it mentioned something about pairs of TCPs being connected. I don't understand it entirely, but if I'm reading this correctly, then I'll be able to get in touch with Casket through this. I have no idea how dangerous this will be, but be prepared for anything.

OBJECTIVE: Find Casket
Party: [4/4]
RULES: No PvP, no items required, traveling equipment recommended.
DANGER: Your TCP will be in MINOR DANGER. There is some risk of bodily harm, but there is little to no chance of being KNOCKED OUT.

RE: [OPEN] Someone Lost - aeshihowl - 10-25-2019

Flicker would like to tag along!

[Image: e2bCcxf.png]

RE: [OPEN] Someone Lost - allhallowed - 10-26-2019

[Image: 5wUDl8s.png]
[Image: DaOikgE.png]
This sounds like a real adventure! I really really don't want to miss out on something like this so let me come along and help, please? I'll do my best!

- backpack
- swiss army knife
- candy corn (complex scale) x1

RE: [OPEN] Someone Lost - seppawku - 10-27-2019

[Image: UCqKoxI.png]
[Image: WQoN48N.png]
- backpack x1
- assorted scraps
- umaibo 

RE: [OPEN] Someone Lost - cosmo - 10-30-2019

[Image: 0lmbqZC.png]
[Image: Wfw9MZV.png]
Let's do this! I'm ready to record every step of our journey. (You don't mind if I take some samples to analyze, do you?)

- camcorder
- sample jars x3

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 10-30-2019

The four of you are standing in the middle of a lush forest. There is a small clearing to the NORTH with a cozy-looking cottage in the center. A gentle plume of smoke emanates from the chimney. To the EAST, SOUTH, and WEST is more forest.

What will you do?



RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 10-30-2019

Clarice waves at the other TCPs cheerfully. "Hi everyone! I'm guessing our host is in that cabin. It certainly seems like the most conspicuous place for them to be. Should we head in that direction?"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 10-30-2019

Mince signs a greeting, casing inscrutable. ‘Should we knock?’

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 10-30-2019

"Sounds good to me."

Clarice goes NORTH to the cottage door and knocks loudly.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 10-30-2019

A few seconds later, a white and blue lizard type wearing elaborate robes opens the door. "You must be the ones who responded to my request. My name is Brisk. And you all are?"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 10-30-2019

‘Mince.’  They pull their backpack more snugly against them, and turn to the collision-type.’Is it just us?’

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - aeshihowl - 10-30-2019

The flytrap-type seems a bit uncomfortable with the strange TCPs around him, but follows them up to the door. "Yes. I'm Flicker." He tugs on his neck leaves gently.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 10-30-2019

"There should be four of you, as far as I'm aware. Nice to meet you, Mince. Flicker." Brisk nods at Mince and Flicker respectively.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 10-30-2019

“And I’m Clarice! I’m looking forward to working with you all.”

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - allhallowed - 10-30-2019

A bear trap type sprints towards the group. “Aaaaaah am I late? So sorry! I had a little bit of trouble figuring out the mind... dimension... device... thing.” Indie skids to a halt to stand between Mince and Clarice. “My name’s Indie! Nice to meet you everyone.”

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 10-31-2019

‘Nice to meet you,’ Mince echoes. They seem a bit reserved. ’We all just met, no worries.’

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 10-31-2019

"That's everyone, then."


"So..." Brisk seems like he isn't used to addressing many people at once, but he's handling it okay.
"A few things. First, thank you all for coming. I really appreciate it."

"Second, I'm going to warn everyone right now I haven't done much exploring here. As far as I'm aware, it's just forest all around, but from what I've heard of people using these devices, that could change at any time. I also have no idea what direction Casket would be in."

"Third, I've noticed that fires seem to behave differently here. I myself have a particular fondness for them- I find it soothing to relax by a fire on a cold night. Here, though, they seem to actually heal those close to them. I've brought a backpack with some firewood and a flint and tinder, so that we can stop and regroup should anyone get hurt."

"Does anyone have any questions before we leave?"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - aeshihowl - 10-31-2019

Flicker merely shakes his wide head.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-01-2019

Clarice nods enthusiastically. “Sounds pretty good to me! Wonder if there’s a way to take some of this healing fire out of here... Might turn into regular fire then though so it’s probably better not to. Though that would be a good experiment in and of itself...” she trails off, suddenly looking a tad self conscious. “We’ve got a mission to do though! I’ll just... postpone any sample collection, for now.”

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-01-2019

"Then let's get going." Brisk's usual deadpan voice is broken up with a slight bit of enthusiasm here.


"Okay, so... I actually don't know where we're supposed to be going here. There might be some kind of clue we could find to point us in the right direction. Why doesn't everyone take a look around and see what we can find?"

The forest is lush, but oddly cold and devoid of fauna. There are vines hanging from the trees, fruit bushes, and odd-looking plants with large leaves. You may examine any or all of these things.


RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-01-2019

You are now entering the PUZZLE ZONE. Each area will have a puzzle in it that must be completed to progress. Brisk does not know the solutions, but he may have some helpful insights should you need them. You may ask for a hint out-of-character at any time. Feel free to RP as much as you like, and have fun!

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-02-2019

Clarice stoops down to example the odd plants and fruit bushes. She picks a fruit from one of the bushes, stowing it in one of her sample jars.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-02-2019

The fruit is small, orange, and smells slightly of cinnamon.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 11-02-2019

Mince tugs on one of the vines, hopping up onto it and craning their head back to look up into the canopy.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - allhallowed - 11-03-2019

Indie crouches among the odd plants, poking at their leaves. (EXAMINE: Odd plants, leaves.)

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-03-2019


The vines are sturdy enough to hold Mince's weight, albeit a bit slippery. The canopy seems to be a few feet off the ground. 


The plants sort of resemble tiny pine trees, only with layers of wide leaves instead of the typical pine needle. The leaves fold inwards when touched, and slowly fold back out again if left alone.

The leaves on one side of the plant are cut and torn in places.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - aeshihowl - 11-03-2019

Flicker turns to Brisk. "What type is Casket? What sort of person is she? What sorts of things does she like? I think these things will affect our surroundings the closer we get to her. If that's the case, knowing about her will help us know when we're going in the right direction."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-03-2019


"She was a corpse type. She was... A little more outgoing than me, I think. She was the type to listen to what others' interests were and be just as enthusiastic as they were. It's a nice personality to have, but unfortunately it means her own interests were a bit overshadowed. I'm having a hard time remembering what they were..."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - aeshihowl - 11-03-2019

Flicker nods, tapping his chin as he thinks. "Any idea what might have happened for her to stop responding?"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-03-2019

"That's kind of why we're here. I don't know why she would stop responding like that."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-04-2019

Clarice stands up. “When did you last hear from her?”

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-04-2019

"About a month ago when I left the lab."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - allhallowed - 11-05-2019

"Hey guys, I think I found somewhere where the brush is disturbed! Or... attacked... Honestly, I'm not really sure what's going on but maybe if you all come and look you'll figure out something I haven't!"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-05-2019

Brisk turns and examines the bush Indie is looking at. "That's odd. The cuts on it are all rather small, and the damage seems to be contained to one particular side of the bush."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-05-2019

"Are there cuts on any of the other nearby plants?"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-05-2019

Brisk moves to examine another nearby plant. "...There are. The cuts look the same as the ones on the first plant. They're on the same side, too."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-05-2019

"They seem pretty... intentional. Do you think she might've left a trail for you to follow?"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-05-2019

Brisk is moving from plant to plant as he speaks.

"I don't think it's a trail. Generally a trail would lead in a straight line, which is hard to do if every plant is like this. Which is seeming more and more like the case. Even the trees have scrapes on the bark."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 11-06-2019

'What could have cut up the plants and bark like that? Something sharp or big passing by?'

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-07-2019

"These cuts seem really small. Very, very small. But what's weird to me is that no matter which plant I look at, the cuts are always facing the same direction."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-07-2019

"That's what made me think it was deliberate but... What could possibly be someone's goal in doing this? And if not, what natural phenomenon would cause this? Unless... It's not either of those things. Like, like! This is your shared mind thing right? Maybe this has some mental significance to you or her?"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-07-2019

Brisk thinks to himself for a moment. "Cut plants doesn't really mean anything to me, and as far as I know you're the first people I've had here. As for a natural phenomenon... Maybe? There's no telling what happens in this place."

Would you like to use a HINT?


RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - allhallowed - 11-07-2019

"Should we uh, go in the direction the cuts face? Maybe it's just as simple as that. We don't have to speculate why as long as we have a direction to go in, right guys?"

(not yet! i want to try a little longer if that's okay with everyone else :-O)

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-07-2019

"Yeah. Maybe we are overthinking this a bit. It looks like the cuts point... That way. Shall we?"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 11-07-2019

'Let's be careful following it.'  Mince prods gently at the plants, casting a careful look over the ground nearby and the scrapes along the trees.

(i'd like to wait on the hint too!)

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - allhallowed - 11-07-2019

"Let's do it!"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-07-2019

"Onwards, then."

After a few minutes of walking, you begin to have doubts about your idea... But after a while the forest begins to clear, and you come across a sort of desert. The sand is glistening white, and almost resembles snow... But it's totally dry and feels like soft sand. There is a small breeze that picks up the sand and blows it directly in your face. It's annoying, but not debilitating.



RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 11-09-2019

Mince looks carefully at the dunes as they walk, searching for any more signs of a trail - there might not be plants, but maybe something in the shifting sand?

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - aeshihowl - 11-09-2019

Flicker trudges quietly through the sand, seeming irritated by it. "How does anyone live in a place like this? It's getting in my hairs..." He kicks some of the sand grumpily and looks around and up at the sky.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-10-2019


There appears to be no further indication of a trail.


"If it helps at all, I had no idea this place even existed until we got here. I don't think this is where Casket would want to stay."

The wind is picking up, and all of you are starting to get buffeted by the sand. It's beginning to get seriously uncomfortable.