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General chatter thread!
Oh hope tonight goes well for ya Marxz! Full moon so fun times
We had someone apparently forget their pants in the store so ???

I should make some moodboards, haven't in a moment.
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Kid just told me he found a really big ant he was keeping as a pet, then started aggressively dabbing in front of the register
How's everyone doing
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holy shit

im not doing fantastic but i got a design today im gonna turn into a SL avatar, bee avatar is almost done being meshed and i updated the travel diary just now
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I'm not sure if I was supposed to be impressed or intimidated but I was mostly just confused. I don't quite get children

Ooooh cool, excited to see the avatar!
One if our cashiers is still out (this is the third week) so I'm stuck as cashier tonight. Customers are "interesting", but what else is new.

Got pokemon snap the other day, been a good distraction.
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Forever ago I had a child come through my check out lane, who was very clearly mimicking Sans including both saying several of his stock puns and doing the shrug wink.

Piqued Interest Brain has been going hard on Pokemon/Monster Hunter fanon what if crossover stuff lately and as such I've drawn a couple of monhun weapons based on pokemon and a mock up of a turf war (which I'll add to the post below)
Nidoking based Lance
[Image: 0501212209.jpg?width=265&height=354]
Smeargle based Lance:
[Image: 0501212231.jpg?width=265&height=354]
And Machamp vs Golem/Other Round Pokemon with an alternative finish for fighting a Voltorb or Electrode:
[Image: 0503211537.jpg?width=265&height=354]
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
Kid once started recording a tiktok while on line because the old lady in front of her couldn't understand we aren't CVS. The hard part was she was staring directly at me while doing it, did not break eye contact. I hated it.
She also didn't buy anything. Her mom was back by pharmacy. I don't know why she got on line

Oooooh these are really cool Marxz. I like the smeargle one, just a little art man

The real question is: Do you think Machamp could throw a voltorb. Just Yeet it
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Considering that Voltorb is approximately the size of a small soccer ball, Machamp could absolutely yeet a voltorb
Just huck the little sucker into next week
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
Adding that to my list of things I'd be afraid of if pokemon were real

Six arm blue man yeeting the danger pokeball at me
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I forgot about Mermay but now I'm seeing art for it, I forgot how much I enjoy this. Dumb happy brain. Might trying drawing something tomorrow, not sure yet
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hi! hello! i!!! havent been here in 1000 years! uh, i am going to talk about plants. I have one! It is a succulent Smile I also have a bunch of vegetables growing in boxes outside, and there are currently green beans and lettuce identifiable right now. we also got roses! or like, rose bushes. one is very tall and the other is very wide.
back at it again at krispy kreme
i'd love to get plants when como zen and us move...succulents would probably be best though considering living in very hot los angeles and also i have memory problems so watering wouldnt be an issue

growing up i had a lot of vegetables growing in the garden so i am Very familiar with how good that gets
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Plants are fairly cool. I've had an aloe vera plant for the past several months. It's pretty nice, and just sorta sits around. In the past I've made a couple attempts at growing flowers from seeds with varying success.
i actually had an aloe vera plant growing up that i used to call my pet...definitely need to add aloe vera type to the bounty board now
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
would an aloe vera type be able to heal people? that'd be neat
back at it again at krispy kreme
itd be a nature type with healing properties, yep! i think its abilities would be mainly useful in the same way aloe is irl, like treating burns and injuries over outright health points like food types
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
they could have cool clear fluid!
back at it again at krispy kreme
We have a few aloe plants now from some people we know who moved like a month ago. My brother has discovered he's a plant person apparently, at least an aloe/cactus person.
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hi, i am thinking about tcps and their typing/abilities. what would a gravity type be able to do? would it's ability be similar to an orbit type or a sattelite (as in a sattelite being any object orbiting a larger object) type? would a pressure type be related at all? many possibilities!
back at it again at krispy kreme
gravity type exists! being a nature type, it goes along the standard format to manipulate gravity, which i imagine can be used for a lot of different wild bullshit if applied practically (or impractically)
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
oh dang its a squashed tcp! neat! i am still thinking about orbit/sattelite though,, could they just fling things around? could be fun!
back at it again at krispy kreme
You gotta look at the space nature types. Think its Space, Stardust, Cosmos, and Constellation. They're super super pretty
Stardust is a personal favorite

I know this isn't really gravity related but-
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space is still immensely cool
back at it again at krispy kreme
I have seen a surrealism type. cubism type when
back at it again at krispy kreme
I mean Mortis takes comms. Or you could put it on the wishlist and hope someone gets it
Show ContentSpoiler:

Wishlist is here:

Sorry I'm at work so no fancy links
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oh dang! thanks!
back at it again at krispy kreme
Today at work: Caught a house centipede cause my cashier was freaking. I've named it Zachary. Gonna release it when customers die down a bit.
Its in a cactus jar for now
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Mustache jail
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
ugh i have had a ROUGH ONE folks, no maze trials update today

gonna try to slap out some commissions though and i should be good to update tomorrow
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Ooh that sucks Rin. Take it easy
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get some rest rin!!!

also omg i love zachary so much
no longer active
How's it going today y'all?
heatwave is sure making things interesting, and by that I mean bright and exhausting
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
What's up with everyone today?

I've got a full shift at work today, but reprieve is in sight! I leave for vacation on the 19th!
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
clenches fist. we're having So Much Fun with morbit so far and I adore this little community

i am Very Much looking forward to creating my own fantheon, too, i have So Many Ideas
(\  /)

Bunny Time
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
[Image: screecher_rainbow.png]
( '  ' )

Oh no! it's a Metroid!
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
oh no its gonna get me

also new computer can run SL at 90 fps and i think i'm a god now
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Holy moly that's powerful!
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
you're gonna be UNSTOPPABLE
[Image: screecher_rainbow.png]
when you guys use a document writing software (e.g. google docs), do you change the color/font of the page?

i tend to set my doc background to a light gray, bump up the font size from 11 to 12-14, and change the font to something that Isn't arial. recently it has been Open Sans
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
i actually have custom defaults that a former team member set up for me/our old design documents back when we made those and it's pretty nice but it doesnt change the page

i could get a screencap of what header text looks like though if youre interested, it's quite a nice look
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
oh i wanna see.
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
first line is normal text, second is title, third is subtitle, the rest are headers

[Image: MMMfaPR.png]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: wd6qW6G.png]

normal disk space management moments
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
i am staring in awe and horror
[Image: screecher_rainbow.png]
oh the final count was 622 GB and its finally almost done deleting
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Jesus how

Imma blame petz?
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it's from me cleaning out about 2 months worth of work file + petz file backups yeah
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
2 months feels like a minuscule amount of time but that's how it be I guess
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
oh man i just realized a major benefit to like, self-hosting your own CDN. it didn't click at all in my brain until now. you know how on discord you can create different sizes of emojis using a parameter at the end of the url without actually needing to upload them individually. like this:

[Image: 926643728586801162.png?size=96]
[Image: 926643728586801162.png?size=64]
[Image: 926643728586801162.png?size=48]
[Image: 926643728586801162.png?size=32]
[Image: 926643728586801162.png?size=24]
[Image: 926643728586801162.png?size=16]

the ability to independently do this without relying on discord for hosting would be incredible
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery

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