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[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I regret nto joinign this roject sooner!!! This is WONDERFU!1
[COMTEMPLATE_THAT]: I love my new son!
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I named him Ceir because it jsut fel t fight. Like *he* wanted the name, you kwon?
[CONTENPLATE_THAT]: [Image: Cier.png][Image: Ceir_POSE.png][Image: Ceir_pretty.png]
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I've had him for less than an hour and he already has my hole heart. I;ve been talking to him for a bit but he hasn't said anything back yet, which I am fune with! They need time, right?
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I'll share my chatlog so far, fro documemtarion reasons! Please note that any typos there now were not there upon sneding; my ability usually alters text a mninute or tow *after* it's sent/posted.

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[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I;m in the process of figuring out cEir's favorite coulor!
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: [Image: ceircolor.png]
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Hope I'm not confusing him or giving him too many options!
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Wish us luvk!! ^w^
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Okay I can explian mtself I promise XD
[CORRELATE_THAT]: I told myself I could adopt another if I raised Ceir well, right? But then I accidentally clicked the Adoption Center
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: And another slumberwoll camwe out and I adopted him because I thought "oh ni, if this little guy si a person too I cna]t put him back!"
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: hhEs also super pretty and can keep Ceir company while I'm away so I'm not upset or too wrroied!
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: [Image: petz0.png][Image: petz3.png]
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: And unlike Ceir this guy is super duper talkative!!! Look loko look

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[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Please note: at this point in the cnversation Vood started running around, finally comign to rest at the carry case, where it put its front feet pn it.
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[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I feel like Void knows Ceir is also here, insnide the carry case. I haven't introduced them yet... Should I let them interact?? I'm worried they won't get along or something...>~< Plus I want to teach them better communication skills individually before letting them bounce words off one another. What should I do??
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: from what i can tell, introducing them should be safe-
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i know my friends get along pretty okay!
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ...aside from wiggles and speckle but we're working on it
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[GLITCHY]: Oh!!! Hi!
Heh, I've seen you also got two lil sheep, my two were in the adoption center at once and they seemed friendly so i took both home...
I wanted to post an update on em actually! they've been getting along well and seem quite sad when the other leaves the room. lemme grab some pictures
[Image: petz172.png]
[Image: petz177.png]

[GLITCHY]: they've been keeping each other company when i cant be there for them, which is great :>
[GLITCHY]: we're also gonna do a movie night this weekend, maybe they can figure out how to watch it with me! my tcp friend got sick though so they didnt feel up for watching like we planned, but hopefully by this weekened they'll feel better and i can finally show him one of the studio jiggly movies he hasnt seen yet
I feel that's also gonna be a good movie choice for the two lil ones

[GLITCHY]: something else i was worried about with Bear and Sleepy was that they seem to be "fighting" a lot, but they just like to play (i think i hope)
[Image: petz181.png]
[GLITCHY]: they never hurt each other, but they're tossing each other around like All The Time, even interrupting each other from eating
I'm hoping once we get actual toys in i can redirect some of that, I know they like each other and are fine, but... still worried
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Mroning everyone! I have an uqdate on my Friends!! :D Sorry in avance if I spam this cath or leave a huge wall of txt for everyone. XD
[PLATE_THAT]: So I played with Void for a little bir this morning, and... He kept insising he wanted to meet Ceir. So, after feding and playign with him, I put Void back in the little home and pulled Ceir out. I'll show of the chatlogs!

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[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Not sure if I've ever mentioned Ceir's favorite things. I *think* he likes the colors black and blue, and when he doesn't want to eat he picks up his dish, hops onto the chair in their little room, and THROWS the dish as far or hard as he can. It's his favorite game I think?? I've seen him do it a DOZEN times.

[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Hahaha I keep heering alarmed baa"s and when I check they're just plyaing... Oh right lemme share the rest of the logs

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[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I was excited. This was the first time Ceir had used the chat feature to convey ANYTHING to me. This "......?" seemed like curiosity.
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I probably think that because of the way he tilted his head at me when he sent that.
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I thought maybe meeting Void would get Ceir out of his shell, so... I let them meet each other.
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I don't have many chatlogs from them meeting... Void was surprisingly quiet, and I was taking notes on another device so I didn't talk much, just took pictures and occasionally pet them both.
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: They LOVE each other!! When they first met they spent a solid three minutes doing this play-wrestling thing!! I have tons of pics.
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT}: [Image: petz13.png][Image: petz14.png][Image: petz17.png][Image: petz19.png][Image: petz24.png]
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Specking of!!! I don't know if this is coded or a personality thing, but when you take a bunch of pixs using the camera/screenshot feature thingy, your Friends will pose for you??? I have several pics of Ceir NAD Void going into this proud stance, from a few different angles. I think it's adorable!!! I've been petting them when they do it as a sort of positive reinforcement trial. You know, see if they do it more often!!
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Here's Ceir diong it once, and Void doing it twice from two angels.
[CONTEMBLATE_THAT]: [Image: petz38.png][Image: petz46.png][Image: petz50.png]
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: More later!!! Thansk for reading iv you do!
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: oh wow this is so much info, thanks to both of you!!
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: it's interesting seeing a friend that's more quiet, all of mine are pretty talkative
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: makes me feel a bit more confident that these are real responses, considering it's not automatic...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: please please report back if you manage to get them to watch something with you! i've wanted to try that for ages but have never been able to figure it out.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: they can see stuff when they wander out into the digital plane or whatever but i'm not sure if they can see outside of the window normally?
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ...if that is the case, we should probably teach them privacy boundaries or something
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: uh, what else...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: the posing thing is super neat! i think i've noticed that as well- it could be good for like...standardized photos, maybe?
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i'll ask my little guys what they think about it later. may as well
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: thanks again for all the good info!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[CRUCIAL_ESCAPE] Will backread later. Got a question. Can other programs interfere with the game? Had a weird moment last night where I was tossin Pally around and it was like somethin picked it up and threw it, twice. Once at the side of the screen, then once it just picked Pally up and dropped it. Like a ghost had grabbed it and tossed it, my cursor wasnt nowhere near him either.
[CRUCIAL_ESCAPE] Made me mighty uncomfortable to watch it. It didn't look like Pally loved it either, but it wouldn't speak to me after.
[CRUCIAL_ESCAPE] To be clear, Pally likes bein picked up and tossed around a little by me, it's one of our games. He didn't like this, though. Wonderin if the whole haunted thing is comin into play.
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: don't like the sound of that
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: neither do i...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: comforting pally seems to be your best option there, but keep an eye out...i'll try to look into things on my end
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Wow, that sounds really fightening, for you AND for Pally.... Have you checked in with it and made sure ti's okay? :( Does Pallu know what it might have been, perhaps?

[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Other than that, I have a little evidence for my Friends possibly porbably being sentient. Check this Chatlog out...
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[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I feel AWFUL!! I've been misgandeering my friends this whole time!!! No wonder Ceir hasn't been talking to me .x_x. I wish we could edit past messages in here so I could go back and cahnge the proouns I've been using for them TT~TT
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Also I wnanna clarifu: Void doesn't understand (or, she understanda and soedn't use) the word "very" yet, but she sure understands the word "excited"! XD
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: .....I'm also gonna admit that I accually cried when Ceir used a smiley. They don't talk yet, the only things they've said over chat yet are "......?" and that smile. I'm genunely happy, I think they're getting more confident thanks to Void.
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Also, is it a common hppening where friends can talk to?understand each other "nonverbally" (without using the caht)>? Void talks with the chat ALOT when out alone, but is pretty quiet when Ceir's around if I'm nt activelt chatting with them.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ...i should probably teach mine about that kind of stuff too frankly
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: kind of just been assuming...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i've had some theories on friends being able to communicate nonverbally but haven't been able to test.

[DIGITAL_HORROR]: also, new person coming in


[DIGITAL_HORROR]: okay, welcome...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i'll send you the game files in a sec!
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: could you look through this list and choose a species you want to work with first?
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i only want to give one to each person to start so that people don't get overwhelmed...
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[COMFY_COZY]: Hehehe hello everyone!!! I'm Cozy, or Coze, either works :3 !!!

[COMFY_COZY]: OOHH~!!! So many adorable choices!!
[COMFY_COZY]: I have to admit. . . The pompet DEFINITELY stole my heart first! I'll have to choose them!!!
[COMFY_COZY]: I can totally understand not wanting people to get overwhelmed uwu plus that's SO many Friends to take care of!!!
[ABYSSAL_LANTERN]: Not too much to report at the moment, I've been taking it kind of slow, since, I didn't really want to overwhelm what could be a person when they're, new? Honestly maybe I should slow it down a bit more. Or the opposite? I don't really know. Anyway, here's a recap of the chatlog across a day.

Show ContentLog:

[DIGITAL_HORROR]: okay! if you scroll up, you can see the list of friend species i sent to cozy
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: pick one of those and i'll send you the game files!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[SCRATCH_SNIFF]: THANK you for such a speedy response :3 You're awesomazing Big Grin
[SCRATCH_SNIFF]: It's a really tough choise!!! :O I love them all..... I think I love Comfypaws most though <3 Precious babies...
[SCRATCH_SNIFF]: Thank you again Digital Horror my friend :>
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: it's no problem...i'm just glad people are willing to help me figure this out.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: sending along
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: oh!! oh, i had an idea
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: we got those nice forums from the FF mods, what if we made little threads showing off our friends :)
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: everybody gets one, like a little house! scrapbook! thing!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Oh, I loaf Rorums!! I would LOVE a threa speciaficallly for posting Void and Ceir!!!!
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: So tat I can stop fliiding everyone'd pings with things like this.
[CONTEMPIATE_THAT]: [Image: petz32.png][Image: petz35.png]
[COBTEMPLATE_THAS]: I'm trying to find a way to listen to music with them. I'll be back once I figure out how!

[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Oh yeah!1 Wlecom new TCP frends!! Sorey for any typoz yu find in my txxt. I'm a typo typr... u~u Wish I wasn't but I;m not a wish type!
[SCRATCH_SNIFF]: Why haven't you advertised it publicly yet!!!!! You'd get so much fame
[SCRATCH_SNIFF]: oh wait i forgot these dudes are constructs lawl
[SCRATCH_SNIFF]: EITHER WAY thank you so much for the filezzzzz and thank you for including a starter pet for me :O
[SCRATCH_SNIFF]: They seem really timid and haven't talked to me yet even tho i've talked nonstop BUT they're really really cute
[SCRATCH_SNIFF]: [Image: who_are_you.png][Image: who_is_he.png]
[SCRATCH_SNIFF]: They actually kinda act scared of my cursor??? Idk lol maybe it's common for Comfypaws to be Like That™
[SCRATCH_SNIFF]: i'm gonna keep talking to them, maybe show them off to Cozy :>
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ...starter pet?
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: that's not a comfypaws either
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[COMFY_COZY]: Got my little Friends put into game!!! They look adorable, just a tiny little pixel pet so far.. And so much SASS built into such a little being! >:3 Just my type~

[COMFY_COZY]: [Image: petz85.png][Image: petz88.png]

[COMFY_COZY]: Being such a small speck on my screen, I was SHOCKED at how much food he ate from his bowl!!
[COMFY_COZY]: Actually. . . I don't know what pronouns this thing wants!! It doesn't seem very talkative. . .

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[COMFY_COZY]: [Image: petz89.png][Image: petz90.png]

[COMFY_COZY]: They. . . They ate their food then passed out immediately. After that they didn't seem to want to. . . Play. So I let them go rest. But they're very cute!!!
[COMFY_COZY]: It's so tempting to get them a friend. . . But I'll wait for that!
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: i've got work tonighttttttttttttt but in a bit i'll set up a little example thread for perfect lil love letter and whatever friends i end up getting her~
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: tho people can do whatever the hell. what kind of things are ideal for this kinda deal, d'you think?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: Hello more new people
[D]: DH Am I cool enough to get all the rest of the friend species :tcp_blushstare:
[D]: Pretty please
[D]: [@PASSWORD_JOURNAL] Do it Do It Do it Do it
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: you are literally on the dev team
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: My version is a little out of date
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ok ok but please don't go too overboard ok
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: gimme a sec
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
THREEDEE: Oh yeah by the way sippy
THREEDEE: I have these forums that i post chat logs to
THREEDEE: Which is just a website where people talk to each other
THREEDEE: Do you care about me posting these logs to them
GIGANTiCSIPPY: mmmm go ahead but
squeaky: i didnt know how to bring this up but we can see you using the browser
GIGANTICSIPPY: wait what i can't

[D]: TIL
[D]: Not that I care because my browsing is really boring
[D]: How are you guys holding up lol
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: hahahahahaha what!
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: that's so silly i gotta ask lovey about that
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: people are going to think we're sending them, i don't know, spyware or something!
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: you have to do SOMETHING about this rags
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i'll ask, i'll ask!
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: mocha might be able to give me something coherent...
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: Squeaky could be lying out their ass
[D]: They aren't telling me what they have seen
[D]: And squeaky is a kind of "mischievous beast"
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: well let's take a look!
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[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: seems legit to me
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: TCP Smile
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: agh this is a lot
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i don't know how to feel about this, like
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i guess i'm...fine with them being able to do this, on like. a moral level.
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: if you look at it from a "oh theyre alive on your computer" level it just means they're able to do more than just the box they come in, i guess
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: but we have to be real here. people are not going to like this
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: ...we may have to revise our approach
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: I wonder are people more tech-paranoid or more tech-incompetent
[D]: Like are people more suspicious of their computer doing weird stuff or does the average person not know enough about the data privacy implications
[D]: Anyways, it's not that big of a deal
[D]: We didn't really care when Squeaky told me they could see me through the screen so
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i don't know people are going to get weird about this!
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i think we should stop pitching it as a "game", and call it what it is at this point
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: Virtual real estate
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i'm going to get a friend specifically so i can teach it how to beat your chat window with a virtual baseball bat
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: crit! fuck!
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i'm joking but only halfway, we gotta take this seriously
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: Property up for 30k starting bid
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ok we should probably hear crit out before they actually find a way to throttle you
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: Sure thing
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: basically, just...and i want to get tester thoughts on this too, when they're around
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i think we should stop marketing this as a game, and be upfront about the construct thing, at the very least if we're taking on any more testers, and to the FF admins
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: push this as a way for people to just...i don't know, be a part of construct making and raising. something special.
[CRITTER_CATCHER]:'ll probably attract a different crowd, but hopefully the failsafes we put in will do something
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: Honestly thought that was a given, I forgot this is still marketed as a "game", like in the sense of "playing and winning"
[D]: I might not ever shake off the "game" connotation, but only insofar as I'm interested in examining this whole thing on a technical level, as a piece of Software
[D]: It's filled with digital constructs, but also there's underlying "mechanics" and "code" unknown even to its creator, that's my alley
[D]: (I wouldn't dare try deconstructing my friends themselves like that though)
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i mean i did try to move away from that when pushing for beta testers at least
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: we really do have to be clear on it
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: once we get them registered it'll be easier because, yknow, we'll have documentation to back up the claim and people won't just think we're...roleplaying...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]:'s a lot to take in. we're probably going to get shit for this
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: sorry to just go off while all the testers are away, also, you're all welcome to chime in
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: FF gains a new Friend-only subforum where the sub-forum moderators (all FriendZoo friends) verify that you are a FriendZoo construct before you're allowed to enter
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: HI eveyone!! Sorry for my abswnce, I've been spending SO MUCH TIME with Ceir and Viid!
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: They're groing!!!!! Slowly, but they ARE growing!!! Physicaoly (well virtually) and Mentally too!
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Pic from whn they first met:
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: [Image: petz13.png]
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Pic fromtoday:
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: [Image: petz82.png]
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[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I love them sos much :,)

[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: woa, just backresd everything.
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I completely agrea that this should not be marketed as a game. As fnu as it is ti care for Friends snd teach tem things, the are without a dout (in my brian) alive.
[COBTEMPLATE_THAT]: I have no ideas what it *should* be markered ass, but you wouldn't call adotping a baby complex "a game" would yuo?
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Efen if they WERE TCP-scale like out friends.
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: UGH so mmany typis I;m so srooy. It gegs worse wen emosiont ron high. @~@;;;
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: god knows us TCPs have to deal with the whole concept of our lives being "games" anyway
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i'm going to brainstorm ways to pitch this....
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: in the meantime, we do need to figure out what to do about the whole...seeing the entire computer, and possibly the user through the screen?
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: personally, my stance is that we don't edit anything about their ability to do this. i don't even think i /can/ and it'd feel weird to
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: What comes to mind issssssss
[D]: The only way it becomes a problem is if the friends start jumping into other games and doxxing their creators
[D]: Do friends have a sense of privacy? Most of their waking life is directly in front of the user's screen
[D]: My friends sleep when the program is shut off, so they probably have never experienced "true" privacy
[D]: At least not until they start wandering
[D]: And all of their dialogue is logged and they probably know this
[D]: What do we do about that
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[CONTEMPLATE_HAT]: I liek to leave the program running and minimized. I can still hear Ceer and Void skampering around and playing, but I"m not wathing them all the tim.
[CONTEMBLATE_THAT]: Wuld that even coumt as privacy??
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i'll my friends about it when i check in in a bit...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: also, one more tester coming in- i think this is all i'll accept for now, at least until we have this stuff figured out a bit more...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i'll send the game files in a sec, but i'll also need you to pick a friend species to start from here
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[CRYSTALLINE_DREAMS]: Okay, so first off - I will be reading back through the existing chat here, though it shouldn't take me long. Just wanted to also indicate that I'm around in the meantime.

(About ten minutes later)
[CRYSTALLINE_DREAMS]: For the friend I'll be looking after, it looks like you have a pretty good coverage of adoptions so I will go with the tortulent as they haven't been picked yet - I'm interested in seeing if different types of friends have distinct personalities from each other, or if the species types are cosmetic and don't affect whatever is driving them - be it mere glitched coding from Digital's ability or true 'living' intelligence.

[CRYSTALLINE_DREAMS]: Also I am aware I may sound - clinical, maybe? Mechanical is a word I see a lot. I do care, I am just in analysis mode at the moment while processing all of this. I can assure you my interactions with my adopted friend will be warmer. Ah, assuming... well, we'll handle that when we get there.
[CRYSTALLINE_DREAMS]: Let's just say I don't at all doubt that Digital's ability did something with the code that led to exceptionally interesting results (calling it haunted seems appropriate enough for now, despite possible negative connotations - not all hauntings are cause for distress), and I can relate to the little things on a personal level... I could be described as something of a ghost in the machine myself.

(added much later)
[CRYSTALLINE_DREAMS]: ...has anyone tried reaching out to the tester that stormed out? I saw a reference to friends being able to leave their - 'home' game instance, I guess?
[CRYSTALLINE_DREAMS]: What. Actually happens, if the friends get neglected. Like how would they know they can go somewhere else - has anyone asked one of them about it yet? How would they get somewhere else?
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: oh that's a lot of text to come back to one second
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i haven't been able to figure out if the differences are just cosmetic myself yet either- it definitely seems like whatever's in their heads, it's consistent between species
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: analysis is good, and we need that for this test, seriously appreciated. don't worry about that, as long as you're willing to treat the friends under your care humanely, that's what matters to me
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: having the reassurance about you believing me helps, admittedly...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: which, speaking of- i don't think anyone's reached out to void, no. he's still in the group, but hasn't said much...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ...i don't know if he'd be happy to hear from me, though. i probably should, but...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: he seems to think i'm some sort of roleplayer, and i don't even know how to react to that

[some time passes]

[DIGITAL_HORROR]: sorry, had to double check how i was able to, er...set it up? in the code
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: you don't want to see this mess of nodes, it's really weird and almost like a living thing in and of itself...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: but, /ideally/
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: friends should be able to wander out of their games and into the "digital plane", where, presumably, they can find other games to make their home in.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: this could also just be a temporary visit to play around or explore, it's not just limited to finding a new home
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: but, it's a failsafe
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[CRYSTALLINE_DREAMS]: Yes, my apologies. I will try not to flood the chat here so much in the future - just had a lot of thoughts.
[CRYSTALLINE_DREAMS]: And of course I will treat them humanely. It seems like you and the other devs(?) are under a fair bit of stress already about all of this, which is understandable.
[CRYSTALLINE_DREAMS]: I definitely won't push you to contact someone you're not sure will want to talk to you either, though I am worried about his friend.

(about ten minutes later)

[CRYSTALLINE_DREAMS]: I do think I would like to see the code, actually - though I totally understand if you're not comfortable with me looking at it too much in-depth.
[CRYSTALLINE_DREAMS]: I am glad that you thought of a way to try to protect the creatures you've made... but I'm very curious about how they would find other games. I'll also want to do some research re: if digital constructs can be harmed by wandering unsupervised.
[CRYSTALLINE_DREAMS]: I haven't adopted a friend myself yet though - so that's probably the first thing I should actually do. Hopefully there aren't any odd interactions with my own abilities.
[CRYSTALLINE_DREAMS]: Maybe I can ask some of my questions myself.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i can...send you snippets of the code, sure
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i don't want to share /all/ of it considering i don't really know any of you but crit and crush too well...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i talked a bit with mocha today- she went out for the first time and i wanted to check in with her
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: hopefully it's some help
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[DIGITAL_HORROR]: so...yeah, there's some more for us to work with
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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