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Chandelier -> Melon
Name - Catcher
Type(s) - Gargoyle - Tear (as in crying) - Melon - Trapling
Condition - Chronic
Modifiers - Hollow - Profound - Ethereal - Distorted
Anomalies - Centipede legs - A pair of dove’s wings - No neck, just a floating head over a body
Theme - Sports Anime
Posts: 1,320
Threads: 25
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 900Cash
dove wings -> lion tail
Name - Catcher
Type(s) - Gargoyle - Tear (as in crying) - Melon - Trapling
Condition - Chronic
Modifiers - Hollow - Profound - Ethereal - Distorted
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body
Theme - Sports Anime
theme change
Name - Catcher
Type(s) - Gargoyle - Tear (as in crying) - Melon - Trapling
Condition - Chronic
Modifiers - Hollow - Profound - Ethereal - Distorted
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body
Theme - Shipwrecked Sailor
Posts: 767
Threads: 29
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Forum Cash: 1,493Cash
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+Shrimp cocktail
Name - Catcher Type(s) - Battleship - Tear (as in crying) - Melon - Trapling - Shrimp cocktail
Condition - Chronic
Modifiers - Hollow - Profound - Ethereal - Distorted
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body
Theme - Shipwrecked Sailor
Posts: 1,320
Threads: 25
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 900Cash
- Melon Name - Catcher
Type(s) - Battleship - Tear (as in crying) - Trapling - Shrimp cocktail
Condition - Chronic
Modifiers - Hollow - Profound - Ethereal - Distorted
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body
Theme - Shipwrecked Sailor
Posts: 1,116
Threads: 40
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 10,613Cash
- Hollow
Name - Catcher
Type(s) - Battleship - Tear (as in crying) - Trapling - Shrimp cocktail
Condition - Chronic
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Distorted
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body
Theme - Shipwrecked Sailor
Posts: 1,320
Threads: 25
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 900Cash
Trapling -> Wind chime
Name - Catcher
Type(s) - Battleship - Tear (as in crying) - Wind Chime - Shrimp cocktail
Condition - Chronic
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Distorted
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body
Theme - Shipwrecked Sailor
- battleship
Name - Catcher
Type(s) - Tear (as in crying) - Wind Chime - Shrimp cocktail
Condition - Chronic
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Distorted
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body
Theme - Shipwrecked Sailor
Posts: 1,320
Threads: 25
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 900Cash
Shrimp cocktail -> Ballerina
Name - Catcher
Type(s) - Tear (as in crying) - Wind Chime - Ballerina
Condition - Chronic
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Distorted
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body
Theme - Shipwrecked Sailor
Posts: 767
Threads: 29
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 1,493Cash
removed condition
Name - Catcher
Type(s) - Tear (as in crying) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Toast
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Distorted
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body
Theme - Shipwrecked Sailor
Posts: 767
Threads: 29
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 1,493Cash
- distorted
Name - Catcher
Type(s) - Tear (as in crying) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Toast
Condition - Lycanthropic
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body
Theme - Shipwrecked Sailor
Posts: 1,320
Threads: 25
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 900Cash
name change Name - Luella
Type(s) - Tear (as in crying) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Toast
Condition - Lycanthropic
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body
Theme - Shipwrecked Sailor
Posts: 767
Threads: 29
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 1,493Cash
Posts: 1,116
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Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 10,613Cash
Added a type - Helicopter Name - Luella
Type(s) - Tear (as in crying) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Toast - Helicopter
Condition - Lycanthropic
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid
Theme - Shipwrecked Sailor
Posts: 1,320
Threads: 25
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 900Cash
Removed Toast-type Name - Luella
Type(s) - Tear (as in crying) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Helicopter
Condition - Lycanthropic
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid
Theme - Shipwrecked Sailor
Posts: 767
Threads: 29
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 1,493Cash
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Forum Cash: 10,613Cash
Condition change
Name - Luella Type(s) - Tear (as in crying) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Helicopter
Condition - Digital
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid
Theme - Gemstone Guardian
Posts: 54
Threads: 0
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 0Cash
tear -> gemstone
Name - Luella
Type(s) - Gemstone - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Helicopter
Condition - Digital
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid
Theme - Gemstone Guardian
Posts: 1,320
Threads: 25
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 900Cash
05-29-2019, 07:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-01-2019, 01:06 AM by King-Clod.)
+ needle felted Name - Luella
Type(s) - Gemstone - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Helicopter
Condition - Digital
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Centipede legs - Lion tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid
Theme - Gemstone Guardian
Posts: 12
Threads: 0
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 0Cash
Anomaly Change
Name - Luella
Type(s) - Gemstone - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Helicopter
Condition - Digital
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Centipede legs - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid - Third eyespot
If I dont regret anything I probably didnt do it right.
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Forum Cash: 900Cash
06-05-2019, 02:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-05-2019, 02:22 AM by King-Clod.)
Theme change Name - Luella
Type(s) - Gemstone - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Helicopter
Condition - Digital
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Centipede legs - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid - Third eyespot Theme - Cryptid
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freed myself from helicopter typing
Name - Luella
Type(s) - Gemstone - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Kintsugi - Cold Urticaria
Condition - Digital
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - A single wheel, like that of a unicycle, instead of legs - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid - Third eyespot
Theme - Cryptid
Posts: 1,320
Threads: 25
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 900Cash
Removed a typing
Name - Luella
Type(s) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Kintsugi - Cold Urticaria
Condition - Digital
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - A single wheel, like that of a unicycle, instead of legs - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid - Third eyespot
Theme - Cryptid
Posts: 767
Threads: 29
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Forum Cash: 1,493Cash
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Changed Theme
Name - Luella
Type(s) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Kintsugi - Cold Urticaria
Condition - Digital
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Naga tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid - Third eyespot
Theme - Winter Holidays!
Posts: 767
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Forum Cash: 1,493Cash
Theme: Winter holidays -> Listless
Name - Luella
Type(s) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Kintsugi - Mucus
Condition - Digital
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Naga tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid - Third eyespot
Theme - Listless
no longer active
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Threads: 25
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 900Cash
Type: Mucus -> Secret
Name - Luella
Type(s) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Kintsugi - Secret
Condition - Digital
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Naga tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid - Third eyespot
Theme - Listless
Posts: 1,116
Threads: 40
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 10,613Cash
Type +: Wing
Name - Luella
Type(s) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Kintsugi - Secret - Wing
Condition - Digital
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Naga tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid - Third eyespot
Theme - Listless
Posts: 1,320
Threads: 25
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 900Cash
Condition: Digital -> Chronic
Name - Luella
Type(s) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Kintsugi - Secret - Wing
Condition - Chronic
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Naga tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid - Third eyespot
Theme - Listless
Posts: 1,116
Threads: 40
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 10,613Cash
Theme: Listless -> 90's mascot
Name - Luella
Type(s) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Kintsugi - Secret - Wing
Condition - Chronic
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Naga tail - No neck, just a floating head over a body - Wings made of fluid - Third eyespot
Theme - 90's mascot
Posts: 767
Threads: 29
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Forum Cash: 1,493Cash
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Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 10,613Cash
Anamolies: No neck -> X
Name - Luella
Type(s) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Kintsugi - Secret - Wing
Condition - Lycanthropic
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Naga tail - Wings made of fluid - Third eyespot
Theme - 90's mascot
Posts: 1,320
Threads: 25
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Forum Cash: 900Cash
Anomalies: Wings of fluid -> Wings of fragments Name: Luella
Type(s) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Kintsugi - Secret - Wing
Condition - Lycanthropic
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Naga tail - Wings made out of fragments of themself - Third eyespot
Theme - 90's mascot
Posts: 767
Threads: 29
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Forum Cash: 1,493Cash
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Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 900Cash
Theme -> Psychological Horror
Name: Luella
Type(s) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Kintsugi - Secret
Condition - Lycanthropic
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Naga tail - Wings made out of fragments of themself - Third eyespot
Theme - Psychological Horror
Posts: 767
Threads: 29
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Forum Cash: 1,493Cash
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Threads: 25
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 900Cash
Types: Kintsugi -> Eyeball
Type(s) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Eyeball - Secret
Condition - Lycanthropic
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Naga tail - Wings made out of fragments of themself - Third eyespot
Theme - Psychological Horror
Posts: 767
Threads: 29
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Forum Cash: 1,493Cash
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Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 900Cash
Types: Eyeball -> X
Type(s) - Wind Chime - Ballerina - Secret
Condition - Ephemeral
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Naga tail - Wings made out of fragments of themself - Third eyespot
Theme - Psychological Horror
Types: ballerina -> lamprey
Type(s) - Wind Chime - Lamprey - Secret
Condition - Ephemeral
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Naga tail - Wings made out of fragments of themself - Third eyespot
Theme - Psychological Horror
no longer active
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Threads: 25
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 900Cash
Types: Wind Chime -> Memory Loss
Type(s) - Memory Loss - Lamprey - Secret
Condition - Ephemeral
Modifiers - Hollow - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Naga tail - Wings made out of fragments of themself - Third eyespot
Theme - Psychological Horror
removed naga tail anomaly
Type(s) - Memory Loss - Lamprey - Secret
Condition - Ephemeral
Modifiers - Hollow - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Wings made out of fragments of themself - Third eyespot
Theme - Psychological Horror
no longer active
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Forum Cash: 900Cash
(fixed an accident I made in my post)
Conditions: Ephemeral -> Hollow
Type(s) - Memory Loss - Lamprey - Secret
Condition - Hollow
Modifiers - Profound - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Wings made out of fragments of themself - Third eyespot
Theme - Psychological Horror
removed profound modifier
Type(s) - Memory Loss - Lamprey - Secret
Condition - Hollow
Modifiers - Ethereal - Needle Felted
Anomalies - Wings made out of fragments of themself - Third eyespot
Theme - Psychological Horror
no longer active