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[TOY] Plaything
You start looking through, passing up slime after slime…and then you’re stuck between two options. 

A blue and white slime labeled “CLOUD + CLEAR”, topped with some glitter- it’d probably look really good swirled, and it’s simple enough that it wouldn’t be going to waste in a dumpling. 

And…a red and white slime with a similar texture, but labelled “GLOSSY + CLEAR” instead. This one has snowflake charms, and you figure you may as well go for festive again.

You bring the jars back one at a time, straining to carry them even with both arms. Vine watches with an approving nod.

VINE: Couldn’t pick just one?
VINE: Just means we’ll have two specials with the same recipe, it’ll be efficient and give guests some variety. It’ll be good.
VINE: Cmon, I’ll get you set up.

She takes you over and starts walking you through the steps, rolling out the dough, getting just the right amount of slime, folding it all together…and when you finally get to try it after fumbling with the first two attempts, you’re delighted to find out that it’s good. The blue and white one tastes more sweet, and the red and white savory, with a bit of spice. Vine seems pretty impressed too, giving you a pat of reassurance.

VINE: You did that. You.
VINE: Take pride in it.
POLKA DOT: Thanks, Vine…
VINE: You really do like the creative stuff, don’t you?
POLKA DOT: I mean…I don’t draw, or anything like that-
VINE: Cooking’s creative too, so’s fashion.
VINE: You’re still an artist, even if you’re not picking up a pencil.

Something about that makes you feel a bit of pride, warm feelings welling up in your chest.

POLKA DOT: Yeah. Yeah, you’re right.
VINE: That’s the spirit.
VINE: Looks like people are starting to file in, let’s start taking orders and get those specials out.
POLKA DOT: You got it.

The lunch rush is way harder than you expected it to be, right from the getgo- there are a lot of people, toys of all shapes and sizes…and now that you’re actually here and taking time to get used to things, you’re noticing just how busy the kitchen is, and how crowded it gets. You can barely keep track of things, but you’re pushing out orders and making things happen, and it feels good.
You barely register it when Vine pokes you on the shoulder. 

VINE: Lull in the action and I’ve got someone who can sub in for you, let’s take a quick break. Ten minutes tops.
You only just now realize how tired you are.

POLKA DOT: Sounds good.
The back room has some other people in it today- a toy with a spirograph for a face, and an absolutely massive horse plush. The latter is talking loudly, but quiets when Vine enters the room.

???? (1): And I just can’t believe he’s pulling this shit-
???? (1): …Vine.
VINE: Cindi.
CINDI: There’s the new star of the kitchen, too.
CINDI: People keep saying the specials are great, you know.
CINDI: The red ones, though…had a few comments that they’re a bit too flavorful.
CINDI: You put charms in those?
POLKA DOT: …yeah, why?
CINDI: Save ‘em for sprinklings or as part of a sauce on top of something else.
CINDI: They get a bit overwhelming sometimes.

While you’re processing the critique, you notice that the spirograph isn’t saying anything, simply fidgeting in xer chair. 
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"Oh sure, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the feedback"
This is our break, so lets see if we can take a seat. We've been standing for a while. Maybe next to the Spirograph?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Oh, thanks- I’ll keep that in mind.
You take a seat next to the spirograph, the toy making room for you as you do. Xe seems nervous, but you can’t tell if it’s something you’re actually doing. 

Vine follows suit, and there’s an awkward silence. The spirograph shuffles as xe turns to you, not sure where to cast xer gaze. 

????: So…are you…new?
CINDI: Yeah, nobody’s seen you around before, and you’ve got that fresh vibe.
VINE: Cmon, you don’t have to heckle her-
CINDI: We’re talking to the duck, Vine.
CINDI: If she's new, I wanna know what she knows.
CINDI: What she """saw""" out there or whatever.
????: don't even believe those stories...
CINDI: Yeah, but it's funny hearing what weird shit people pop in with.
CINDI: What the narrative wants them to think.
CINDI: You gotta be curious too, right Beans?
BEANS: ...
CINDI: So? Spill.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
While I'd really hate to make a bad first impression with some of our coworkers, that's...not gonna happen.

"I didn't really remember anything interesting when I spawned in, and I'm not much of a storyteller either way. I'd rather talk about something else. Like the local nightlife round town, and what have you. More typical small talk."
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
nope! i don't owe you anything <3
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
"it's the darndest thing, actually, the last thing I remember, this big dumb horse was asking a bunch of questions about my personal life and just being a jerk in general."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Yeah, fuck this person in particular. You don’t necessarily want to make a bad impression with some of your coworkers, but…yeah, no.

POLKA DOT: Darnedest thing actually, the last thing I remember was this big, stupid horse asking a bunch of stupid personal questions.
The room is silent.

POLKA DOT: I don’t owe you shit.
The spirograph- Beans, you think xer name was- snickers just a little, stopping as soon as Cindi elbows xem. 

CINDI: Got a bit of a mouth on you, duck.
POLKA DOT: It’s Ribbon.
POLKA DOT: Not duck.
CINDI: Whatever, duck.
CINDI: You really ought to be more careful in your newbie days.
CINDI: I’m not gonna bite your head off, but there’s people who’d stab you for less.
CINDI: You don’t even look like you can fight yet.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
...okay so this is probably a bad idea.

but you could absolutely ask this person how to fight.
don't start a fight in the break room don't start a fight in the break room don't start a fight in the break room
"I'll be sure to keep that in mind."
don't start a fight in the break room don't... ah fuck it
"Fighting doesn't change much between the Toy Store and here though, no? I figure I know enough, at least for now. Unless that's a challenge."
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
you wanna go? then let's fucking go... outside, look I can be angry as shit and also pragmatic let's fight somewhere we won't make a mess.
POLKA DOT: You wanna go?
Vine gets up immediately and puts a paw on your shoulder, gripping it tight. 

She turns to Cindi as well, her expression stern.

VINE: You should know better, too.
CINDI: Look, I’m just looking out for her.
POLKA DOT: …fighting doesn’t change much between here and the Toy Store, right?
POLKA DOT: You wanted to know, and all I’m gonna say is that I know plenty.

More than I want to know.

POLKA DOT: So I’ll be sure to keep it in mind.
CINDI: Pfft.

The horse looks away for a moment, only to tilt their gaze back down at you.

CINDI: We’ll see how that talk holds up outside, duck.
POLKA DOT: If you think I’m so weak, teach me then.
CINDI: …teach you?

They laugh at that, a big guffaw.

CINDI: Now THAT’S some nerve!
CINDI: Fine, duck. Fine.
CINDI: Meet me out back after your shift.
VINE: Cindi.
CINDI: She wants to learn. 
CINDI: And it’s a lesson she’s gotta pick up eventually.
VINE: …if you injure another coworker again, Laurie’s going to have your hide.
CINDI: Then this little squirt better prove she’s got it.
CINDI: Right, duck?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Can't back down. Can't show weakness. Not again.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Of course! Bark without bite is meaningless, after all.
Oh I've got something all right, pony.

Sidebar to vine: Look I get it stay out of trouble ectera ectera, but I can't just take this. I'm not looking to really hurt anyone, but god do I need this.
I feel like being overtly aggressive is slightly the wrong move here. We can defend ourselves without completely losing face.

*snap feathers* "You know it, pony boy."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: I’ve got something all right- I’m not gonna back up bark with no bite.
CINDI: It’d be more of a squeak coming out of you, wouldn’t it?
CINDI: We’ll see how it goes. Just don’t complain if you end up sore, got it?

Vine continues to look severely uncomfortable with this, but sighs and grips your shoulder as you lean over.

POLKA DOT: Look…I get it.
POLKA DOT: Stay out of trouble, etcetera, but I can’t just take shit like this.
POLKA DOT: I’m not looking to hurt anybody, but…
POLKA DOT: Some part of me needs this.

That just makes her expression worsen, eyebrows crumpling into a worried look.

VINE: …be careful with what you “need” in this place, Ribbon.
VINE: I don’t want to lose any more apprentices.

You’re hit with a mix of pride in being called her apprentice and worry over the…”any more” part. 

VINE: I can’t stop you though…short of saying we need to get back to work.
VINE: Cmon. Enough chatter.
BEANS: You just got here-
VINE: Nope. We have work to do.

She starts heading back to the kitchen, and with a bit of hesitation, you get up to follow her.

CINDI: Don’t forget, duck! Out back after we close up!
You give a wave of your wing and leave the back room, going to wash up and join your boss. She looks troubled, but the two of you don’t say much aside from what’s necessary for work.

It goes well, with…your focus somehow increased after that altercation. Maybe you just want to show Cindi up, but you’re cranking out dumplings like nobody’s business, enough to get Vine looking a bit more relieved. 

VINE: Good work today, Ribbon.
VINE: …I’m guessing you’re headed out back now.
VINE: If…it gets bad…
VINE: Aim for a seam.
VINE: I’m not saying you should gut somebody, especially not a coworker, but…
VINE: Cindi’s more of a brute than I’d like to have in my kitchen.
VINE: But…someone’s gotta do heavy lifting, and they’ve also thrown out unruly guests for us without hesitation.
VINE: They’re a valued member of the team…
VINE: …but they’re on thin ice, and I can try to find a replacement. 
VINE: Don’t do anything drastic, please, I’m just telling you this weakpoint in the hopes that if it starts looking dangerous, you have a self defense tactic.
VINE: Don’t be hasty, and don’t go for it unless you absolutely have to.
VINE: Got it?
POLKA DOT: Got it.
POLKA DOT: …thanks, Vine.

She gives you a pat on the back, and you head outside.

The large plush is waiting for you, leaned against the alley wall. Properly standing up, you’re very, very aware of how tall they are- you come up to their neck, and their arms are long

CINDI: Thought you might skip out.
CINDI: First off. Rules.
CINDI: For lesson one, no weapons.
CINDI: We’re going hand to hand.
CINDI: I’m not gonna go all out, because I don’t want to lose my fucking job.
CINDI: But if you’re really looking to get trained, you’re gonna have to put up with some hits if you can’t dodge.
CINDI: Last chance to back out.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Ok, bye... but seriously 'last chance to back out', how many people actualy take that chance? let's do this.
Do that sideways neck crack thing for bonus cool points. Then SQUARE UP
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Do we remember anything about any sort of fighting stance to take? Or should we ask Cindy? I want to lean more into the "Show me how to do this" than "I'm gonna wreck you" since this is, after all, our first fight here. I don't want to talk big game if we don't remember how to fight.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Yep! Absolutely doing this. But uh, the 'this is a coworker + premise of learning' should definitely be the core. Best to tread carefully.

and also! take this as an experience to reflect. just because there's pre-existing talent doesn't mean this isn't a great chance to see what can be improved upon. al
POLKA DOT: How many people actually take that chance to back out? Seriously?
You crack your neck sideways, even the horse looking aback as it actually makes an unexpected snap sound.

POLKA DOT: Let’s do this.
POLKA DOT: Show me how to do this. 
CINDI: Alright!

They’d be grinning if they could.

CINDI: First things first. Material matters!
They hold out their hoof, tapping at the fabric there.

CINDI: I’m all fabric and stuffing, and you’re all…rubber or something.
CINDI: Take note of your enemy’s weaknesses. Memorize materials.
CINDI: What’d you think the weakness of a plush is?
CINDI: And what’d you think the weakness of a rubber duck is?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Oh they're actually teaching us I thought we were about to just.. get beat up.

We still probably are but ah
Give Me Your Coins
For a stuffed animal? Probably the seams. Not so sure about a rubber duck, they're pretty uniform all around.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
for plush, it's ripping, tearing, and puncture wounds. rubber is probably piercing, and heat enough to deform the material, perhaps crushing as well.

with the whole metaphysical bullshit that goes on I don't know how straight up throwing hands would go. would my rubber fist hurt more than your cloth one? does my mass matter? I'm hollow, I think. what about you, would punching you be like punching a pillow?
Weakness of plush? Probably staining, tearing, and if gotten wet and left untreated for long enough, mold or mildew?

For rubber ducks? My paint can get scuffed up I know, and I suspect a piercing blow would do the most damage, especially if i tear from there. I can take quite a few blunt hits though, I've found. I just bounce back up.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You have to think for a moment, weighing the options for both. For some reason, this all feels pretty familiar…

POLKA DOT: For plush…ripping, tearing, staining…
POLKA DOT: Mold if you get wet and don’t get help for it.
POLKA DOT: Seams are the weakest point.
CINDI: Good. And what about you?

You know this immediately.

POLKA DOT: Piercing.
CINDI: You sound confident in that answer!
CINDI: Strange, seeing as I don’t see any holes on you.

They step away from the wall, walking around you to look you over.

CINDI: You hiding any injuries under the outfit?
CINDI: You injure another duck?
POLKA DOT: …nope.
CINDI: Less confidence there, duck.
CINDI: Well, here’s a quick side lesson.
CINDI: People say that injuries in the Toy Store or whatever the fuck don’t always sustain on your first time getting out. Depends on how “the narrative” feels.
CINDI: If you’re so confident about that answer, and you choose to believe in those silly stories…

They hunch over to look you more directly in the eye.

CINDI: Chances are you got gored, duck.
You really, really don’t want to think about that.

CINDI: But that’s just stories, right?
CINDI: More likely than not, you’ve just got a good imagination.
CINDI: So don’t worry about it too hard!
CINDI: Get that grim look off your face. 

They pull back with a toss of their head.

CINDI: You got weaknesses down enough for an intro lesson, at least. 
CINDI: What about strengths of either?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
blunt force trauma for a plush would basically be nonexistent. I'm built for water so any kind of mess that'd ruin cloth wouldn't do shit to me, I'm rigid enough to hit hard but rubber enough to bounce back from a blow.
Plush can carry a lot more weight to it, depending on what they're stuffed with, be it beans or stuffing. Hard hitting. It's also easier to replace stuffing than mechanical components, since you can just jam it in. Easier to stitch up after a fight.

For me? Besides water rolling off and my skin being tough... it think I'm pretty fast. Obviously not as fast as a wind-up toy or rc car would be, but, I think I can bounce around easy. Especially in water.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Well…hitting a plush bluntly wouldn’t do shit, right?
POLKA DOT: You’d just…absorb it.
POLKA DOT: And you carry a lot more weight than I do, which like…plush have beans or stuffing, right?

They don’t respond, wanting you to fill in your own blanks.

POLKA DOT: …well, that stuff hits harder, and it’s easier to replace and fix up after a fight.
CINDI: And you?
POLKA DOT: Water rolls off me, my skin’s tough…
POLKA DOT: And I think I’m fas-

Their hoof connects with the side of your head and you go flying, bouncing and tumbling a ways down the alley. You’re spluttering and struggling to get to your feet, watching as they step closer to you.

POLKA DOT: Wh-what the fuck!?
CINDI: Not fast enough, duck!
CINDI: Lesson two: narrative impact!
CINDI: Strengths and weaknesses only matter so far as physical injuries. Holes, punctures, tears.
CINDI: Notice how I didn’t just bounce off you? S’cause narrative thought it’d be better this way! 
CINDI: May not leave a lasting wound, but it’s gonna fucking hurt as long as the story deems it appropriate.
CINDI: If you back up your blows with enough intent and meaning, you can go far with it.
CINDI: Don’t worry too much…
CINDI: I hear the narrative favors the little guy.

You manage to stand up, the horse bending their knees and looking ready to strike.

CINDI: What are you waiting for?! Hit me back!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Take a swing! Let's see how they defend themselves.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
alright let's do this. channel your rage, push it into your fist, and let it fly. you've been through worse than this, even if you can't remember, you know it's true. Show her what you've got.
She wants us to punch her back, she's setting us up for failure. The narrative hasn't fully shown how outmatched we are yet. Going for a straight punch won't work. Either we try our best here, take a few hits, and we lose, potentially to get good at fighting later.
Or we go underhanded. Not anything like going for a seam, but.
Feint attacks, tripping her, or using our environment to our advantage. Something like that. Something neither she or the narrative would expect. It's worth a try, at the very least.
Do a fakeout punch, then punch her with the other hand.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You shake yourself off and concentrate, pulling your wings back into fists as you take your own step forward. Play with the narrative, huh? They want you to hit them back, so…they’re expecting it. And you get the feeling the narrative won’t be satisfied until it shows how unmatched you really are…

Straight punch isn’t gonna cut it, and you’re gonna need to channel some serious rage behind this to make it count.

You think back to how you felt upon waking up on the ground, how it felt right before-

You feel the memory of something from what feels like long ago piercing you clean through, and you lunge, filled with red hot anger thinking about it. Thinking about them.

Cindi moves to dodge and you land your hit- using the other arm than the one you feinted with. The horse is knocked back a few steps, wheezing.

CINDI: Now that’s a hit!
CINDI: I’m gonna take a bit of credit, though.
POLKA DOT: W-what? You didn’t do shit!
POLKA DOT: I hit you!
CINDI: Yeah, but I lied.

You get that feeling that they’d be grinning again.

CINDI: Twice.
CINDI: The narrative does not favor the little guy.
CINDI: Don’t get that twisted.
CINDI: In this city, the stronger almost always wins. 
CINDI: Everybody in charge’s pulling us along on stupid little strings.
CINDI: I’m lucky enough to be big. Nobody fucks with me.
CINDI: If I started out with that, though, you wouldn’t have been able to hit me hard like that.
CINDI: You believed you were the stronger one. That you could do it.
CINDI: That backed you up.
CINDI: Doesn’t mean you have the excuse to act stupid and reckless, though. 
CINDI: Unless you have a real good reason, some real good motivation…
CINDI: Don’t assume you’re gonna win. 
CINDI: You’re better off finding weakpoints and being confident in your ability to take those down than swinging wildly with a shitload of bravado in your pocket.
CINDI: Second lie…
CINDI: Narrative can still cause injuries.
CINDI: Let’s say you’re up against something metal and you’ve got some piddly toy knife. No sharpness to the blade.
CINDI: You can probably cut into them like it were metal if you put enough energy behind it.
CINDI: Hell, judging by that hit, if you had gone for a proper seam rip with your hands, you could have torn me open.
CINDI: So whatever you used to make that count, hang onto that.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Ha, I'd have a hard time getting rid of it. my anger is my anchor. What's next?
Nod along. This is all very useful.
In the interim here, look around the environment to see if there's anything we can use to our advantage, be it a weapon (though this is just a fistfight right now, just keep the weapon in mind) or the environment itself.
Also ask if there's any way to make ourself look more dangerous than we are, besides what we spawned in with? I suspect any dangerous looking thing we could wear would just make us look like a scared duck trying to play the part of someone who can take a hit.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You nod, surprised at how…useful this all is. 

POLKA DOT: I’d have harder time getting rid of it.
POLKA DOT: It’s pretty much my anchor at this point.
POLKA DOT: Is there any way to make myself look more dangerous than I actually am?
CINDI: With the way you look?
CINDI: Find somebody else to travel with.
CINDI: I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but it’s some of the best advice I can give.
CINDI: People can smell a newbie fresh on the streets, and frankly, you’re lucky you found a place that won’t prey on you on your first day.
CINDI: Could have gotten harvested or something. Rubber ain’t cheap.

You remember Marlowe’s talk about the underground surgery markets and shudder.

CINDI: So…best advice? Get a traveling partner who you can trust.
CINDI: If you’re just going out, go in one of the groups that goes to partnered businesses. Pawn shop, thrift store, library, the works.
CINDI: Laurie’s good at making connections where it counts.
CINDI: This way we got a whole network that’s safe for people to use, without worrying about people getting nabbed or maimed.
CINDI: If you want to leave the city someday…
CINDI: Get someone you feel comfortable watching your back first.
CINDI: And make sure you know they’re legit.
CINDI: I wouldn’t recommend leaving at all until you’ve been in the world at least a year. The wilds are no fucking joke.
CINDI: …but who knows, maybe you’re ballsy.
CINDI: Either way, don’t ask me to go anywhere with you. I don’t want to play babysitter for a grown ass adult.
CINDI: Got too much shit to do.
CINDI: Aside from that…just make sure you’re armed and don’t panic if stuff gets rowdy.
POLKA DOT: Got it…
POLKA DOT: What next?
CINDI: What next? Duck, I had to come up with that lesson on the fly. 
CINDI: Gimme a break.
CINDI: Next week, we’ll go over some more. Got it?
POLKA DOT: Fair enough…

They reach forward and whack you on the back, a far cry from Vine’s friendly pats. 

CINDI: You surprised me, duck.
CINDI: Next time won’t be so easy.

The horse walks past you and back inside the building, ducking under the doorway on their way. You follow suit, and to your surprise, Vine is waiting for you.

VINE: …you look fine. Good, even, if a bit dirty.
VINE: You should go get your stuff down to Laundry. 
VINE: Take a turn from the guest rooms and go down the stairs.
VINE: But…how’d it go?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
well...she almost knocked the bazinga out of me
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
…Surprisingly well, they gave me some good advice.
It went good, I think! Gave me some good pointers. And a punch in the face, but I was able to get a punch back.
I suspect I'll need to pick up something a little more than my fists if I ever want to hit the town on my own, though.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
It felt good. Just just knowing I have a little more control, and being able to fight back, even if it was training, helped a lot.

Wonder if there's like a karate dojo or something nearby...
POLKA DOT: Well…they almost knocked the crap out of me.
POLKA DOT: But overall, surprisingly good…they gave me some good pointers.
POLKA DOT: Punch to the face too, but I got a hit in.
POLKA DOT: I guess I need to pick up something a little more than my fists if I want to go out on my own, though…
VINE: That’s about right, yeah.
VINE: Glad to see you didn’t need my advice…guess Cindi’s shaping up a bit.
VINE: There’s an impromptu shopping trip tomorrow if you want to go out- it’s my day off, so maybe we could make it together.
VINE: I may not be too strong, but I carry a weapon on me, and we’ll be traveling in numbers.
VINE: How’s that sound? You comfortable with that?
VINE: Figure we can stop by the pawn shop and thrift store. I can cover you, as long as you keep it cheap and pay me back when you get your check at the end of the week.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Sounds good. I think I'll get a nice change of clothes or two, and maybe a weapon... anything else you think would be a necessity?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Yeah, sounds good!
POLKA DOT: Think I’ll get a nice change of clothes or two, maybe a weapon…
POLKA DOT: Anything else sound like it’d be good?
VINE: Maybe we could swing by the library and pick you up something to read. Something educational.
VINE: We have a lot of books in our lending library, but there’s more reference stuff there that could be helpful for you adjusting.
VINE: How’s that?
POLKA DOT: Sounds good!
VINE: Alright…go get yourself to Laundry before bed.
VINE: You’ve got a few hours before it gets too late, so you should be able to get everything cleaned up.
POLKA DOT: You got it…
POLKA DOT: Thanks, Vine.

She gives you what feels like a trademark pat on the back, and the two of you walk out together, the bean bear pointing out the way downstairs. You give her a wave as you head down, walking down the maze of corridors until you find it- the laundry room.

Inside, there’s a few rows of washers and dryers, and from what you can tell, there’s no actual water inside them as they spin. You notice a few strangers waiting on their own clothes, but there’s two familiar faces- a black bean dog crouching by a lower machine, and…oh god, the narrative really has it out for you now. You feel your chest knot up as you see the purple virtual pet load up a top washer.

You could talk to Timothy or Willow, or…just start your laundry and say nothing.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Give Me Your Coins
We could talk to Willow, but we already agreed to meet up again at a lounge party at the end of this week. Let's talk with Timothy a bit, get more of a convo going than we were able to have earlier. Maybe give Willow a wave though.
We're both newbies, that could be pretty good common ground to start on?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You aren’t sure what to do here- you already agreed to meet Willow at the party at the end of the week, and you didn’t get the chance to talk to Timothy much earlier…

You decide to just start stripping down and loading up your clothes into a washer, relieved to see that there’s no coin slot- just a sticker with buttons on it. From the look of it, pressing those was all you needed to do to make it go…

You press the start button once everything’s in, and as you turn to go take a seat in the middle aisle chairs, you notice Willow staring directly at you…or more specifically, your tail. As soon as she notices your line of sight she snaps back to her clothes, and you can’t help but feel a bit of a rush. Was she…checking you out? Is that what that was? Does she like you? Your…body? What the hell?

You head over for a chair next to Timothy, who’s taken a seat in the meantime…the dog perks up as soon as you do, tail wagging.

TIMOTHY: Hey! You’re the duck from breakfast!
TIMOTHY: Silk Ribbon, right?
POLKA DOT: You got it…your name tag said Timothy, yeah?
TIMOTHY: Yes! You can call me Tim, though.
TIMOTHY: Sorry, I’m j-just, super excited to talk to another newbie…

You notice that he’s equally stripped down, though you definitely don’t get the same rush as the idea of Willow like this…

POLKA DOT: Guessing you don’t have too much clothes yet either, huh?
TIMOTHY: Nope…just a work outfit and a casual outfit.
TIMOTHY: I want to get some pajamas, though.
TIMOTHY: I’ll get the chance tomorrow, I think! Thrift trip!

As Tim talks, you just barely notice Willow taking the other seat next to you out of the corner of your eye. She doesn’t say anything, and is still averting her screen from looking at you.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I think I'm gonna go on the shopping trip tomorrow too. it'd be nice to get some fresh air. I've only been outside to punch cindi since I got here.
Oh yeah, that's tomorrow, isn't it? I'm hoping to get an outfit or two myself, one for looking nice, maybe some pajamas...ugh, I'd love two or three more casual outfits but I just do not have the money yet. What sort of look do you like to go for with your clothes?
Also YES let's mention punching Cindi at some point in the convo, I wanna see how Willow reacts. Do mention that it was part of Cindi showing us how to fight though, don't want to lower her cred or anything for getting punched by a newbie.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Don't say anything to Willow, but... maybe take a mental note.

"I think a shopping trip would be good for both of us! If you're alright with having me tag along, of course."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: I think I’m going out too, I wanna get some fresh air…
POLKA DOT: Only time I’ve been outside is to punch Cindi, heh.

That gets a startled beep out of Willow, and you can’t help but feel a bit of a nervous giggle choked back. On the one hand, you didn’t want to startle her or scare her off, but on the other…she did say not to soften up.

TIMOTHY: Wh-what?!
TIMOTHY: But they’re so huge!
POLKA DOT: Eh, they were showing me how to fight better. I got punched first.
WILLOW: Are you okay?!

She turns to face you now, immediately looking away again as she remembers your nudity.

POLKA DOT: Oh, it fuckin’ hurt.
POLKA DOT: But like I said, I got one back in.
POLKA DOT: They’re gonna give me lessons.
WILLOW: Oh…well, I guess that’s good.
WILLOW: Just…be careful…

She looks back at her lap.

TIMOTHY: You really punched them, though?
TIMOTHY: You must be really brave!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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