VOID: Do you have to earn your rank as a higher deity/force?
WRETCH: ehhhhhh i guess
WRETCH: im not the guy to impress tho you want one of the bigger fucks
WRETCH: like wax or that fallow thing
WRETCH: good luck there tho lmao

VOID: Have you seen Spit's base?
WRETCH: not this time
WRETCH: shes probably not in yet or if were lucky shes not in this session at all
WRETCH: i mean she can still come get us if she isnt but itd take her a lot more time
WRETCH: and shed probably wanna take down her local fucks first

VOID: Can we fight Spit?
WRETCH: LMAO fuck no
WRETCH: i wouldnt touch that bitch by choice if you paid me a billion in cash
WRETCH: let alone get into a brawl
WRETCH: shes killed other gods before dude and thats a biiig fucking no no
WRETCH: im talking irl too like
WRETCH: no thanks im not up for bein devoured by spit and i dont think you are either

VOID: Can we be introduced to Grind?
WRETCH: idk if its in either yet
WRETCH: i know its dealin with some stuff irl tho so it might be a bit

VOID: Can we combine our territory?
WRETCH: sure as long as you arent gonna backstab me voidsy
WRETCH: thatd suuuuuck for you
WRETCH: itd be kinda fun to have kitty playdates tho
WRETCH: everybody usually just leaves me alone

WRETCH: but now ive got you voidsy!