VOID: Is that a rule of the game? Do we belong to you now, Wretch?
WRETCH: depends on how you mean belong uVVVo
VOID: Guess we’ll have to find out.
VOID: You’re a lot more pleasant than we expected, especially when it comes to looks.
VOID: You up for a little post game jam for two?
WRETCH: lmao i wish
WRETCH: were on some sort of alternate god plane rn
WRETCH: but only for these lil cat dudes
WRETCH: so its not like we could physically meet up or anything, which is assssssssssssssss

VOID: Do you have any TCPs? Where are they?
WRETCH: no because some fucker took up the whole TCP limit before i fuckin got in
WRETCH: that shits global yknow
WRETCH: greedy ass voidsy

VOID: What have you been up to?
WRETCH: waitin for the limit to go up but it probably wont til yr back or some shit
WRETCH: idk how the limit works but it likes everybody to be in their lil bases before raisin any
WRETCH: its pretty random aside from that garbage
VOID: Have you messed with our puzzles
WRETCH: fuck no i have better things to do
WRETCH: puzzles n shit like that spawn based on residual god stuff
WRETCH: so because im here they put me on em im guessing

VOID: Is this chat private?
WRETCH: yea yr cats have no idea whats goin on
WRETCH: i cant see them n they cant hear you when we talk like this
WRETCH: so its just you n me here voidsy uVVVo

VOID: Who's Grind?
WRETCH: ughhhhhhh
WRETCH: grind is like
WRETCH: my brother or whatever. we work together for god shit
WRETCH: it wont let me do anything cool

VOID: How can we prepare for Spit?
WRETCH: idk like
WRETCH: she's pretty horrible and REALLY good at being horrible
WRETCH: and her favorite thing EVER is to crush newbies before they can get far
WRETCH: so you probably wanna figure out what to do and fast before she comes and sets all yr shit on fire
WRETCH: and tortures yr cats in front of you

WRETCH: as i said shes kind of a bitch