VOID: Let's combine territory then.
WRETCH: sweeeeet an alliance
WRETCH: youre the best voidsy. i got yr back
VOID: That's good…our TCPs are very well natured and sweet. We don't want them endangered.
WRETCH: you sure are a softie lmao
WRETCH: yeah whatever i wont mess with em
WRETCH: likewise tho dont mess with mine

VOID: Well, are you sure we can't fight Spit?
WRETCH: dudes she like
WRETCH: eats other gods
WRETCH: did you miss that part or

VOID: …some of us are saying you're not very good at first impressions. Sorry.
WRETCH: w/e i didnt say anything untrue tho
WRETCH: you took FUCKING FOREVER getting this communicator
WRETCH: and i didnt want you touchin my shit when i didnt know you yet
WRETCH: seems fair enough to me
VOID: I guess, yeah…
VOID: What's the goal of this game?
WRETCH: fuck if i know
WRETCH: wax made it for us and nobody knows what its for
WRETCH: but its a pretty good time waster when im fucking bored

You think about this whole situation, and you have to admit, first impressions aside…you kind of like her.

VOID: We'll be friends with you.
WRETCH: wait