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[TOY] Plaything
POLKA DOT: Yeah, that…seems to be a theme with this place.
POLKA DOT: Seems like that Store place is just an awful time for everybody.
WILLOW: You know about the Store already?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, Vine talked to me about it…I guess I’m just.
POLKA DOT: I’m worried that the more I remember about it, the more I’m gonna regret.
POLKA DOT: Doesn’t seem like those memories stay buried long, though…

Willow nods, quiet as she listens to you talk.

WILLOW: For me, it was the same way…a lot of stuff early on, but then…it stopped coming to me.
WILLOW: Not for lack of stuff there, just…I guess once I got more used to it here, it wasn’t as needed for me to remember the old stuff…
WILLOW: Or something.

At the mention of her own past, she looks nervous, pulling her limbs in closer. 

POLKA DOT: H-hey, that’s alright…we don’t need to talk about this. Seriously.
WILLOW: It’s okay…I just…keep that stuff private.
WILLOW: It’s safer.
WILLOW: N-not that you’re dangerous, just-
POLKA DOT: I get it.
POLKA DOT: When I woke up, I was just…pissed. Raw ass rage.
POLKA DOT: I thought people were going to hurt me and the whole world was going to be cold and harsh, but this place-
WILLOW: Don’t let your guard down. 

Her voice comes out quick and almost cold, startling you.

WILLOW: Just…it is cold and harsh out there. At the very least in this city, this is pretty much the only place like this.
WILLOW: If you get hurt, injured, sick…
WILLOW: You’ll find out that this place can get pretty nasty.
WILLOW: And there are people out there who prey on newbies…we just had someone report a politician in power of all things for us to blacklist.
WILLOW: People higher up in ranks, in positions of power…they’re basically all corrupt.
WILLOW: Places like this are the only safeties…

She shakes her head.

WILLOW: I don’t mean to scare you, just…don’t go too soft. Please.
WILLOW: For your own safety…

She glances up at the clock, your gaze following.

Ten minutes have passed.

WILLOW: I’m on shift still, so…ten minutes was all I could spare. I’ll just take it out of my break.
WILLOW: You should get going.

You’re already clambering out, the character on Willow’s screen scooting to the side, almost like an averted gaze.

POLKA DOT: You okay?
WILLOW: Yeah, just…
WILLOW: I get kind of shy around full nudity, at this point.
WILLOW: It’s…a weird thing of mine, probably weird since I don’t usually wear shirts and everyone seems to think it’s normal…
POLKA DOT: Nah, it’s cool…lemme just…

She fully looks away as you towel off and get dressed, making sure to wipe up any tracks for good measure. 

POLKA DOT: There. All dressed up.
WILLOW: Nice…it’s a good look. I like the um, lace…

The virtual pet gets to her feet, starting to walk towards the door. You can feel your face heating up from her comment, a little bit of paint-like blush tinting your cheeks. Her character’s just about the same, face with those few extra pixels you’re coming to appreciate. 

POLKA DOT: Thanks..hoping to get more soon.
POLKA DOT: Oh, right- one last thing.
POLKA DOT: I know you can’t do water, or pools, or stuff like that, but…
POLKA DOT: What do you do for fun? Like, what makes you feel as chill as this did for me?
WILLOW: I like…

She thinks to herself, rocking back and forth on her heels like the night prior.

WILLOW: …I think I’ll keep it a secret. 
WILLOW: I can’t tell you everything right away…we just met, and…

You swear that even with the low res screen, you can see her character get an almost out of character devious expression.

WILLOW: …I like playing a little hard to get.
You get chills, but this time, you’re pretty sure they’re good ones. Willow immediately looks embarrassed of her own comment, hustling to the door and attending to her laundry cart outside. 

WILLOW: Um…it was nice seeing you!
POLKA DOT: Y-yeah…you too.
WILLOW: I-if you come to one of the lounge parties, we can talk more or something! There’s one at the end of the week-

You just nod, still in a bit of a daze. 

WILLOW: Okay! I’ll s-see you!
And just like that, she’s gone, leaving you in the hallway.

POLKA DOT: …wow.
You have a bit over 3 hours to spare.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Well, we have one plan now. Party at the end of this week. We'll see if we can get a nice new party outfit by then. Nothing too showy... but maybe something with open shoulders. I think we could rock that.
We should probably leave the pool area, though. Maybe get the number of that door. Maybe get to know a few of the other staff members if we can. If we don't do something these three hours are gonna stretch on for a while.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
At the very least, you have a plan for later…end of the week, anyway. You’re gonna hit up that party, for sure, no chance in hell you’d miss it. But…you are going to need something to wear, something cool for a party…open at the shoulders, maybe? Yeah, you could probably pull that off. You could always ask Vine about that thrift place…

You make sure the pool room is closed up before peeking over at the next room- it’s just labelled “PLAYROOM 4”. Easy enough. You’ll nail those bastards when you’re all done messing around.

But…for now, you need to go keep yourself occupied, or time’s gonna stretch like hell. Maybe meeting a few of the staff members would be cool…let’s see. 

You know Laurie, Vine, Katie, and Willow, plus the myriad of other people you’ve seen walking around with pins- including the robot just now. The place seemed packed with staff, so…it’s just a matter of tracking someone down who wasn’t too busy.

You could go to the bar, the cafe, the kitchen, the laundry room, the guest rooms, or wander around the playroom halls.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
How hungry are we? It might be a good idea to head to the bar or the cafe.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Cafe for sure, might wanna grab a muffin or something for breakfast.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
See if they have an outfit guy, a fashion dude, a costume connoisseur. That seems like a person you aught to know.
You decide to head on over to the cafe, making up a brand new song for yourself to hum on your way over. The bar’s still empty, but you can see some staff start to come in and get everything cleaned up for later. You cross through with a wave and head through the door labeled “CAFE”, startled at the amount of chatter that hits you as you walk inside.

The cafe is smaller than the bar and crowded, apparently the breakfast rush is very real. There’s floor pillows like the bar, but definitely more “normal” tables and chairs as well, and people seem a bit more put together here. There are even bookshelves along the sides, toys coming and going to pick out stuff to read. You notice a sign saying: “Take one, leave one- Lending Library”, and wonder if you should check that out at some point. 

You walk up to the counter and practically get bombarded with the scent of baked goods and breakfast. A scottie-looking bean puppy seems to be frantically taking orders, and by the time he gets to you, he looks more than a little frazzled. His nametag reads “TIMOTHY”. 
TIMOTHY: W-welcome to Laurie’s Cafe-
TIMOTHY: Oh, you’re staff! Well…
TIMOTHY: Have you been sent over to help out? Or are you here to eat?
He desperately looks like he wants you to say the former, but…you know what you’re here for.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
...Sorry, I'm just here for a meal. Although I've got some time to kill after, maybe I could help out when I'm finished?
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
We have a shift in the kitchen in about three hours, but...
Man he looks desperate.
"Give me a free bagel or two and I'm yours for about two hours. Can't give you more than that, I'm afraid, I have a kitchen shift."
Should give us an hour to chill after. It'd be off the clock and we might not get paid, but... we already went in the pool when we weren't supposed to. Maybe this could make up for that. We won't make a habit of unpaid shifts though, by any means.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Try to look very cool and say ‘pancakes, hold the syrup’
You consider taking on some unpaid work and helping this guy out…but you probably shouldn’t push yourself when you’re going to help Vine out later.

POLKA DOT: Sorry, just here for breakfast…
TIMOTHY: Oh! Okay, sorry, just-
TIMOTHY: Breakfast rush, and I’m kind of new here…
POLKA DOT: Oh, shit, me too!
TIMOTHY: Yeah? Cool!

He seems legitimately happy to find another newbie, his tail wagging.

TIMOTHY: Uh…I can’t really talk on shift, though.
TIMOTHY: What can I get you?

You look up at the menu, suddenly realizing- you have no money.

POLKA DOT: Do you have anything…freeeee?
TIMOTHY: Oh, breakfast for staff is on the house- twenty dollars or less.
TIMOTHY: You’re working today, right?
POLKA DOT: Yep, kitchen later.
TIMOTHY: Awesome! I hear it’s cool working in there…

He shakes his head, trying to get back on task.

TIMOTHY: Right, right…what’ll work then?
You examine the menu again, settling on something vaguely familiar to you.

POLKA DOT: Pancakes…and hold the syrup.
TIMOTHY: You sure? Our syrup here is super good-
POLKA DOT: I’m sure. I like ‘em plain, with butter.
TIMOTHY: You got it, then…

He takes your order down, pausing for a moment.

TIMOTHY: Right- need a name to call out.
POLKA DOT: Silk Ribbon works.

Timothy passes the order to the chef’s window, calling it out.

TIMOTHY: Take a seat wherever! We’ll call your name when it’s ready.
POLKA DOT: Gotcha.

You turn around and scope out a place to sit- there’s a table free by the window, and you shuffle in quickly- only for someone to come by moments later.

????: May I share this table with you?
????: It’s so packed, I can’t sit solo…

You look up, seeing yet another bean bear- this one a panda with what appears to be star embroidery around his eye. You also notice something even more intriguing- a pin that looks similar to yours, but just a bit different.

????: You don’t even have to talk to me, I just need somewhere to drink my coffee.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

Scooch over a bit so there's room.

"Did you... want to talk? I mean, I know you said we don't have to, but that kind of implies you wanted to talk, so I thought I'd offer?"
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Yeah that's a reasonable request.

If they bring anything up for conversation following along would be a good idea. Otherwise just, make something up. How's the weather? How about that sand? How many tea kettles do you think could fit inside of an average size wardrobe?
"Feel free, I should be out of here quick enough so you can have the table to yourself when I'm done."
He seems to only want to drink their coffee, so any conversation we start should be one to two comments minimum.
Can we look closer at their pin? What makes it different?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Sure, make yourself at home.
POLKA DOT: I should be outta here quick enough, so you’ll have the table to yourself when I’m set.
????: Thank you!

He sits down in the chair opposite to you, folding his legs and taking a sip of his drink. 

POLKA DOT: Did you, like…want to talk?
POLKA DOT: I know you said we don’t have to, but-
????: I mean, I do love casual conversation, even if with a stranger.
????: Especially, even. There’s so much to learn!

He glances over his cup with a smug, yet curious expression.

????: Especially if they’re the fresh newbie on the block that Laurie happened to tell me about on my way in.
Oh, shit.

????: What can I say?
????: I’m a curious man, I hear gossip, I investigate.
????: And I’m sure you have questions too…for a partner of the establishment.
????: So…yes, I’d love to talk.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Seems like an interesting person to talk to, might as well commit to conversation. As far as questions to ask in return after the bear starts up and introductions are done, maybe going with something like asking a bit about investigating? What are good questions to ask people? What does it mean that he's a partner of the establishment?
I go by silk ribbon and I work in the kitchen, what about you, stranger?

Be on gaurd. Remember what Willow said. This guy doesn't work here, even if he's associated, so we can't trust him right off the bat.
Hm. Willow did say that people tend to take advantage of newbies...but I'm not sure if this guy would. Otherwise Laurie wouldn't tell him about you the moment he stepped in the door.
"Wait... you're a partner of this establishment. Would you happen to be the owner of Featherweight Creations, the establishment that sponsored that fashion show last night?"
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You’re not so sure about this guy…Willow’s words ring in your mind, reminding you to keep your guard up. Even if he’s associated with the place, he probably doesn’t work here outright. He doesn’t look like the type to pull shit though, and if Laurie told him about you when he walked in…

POLKA DOT: Guess I’m curious, yeah.
POLKA DOT: I go by Silk Ribbon.
????: You can call me Marlowe, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.
????: You found work here already, right?
POLKA DOT: All I do is work in the kitchen, as of…yesterday.
POLKA DOT: You? You said you’re a partner of the place, what’s that mean?
MARLOWE: Simple enough- I come by every week to run excursions with workers and clients here, helping them get to where they need to go and hooking them up with resources. 
MARLOWE: Thrifting, the library, groceries…I know my way around this city better than almost anyone, so I make a bit of side cash guiding other people.
MARLOWE: My main job is more of a writing gig- did you happen to get a copy of the pamphlet I made? I know Laurie hands those out to new folks-

You reach into your pocket and pull out the pamphlet you have.

MARLOWE: That’s the one!
MARLOWE: I hope it didn’t come off as too wordy…I tend to get carried away sometimes!
MARLOWE: When Laurie asked me for some kind of educational piece for newbies, I was over the moon. 
MARLOWE: Couldn’t believe I’d be trusted with something like that…but then again, leading newbies and seasoned toys alike around the city is one of my jobs.
POLKA DOT: Heh…I mean, it was pretty cool. 
POLKA DOT: Sure learned a lot.
MARLOWE: Good! I’m so glad…

He looks genuinely pleased, sipping more at his coffee miniature. 

POLKA DOT: I’ll be honest though, when you said you were a partner of the place, I thought you might be like…associated with Featherweight, or something.
He laughs, gesturing to his outfit- suspender shorts, a dress shirt with scalloped edges, and a bow tie.

MARLOWE: I may not be working for him, but I’m definitely wearing his work!
MARLOWE: We’re close friends…
MARLOWE: Very close.
MARLOWE: You’ll find that the community here is very tightknit- we have to be, to survive this place. 
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"Mm, I've been told it's rough out there, yeah. Thankfully I haven't experienced much of that yet, myself, but I know enough to be careful.
So, you take toys around town? Do you think I could join you on a trip to the thrift store or the library sometime this week? I don't know the first thing about how to get to either of those places, and I'd like to get some new threads. I'd also like to read some books about how stuff works here - while talking with people here has really been helpful, I'd also like to get a variety of sources on this sort of stuff. See if I can figure out more about the Store."
(Or how to get there.)
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
People keep saying that. That the world is some terrible place, and this is some kind of sanctuary. What is it like out there, what makes it so horrible?
POLKA DOT: People keep saying that- that it’s rough out there.
POLKA DOT: That the world is some…terrible place, and that this is a sanctuary.
POLKA DOT: What’s it like out there?

Marlowe thinks to himself for a moment, seemingly looking for the best way to word things.

MARLOWE: Well…it varies from settlement to settlement.
MARLOWE: There are some places that are far more welcoming and kind than the city you’ve found yourself dropped into, that have resources to spare for anyone who needs them.
MARLOWE: For whatever reason, though…
MARLOWE: The narrative seems to favor the people in power in this one, and from my experience, they are for the most part cruel and upsettingly greedy.
MARLOWE: This city in particular is dangerous because of many, many reasons, but one of them is medical.
POLKA DOT: …medical?

He takes another sip.

MARLOWE: If you find yourself in need of repair or other medical aid, you’ll either need to pay a premium or go underground.
MARLOWE: The above board services…they’ll work, and get you what you need, but you may end up in crushing debt.
MARLOWE: Underground services, on the other hand…
MARLOWE: You pay less, and you can potentially get services and procedures done that others above board may not be willing to do…
MARLOWE: But the quality varies, and you can’t guarantee ethical sourcing of parts.
POLKA DOT: Wait…what do you mean by…sourcing?
MARLOWE: Exactly what it sounds like.

He sets his coffee down, sighing and looking you in the eye.

MARLOWE: Extraction and collection of toy body parts, in order to recycle them for medical purposes.
You feel chills.

MARLOWE: Fabric and fillings like stuffing and beads are very common, though the latter is often donated by plushes to make some side cash, if they can spare it. That’s legal.
MARLOWE: However…things like electronics are far harder to just…give up, and electronic and robotic toys need them to survive.
MARLOWE: Those kind of repair skills as well…they’re hard to come by. People need a lot more training for that, compared to sewing, anyhow.

Willow comes to mind immediately, and how she said that she can’t be near the pool…were electronic toys really that fragile?

MARLOWE: People will do anything for those parts, and while it’s technically against the law to kill or maim another toy…
MARLOWE: No one really enforces it unless you do it to someone deemed important. 
MARLOWE: People get desperate enough to pay bills, to afford food and housing…
MARLOWE: And they’ll do anything. Anything at all.
MARLOWE: That’s part of why this place exists. Somewhere where you can get a hot meal and somewhere to stay in exchange for helping keep it all running.
MARLOWE: Sanctuary…it’s not perfect, but that’s a good word for it.
MARLOWE: A home for those who can’t afford to traverse into the wilds and find somewhere safer, for whatever reasons they may be.
MARLOWE: Am I making sense?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
yes i understand completely. this is some super heavy shit. in a fit of anxiety make a joke that maybe marlowe should make a pamphlet on this topic next

come to think of it, i've never meditated on what sort of things would kill uhh, me. it doesn't FEEL like i have anything internal to lose...?
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
Is there no way to fix things here because The Narrative forces things to be bad?
How...unsafe is it on the streets alone? What do people need to learn to keep themselves safe?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Yeah….I’m following.
POLKA DOT: This is some super heavy shit.
MARLOWE: That it is, but it’s important to know about before you end up getting into trouble you can’t get out of.

You let it all sink in, and then it hits you- you have no idea what would kill you specifically, though it feels like at this point, you should probably know by now.

POLKA DOT: I don’t…have anything internal to lose though, I think?
POLKA DOT: Can I still die?
MARLOWE: Yes, you can.
MARLOWE: While you don’t have anything to “bleed out”, you definitely can be scratched or punctured…
MARLOWE: It would still hurt, and enough damage could prove fatal if the narrative decided it’s your time.
POLKA DOT: Wait, so- the narrative decides?!
MARLOWE: Mm. It doesn’t seem to do so randomly, but some toys have lasted past when they’d seem to be killed-
MARLOWE: It’s all about what makes the story “better”, I suppose…
POLKA DOT: I keep hearing that…
POLKA DOT: Is there no way to fix shit here? Like…is the narrative gonna force things to be bad forever?
MARLOWE: I think there are ways…if it was a truly and completely evil force, this place wouldn’t be allowed to exist, don’t you think?
POLKA DOT: I guess…
MARLOWE: My best theory is that this city is supposed to be a sort of…dramatic, dystopic story.
MARLOWE: The inhabitants are a part of the melodrama and angst, but someday, someone may rise up against the tyrannical powers and triumph.

The bear shrugs.

MARLOWE: I suppose that’s kind of what we’re doing here. 
MARLOWE: It’s hard to say whether we’ll win out in the end, but we’ve lasted this long, and we’ve built a network of businesses and allies to support each other.
MARLOWE: I think there’s some hope in it. The situation we’ve been put in is objectively unfair, but…I don’t think we’re shit out of luck.

You go to ask another question, but your name gets called.

TIMOTHY: Order up for Silk Ribbon!
POLKA DOT: One sec…

You get up for a second, going to get your pancakes- they’re proper miniatures, the butter pat separate, even. 

POLKA DOT: Thanks…I will.

You return back to the table, Marlowe keeping his gaze steady.

MARLOWE: Good pick, the flapjacks here are to die for.
POLKA DOT: They look it…

While it’s only the third thing you’ve eaten so far since showing up here, you’re pretty blown away by the first bite- they’re not super fancy thanks to your whole butter only deal, but they’re warm and fluffy. 

POLKA DOT: So…how unsafe is it on the streets? If I was to like, go alone.
MARLOWE: I wouldn’t recommend going alone if you can help it, but if you have some degree of weapon on you, you’re better off than if not. 
MARLOWE: Anything sharp or heavy will do as long as your intent is for it to work as a weapon…though you can get creative if you like.
MARLOWE: I personally carry a knife in my bag…nothing large, and it’s just plastic…but it cuts if you put enough intent behind it. It’s enough to ward off petty thieves. 
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I...probably should've expected that to be the case, all things considered. Do you know where I could find something to protect myself with? Seems like that's a necessity here.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
would learning how to fight actually be useful or would 'pretending' to fight be just as effective?
POLKA DOT: Would learning how to fight actually be useful, or would pretending to fight-
You feel a strange pain in your head, like some kind of tension, as a thought comes to mind. 

I already know how to fight.

Marlowe just stares at you, confused.

MARLOWE: …are you alright?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, just…lost my train of thought. 
POLKA DOT: Is pretending to fight okay?
MARLOWE: I mean, it’s all pretend, isn’t it?
MARLOWE: But…it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get some self defense under your belt.

Another twinge. 

I have more than that.

MARLOWE: I can ask Laurie to get you the contact of someone who teaches classes nearby, similar to how I do thrift runs and educational pamphlets. 
MARLOWE: As I’ve said, we have a network.
POLKA DOT: Awesome…
POLKA DOT: Do you know where I could find something to protect myself with?
MARLOWE: Well, weapons aren’t encouraged in the public areas of Laurie’s Place itself, but there’s a pawn shop we have in the network. 
MARLOWE: Someone can take you there if you get in touch.

He hesitates, shuffling in his seat. 

MARLOWE: Are you sure you’re alright?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Would a not fine person be able to do this? (do a back-flip)
mh. maybe not but i fear that is about as much as i am willing to elaborate on that.
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
Nah, nah, we know better than to show weakness, especially to a stranger. We're alright. Just a mild headache. Let's change the subject.
Any other tips for us starting out? Other things we should be aware of? I don't think self-defense will be a problem for us.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You consider being honest, but you’re not sure about the whole showing vulnerability to a stranger thing after your talk with Willow. 

POLKA DOT: Just a mild headache, I’m cool.
MARLOWE: If you say so…

He rises to his feet, brushing off his outfit as his drink cup disappears.

MARLOWE: I should be off, then…all out of coffee.
MARLOWE: And I’ve already talked your ear off.
POLKA DOT: It’s good, though- do you have any more tips for me?
MARLOWE: If you’re going to be staying here, it’d be a good idea to talk to lots of different kinds of people, especially staff or partners of the business- considering they’ll all have been vetted.
MARLOWE: Don’t feel pressured to venture out on your own until you’re ready, but it would be a good idea to get a feeling for the outside world once you have some companions to keep you safe.
MARLOWE: Oh, and-
MARLOWE: Try not to get too bogged down, you know?
MARLOWE: We’re working towards a better world and all…and trying to make the present more hospitable in the meantime.
MARLOWE: Hang onto that.
POLKA DOT: Thanks, Marlowe. I owe you one.
MARLOWE: Think nothing of it! Just do your best and pitch in, and you’ll do fine.
MARLOWE: Best of luck, Silk Ribbon!

With a wave, he’s gone, heading for the cafe’s exit. 

You are now alone with your pancakes, which haven’t disappeared yet.

You have time to think, but about what?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
What is it you want out of life? from what you remember it's allways just been survival for you. now you have a job and a home and nothing is threatening to kill you. There's revenge, but what happens after that? could you be happy just working here for the rest of your life, or do you want to aim higher?
companions? have you met anyone yet who u’d trust n want to ask to come with u if u leave? making friends is a good idea anyway but.. if it’s not quite what you want here, then having ppl who feel the same would be practical too.
I think we want to learn more, both from other people like Mint, and also from whatever the library can give us.
Also interesting point he gave us on not venturing out until we're ready... where do we want to go? Do we want to move to a seaside settlement eventually, or should we stay around here and do what we can to help the city be a better place?

From what we know of ourself, are we really one to make the world a better place at all? Or is that something for...better people than us.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Your mind goes to all kinds of places as you think things over…there’s so much going on, you’ve only been here in the city for less than a whole day, but you’ve already met so many people, and learned so many things…

But you’re not sure if this is where you belong, yet. Vine mentioned that seaside settlement, and you can’t deny the idea of going somewhere safer and near water sounds like a great gameplan…but the journey would suck ass from the sound of it, and you can’t exactly go that alone. Besides, it would be fine to just stay here, right? The city may suck and all, but maybe you could do what you could to help it be a better place.

…who’s to say that the person you’re looking for on your revenge quest is even here in the city, anyway? How are you going to look for them? All you have is your dream from last night and that moment on the steps…you don’t even remember what they look like.

I hope Sandy’s okay.

That’s another thing, who’s this Sandy person? You remember some kind of vague fondness, and…gratitude, maybe? Whoever it is, you feel like you owe it huge, for a lot of things. It’s definitely someone you want to see again-

Do I not want to see them again? The person I’m on a quest for? I mean…I want to get back at them for what they did, but… 

There’s this horrible feeling that meeting them is going to be an experience you won’t enjoy one bit, even if you get your revenge in the end. Something about the dream from last night makes you feel a little bit sick, to the point where you very gently push your plate aside. Still…

…maybe getting a companion to help would be a good idea. Someone who could help you out with shit, be that going outside or traveling to a different settlement or going on this quest or whatever the fuck you get up to. Everybody here seems pretty set in their jobs, but…let’s see…

Vine, definitely not gonna work out if you end up going to another settlement- she and Laurie are way too established here. Same for Marlowe, and Katie at the bar. The only person who you know that isn’t super tied down, at least to your knowledge, is Willow…

Willow…you get kind of lost in that train of thought for a second. Her…god, was it flirting? It had to be flirting, right? Whatever it was, it was killing you a bit. 

It’s not the first time, but it’s definitely…something else.

More…cryptic, weird thoughts. God, this whole thinking to yourself thing’s weird. 

Maybe Willow would come on one of those thrifting trips. Maybe…it’d be cool to invite her, when you see her at that party. Yeah. Yeah, maybe you’d do that, test the waters a bit. You just met her and all, and you had to figure her out more…but that seemed like a good place to start. If you’re going to be staying here for the time being, getting an ally would be a solid plan.

Meeting more people, too. Maybe talking to that weird robot you saw, seeing if Timothy wanted to hang out after work, socializing at the party…yeah, you were gonna make connections. That’s your goal.

Yeah, okay. Don’t know if you’re gonna stick around, but, while you do…that’s your gameplan.

You slowly pull your plate back in close, and eat until it’s gone.

Somehow, two hours have passed.

You have one more hour. 
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
We should probably talk to someone about what we saw with the robot earlier. We've got the room number and some vague descriptions of the offenders, so all we need to do is find Laurie or someone who can either do something or direct us to someone else who can do something.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
(12-31-2021, 11:23 PM)knux400 Wrote: We should probably talk to someone about what we saw with the robot earlier. We've got the room number and some vague descriptions of the offenders, so all we need to do is find Laurie or someone who can either do something or direct us to someone else who can do something.

ditto to that, yeah. Get this out of the way, then maybe do some people-watching, or see what we can pick up of other people's conversations.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You get out of your chair and give Timothy a goodbye wave before making your way out of the cafe, heading directly for Laurie’s office. You’re gonna report those assholes in the playroom.
Minnie gives you a nod as you go to knock on Laurie’s door.

MINNIE: He’s in.
POLKA DOT: Thanks.

Once you give the door a solid few knocks, you hear Laurie’s smooth voice call from inside.

LAURIE: Come on in.
His room is mostly the same as you left it a few hours ago- except this time, the bear seems to be poring over a huge pile of papers.

LAURIE: I don’t have a lot of time, but-
He looks up at you, his eyes gentle.

LAURIE: What can I help you with? Was the pool to your liking?
POLKA DOT: Yeah! Yeah, it was awesome.
POLKA DOT: There was kind of…a problem in the neighboring playroom.

Laurie sets his papers down. 

POLKA DOT: There was this robot with a staff pin-
LAURIE: With a camera eye?
LAURIE: That’d be Roulette, another new hire. 
LAURIE: …did something happen to it?
POLKA DOT: Some customers in the next playroom over heckled it…got all touchy feely with it and even invited it to come in and uh, do stuff.
POLKA DOT: It looked…really uncomfortable.

Laurie settles onto his couch, letting out a sigh.

LAURIE: What playroom was it?
POLKA DOT: Pretty sure it was Playroom 4.

Laurie leans over to the other side of the table and picks up what looks like a schedule.

LAURIE: Okay…that was this morning’s bondage munch. I know that early crowd fairly well, and I’ve never gotten complaints…
LAURIE: …but I have gotten off vibes about some of them. Can you tell me what they looked like?
POLKA DOT: A top, a game console, and a kite.

The bear presses his face against his palm.

LAURIE: Goddamnit, Mitchell.
LAURIE: The kite.
POLKA DOT: Oh, yeah. They were especially awful.
LAURIE: I had hoped that I was wrong about them…
LAURIE: But I should have trusted my instincts.
LAURIE: I’ll have the three of them tossed out immediately.
LAURIE: We don’t tolerate that shit here, to put it bluntly.
LAURIE: Is Roulette alright?
POLKA DOT: Gonna be honest, it looked…really shaky.
LAURIE: I’ll ask Devo to go check on it…but if you see it, please be gentle with it. I’m sure it’s rattled after that kind of treatment.

You have no idea who this “Devo” person is, but…at least the robot wasn’t going to be alone.
POLKA DOT: Got it.
LAURIE: Is there anything else you need?
POLKA DOT: Nope…just wanted to make sure that got taken care of.

You turn to leave, hesitating at the door for a second.

POLKA DOT: …that’s not normal here, right?
LAURIE: God, no. I make sure of it as much as I possibly can.
POLKA DOT: Good. Good…
POLKA DOT: …thanks.
LAURIE: Literally no trouble at all.
LAURIE: Enjoy your shift with Vine- and thank you for bringing this to my attention.

He reaches for his corded phone, rifling through the papers to dig it out. 

LAURIE: I’ll make that call now…
He shoos you out, and you’re back in the lobby to give him some space. Minnie gives you another nod- but you can tell this time, it’s one of deep respect and appreciation.

MINNIE: Roulette’s a skittish one.
MINNIE: Thanks for looking out for it.
POLKA DOT: No prob…
POLKA DOT: Is the bar open yet? I think I saw somebody sitting down.
MINNIE: Not yet, but we let people get comfy if they’re already guests or staff here. 
MINNIE: Feel free to people watch while you wait for Vine, I guess.
POLKA DOT: That’s the plan…

You head into the bar, and make your way to a spare table.

There’s one person in the bar- a white bean bear in a sweater and sweatpants, drinking a plastic can of soda in a booth opposite you. He looks incredibly tired, and doesn’t seem interested in interacting with you past a sidelong glance. 

He also has a staff pin.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Are there any magazines or reading material anywhere? Maybe a puzzle book? Maybe not in the bar itself but like we only got an hour we can just relax.
Hmm. They don't seem to want to talk to us. Maybe we can look around the empty tables and see if anyone left anything interesting behind?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Whoever this bear is, he doesn’t seem to want to talk to anybody. You busy yourself with looking around the bar from your vantage point, trying to see if anyone left anything behind-

Your eye catches a little book on one of the booth seats behind the bear. Jackpot. 

As you get out of your chair and head over, you’re startled as the bear’s phone rings- and judging from the way he jumps, he’s just as startled too.

????: H-hello?
????: Yeah, this is Devo speaking-

You freeze, recognizing the name from only minutes earlier.

DEVO: …It what?
Devo rises out of his seat, seemingly in a panic.

DEVO: Is it okay? Did it get hur- okay, okay, good.
DEVO: …okay, not good, but-
DEVO: Yeah. Yeah. I’ll go check on it.
DEVO: Fuck…thank you for letting me know.
DEVO: Those guys got dealt with, right?

There’s a moment of him pacing around as he listens.

DEVO: Thanks, Laurie. Fuck.
DEVO: You already helped me so much with Saddler, so, I can’t be surprised, but…
DEVO: Thanks.
DEVO: I’ll go take care of Roulette.

He doesn’t even stop to look at you as he makes a beeline for the guest rooms. 

Must be nice having someone have your back like that…

…I’ll get that again someday.

You finally grab the book, eavesdropping over with. It’s some kind of romance novel, from the look of it…may as well give it a shot.

It takes a bit for the story to get going, but after a chapter or two, you’re starting to get pretty invested in the characters. There’s something about it that feels comfy, just sitting and reading about some mushy adventure…

Someone stops in front of your booth, and you glance up.

VINE: Ready to get to work, Ribbon?
VINE: How’d sleep treat you?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Sleep was. Well. I slept! That's about as much as I'd like to go into it right now, I think.
I'm as ready to go to work as I'm gonna be.
By the way...can I keep this? Just found it in the booth, and it's kinda fun. Not sure if that'd be stealing a guest's property though.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Sleep was, uh.
You lean on one elbow, trying to look cool.

POLKA DOT: I slept!
POLKA DOT: That’s about as much as I wanna say, but I’m as ready to work as I’m gonna be.
VINE: Glad to hear. Newbies have it rough with that sometimes, but you’re gonna be fine.

She gives you a pat on the back as you get to your feet, pausing for a moment to hold up the book.

POLKA DOT: Can I, like…keep this?
POLKA DOT: I just found it in the booth, and I’m kinda digging it.
POLKA DOT: …or is that like, stealing.

Vine carefully takes the book, flipping open the front cover. 

VINE: Looks like it’s a loan from the cafe library, they probably just left it here once they finished it. Lazy bastards.
VINE: If it didn’t have this sticker-

She turns it to show you- it’s a golden, square sticker saying “Laurie’s” on it. 

VINE: -there’s a lost and found you can put stuff in in Laurie’s office.
POLKA DOT: Cool. So…fair to dibs it, then?
VINE: I don’t see why not. Just return it to the cafe when you’re done with it.

She hands the book back, and leads you over to the kitchen.

VINE: So I noticed yesterday that you seem to like getting creative with your food design…
VINE: I want to put that to good use.
VINE: I don’t know how much you remember about different types of food, but-
VINE: What do you think we should make for a special today?
VINE: I’ve got a lot of recipes, so…
VINE: What strikes your fancy?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Maybe some dumplings? Or some miniature pies if you want something a bit sweeter.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
seconding dumplings i love ingredients . but dumplings can be sweet too
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
You wrack your brain for food.

POLKA DOT: Maybe…dumplings?
POLKA DOT: Or like…miniature pies, if you want something a little sweeter.

She visibly thinks it over.

VINE: You really like your fillings, don’t you?
POLKA DOT: W-well, they’re fun!
POLKA DOT: And flexible!
VINE: We can work with it, relax.
VINE: We’ve got a decently easy dumpling recipe, but it’s a little tricky to master proportions. 
VINE: You sure you’re game for that?

You nod, and she hands you an apron from a nearby rack, putting her own on. 

VINE: Great. Follow me.
She takes you to the dough station, hauling out what looks like a massive tub of cream colored dough from the side. 

VINE: Could you grab some slime jars from the pantry?
VINE: Anything’ll do, texture, color, whatever works.
VINE: There’s a lot to pick from, so…
VINE: Choose whatever you think would be good. 

You nod again, hurrying over to the pantry area and-

Good god, she wasn’t kidding. They have huge jars of practically every slime under the sun, some of them labeled in ways you’ve never even heard of. There’s ones with beads, ones with swirls of colors, clear ones, ones with charms…it’s making your head swim.

In this massive collection of slime, what do you pick?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Maybe some fluffy slime, like cloud slime? And some semi clear slime too, both with little charms in them.
A starry blue and white puffy slime like this maybe? Simple enough that it wouldn't be wasted inside a dumpling.
Or maybe something like this is we want something equally seasonal as what we made last time, since I think holiday festivities are still going around currently.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]

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