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[TOY] Plaything
The giraffe hands you a catalog as Willow steps forward, the giver handing one to her after. As she turns to leave, you can’t help but blurt out words before you can stop yourself.

POLKA DOT: Up whats! What up! I mean- what’s…up!
WILLOW: …huh?

She turns to face you, the ghost on her screen showing a little question mark floating around it. 

POLKA DOT: I was at the show...
WILLOW: Oh...okay.

POLKA DOT: I…really liked your outfit tonight. Was really cool, haha.
Oh god, you are blowing it. Part of you really wants to bail and run out of here, but you’re gonna try.

POLKA DOT: Do they let you keep the clothes?
WILLOW: No, not usually…but I think I’m going to buy that one for myself.
WILLOW: …thanks, though.

For all the confidence she showed on stage, she seems…shy, rocking back and forth on her heels. Her voice is softspoken and melodic, made of beeps and boops. Now that you’re getting a good look at her, you can see that she’s wearing a pleated skirt, stockings and boots, no top so as not to cover her chest buttons. 

You don’t know what it is exactly, but you find her very cute.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Do you wanna hang up? OUT! wait no, hang out do you want to hang out!
Well, it's certainly nice to meet you! I go by Silk Ribbon here, I just started work in the kitchen today so I'm a bit new, haha. Still trying to get to know everyone who works here. I'm kind of interested in modeling myself, actually, but I think that's probably a long way off. I'd love to learn more about it though, if you'd be willing to chat about it sometime. I don't know if I caught your name?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Well…I’m really glad I got the chance to meet you after the show, haha…
POLKA DOT: I go by Silk Ribbon here, and I just started in the kitchen today.
WILLOW: Willow…I’m Willow.
WILLOW: I do…laundry.
WILLOW: And some other stuff.
POLKA DOT: I’m trying to get to know everyone who works here, and- I think I’m kind of interested in modeling stuff, but that’s probably a long way off-
POLKA DOT: Do you want to hang out or something?
WILLOW: You’re new, aren’t you?

The character on her screen freaks out a little, making an embarrassed gesture. 

WILLOW: N-not that that’s a bad thing!
WILLOW: I’m just…not used to people being so forward with me.

Oh god, are you being forward? What do you even say to that?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
might as well be upfront about your intentions, if you ask me. It's easier and kinder to be honest then play mind games.
I... yea I'm new. I'm sorry if it was too much? genuinely.
Not... really used to interacting with people lots, I was just... really impressed with your modeling job! ..and didn't expect to run into you so quickly so i didn't really plan ahead how I would introduce myself. oh god i am rambling, sorry again!!
just... don't feel pressured to react any certain way, you don't have to want to hang out, that's cool too, i get it! just... yea, sorry for getting ahead of myself
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
Aaaaaah I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything! You do seem really cool though, genuinely.
Aaand yeah, I'm new. New here, and new in general. Also not great at this probably. Again, I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Should you be upfront about your intentions? Should you tell this random toy that you’ve only seen from afar before this that you…think she’s…cute?

A pang echoes through your chest at that- something about that feels terrifying, in a way that feels familiar in the worst way. You can’t place it, but Willow looks a bit concerned at your expression.

WILLOW: Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t mean to…upset you…
POLKA DOT: No, no, I’m not upset! I’m good…
POLKA DOT: I…am new though, yeah, and I’m sorry if it was too much. 
POLKA DOT: I just…I literally just woke up today, and wandered in here.
WILLOW: Wow, that’s…really new.
WILLOW: Guess I’m not one to talk, I just showed up last year…
POLKA DOT: That’s okay! I just, uh…
POLKA DOT: I’ve never seen modeling stuff before, and your outfit…and the way you wore it! It was cool as hell!

Tiny pixels show up on her character’s face- you could have sworn they were blush.

WILLOW: I’m still fresh at it, I’m just getting used to it…
POLKA DOT: You’re really good at it though, and I guess, uh, I wasn’t planning on running into you so quickly- fuck, I’m rambling.
WILLOW: No, it’s…okay.
POLKA DOT: Just…don’t want you to feel pressured to react a certain way, and we don’t have to hang out-
WILLOW: I was planning on going to my apartment, yeah…
WILLOW: But…you said you work here?
WILLOW: Maybe we’ll run into each other some time, when I’m not so tired.
WILLOW: I mainly just…do laundry and go to the lounge-style play parties.
WILLOW: If I see you, I’ll say hi or something…and we can talk more, maybe.
WILLOW: Is…that okay?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Of course it is, whatever you're comfortable with! Thanks for being patient with me, and I hope you'll have a relaxing rest of the day... see ya around then
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
Oh yeah, that's perfectly alright. I hope you have an easy walk back to your apartment, I've had a rough time getting back and forth between here and my room as it is. Nice meeting you!
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Yeah! Yeah, of course!
POLKA DOT: Like…whatever you’re good with.
POLKA DOT: And thanks for being chill with my whole, uh…new…to everything thing.
WILLOW: It’s okay…I remember being like that too.

The character on her face smiles, a little sun popping up. You could have melted then and there.

WILLOW: And thanks for telling me you liked the look…I really appreciate it.
POLKA DOT: No prob…
POLKA DOT: Hope you got an easy walk back, I have a rough time getting back and forth to my room as it is.
WILLOW: I’ll be okay, I’ve gotten pretty good at it by now.
WILLOW: Um…try humming a song as you go. It helps sometimes, because when the song’s over…you’re there.

She awkwardly starts to walk away, giving you a little wave.

WILLOW: Thanks for talking…
POLKA DOT: Yeah! It was nice meeting you!

You’re clutching your catalog a bit, a warm feeling going through you- the pain pangs from earlier are still kind of present, but they feel underneath the surface now. A very warm, fuzzy surface.

You head back to your room, humming a little nonsense song along the way. Sure enough, it actually gets you there…how about that.

Your key fob starts counting down as you cross the threshold- a little bit over 8 hours left.

You’re tired, honestly…it’s been a long day, and your bed is inviting as you kick your shoes off and strip down, flopping into the blankets. Almost immediately, you start to feel yourself doze off, lazily trying to get the blankets over you before sleep overtakes you.

And then it does, your mind at ease.

Until you begin to dream.

What do you see?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
you see the one that hurt you.
something that is about to happen
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
someone you have yet to meet
????: …and that’s what we gotta do! Easy as can be!
You blink, the silhouette next to you is shrouded in dark, as is the entire room.
Their figure is blurry and distorted, static coursing through them in what little light you can see.
You notice some other shadows in the room, though they just look like chairs.
You're also sitting on something plastic, you think.

????: …you okay, Polly?
????: You’re all shaky, like something’s wrong.

The words that come out of your mouth aren’t your own choice, but you know they are yours without a doubt. 

POLKA DOT: I’m just…nervous, that’s all. 
????: I mean, it’s gotta make the door show up, right?
????: We heard it from those teddies down in the doll aisle! It’s a surefire win!
????: You know we can do it…you, me, and Sandy. 
POLKA DOT: Sandy’s…
????: I know, it’s just as worried as you are right now.
????: But you two need to relax!
????: It’s not like this is something new, right…?
POLKA DOT: It’s…different this time…
????: Why? You scared of going all the way with it?
POLKA DOT: I mean…
????: Where’s my Polly gone, huh?

They reach forward and rub the back of your head, as if to ruffle your unmoving “feathers”.

????: You used to be so good with that bat of yours…
????: Even better than Sandy, and it’s way bigger than you.
POLKA DOT: It’s different now-
????: How? How is it different than what we did to get food for all that time?
????: People tried to kill us first. You know that they’re trying to find the door too.
????: Think of it like…a rite of passage! I don’t think anyone could hold it against us when they’re trying to do the same thing.

They withdraw their hand with a disappointed scoff.

????: You’ll get it.
????: Hopefully sooner rather than later, you know I don’t want you in here as long as I’ve been. 
POLKA DOT: I…know.
POLKA DOT: I know.
????: Then just…trust me, okay!
????: Friends til the end, right?

They reach forward and take your hands, and you can’t help but feel a nervous, fluttery feeling. It’s…not unlike how you felt when looking at Willow, but somehow, incredibly different, and mixed with something…darker.

Dread. Deep dread.

POLKA DOT: …yeah. Friends til the end.
The silhouette fizzles out, and you are alone in the dark room.

You stand up, not of your own volition, and navigate around the other chairs to a door.
You turn its plastic handle and walk through. 
And you can feel... something else, something on you.
You're wearing the outfit you picked out today. Somehow, you just know.

Your legs move you down the hall to a door, but other footsteps mimic your own, walking in tandem.
When you reach a certain point, you find yourself turning to stand just in front of it.
From here, you turn to look down the hall to find a... floating black suit, complete with white gloves and a purple bowtie.
Where you expected to find a head, you only see wispy, disjointed smoke... or maybe steam.

Other than missing a body and a head, the suit mirrors your movements perfectly, turning to look at you at the exact instant you turned to look at it.
You feel your hand raise up towards the door, and one of the gloves follows suit.

Your hand reaches out.
So does theirs.
You knock on the door.
At the same time they do.
You stare at that wispy head, feeling like you were making eye contact, even though you couldn't see their eyes. Was it even a person?
The door in front of it opens, but yours stays shut.

You do hear a voice beyond it, though.
But, you can only make out one word, the rest sifting into static.
????: ... ... .... .. .... . minute. ... ...... ..-
…You wake up.
Your key fob is beeping, and when you reach over to look, it says that you’ve got 30 minutes left. Great.

You sluggishly move out of bed and head to the shower, indulging in a quick water break before getting your clothes on and grabbing your pamphlet. 

You don’t want to think about that dream.

You don’t know why, but you just…don’t. 

There’s a note under your door, sticking out just enough for you to pull it inside.

Silk Ribbon-
Heard you read through your pamphlet and are curious about more hours and playroom access- come to my office and we can talk things over.

No reason not to, you guess. Getting access to the rest of the place would be great, and you think you’ve got enough under your belt. You shove the note into your slowly filling pockets and get walking. 

Humming a song works again, and you find yourself at Laurie’s office before you know it. Minnie gives you a quick “hi”, and you make sure to wave. You think you’re getting better at this whole…friendliness thing, really. 

You need to, if you want to make up for things.

You chase the unwanted thought out of your head, knocking on the door.

LAURIE: Come on in.
The room smells like perfume today, and you realize very quickly that Laurie must be doused in the stuff. Somehow it doesn’t phase you, and as you take a seat, you feel pretty at home.

LAURIE: I’ve heard good things, Ribbon. Not bad at all for a first day!
LAURIE: Though…I have some questions if you’re going to take on more work.
LAURIE: Firstly, how did things go yesterday? Overall, really.
LAURIE: Secondly, what did you think of that pamphlet? Tell me about it.
LAURIE: Thirdly…

His gaze is inquisitive, but not hostile at all.

LAURIE: How did you sleep?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
(jokingly) (half-heartedly) best dream i've ever had!
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
Work went well! Got to decorate the food I made which was surprisingly relaxing.
And also the show after was really really cool, actually related to what I wanted to talk about too
Overall the day went well
The pamphlet was... Interesting. I feel like I understand most of it, made sure to look at the safety section.
The whole... modeling thing seems really interesting
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
Things went well, I think. Vine taught me a lot, and I think I really got the hang of working in the kitchen, though I do worry that I might not be up to snuff today. I should be, but that's just a small worry in the back of my head. I think I just gotta take it slow, really.
The pamphlet was really educational, though I do have to admit I haven't gone through it all yet. I'm not sure if I'm quite ready to go into the playrooms yet, but it's something I might be interested in for the future. I would like to talk about getting pool time though when it's used as a lounge, if that'd be possible.
And... yep! I slept.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Question: are the playrooms ever used for playing, or only 'playing'? Been wondering since I heard about the pool.
POLKA DOT: Work went well, everything did, honestly…
POLKA DOT: Got to decorate the food I made and everything, surprisingly relaxing stuff.
LAURIE: A bit of creativity goes a long way for everyone here, both the patrons and the staff.
LAURIE: How was working with Vine?
POLKA DOT: She taught me a lot, and I think I’m getting the hang of working in the kitchen, but-
POLKA DOT: I’m…worried I might not be up to snuff today, yknow?
POLKA DOT: Yesterday went so well-

And I wasn’t thinking about them

POLKA DOT: -and I’m worried I might not be able to pull it off. 
POLKA DOT: It’ll probably be fine, but…
LAURIE: Don’t worry. I’ll bring it up to Vine, make sure she puts you on duties that don’t overwhelm you.
POLKA DOT: Yeah…as much as I wanna just, dive right in, I think I gotta take it slow.
LAURIE: Easy enough, light help is better than no help, after all.
LAURIE: I’m not one to judge for needing lighter days.
LAURIE: Any reason? The sleep, maybe?

You feel self conscious as he brings it up again, shifting in your chair.

POLKA DOT: I mean, I slept! The bed was really nice!
POLKA DOT: Best sleep I ever had, even!

…You realize that this actually isn’t a lie, somehow, and that makes you feel a bit sick to your metaphorical stomach. 

LAURIE: Well…I’m glad to hear it.
LAURIE: Newbies often find themselves with restless sleep after coming to our world, and I try not to put too much on them until everything balances out.
LAURIE: How about the pamphlet?

Relieved for a topic change, you pull it out of your pocket, looking at the cover. 

POLKA DOT: It’s…interesting. I looked over most of it, and I’m pretty sure I got a good grasp.
LAURIE: Most of it?
POLKA DOT: Didn’t get to the Techniques section, and I kind of, uh…skimmed the Anatomy one.
LAURIE: Out of all the sections, those are probably the least important to know going into this- even things like gear and kinks are important to know as a potential worker in Laundry or the playrooms. 
LAURIE: Techniques…are something you can discover and make your own. While it’s important to know what works for other people, it’s up to you to forge your own path with this kind of thing.
LAURIE: It’s very personal.
LAURIE: And as for anatomy, there’s no need to change anything if you’re comfortable with what your situation is. 
LAURIE: Many don’t. However, it is kind of fun to know what options there are, and explore those as well.
LAURIE: So…as far as knowledge for the job- to be clear, you did read the Safety section, yes?
POLKA DOT: As thoroughly as I could.
POLKA DOT: Made sure of it.

He looks relieved.

LAURIE: Then as I was saying- I think that’s enough to clear you for job privileges. 
POLKA DOT: Cool! I mean- cool.
POLKA DOT: I don’t…know if I’m ready to go to the playrooms yet, though- at the very least, not when there’s like…people in them.
POLKA DOT: I am curious about the pool, though…
LAURIE: You’re in luck, then.

He looks over with a twinkle in his eye.

LAURIE: A late night pool party wrapped up a few hours ago, going into the morning…
LAURIE: It’s been cleaned out by now, but there’s still another few hours before people have their lounge meetup there. 
LAURIE: It’d be the perfect opportunity for you to go peek your head in- no swimming of course, but you can take a look without worrying about getting in over your head.
LAURIE: You have a good few hours before Vine starts working…it’s…10 AM now, and Vine starts at 2 PM. 
LAURIE: Plenty of time for a little peek, don’t you think?

You are practically vibrating at the idea of getting to see LOTS OF WATER
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Reply often does it take for newbies to...balance out, regarding sleep and such?
Also yes, please, show me the pool. I know I can't swim yet, just a quick peek, but would I be allowed to kick my feet in it?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Actually vibrate in anticipation of water
Okay, nevermind, you are actually vibrating in sheer anticipation of waterrrrrrr

POLKA DOT: Hell yeah!
POLKA DOT: I wanna see it! I mea- I know I can’t swim yet, but…would I be allowed to kick my feet in it?
POLKA DOT: Just a little…?

Laurie laughs, clasping his hands together.

LAURIE: Oh, why not. Just a little.
LAURIE: You’re wearing shoes, so your feet shouldn’t be too dirty…but if I find out you tracked dirt in before the next party, you’re going to be on cleaning duty for a week.
LAURIE: …just kidding! But seriously, I will make you clean it after the next party.
LAURIE: And I cannot promise it won’t be a slime day.
POLKA DOT: Slime…day?
LAURIE: Oh yes, sometimes people here enjoy filling the pool with instant slime or snow powder.
LAURIE: Takes forever to clean, but some people are all about substance play- or just for sensory reasons.
LAURIE: Please do not touch the powders, or we’re going to have problems. Messy problems.
LAURIE: Understood?
POLKA DOT: You got it.
LAURIE: You can check in with Minnie in the lobby- she’ll refill your fob and you’ll be free to spend some hours exploring.
LAURIE: Thank you for helping us out!
POLKA DOT: No sweat.

You get up to leave, hesitating for a moment.

POLKA DOT: And, uh…how long does it take for the whole…sleep thing to work out?
POLKA DOT: For newbies. Just curious.
LAURIE: It varies, but it can take anywhere from weeks to months to stabilize. 
LAURIE: You’ll be fine, though- just don’t be afraid to talk to someone if you need to.

You give him a nod, walking for the door. Laurie gives you one last wave as you look over your shoulder, and after a few more steps, you’re in front of Minnie.

MINNIE: How many hours would you like?
MINNIE: If you’re planning on doing a longer shift today, you can get a few days.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
A longer shift would be nice, I think. lose myself in the work a bit. how longer I don't know. not sure what my limits are.
Yeah, I'd like to try a longer shift today. Not like I have anything better to do. Laurie said I'd be able to look at the pool before my next shift though, would it be alright if I do that now?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Yeah, longer shift sounds great.
POLKA DOT: Don’t…know how much longer, but longer’s good.
MINNIE: Will six hours do?
MINNIE: Six hours of kitchen time…that’ll get you 30 hours of room time.
MINNIE: So…two to three days if you spend some time outside of the room.
MINNIE: How’s that for a deal?
POLKA DOT: Perfect. 
POLKA DOT: Oh, right- Laurie said I could go check out the pool playroom-
MINNIE: I heard- go out to the bar and go to the opposite side from the guest rooms. 
MINNIE: Hallway works the same as the other one- you’ll find the pocket you need if you look for it. Room 157, should be marked “The Pool Room”.
MINNIE: You’ve got a bit of time, but make sure to clear out before any guests get there.
POLKA DOT: Got it.

She holds your key fob and you watch as the number recharges, now at a solid “30”. 

POLKA DOT: Thanks, Minnie.
MINNIE: Any time.

You start rushing down towards the bar, a skip in your step. It’s pretty cleared out, and you imagine there’s more customers at the cafe right now- maybe the bar itself wasn’t even open, judging by the lack of noise from the kitchen. You find the hallway just fine, and down you go.
Your humming trick to find the room is a bit more impatient today, and you only slow down when you the words “POOL” in big, cursive font.

You open the door slowly, peeking your head in- but almost immediately the door shuts, a plastic frog toy sticking their head out. 

????: Sorry, party’s not open yet- 
????: Oh!

They notice your pin.

????: You’re staff too! Well…
????: What can I do you for?
POLKA DOT: I’m here to, uh…

May as well be honest. 

POLKA DOT: Check out the place. I’m new.
????: Don’t worry about this, I’ll only be a few minutes. Just getting all the fresh towels in place, and cleaning up the last bit of mess. Somebody brought some play sand in, and while the water’s finally all clean, I’ve still got some to sweep up…
????: Hang tight!
POLKA DOT: Wait, I could help-

The door closes before you make your point, and you’re left waiting.

POLKA DOT: Damnit…
Your excitement from the pool keeps you facing the door, raring for it to open any second. Though, it soon sinks in that it could be a few minutes, so you resign yourself to try being patient.
A knock down the hall catches your attention.
Glancing over, you spy a robot toy with a single, camera-like eye for a face, who just finished knocking on a door. But you hardly notice that at first, much more focused on their outfit:  A black tuxedo coat with tails, white gloves, and a purple bowtie.

You’re paralyzed, the weird feelings from your dream sinking back in and unsettling you.
The door they stood in front of opened, the robot quick to speak.

???? (1): Hello. I have your order, ready to-
The toy who answered the door - a tall, colorful, metal-edged top in the shape of a dragon - interrupts them.

???? (2): Oh, my god.
The metal top took the tray, hastily laying it somewhere inside.

???? (2): That outfit is so CUTE on you!
The suited bot seems in shock, not moving from the door as the top turns and yells inside.

???? (2): You guys are gonna wanna seeeee!
Another toy, this one a blue kite in a skirt, emerges from the doorframe with an audible gasp. They reach out and snag the robot from around the waist, a grunt coming from them as the kite pulls them in for a bear hug.

Some sort of accessorized handheld game console tugs the kite back, releasing their grasp on the robot.

???? (3): Easy now. Don't break the poor thing. 
This one leans on the door frame, getting a bit lower to address the robot.

???? (3): You. You're cute. If you hadn't guessed already. You wanna come by after your shift and play with us a little? No need to be shy.
The tuxedo-clad toy looks like they barely had themself together enough to form a response.

???? (1): No Thank You.
The game console frowned.

???? (3): Whatever, then. Your loss, I guess. Come back,
They traced a claw carefully along the robot's 'chin.'

???? (3): ...if you change your mind.
They close the door.

With the door shut, you can hear it now:  The robot's fans were working overdrive, and you thought you could even see the faintest trail of smoke raising up from its head.
The toy's knees were shaking as they leaned against the wall just beside the door, presumably taking a sec to settle down. They were definitely embarrassed. You get that much, even if robotic toy expressions were more unfamiliar to you than most. Though... you can't exactly tell just by looking if they'd enjoyed it, or were just... humiliated.

Either way, you can't help but find them less intimidating after... whatever that was. The weird dream feelings had pretty much vanished by now.

The robot, only slightly more composed now, walks down the hall.

In your direction.

They seem to deliberately avoid eye contact as they pass you, though maybe they're just distracted? Once again, robots are weird; you can't really tell.

Just as they do, you hear a voice inside the pool room:

????: Almost done!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"You, uh... you okay?"
"I totally get it if you don't want to talk right now, but that looked... bad."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
this person does not look like they want to chat right now actually. so maybe give them a concerned look instead
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
Yeah, we shouldn't say much to the bot, maybe just a concerned half-wave, but we should keep that interaction in mind. We might want to tell the front desk later that some guests have been a little too friendly with the staff, the kite especially. Maybe they could get a warning or something.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
yeah this is not your business. just leave the poor bot alone.
seconding worried expression + half wave, also keeping in mind to tell laurie or whoever is responsible for such things about the guests
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
You consider reaching out to the robot, but second guess yourself- it does not look like it wants to talk. You settle for a half wave, your face concerned.  

If they notice your gesture, they don't show it at all, their head burying into their shoulders slightly as they pick up the pace, soon disappearing down the hall.

Even with them showing up in your dream…you can’t really suspect them too much, not after how different its mannerisms were. The look they had sits uncomfortably in your mind, and you can’t help but wonder about the “safety” section of your pamphlet, and Vine telling you how they don’t tolerate unruly or inappropriate guests. Just as you’re thinking over reporting those assholes and getting them what they deserve for making somebody feel that uncomfortable, the frog cleaner opens up the door and beckons you in.
????: Cmon in, but please don’t make a mess.
POLKA DOT: Thanks…I’ll try not to.
You step inside and are immediately blasted with the smell of chlorine mixed with some kind of air freshener, clean and crisp. You’re not sure why you don’t hate it, but it feels…good, and you feel yourself get very, Very excited as soon as you see the large pool in the center of the room. There are ledges along the side for people to dip themselves in for a seat, and it doesn’t look all that deep in general…more for relaxing and gentle swimming than any kind of diving or sports. 

With that said, the room is definitely bigger than it looks like it would be from the hallway. Something tells you that that’s normal, and as you start to walk around the poolside, you notice benches, towel racks, lockers, and what looks to be a bunch of boxes labelled “SUBSTANCE PLAY MATERIALS” and “TOYS”. 

You turn to thank the frog and they’re already gone, leaving you alone in the most exciting room you’ve been in so far. 
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Kick off our boots and dip our feet in. No more than that, no matter how much we may want to. I suspect time will pass here very quickly if we aren't careful.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Dive right in without even thinking
mentally become this
[Image: 097b19b6807f4417732176e30781289356facb69.jpg]
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
You fight the urge to dive in, clothing and all. Oh god, you fight it. Every part of your being makes you want to jump in that pool and splash around and-

You go to one of the benches and slowly take off your boots, wiggling your feet a bit before walking over and sitting on the side of the pool. 

You dip your feet in.

The water is cold but not overly so, and feels clean…even more than ever, you want to dunk yourself in there, but you can’t break Laurie’s trust like that. He’s already given you a lot, and even if EVERY INSTINCT IN YOUR BODY IS SCREAMING TO SWIM, you have to have restraint. 

It’s blissful.

You glance up at the clock on the wall, seeing that around 30 minutes have passed since you left Laurie’s office. You still have three and a half hours left to yourself…

You could stay here and think things over, or go exploring here or elsewhere.

[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You should think over jumping right in, doing a flip and cannonball at the same time as you gracefully dive into the water
Let's think things over for a bit while we're here. What we think of our dream, both the memory part, and the part with that robot. Do we remember what room number it was serving? We might need to if we're going to tell the front desk about guest misconduct.
Maybe we can also think over what we're going to do today after work. Do we want to hit the town? It was kinda rough our first night.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Realistically, if you made sure to clean up after yourself really well, how would Laurie even tell you've been swimming? It's not like you're going to leave duck residue or anything.

Just make it quick so you'll have time to completely dry off.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
splash with your wings in the water a bit but don't go in. even if you somehow manage to clear all evidence it's still not really... okay. Laurie did say they were worried we'd go too far so Don't Listen to the Urge
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
laurie's trust is really important, and someone just cleaned this pool. don't go in the water no matter what, there will be opportunities to swim in the pool later on.
cmon. break a rule, just one. go swimming, It's not gonna hurt anything, you did just shower you're squeaky clean. dooooooo it.
maybe you can float along the surface and paddle around with your legs . not as bad as full body swimming. just say you fell into the water while dipping your toes and paddled around for a bit
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
You try to clear your head and focus on what’s been going on, because god, there is a lot. As much as you hate to admit it, you should probably reflect on that dream of yours…both the part that you’re pretty sure was your memories, and the weird premonition. You can’t help but wonder if Vine knows anything about the whole future vision thing, and whether this is normal…

You also need to go get that room number before you leave so you can report those assholes, because you are definitely going to try and get them in trouble for what they did to the robot toy. If Laurie doesn’t tolerate that shit, neither would you.

And then there was considering what to do after work…

You stare into the water, your reflection staring back.

…fuck it. 

You pull your feet out of the water and start stripping off your clothes, trying to justify what you’re about to do to yourself. You were just gonna bob around in the water, all…rubber duck-like. You’re not going swimming, not really, and you just took a shower anyway. No weird residue or grime at all, it’d be fine. Totally fine.

Once you’re free of clothing, you step carefully into the pool, absolutely delighted as the chilled water takes you in. Before long, you’re bobbing in the water, your body naturally able to float. It feels…so right. So perfect. So-

The door opens, and you freeze. So does the staff member face to face with you, carrying a box labelled “SWIMSUIT RENTALS”.

…a very familiar staff member, skulls along her arms. 
WILLOW: …um. 
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Uhhhhhhhhh act casual, be smooth and don’t act like you were just caught doing something you weren’t supposed to be, and be real good at it and don’t mess up at all
I have been here for less than twenty four hours all I have are memories of betrayal and a primal rage. LET ME HAVE THIS PLEASE.

...wait why do we have swimsuits we barely wear clothes to begin with? is this a sex thing? let's be honest it's probably a sex thing we work at the sex place.
I tripped and fell and also all my clothes came off at the same time.

Boy the world sure is wacky, huh?
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
You…need to ACT CASUAL. SMOOTH. 

You have GOT THIS.

POLKA DOT: I tripped and fell and uh, also all my clothes came off.
POLKA DOT: At the same time.

The character on Willow’s screen just blinks, the pixel blush back in action. 

POLKA DOT: Look, uh-
POLKA DOT: I’ve been here for less than twenty four hours and the only things I can remember are, like…
POLKA DOT: Some kind of betrayal, and rage. Like, serious rage.
POLKA DOT: Please let me have this and don’t tell on me.

Willow just kind of half nods, walking in and closing the door behind her. She notedly avoids the pool’s edge as she walks around to the other boxes in the corner, placing down the rental box next to them.

WILLOW: I…did a lot of stuff like that too, when I was new.
WILLOW: I really don’t recommend it…Laurie might get upset.
WILLOW: You have ten minutes. You have to get out by then, or we’re both going to get in trouble-

She goes to sit on one of the benches, kicking her legs a bit. There’s an awkward silence as the two of you desperately look for something to say.

POLKA DOT: Uhh…what about those suits you brought in?
POLKA DOT: Like…we’re barely clothed anyway. 
POLKA DOT: …is it a sex thing?
POLKA DOT: It’s probably a sex thing, right? Like, this is…the sex place.

Willow giggles a little, that adorable beeping sound back again.

WILLOW: I mean…for some people, yeah.
WILLOW: But other people just want to dress up and get into the spirit of things.
WILLOW: I like swimsuits too, they’re cute…
WILLOW: But getting wet would be really bad for me. I don’t come here unless it’s for work.

On the one hand, the thought of Willow in a swimsuit is definitely activating some awful part of your mind. On the other, the idea that she wouldn’t be able to enjoy this kind of thing…it makes you a bit sad. Maybe you’re just looking for people to share this blissful feeling with. Probably.

More silence, but Willow breaks it this time.

WILLOW: …you said that you came here with a lot of negative feelings…
WILLOW: That’s…not uncommon.
WILLOW: Almost everyone I’ve met has been like that.
WILLOW: Not all of them, but…enough.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Seems to be a theme with this place, yeah. The Store seems like an awful time for everyone involved.
I'm just worried that the more I remember about it...the more I'm going to regret, I guess. But no matter what, it doesn't seem like those memories stay buried for long.

That's enough about that though! Sorry...really. You've probably had more than enough time thinking about your time the Store, and I'm not gonna drag you down with my thoughts on it. It's just rough.

I was wondering, since you can't really swim, and you certainly wouldn't enjoy it as much as I do.... what sort of environment are you most comfortable in? What sort of leisure activity really makes you feel at peace?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
I thought the world would be cold and harsh and worth hating when I was dropped into it. But people keep giving me reasons to think otherwise, or at least that this place is an exception to the rule.

Then the rage... it has nowhere to go.

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