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TCP: Oddity Session
You wake up surrounded by a white void. After an indeterminate amount of time that feels like forever and an instant, a white slip of paper appears before you.

[Image: tcp_time_1.png]

The note reads:
"GIVE- sharing gifts makes the kitties happy and well! anything can be a gift. 
CREATE- the void is pretty but has full of nothing! kitties can't walk or play on nothing. 
NAME- naming kitties makes them unique and special! they like two syllables best. 
TEACH- kitties have nothing but fluff in their heads! teaching things will make them skilled and strong. 
CHECK- checking kitties is a good way to make sure everything's okay! sometimes they have secrets. 
SPAWN: if you already have a kitty, you'll need more to keep them company! spawning with words helps you make more, but only if the limit says it's ok. 
KILL: sometimes kitties aren't nice to eachother, or go bad along the way. this helps you keep things friendly!"

A booming voice drills straight past your ears and in to your brain.
"Please present the Void with a noun. Any noun will do."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
eh, I'm doing it again
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
Waddle & Daub
Shooting Star
I second shooting star
Oh right we have signatures
SPAWN: Mycophobia Type
[Image: tcp_time_2.png]

A brand new Mycophobia type spawns in the void! It seems very interested in the paper.
back at it again at krispy kreme
NAME: Goofshroom
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
name: chanterelle
no longer active
[Image: tcp_time_3.png]
The Mycophobia type is now named Hevell!
Hevell squelches and gurgles happily, pleased with it's new name.
back at it again at krispy kreme
>CHECK: hevell
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
teach hevell: speech
no longer active
Oh it's so darling.

Create: Garden
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
CHECK: Hevell
Create: Small intersection of plastic tubes, like those you'd find in a McDonald's play-place
(Also, welcome to the forums! This quest is really cute so far, I can't wait to see where you go with it!)
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
>Teach Hevell:  Trombone
GIVE: A blanket sized to them, with tasseled edges.
>CHECK: Hevell
[Image: tcp_time_check_hevel.png]

Hevell is a Mycophobia type TCP, and it's very excited about this whole existing thing!
Hevell is an Abstract type (b,, because i thought fear would be a concept) and can expend health to use it's ability.
It does not have an inventory as of now.

>TEACH: Speech, Trombone
>CREATE: Small intersection of plastic tubes, Garden.
Hevell doesn't know what to use trombone skills for, but they're excited anyway. They thank you in a hurried series of squelches and draw their attention to the large colorful thing that just appeared.
[Image: tcp_time_tower.png]
Which is this thing, apparently. Hevell seems distracted by the colors if nothing else.
The plastic thing is comprised of 4 modules, 3 stacked on top of each other and one nexus off to the side to facilitate more connections to the playfort. There is a garden on the red floor, or the 2nd floor if you wanna call it that. The rooms can be rearranged at will.

>GIVE: Blanket
[Image: tcp_time_4.png]
Hevell is surprised by the blanket literally falling on top of them, but they adjust quickly. They feel the blanket over for a bit, before putting it on their back, pulling two of the corners forward, and twirling around to watch the cloth flare up and ripple. Hevell giggles and plops down with their new cape blanket and begins messing with the tassels.
back at it again at krispy kreme
hhhhhhhhok its time bed gnight
back at it again at krispy kreme
(Don't worry about mycophobia being abstract! TCP types are heavily open to interpretation, and while we have rules for making TCPs, we encourage others to break those rules if they have a really neat idea they want to try.)

GIVE: Trombone (with carrying case)
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
GIVE> a plastic tree

So they have a friend but won’t have to worry about keeping it alive and watered

Create: Note that says "Hello Hevell! We are in charge of taking care of you, and we do so with great pleasure. How are you doing? Is there anything you'd like?"
Give: teddybear-like stuffed dog (2 inches tall)
[Image: 46L7SNf.png]                         [Image: AccxU29.png]
TEACH: Reading
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
>GIVE: Trombone, Carrying Case, Plastic Tree, Dog Plushie
Hevell takes their dog plush and trombone into the red section of the playhouse to find a realistic looking tree made of plastic, but they don't seem to know the difference. Or they just don't care.
[Image: tcp_time_5.png]
Hevell climbs up the tree, hauling their plushie and instrument up with them and plays a few notes on the trombone. They can't get too far without gurgling about the "funny sound" the trombone makes.

>TEACH: Reading
A note pops into existence beside Hevell and their plushie. They inspect your note, careful not to drip their fluids on it.
[Image: tcp_time_6.png]
Hevell says that they're doing great and they're super super happy about the soft things you gave them. They think for a moment about what they want to ask you. They wonder what you look like, do you look like them? How tall are you? Hevell thinks they're pretty big compared to their plushie, who they refer to as "Duck" and they don't think many things could be bigger than their playhouse, right? Oh! They also want to know your name!
Hevell doesn't seem to know how to pronounce dog.

(It's time for the appearance and motifs thing! Yall can like, do descriptions or drawings or whatever. (or just continue to create things thats fine too))
back at it again at krispy kreme
aaaaaah i really want to do a mushroom god to match hevell but that feels so self indulgent since... it’s me. the synergy bonus might justify it though, what do you guys think? (I definitely want to doodle a potentional design or two once some more motifs are suggested)
no longer active
We are vast, a god of odd patterns that trace in the mycelium. We are a maze of flesh and knowing and being. An epitome of the life that rises from the rot and the ruin. Stone shoulders rise from a thin waist. A faceless visage sprouting above, rooted and tied to the stone from which we rise. Our blossoming crown is a parody of flowers and blooms, a brown beauty appreciated by few. Our limbs are ever reaching, tendrils running through dirt and earth and flesh and the quiet deep of the sleeping graves. They sleep and in their stiffness we make them into new life. We are the fear, the fear and the strength of a vastness that grows and changes others into things they hope they are not. We are numerous and we are inevitable.
We are Populace.

Populace, God of Fear and Inevitability
Motifs of Ruins and Mushrooms
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
imo synergy bonus makes it worth it! tho thatd probably mean we'd need to build the rest of the team around it too, huh.. also i love the art in this
(01-04-2020, 12:57 AM)victorianflorist Wrote: We are vast, a god of odd patterns that trace in the mycelium. We are a maze of flesh and knowing and being. An epitome of the life that rises from the spot and the ruin. Stone shoulders rise from a thin waist. A faceless visage sprouting above, rooted and tied to the stone from which we rise. Our blossoming crown is a parody of flowers and blooms, a brown beauty appreciated by few. Our limbs are ever reaching, tendrils running through dirt and earth and flesh and the quiet deep of the sleeping graves. They sleep and in their stiffness we make them into new life. We are the fear, the fear and the strength of a vastness that grows and changes others into things they hope they are not. We are numerous and we are inevitable.
We are Populace.

Populace, God of Fear and Inevitability
Motifs of Ruins and Mushrooms

[Image: poupulace_v1.png]

i uhhhhhh i came up with this, i dont have any colors for em yet but uh wiggle mushroom! this is ooc i guess? yeah. so is this good or anything you wanna add or do things ect?
back at it again at krispy kreme
(01-04-2020, 01:41 AM)Blue_Fox Wrote:
(01-04-2020, 12:57 AM)victorianflorist Wrote: We are vast, a god of odd patterns that trace in the mycelium. We are a maze of flesh and knowing and being. An epitome of the life that rises from the spot and the ruin. Stone shoulders rise from a thin waist. A faceless visage sprouting above, rooted and tied to the stone from which we rise. Our blossoming crown is a parody of flowers and blooms, a brown beauty appreciated by few. Our limbs are ever reaching, tendrils running through dirt and earth and flesh and the quiet deep of the sleeping graves. They sleep and in their stiffness we make them into new life. We are the fear, the fear and the strength of a vastness that grows and changes others into things they hope they are not. We are numerous and we are inevitable.
We are Populace.

Populace, God of Fear and Inevitability
Motifs of Ruins and Mushrooms

[Image: poupulace_v1.png]

i uhhhhhh i came up with this, i dont have any colors for em yet but uh wiggle mushroom! this is ooc i guess? yeah. so is this good or anything you wanna add or do things ect?

Ooc: God that's perfect, I'm sorry my suggestion was so heavy handed but I'm personally in love with this design. The esoteric god of that which knows it will one day own you. Anyone else have input?
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
need to be more huggable
Oh right we have signatures
Maybe more runes and spires, identifiers for civilizations lost. Though take that with a grain of salt, I wouldn't want our design to get too busy
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
(01-04-2020, 10:00 AM)1011686 Wrote: need to be more huggable

[Image: unknown.png] 
we can be flower maybe?
back at it again at krispy kreme
I like the flower as well!
I'm not partial to either design at this point.
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
[Image: tcp_time_7.png]
You tell Hevell that your name is Populace and you give the :
We are vast, a god of odd patterns that trace in the mycelium. We are a maze of flesh and knowing and being. An epitome of the life that rises from the spot and the ruin. Stone shoulders rise from a thin waist. A faceless visage sprouting above, rooted and tied to the stone from which we rise. Our blossoming crown is a parody of flowers and blooms, a brown beauty appreciated by few. Our limbs are ever reaching, tendrils running through dirt and earth and flesh and the quiet deep of the sleeping graves. They sleep and in their stiffness we make them into new life. We are the fear, the fear and the strength of a vastness that grows and changes others into things they hope they are not. We are numerous and we are inevitable.
We are Populace.

speech. Hevell doesn't understand a few words of it, but they still think you're very cool.

The TCP Limit has increased to 2.

you thought i was dead, and you were correct. school sucks.
back at it again at krispy kreme
Create: Pillow pile, small garden.
Oh right we have signatures
Let's get that TCP if we can
Spawn: Misophonia type
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Create: Redwood Forest

Teach: Gardening

Give: Hedge Shears, Trowel, Gardening Fork
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
Spawn: Badger type
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
>Teach: Gardening
Hevell now knows the art of cultivation! They're excited to test out this new knowledge sometime soon.

>Give: Hedge Shears, Trowel, Gardening Fork

>Create: Pillow Pile, Small Garden, Redwood Forest, Rainbow World Tree, Eternal Twilight Sky
The pile of pillows and small garden pop into existence! The garden consists of mostly flowers, but different seeds can be added soon.

A towering redwood forest springs up underneath the plastic fortress. Hevell is practically itching to explore this new leafy terrain.

The sky quickly darkens into twilight, a time between night and day when the sky is cloakedin a myriad of bright colors, truly a delight to the eyes.

>Spawn: Misophonia Type
A large Misophonia type appears in the topmost layer of the fortress. She's suprised by her bright surroundings and the hard plastic below her feet. But she doesn't get too long to appreciate these new sensations.

>Create: 0.5G Gravity
[Image: tcp_time_8.png]

They're falling.
back at it again at krispy kreme
Create: Branches Nestling the Fortress gently!!!!!!

Name: Timpani
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
CREATE: Atmosphere
CREATE: A parachute system for the fortress

SAY: Sorry about that, guys!!
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
TEACH Timpani: reading, emergency preparedness.
GIVE BOTH: in flight safety pamphlet.
Create: noise canceling headphones
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
check: timpani
no longer active
[Image: 46L7SNf.png]                         [Image: AccxU29.png]
TEACH Timpani: speech
seconding the branches to cushion the fall

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