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are you new to the homebrew deviants community and looking to get started with roleplay, fanworks, etc, and don't have a character to participate with? now you can redeem one free TCP, perfect for you to get started! 

to get your starter TCP, you need to fill out this little quiz: think of it like a PMD personality quiz or something like that! we will match your quiz with 3 different TCP options, which you can select from. if you don't like any of your options, remember that you can edit the image you select, and that this is something we're doing the best we can for free! your TCP will be generated using Grandma Simulator and edited to fit the results of your quiz (colors/light marking changes only, no base changes). 

  • you may only apply for a starter TCP ONCE- however, system members can get their own individual entries, because we want everybody to have a chance to participate. please do not betray our trust on this.
  • if you are an established/old member and haven't gotten a starter TCP yet, you can still apply! everybody gets ONE
  • you can do whatever you want with your TCP, so long as it's SFW. feel free to edit the image as much as you like, add clothing, draw them, etc! they are yours now!
  • don't make a fuss if you don't get something you immediately click with- we do our best to match the test in a fun way, but this is also for fun and for free. 
  • you can always make your own TCPs using sketches/refs freely available! these are NOT a closed species and you can go nuts with em. 

please fill this quiz out to the best of your ability! we will do our best to match you to a TCP selection!

What is your name?
What kind of places do you feel most at home?
Describe something that you own that you treasure.
Tell me a pleasant memory of yours. It can be anything. 
How would you describe your style?
If I asked you what your favorite three colors were, what would the first three options to come to mind be? Don’t overthink it.
What’s your idea of a perfect day?
What are some things you do not want in your TCP, at any cost?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
What is your name? Fox!
What kind of places do you feel most at home? Places that are warm with a lot of plants, and I also like the smell of smoke from a fireplace.
Describe something that you own that you treasure. I have a very cool rock that is entirely clear, but the inside of the rock has some colorful structures. When the light hits it just right it shines a bright yellow, and I can move it around and watch the shape of the light shift.
Tell me a pleasant memory of yours. It can be anything. My mom and I were mixing the soil with leaves in these plastic tubs so that we could plant vegetables and flowers in them later. I didn't want to put my hands in the dirt, but mom was almost up to her elbows in dirt and leaf bits. I also found multiple worms and other bugs!
How would you describe your style? Goblincore except I cannot afford to buy frog plushies or earthy-toned clothes, so in it's place I look up facts about organisms on wikipedia.
If I asked you what your favorite three colors were, what would the first three options to come to mind be? Don’t overthink it. Blue, Orange, Green
What’s your idea of a perfect day? I can do whatever I want! I could do something productive so I'm not worried, then I could sit outside for a while and watch the birds do whatever they do.
What are some things you do not want in your TCP, at any cost? Nothing comes to mind except no nsfw, but this is a sfw thread so,
back at it again at krispy kreme
What is your name? Ignispark
What kind of places do you feel most at home? Solitary places, places with the whir of electronics, places with (safe) fire, places with stone and metal, places that are dimly lit, and combinations of the above.
Describe something that you own that you treasure. I have an electric lantern with a fake candle. It flickers when on. I've had it for a bit, and even had to use some careful application of tape to fix it up after it fell one time.
Tell me a pleasant memory of yours. It can be anything. The sound of heavy rain and thunder late in the night, as I was typing up a story.
How would you describe your style? Overcoats, pants, boots. Generally clothes associated with cold weather. Most of it is grayscale as well.
If I asked you what your favorite three colors were, what would the first three options to come to mind be? Don’t overthink it. Grey. Dark Red. Black.
What’s your idea of a perfect day? A day where I don't have pressing matters to attend to and can focus on writing or other personal projects is pretty much a perfect day.
What are some things you do not want in your TCP, at any cost? Nothing comes to mind.
[Image: 3VD0OFK.png][Image: d8f6Uqg.png][Image: 6oU9IGc.png]
@Blue_Fox here's your selection- amber type, owl type, triceratops type!

[Image: 0gWfHA9.png][Image: qxjoTo6.png][Image: lDkPHgx.png]
@Ignispark and here's your selection- will o wisp type, blanket type, mobile phone type!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
That's a very cool selection. Thank you! I will be selecting the mobile phone type.
they are yours! take them and run free

have the tcpdex entry for mobile phone type- you can always request advanced notes to be prioritized in the respective thread!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Thats a nice selection! I think i'll take the amber type!
back at it again at krispy kreme
take em and run, and have the amber type tcpdex entry- this one still needs a lot filled out, but you can request it on the respective thread(s) and we'll get to it!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
(typing this out for another sys member who’s a little younger)

What is your name? Gloom

What kind of places do you feel most at home? Comfy houses, libraries, caves. In shadows.

Describe something that you own that you treasure. Plushie collection, they’re anything from toys from media or just, random fantasy animals

Tell me a pleasant memory of yours. It can be anything. When I first met the other youngest person in system, I’d been sort of lonely and I like Leo lots he’s my best friend

How would you describe your style? Kinda nonexistent for form reasons but if I had to pick and wear things, soft and oversized! I wear dresses sometimes if my sister is playing around and they’re cute

If I asked you what your favorite three colors were, what would the first three options to come to mind be? Don’t overthink it. Light teal/blue? More blue than green but a hint like. beachy. Black, and light purple.

What’s your idea of a perfect day? Relaxed with nothing really happening, it being cloudy or rain is nice. Get to read and play around and take naps

What are some things you do not want in your TCP, at any cost? Um, no medical stuff but some body horror and blood is okay
[Image: GcUpKYD.png][Image: vsW6Y7v.png][Image: fBDnZ3c.png]

@seppawku here's your selection for gloom- BJD type, fur type, werewolf type!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
! tysm! she wants the bjd type ^^
all hers, then! enjoy your new friend- and here's the TCPdex entry, which has everything but advanced notes! feel free to request on the thread.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
What is your name? Sage
What kind of places do you feel most at home? Somewhere cozy, lots of blankets and plushies, where you can just wrap up and not care about anything else
Describe something that you own that you treasure. It’s a thing I haven’t had long, but I have a plush that’s a loaf of bread that is also a cat. Loaf cat! It’s cute and fluffy and just the right size for a very nice cuddle. It’s from Squishable, a site I recommend to everyone everywhere
Tell me a pleasant memory of yours. It can be anything. This wasn't THAT long ago, but I’ve recently been really interested in physical music formats, and I mostly have Lemon Demon things currently, but when my Spirit Phone vinyl arrived I was so happy and it was so cool to listen to it after months and months of wanting to own one! It was so expensive but it was worth it for the feeling I got when I watched it spin for the first time
How would you describe your style? Simple but with charm. I mostly just own standard t-shirts, most of them are merchandise and I tend to end up black and white a lot of the time. Also most things are oversized
If I asked you what your favorite three colors were, what would the first three options to come to mind be? Don’t overthink it. White, yellow, orange
What’s your idea of a perfect day? Calm and relaxed, maybe a little bit of rain, probably in autumn, either on a creative roll and drawing a ton of cool stuff or being with friends and playing games or just having a fun chat. Nothing too big or extravagant, just a good time
What are some things you do not want in your TCP, at any cost? I can't think of anything in particular
[Image: art_in_scott.png]
[Image: Q3ELI8a.png][Image: hGxqsqg.png][Image: 8pX8Fx4.png]

@entipikal your options: sphinx cat type, vinyl toy type, wool type
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Awww, they're all so adorable! I'll take the wool type, the fluffiness is so good
[Image: art_in_scott.png]
they are yours!

wool type's dex entry can be found here- it looks like there's only an ability up for it, so you can suggest advanced notes on the respective thread if you like!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
What is your name?
moon, for now anyway. kind of a placeholder name but i haven't found anything i like better yet.

What kind of places do you feel most at home?
beaches or basically any place you'd go on vacation.

Describe something that you own that you treasure.
i went over everything we have (that i could think of) and eventually landed on the mushroom nightlight in the bathroom. it's got three mushrooms and some leaves sticking out and the mushrooms cycle through colors slowly it's pretty soothing.

Tell me a pleasant memory of yours. It can be anything. 
headspace memory: laying in a hammock on the beach under the stars, listening to the waves. i have a blanket over me and i'm cozy and warm and the breeze is cool and fresh.

How would you describe your style?
big fan of casual beachwear. ruffled tank tops are cute. loose comfy shorts or pants. occasionally sunglasses or necklaces for accessories. flip-flops or sandals are a must.

If I asked you what your favorite three colors were, what would the first three options to come to mind be? Don’t overthink it.
orange, purple, whitish (like pale sand)

What’s your idea of a perfect day?
wake up while it's still dark out to get in the car, watch the sun rise as we drive out to the beach. get set up in a hotel room or rental house, eat a tasty breakfast. explore the town, maybe eat out for lunch. chill at the room/house playing pokémon and watching tv. go to the beach itself a bit before sunset, watch the sunset and build a campfire. enjoy campfire, toast marshmallows, admire the moon and stars. crash in bed around midnight with the full moon visible through the window.

What are some things you do not want in your TCP, at any cost? nothing that could be considered "gross" looking. also, would prefer only "basic" rolls as in TCPs without patterns or dithering effects.
no longer active
[Image: QHFFuWJ.png][Image: sjF4ujk.png][Image: aMP9asV.png]

@cosmo here you go- pirate crew type, kelp type, barreleye type!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
kelp type please!
no longer active
What is your name? Aerith

What kind of places do you feel most at home? Comfy community churches - the big cold marble of fancier is no good! Places with alot of flowers. Uhhh I’m sure there’s more but - those r the important tops, people gather easily there

Describe something that you own that you treasure. Mine from before? A pretty pink ribbon long enough to tie around my hair. From now, though! uhh! IG the first thing i ever bought was a cute little flowered backpack cos our only bag waaaaaaas, uh, lil too big to be very easy to throw around

Tell me a pleasant memory of yours. It can be anything. Mmmmm… i didn’t split all that long ago, and my first ‘memories’ per se are on a road trip allllll the way 2 MI from TX! It’s like. Really exciting going thru big big trucker rest stops; they had any # of varied food for what I think r pretty decent prices? Oh, and I got to sit in the backseat on a tatty lil blanket right next to a very sweet dog. Even if honey’s not a very… ‘accurate’ golden they say size and personality wise, she’s got the soft fur and she’s a good dog. (best friend)

How would you describe your style? Cute dresses, sweetheart necklines, i prefer serious shoes tho. Boots are the most useful and can look so kickass

If I asked you what your favorite three colors were, what would the first three options to come to mind be? Don’t overthink it.
Pink, red, green!

What’s your idea of a perfect day? Perfect weather most preferred but if I’m with loved ones or friends or on a beach I’ll happily go with, uhh, prolly anything! GETTING real weather not.. you know. Nothingness is waaay too sick to compromise.

What are some things you do not want in your TCP, at any cost? Hmmmm, nothing poisonous or polluted in any way, i prolly don’t want sharp or potentially harmful typings ^^ Oh uh u don’t gotta use all three colors on one btw IDM a tcp all christmas-y but it’s def not my first reach
(These answers are a bit different because doing favorites/reflection pieces about myself etc. cause a lot of my writing skills to shut down)

What is your name?

aotihav or Orion

What kind of places do you feel most at home?

away from people. outside where there's enough room and the grass isn't tamed like the ubiquitous suburban lawn that covers so much. somewhere secret and mine aside from the animals and plants.
shady. Pine scent.

Describe something that you own that you treasure.

a woodworking of a cat I got at a Renaissance Faire shortly after we adopted my former cat Felix. I use it as a memorial to him.

Tell me a pleasant memory of yours. It can be anything.

i like when i used to hang out by the creek by my house and watch the water bugs and ripples over the shale

How would you describe your style?
the luminous in the mundane. searing through the crystal web of the real. maximalist normalcy. magical realism.

If I asked you what your favorite three colors were, what would the first three options to come to mind be? Don’t overthink it.

Midnight blue
Orange/ purple gradients
neon yellow or green

What’s your idea of a perfect day?

All external expectations dissolved or suppressed
free to lose myself in the detachment of now
at peace with my demons at peace with my self

What are some things you do not want in your TCP, at any cost?

i like tcps so go wild
◊❧❀ #1 Jenim Fan ◊❀❧​​
[Image: jenim3.png]
[waves] time to run the TCP gacha sdkjfnsdlkfn. but also the quiz is such a cute idea, I adore it; it's going to be a little bit hard for me to figure out answers just because... [gestures]... I Don't Always Feel Like Myself Lately but!! I will have fun with this or so help me
What is your name? i have so many names Bard for now (though that's. more of a username)
What kind of places do you feel most at home? Quiet coffee shops with a sort of vintage/old-timey feel to them (lots of dark brown wood and cushions); natural spaces like forests and sea coasts where there are no people around and it's Just Nature, Babey; empty city streets in the early morning when nobody's around yet.
Describe something that you own that you treasure: A quilt made for me by a group of women who make patchwork quilts for young people without families. It says "remember you are loved" on it in one patch, which is very cute, and it's all made of the same kind of fabric but with lots of different designs in little patches and squares, if that makes any sense. It's mostly deep purple, light green, and blues/pinks.
Tell me a pleasant memory of yours. It can be anything. [sweating as I sift through my unreliable memory] uhhh. walking home from school one day as a kid and looking at how the sun was shining Just Right on the pavement and the grass and realising very suddenly that Something Out There Loved Me And Wanted Me To Be Okay. it was a really weird moment and didn't stick with me at ALL but it was nice for the fleeting second that it happened.
How would you describe your style? UHHH it's. difficult to pin down. i'm not sure/it depends on what version of me i feel like kjsdnfjksdnf. cluttered but comfy. cosy and familiar. very unassuming and comforting.
If I asked you what your favorite three colors were, what would the first three options to come to mind be? Don’t overthink it. Golds, blues/greys, browns.
What’s your idea of a perfect day? Um. Um. One where I get to be outside and not overthink everything and get to be warm and fed and safe???? I'm not sure akjnsdfjknsdf
What are some things you do not want in your TCP, at any cost? hmm... I don't think there is anything!! I kind of like the idea of just taking whatever comes to me, so!!
What is your name? Sleepless!
What kind of places do you feel most at home? In my room, in wide open fields, and around animals. <3
Describe something that you own that you treasure. I have... a lot of things I treasure. If I have to pick one, right now I'd say my cow skull. I found her at an antique mall and she was very dirty, so I brought her home, gave her a name (Boone) and cleaned her up as much as possible. She's missing a few teeth, has a few scratches and bumps, and doesn't have horns, but I'm very proud of her!
Tell me a pleasant memory of yours. It can be anything. When I decided to adopt my cat. I had a friend whose family rescued cats, and one day (when I visited her house so she could help me make a DnD character sheet) we took a break and we played with a few kittens they had recently taken in. That was when I met Teddy, who was brought in with just him and his mother, because all of the other kittens in his litter were adopted before they were given to the rescue. But, that's not the memory I'm meaning to talk about. Their rescue was working with a pet store that allowed them to display cats so they had better chances of being adopted. I had come to the conclusion that I wouldn't be able to adopt Teddy, and I just wanted to see him one more time to say goodbye. He had been paired with another solo kitten, named Tuggy (like a tugboat), but Tuggy was adopted almost immediately, so once again Teddy was left alone. I asked one of the employees if I could hold him, and I just felt so happy to have him in my arms. When she said it was time to put him back, as I handed him over, I legitimately felt as if a part of my heart was being ripped out of me. I started crying as soon as I was out of the store, and I made a call to my sister. We adopted Teddy that night, and he's been with me for five years now. He's my familiar, and the light of my life, and I cannot imagine what life would be like if I hadn't taken him.
How would you describe your style?
If I asked you what your favorite three colors were, what would the first three options to come to mind be? Don’t overthink it. Green (but kind of on the yellow-ish side, like a leafy green), brown, and black.
What’s your idea of a perfect day? Some time in autumn, when the breeze is just a little chilly, perfect for sweater weather. Just sitting outside in the grass, maybe with some friends. And if I could, I'd be in a pasture with cows.
What are some things you do not want in your TCP, at any cost? I don't have any major fears or specific dislikes!

[Image: 4P3XU0g.png][Image: qlje6Ho.png][Image: ZnNtd58.png]
plush type, nostalgia type, teru teru bozu type

[Image: Okhyr7a.png][Image: VRaOQjy.png][Image: JAlJI6K.png]

rhabdophobia type, witch (morbit) type, horrorcap type


[Image: QCPUtKo.png][Image: uuZ8KhE.png][Image: Gtt00rd.png]
shadow (creature) type, loving-kindness type, warmth type

[Image: O24Ht7x.png][Image: cj2cLOu.png][Image: 1ZgD8Bb.png]
maine coon type, constellation type, hedgehog type
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I'll take rhabdophobia type! Big Grin
◊❧❀ #1 Jenim Fan ◊❀❧​​
[Image: jenim3.png]
I'll take the Warmth type! These are lovely, thank you! ♥️
[Image: screecher_rainbow.png]
I'll take the maine coon type!! tysm ❤
What is your name? EJ or Jay
What kind of places do you feel most at home? in my room, and at my friends farm
Describe something that you own that you treasure. I have a collection of music boxes, and a small collection of bones I got from owl pellets. Weird hobby, I know XD
Tell me a pleasant memory of yours. It can be anything. When I got my mule! We were at an auction and this warm, brown mule came out and I remember everyone in there actually going awwww out loud. He was the second most expensive fella there. Although I don't really support auctions, I'm glad I got him because a lot of people don't really know how to properly treat horses and other equine-like animals. 
How would you describe your style? a lil spooky guy. a lil goblin, just a lil fella. most people who know me would probably tell you that i like things that are creepy and weird 
If I asked you what your favorite three colors were, what would the first three options to come to mind be? Don’t overthink it. turquoise, light blue, black
What’s your idea of a perfect day? Probably just out riding horses with me an my friends
What are some things you do not want in your TCP, at any cost? i don't want it to be too cute or anything, some is fine tho lol
[Image: YTjCxDG.png][Image: uAXG4gp.png][Image: o4WNdyl.png]

shadow (creature) type, ghost hunter type, claustrophobia type!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
@skinstealer omg these are all amazing??? i'll take the claustrophobia type! Big Grin

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