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[Image: pmNAYmu.png]
[Image: auU0J0m.png]

You feel yourself floating in a void. You cannot open your eyes, but you can still see. Colors swirl around you and a voice speaks,

“Tell me of an animal, it must have more than two legs and have fur though, I won't accept any others.”
Woolly mammoth
Red Velvet Ant
no longer active
woolly aphid, not fur but very fluffy looking
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
Greenbottle Blue Tarantula
Binturong (also known as Bearcats)
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
[Image: cLuWnWp.png]

You feel your breathing grow uneven as the voice continues.

“What are some colors that you are fond of? Name a feeling or texture that you may or may not associate with them.”
lilac, soft and minky
no longer active
Green, the feeling of blades of grass underneath yourself as you lay down on a hill and look up at the clouds.
Teal, Orange

reflection, texture of a warm breeze
Blue, squishy
Oh right we have signatures
[Image: k0BOv7h.png]

Extreme heat and extreme cold dance across your body as more words are spoken.

“Hmm, I see. That's not nearly enough. Tell me more of yourself. What do you think is your strength? Muscle? Magic? Skill? Which of these do you believe to be your weakness?”
Magic -> Skill -> Muscle
Eldritch Precision but bad except for Jump Good
good at magic, bad at muscle. Complete nerd.

And if you really want to know more about me you could come on a date with me ;p.
Muscle -> Magic -> Skill
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
I strongly resent the implication that I have any weakness.
[Image: 7ypC3K8.gif]
Skill > Muscle > Magic
All these questions and you haven't even told us your name yet. It's a little cute that you're so eager to get started, but an aura of mystery is only appealing so long as there's a chance we can see under it, eh?
Skill -> Magic -> Muscle
Oh right we have signatures
magic -> skill -> muscle
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: G5gRFXh.png]

You open your mouth to ask who they are but no sound comes out. You realize that not once have you said anything to them, they have just continued on whenever you have thought of an answer. You can hear them laugh, and then you feel them frown as you begin to choke on smoke.

“You want to know who I am? I'm a dream, stupid. Now then, what interesting answers... magic is your strongest and muscle is your weakest, eh? But no one has perfect mastery of any one field, nor can one be entirely inept at their worst. What is the weakness of your magic? The strength of your muscles? Are you perhaps bad at a certain kind of magic? Or maybe you are one of those Gremlins who are particularly weak to water. You see yourself as physically weak, but is that the case in all of your muscles? Have you figured out how to bring out the most of your strength in certain situations? Tell me now. Neither of us have time to spare here.”
the weakness of my magic is that my magic yells at me when I ask it to do things

the strength of my muscles is that I can open jars real good
[Image: 7ypC3K8.gif]
The weakness of my magic would have to be my physical limits. I can cast high level spells with ease, but one too many spells and I get terrible migraines, bad enough that it's hard to even think. I'm pretty bad at gauging how much is too much.

My physical strength would be my stamina. I may not run well or hit hard, but I can do both for a long time. Slow and steady wins the race, I guess.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
I'm good at climbing, bad at lifting things though. and running, and pushing, and carrying things, and endurance, and jaw strength.

I cast quick and with force, have a hard time casting longer spells with complicated parts.

also Hi mr, ms, mrs, mx, ect, Dream. can we be platonic friends? I'll add you to my friend list. it's a list of my friends that I carve into the side of a metal plate i keep in my bunk. I'd send you a friend request(a smaller peice of metal with 'will you be my friend' written on it), but I can't hand it to you since I don't have a body I think.
I'm good at using magic to enhance my senses and manifesting tools, but each sense sharpened has a corresponding sense that gets dulled and each tool has to be used before I can make a different one.

I'm fine with water, it's electricity that's a problem. 

I guess my tail's pretty strong.  I can balance on it for a good while, which lets me use my feet for other things
[Image: qKZKkKg.png]

You can feel your eyes begin to open... too many of them. You can deal with that later.

“Ah our time is ending already...” The voice says quietly in the back of your mind. “So your magic is instinctual? Focusing on big slow magic gives you headaches? I suppose that makes sense, considering your species. And climbing you say? Sounds-” The voice trails off as a blast of hot air rushes past you, fully awakening you and causing your eyes to start watering.

[Image: km6mMiV.png]

quick turn around
[Image: 7ypC3K8.gif]
Ah nice, a poster on the wall. Let's just, look at it. Maybe if we ignore the fire it'll go away.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
uh. magic the fire. pew pew ice! Uh uh, fire safety tips! keep low to the ground, smoke rises above breathable air. don't touch anything metal if you can help it, conducts heat too well. if you find a door, be careful to check if there's fire on the other side, don't touch any metal bits of said door.
allow yourself one moment to scream, from then on, try to conserve oxygen and stay low to the ground.
no longer active
Water makes your magic weaker, so fire makes it stronger, right? Do a quick teleport to somewhere safe.
Oh right we have signatures
[Image: Kz0LQpa.png]

I don't think I'm going anywhere, You think to yourself, The other way is totally flooded and in pieces and... definitely not safe. I can't metaldive past the fire either, all the metal is too hot. I don't have any bits for my Othertype magic on me so I think I'm kind of screwed here.

[Image: P9KwBNP.png]

You notice the strange floating object and with a sigh of relief recognize it as one of the bits, albeit not one of yours. Those are probably somewhere in the flooded tunnels behind you. That is, if that monster didn't eat them. It feels kind of like it's water, and you know you can use it to get you out of this mess. Yoink.

[Image: vh6jNCR.png]

You use the power in the bit you grabbed in order to call forth spikes of ice from the water behind you. You feel the energy in the bit begin to seep into you and grimace in anticipation. The ice slams into the fire, beginning to melt and put some of it out. You crouch to get away from the smoke as you wait for a path to form through it. A scrabbling is heard and then a startled voice calls from beyond the dying flames, “Hello? Is someone there?”
Call out and let them know you're there!
If they're here to see what happened and help, we could probably use it. On the other hand, if they need help, we should try and help them.
ask them whats going on
[Image: 7ypC3K8.gif]
Say no.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Did you use up the water bit, or is there still some left? Bring it with you.
Oh right we have signatures
[Image: IuKFpmY.png]
“No,” you say instinctively.
“Sorry, yes, my bad. Do you know what's going on?” You ask. The bit's energy starts washing over you in waves, even stronger now. It's getting hard to focus, or even stand for that matter.
“We heard that this settlement was attacked by a horror, we're here to check this whole thing out. Did you not see it?” The voice is getting harder to hear, the sound of rushing water in your head drowning it out.
“Nnno I-” You slur your words together and you know this is it, you can feel yourself start to slip. Shit, goddamnit, you just woke up. You are unconscious before your head hits the ground.
[Image: 2uqxG8G.png].
You hear voices. Many voices. Some of them you recognize, all of them you Know. You can't see. Should you be able to? You can't remember. You don't Know that, because this memory is not yours.
[Image: yNumoLD.png]
You smell water and your fur is wet. You hear the smashing of glass and the bending of metal. And you feel the eyes. The many, many eyes. You don't Know what you see, but as this vision fades you Know they see you.
[Image: wmF0KFk.png]
You wake up, not happy that this is the second time in a row that you have woken up somewhere you don't remember being.
A Gremlin in the room with you speaks, “Ah, you're awake, good. The doc and their friend will be glad to see that. You're in a makeshift infirmary in Settlement 4. How are you feeling?”
I'm doing pretty shitty, but I'm alive, better than earlier I guess. How long was I out? Last thing I remember was everything being on fire and also flooding.
Hooray I didn't die from drowning, fire, smoke inhilation, or horrors. that's nice until it happens again in a week. No I'm not ok, nothing here is ever ok, this world sucks and I hatte it.
I'm feeling hungry, for the most part. I don't think I've eaten in days. I did I get here, exactly?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
 [Image: 5CaD8HA.png]
 “Pretty bad, as can be expected,” you say.
“Ok well I'm not really qualified for dealing with that, so I'm gonna get the doc for you, 'kay?” The Gremlin says, standing up and padding out of the room, you can hear them calling for someone as they pass through the curtain.
[Image: p6fgQze.png]
In just a couple moments, a new Gremlin enters the room. They're just about the largest you've seen, and heavily mutated to boot. They stare at you for just a moment before you hear a voice from a much smaller Gremlin on their back.
“Oh excellent, you have awakened!” The small one speaks loudly, “I am glad to see you well, after I and my compatriot, Jarlin here, dragged you out of the flame. I know not from where the ice came, but it surely made rescuing you much easier!”
The larger one, Jarlin, nods and simply says, “Yep, sounds about right.”
“How long have I been out?” You ask.
“Not... too long,” Jarlin says, “'Bout a day or so I think.”
“Ah yes, that's right! We need to learn who you are now that you're awake, Gauss and the rest of the council was ever so concerned about that, you had been exposed to quite a bit of that nasty radiat-”
“Don't call it nasty, Ronge, it has plenty of useful applications,: Jarlin says pointedly.
“Yes yes yes, know, but you have seen how dangerous it is! Anyway,” they say, turning back to you, “Your eyes are still a little... iffy from all the radiation, and it might take you a bit to get them back under control, so I'm going to ask you to fill out this identification form,” they pull out a piece of paper and hand it to you. It has only two fields, default pupil shape, and name.
[Image: zQ5rgHW.png]
Name: Bilbert
Pupil shape: Triangles
[Image: 7ypC3K8.gif]
slit/diamond pupils, uuuh, not sure on name tho..
Name: Fweb
Pupil Shape: Ampersand (&)
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Name: Crinkle
Pupil Shape: Diamond
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
Name: Click
Pupil shape: Cartoon pac-man eye
if there were two guys on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what
Seconding Fweb for the name, and seconding cartoon pac-man eye
I like Crinkle, pie eye pupils (it's the pacman pupils)
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