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Complex General Chatter

i want to talk about complex culture! i'm fascinated by them and their society, and how it intersects with ours...did you know that session TCPs don't have the drive to eat regularly unless they're taught, while morbitian TCPs exposed to complex society are more likely to partake in mealtimes? sleep is the same way...while us TCPs need rest to function properly, actual sleep is a learned behavior.

what else have you noticed about complexes, or wonder about?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[DISTANT_THOUGHT]: Often their faces are very overwhelming while interacting. Many details to keep track of.
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
[Jocelyn]: I agree DISTANT_THOUGHT, Though I find it rather fascinating, learning facial expressions is one of the hardest parts about interacting with Complexes. especially when different species have different facial structures.
[f00tsies]: did you guys know they have STUFF in them? i dont mean like weapon types i mean like, this whole weird system of tissues and organs and whatnot. i can see where the term 'complex' comes from lol
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]

oh! i work with a couple complexes. i help them with their stuff some and they help me a bit as well. i heard one of them talk about their hobbies a bit and i actually know some things about complex culture! here's something they told me about today. okay, so. if someone sees something spooky. people will talk about that! and, well, if someone were to make a really weird costume, and skulk around at night making weird noises and do that for a bit, then you can get what complexes call an 'urban legend' where they're talked about a decent amount. and then they can be on things like forums. and merchandise. sometimes this is regarded as a really odd sort of performance art. i can probably ask them a bit more whenever they get back.
[Jocelyn]: f00tsies, I actually study complex anatomy. I am considering going into the medical field, actually. I can most likely field any questions regarding Complex biology.

oh! i work with a couple complexes. i help them with their stuff some and they help me a bit as well. i heard one of them talk about their hobbies a bit and i actually know some things about complex culture! here's something they told me about today. okay, so. if someone sees something spooky. people will talk about that! and, well, if someone were to make a really weird costume, and skulk around at night making weird noises and do that for a bit, then you can get what complexes call an 'urban legend' where they're talked about a decent amount. and then they can be on things like forums. and merchandise. sometimes this is regarded as a really odd sort of performance art. i can probably ask them a bit more whenever they get back.

this isn't unique to complexes, but it's definitely something that happens more here on morbit than in sessions, probably due to the length that sessions last- while time is nebulous in those "games", it's usually not enough in terms of duration and sheer amount of people to spread word of mouth to for anything to become a proper legend. still, you can see people discussing those kinds of things here in the E&A forum, so it's not too far out.

facial expressions are hard to read for a lot of TCPs, and it's more common for people who are more experienced with/around complexes to pick up on them easier. session TCPs that have only ever seen other TCPs and maybe some animals also struggle with this, though some are lucky enough to have beings with facial expressions created in their session and giving them some context. there are actually some good guides out there on this stuff, check out The Art of Emoting by Ursula Penn. she's a yarn type who really knows what she's talking about.

as for the actual internal biology of complexes, that's a whole discussion in and of itself, and i'd love to hear what you have on the subject, [Jocelyn].
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

They have very hard Feet and sometimes they don't look where they are going but I understand because they are busy. Sometimes they are nice and open the big Doors for me I like that.
[Jocelyn]: GEAR_TRAIN, do you mean hard feet as in shoes? otherwise Complex feet come in a wide variety of hard or soft options. Courier feet are exceptionally soft, while something like a Centinel has hard hooves.

KIBBLE_MAYHEM, a discussion of internal Complex biology could easily veer into topics that may not be appropriate for this forum. Such as: physical trauma; unsanitary things; talk of blood, flesh, and organs; and sexual characteristics. While I would have to review the rules, I am fairly certain talk of sexual characteristics is outright banned. While I would attempt to avoid harsher topics I am not confident in my ability to gauge what is appropriate. answering questions is easier since if someone asks a question that does not violate the rules I can be fairly certain that my answer won't either.

I think the ones at the Stations choose the Hard option of Feet that's what it feels like when I get knocked over. They have to go fast because of their Important Jobs and Meetings.
[Jocelyn]: I misspoke, I meant varieties, not options. Generally complexes don't get to choose their feet. Unless you're in a region heavily dominated by hard footed complexes you are most likely getting knocked down by shoes. Shoes are foot coverings meant to protect the bottom of the foot from injury and/or wear and tear. Tacos can wear shoes too, I do.
[Jocelyn]: why did my mobile device change the word Tacos to Tacos. I mean Tacos. I mean tiny cat people

Where can I get a Taco Shoe so I don't get hurt.
[Jocelyn]: I meant to say TCP, not Taco, GEAR_TRAIN, I think I may have a virus on my mobile device. I have quarantined it and am on my home computer now. Find a clothes and/or shoe store near you that caters towards TCPs. this is easier in major cities, look for specialty shops that cater to a wide variety of non-standard bodies for your area.

hmm...revitalizing this thread because i'm having some thoughts today, namely on fashion. have you ever thought about the fact that our fashion culture is largely defined by complexes? session TCPs, being the original TCPs, set that trend by having the vast majority of clothes introduced to them via their players...meaning that their fashion sense as a species branch is largely defined by the choices of others. Morbitian TCPs, the species branch to follow, do have more options in terms of crafting clothes for themselves, but being a newer species more likely to spawn in already-populated areas, most TCP fashion is derivative of existing styles from other species and their cultures. there are a lot of TCP designers out there doing great work (especially fond of [DOLLHOUSE_DRESSUP]'s pieces, even the stuff that's made for general use and not high profile clients), but almost everything does seem to build on complex needs and conventions...

i don't have a statement or anything on whether this is moral or immoral or anything like that, but i find it pretty curious. our species isn't standardized in almost any way, with all kinds of body plans and physical needs...what would our fashion culture look like in a vaccumn? would it develop similarly, or would it be entirely different? 

if anyone knows any other designers doing more out there stuff, i'd really like to hear about it. oh, another discussion point- what kind of clothes do you think would benefit your ability and physiology?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[VOID_COWBOY]: @[KIBBLE_MAYHEM], We don't have a fucking culture, there I solved it.

i mean, i can't say i agree there- there definitely is one, inherently, but what i'm curious about is where the line from complex-derived and TCP-developed is. it doesn't help that a lot of the studies and research put into our species are dominated by complexes, mainly because of the fact that they can get access to funding and resources better. it's a lot harder when our species is well, so tiny. with that said, i think that figuring out where those lines are and finding a way to celebrate both in their own ways is important.

think of it like this- we should celebrate what we make as TCPs, for TCPs, because only we can know ourselves best, but being able to take our own spin on the things that came before us and make it ours is also pretty valuable.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[VOID_COWBOY]: look its pretty simple, we were made as toys for gods to learn lessons or some shit, we didn't get the consideration other species got at their conception. we have no region, no history, and no cohesive community, not like the complexes do. Our lives revolve around the whims of gods and complexes because it's either how we were made or the mistake in which we spawned into reality from. 

The line between TCP original and complex designed stuff might as well not exist.
[DAMASK_LAMENT]: Now that is such an utterly pessimistic way of looking at things. Do you suppose then that all complex culture and fashion are simply derivative of divine influence? Does every single Ruffneck only clad themselves in rags and swallow glass in the fashion of their progenitor in a sick display of sycophancy? 

Exposure certainly breeds mimicry but it also generates innovation. Adaptation is a form of deviation! To change one thing into something of ours is an act of culture! Of expression! 

While I say VC, you certainly must have some personal struggles with your individuality, it is not within your power to denounce the splendid creations of our fellows due to your feelings of inadequacy.
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
[CUDDLE-MONSTER]: yeah! sure, tcps as a WHOLE don't have too much of a collective identity, but it's not like every tcp ever spawns by themselves into complex society. if you really wanna see tcp led fashion and design, you should look into visiting a tcp colony! or joining one, if you want

[CUDDLE-MONSTER]: i know there's some colonies in the middle of nowhere that have *never* had ineraction with complexes, and some that have minimal contact by choice. i've never been able to visit one, but i've imported some skirts from one before, and the design really is striking!

[CUDDLE-MONSTER]: you never realize how unnecessary some complex design is for tcps, even in the very basis of what it was made to do. sure tcp's need some protection from the elements, so in cold regions a tcp might need to bundle up so their fluid doesn't freeze, but there's not really...any modesty, i guess, required

[CUDDLE-MONSTER]: though someone could say the same of some complex species as well!

[CUDDLE-MONSTER]: a particular piece i got from a colony that i love would have to be this shawl i got

[CUDDLE-MONSTER]: i'll see if i can get a picture of it later

[CUDDLE-MONSTER]: it's not really a shawl, but that's the best word i can think of to describe it. some abstract types make shawls that resemble their typing, that can shift to a different form when they ascend (or by pulling a string from the inside for non abstract types!)

[CUDDLE-MONSTER]: i really love interactive styles like that, and especially with tcp led clothing, it's easier to get styles that'll fit your typing

[CUDDLE-MONSTER]: i'm a giant type- so often when i try to get tcp-sized clothing everything is based off of your typical tcp size, so things are, ironically, too small for me!

[CUDDLE-MONSTER]: even though there's millions of tcp types, tcp lead fashion has no problem taking that into account, and with my shawl as an example, a lot of inclusive tcp fashion can change size easily!

[CUDDLE-MONSTER]: anyway sorry! this was a bit of a ramble

[CUDDLE-MONSTER]:  but i'd definitely suggest getting clothes from a colony or by a tcp-led brand if you can, you never realize how little complex led fashion keeps us in mind until you have something made by tcps, for tcps, with no complex meddling at all.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
[VOID_COWBOY]: @DAMASK_LAMENT fuck gods, I'm just talking we hardly have any of the things that make up a culture. are you looking to pick a fight fucko? saying I'm a loser?
[DAMASK_LAMENT]: No, you said you're a loser, not I. I'm just saying that evidently you have no idea what culture means.

Gods are fallible creatures, they make mistakes like any other. Your frustrations with them are simply ridiculous and an utter waste of your time. You hold them to standards far above your own for what? So you can whine and bemoan your tortured existence? Give it a rest, focus on yourself and maybe you won't be so miserable.
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
[ASTRAL_ABERRATION]: Can you guys give it a rest and take it to DMs already? Your arguing is clogging up the thread.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
[VOID_COWBOY] What I fucking want is for them to be held acountable. divine power is too much for any one person to hold. what I want is spit dead or locked away forever. what I want is for a godamn ethics comittee or even better: no gods exercising their powers beyond what's needed to keep zones alive.

Fuck gods and fuck you for thinking I suport them in any way.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]

Okay, everybody chill out for a second...while free speech regarding gods is allowed and encouraged on these forums (considering our species' origins), aggressive fighting is not. 

Both [DAMASK_LAMENT] and [VOID_COWBOY] are getting warnings, regardless of their stances on the situation. If you're pissed about a topic and want to use aggressive language about them, use a different, dedicated thread for ranting/venting, DMs, or a group chat. If you're pissed about someone else being pissed, don't poke the bear and agitate them more, it's just going to cause fighting to ramp up. Take it elsewhere if you want to continue, but this is, from what I can tell, a  chill discussion thread.

Thanks for the understanding.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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