German Shepherd Type

“Presumably another TCP type that originates from a world outside our own. What is the difference between a German shepherd and a regular shepherd? Is German a place? A people? An idealism? There's just too many questions we have no answers for.”

ID: 1023
Type: German Shepard
Category: Creature
Height: 6 inches
Max Health: GREAT (6)

German shepherd types emit a passive aura that encourage those around it to band together in packs.
Physical Appearance: German shepherd types have a fluffy mane around their neck, partially held back by a collar with a heart charm in the center. They have a long snout with a noselike marking and a tonguelike appendage on the front, as well as a small, fluffy tail. They have slanted dot eyespots and tall, pointed earnubs.
Voice: Strong barks and woofs.
Skin: Short, fluffy fur.
Fluid: Standard fluid
Special Attributes: None
Other Notes: Subtype of Dog Type.

German shepherd types are comfortable in both indoor and outdoor environments, but need a lot of space to get their energy out. They are most at home when able to play and exercise at their leisure, but often enjoy doing so with close friends and acquaintances. It's recommended for German shepherd types to keep a wide variety of exercise equipment and toys around their home, and many invest in sports gear. They have high energy levels and prefer meaty food type products when possible, but our specimens don't seem too picky. German shepherd types seem to have a faster learn rate than other types, but it's hard to gauge…

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