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Content warning:
Graphic (textual) gore and violence. Verbal, physical and emotional abuse. Sexual themes and nudity. Body horror and disfigurement. Sexual abuse.
These themes wont be a constant, but they may happen. Be advised.
You awaken in a bed staring at the ceiling. A light attached to a ceiling fan takes up your view and agitates your mind. You feel a dull throbbing in your head, it's unpleasant. It's cold and you can't remember how you got here, or who you are for that matter.
How will you proceed.
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take a quick self inventory, how are you lookin
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(05-17-2019, 04:02 AM)Orange Juice Goose Wrote: T-Pose You get the urge to stretch your arms, as is customary of a sleepy bitch waking up. You do so, it feels nice and you have confirmed there are in fact no blankets on this bed as a result. Nor are you near a wall. (05-17-2019, 04:07 AM)skinstealer Wrote: take a quick self inventory, how are you lookin You sit upright and look around. Apart from a potted plant and two doors, the room is bare with a simple white paintjob. There's the bed you are on, just a mattress on a metal frame. You, are naked. And someone, maybe you, shaved you. Entirely. Not a hair on your body. From your feet to your head, you are smooth. No wonder you're cold. Having gleaned the situation at hand what is your next move.
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check those doors to see if they're locked, don't open them yet though
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Try to remember the last time you died.
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(05-17-2019, 04:20 AM)skinstealer Wrote: check those doors to see if they're locked, don't open them yet though You hop out of bed, wooden floor cold on your feet and waltz over to the two doors, both within reach of one another in the same corner. You test the doors without opening them, the knobs turn. Sure seems like they aren't locked. (05-17-2019, 04:30 AM)Bug Wrote: Try to remember the last time you died. The last time you died? Well, to your best knowledge, you haven't died before. Funny how that works, dead people don't tend to remember things. And the next step of your plan?
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Check the mattress to see if there's any clues as to what's going on. I don't know what clues, but
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Try to remember the next time you die.
Assess room.
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(05-17-2019, 04:55 AM)AceOfNothing Wrote: Check the mattress to see if there's any clues as to what's going on. I don't know what clues, but
You check the mattress, pull it right off the frame you do. Its fairly light, you think that whoever invested in this made a mistake. You hope it wasn't you. You feel around on it, there's nothing out of the ordinary. You can only feel stuffing. You cant manage to get inside it, and it doesn't look like its been cut open so its safe to assume this is just a mattress.
There is one feature of it that seems concerning. There's an indent where you were sleeping, and a very faint yellow stain, as though from sweat. How long have you been on this mattress for? Or is it just really that cheap? Frightening either way.
(05-17-2019, 05:22 AM)Orange Juice Goose Wrote: Try to remember the next time you die.
Assess room.
You note to remember when you die next, you aren't sure why you're so concerned about remembering this. But it seems to be where your brain wants to go, so that's just how it be.
You decide that a proper inspection of the room is in order, a final inspection.
The doors: One blue, one sorta off white. Both cheap and shitty ply-board. The cheapness is a recurring theme in this place.
There's a potted plant in another corner, but upon closer inspection it appears to be plastic. They don't even have that weird fiber-y papery fake dirt, its just a fake plant in a chunk of brown plastic. In a pot. The pot is also plastic. Wow.
The metal frame of the bed is slightly rusted in parts, but is otherwise the most sturdy thing in the room.
The ceiling fan is a bit too high up to inspect properly. But it looks like the blades are plastic.
The floor is wooden, and polished. Which doesn't fit the cheapitude of the rest of the place, but who are you to criticism the feng shui.
The walls, they're white. This is about all you can say about them. At least they aren't plastic. Interestingly, there's no light switch.
How will you proceed having gleaned all the information you can.
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Try to open the blue door; if that doesn't work, the white one. If neither work, tear up all the plastic furnishing until you find something that makes them work.
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Empty potted plant out, take pot.
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(05-18-2019, 12:36 AM)Orange Juice Goose Wrote: Empty potted plant out, take pot. (05-20-2019, 02:07 AM)ಠ_ಠ Wrote: enjoy plant You admire the potted plants faux foiliage, the false fronds of this fabricated fern leave much to be desired. It doesn't even really look like a plant, its solidly green with not so much of a twinge of shading. You life this abomination out of its pot, the plant is rather light. You keep ahold of the pot for good measure. It's just as light as the plant itself, and seems to be just a plain black mass produced planter. You are sure this will be relevant to your adventures. (05-17-2019, 10:51 PM)RedGreenBlue Wrote: Try to open the blue door; if that doesn't work, the white one. If neither work, tear up all the plastic furnishing until you find something that makes them work. You open the blue door, on the other side of the blue door is........ A bathroom! Green tiles line the walls and floor, there's a shower, a toilet and a sink. A mirror cabinet above the sink with a lock on it. You try it, but this one is actually locked. You have to you, you're looking extra bald in the mirror. Oddly, there's no vents in this bathroom. You can only imagine how steamy it gets. What's next?
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smash that mirror, fuck the mirror
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(05-22-2019, 09:52 AM)victorianflorist Wrote: Turn on the shower, hot as it goes
You turn on the shower. It's a lever looking thing that you twist either way for hot or cold, so you turn it all they way to hot. And boy, is it hot. The room is filling with steam and you cant get at the lever to turn the shower off now on account of the scolding hot water showering down in front of it.
(05-22-2019, 08:43 AM)skinstealer Wrote: smash that mirror, fuck the mirror
You turn around and take your hatred of yourself out on the now clouded mirror. How dare it bare witness to you doing something dumb. How dare it be locked. How dare it show you who you really are, a dumbass. You'll show it. You punch the mirror square in its smug face. Shattering it in the process and blowing the lock apart. Not a terribly good lock nor cabinet apparently. As shards of mirrored glass fall into the sink and around your feet you realize your grave error in judgement, there are red flecks forming in the sink. Raising your hand in front of your face you see blood, a lot of it, you've cut a large portion through the base of index finger and have minor cuts on the others. There's a small piece of mirror wedged in the knuckle between your pinkie and ring finger. The pain registers for you now, and you shout "AAAAAAAAURGh" to the high heavens above.
The cabinet door slowly opens itself, momentum from the force of your mighty punch. Within the cabinet is a small bottle of whiskey and a box labelled "sleep eezee™" "What is this, a medicine cabinet or a minibar" you think to yourself.
You should really do something about this injury and quickly. What will you do?
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(05-22-2019, 10:22 AM)victorianflorist Wrote: Pour the whiskey on your injured hand You pour the whiskey onto your hand, not all of i-OH MY GOD THAT HURTS SO FUCKING MUCH. WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THIS. YOU REGRET EVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER DONE. YES YOU KNOW WHY DISINFECTANT OR SOME BULLSHIT BUT YOU HAVE GRAVE CONCERNS ABOUT WHETHER IT WAS WORTH IT. You calm down, and put the whiskey onto the side of the sink. "ffffffffffffffuck" you seethe. You're gonna need some actual medical attention for this, or perhaps you have a better idea. What will you do?
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Do your best to remove the shards, turn on the sink, and wash the cuts, applying pressure to them. Look around for a potential tourniquet.
ummmm, we?
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(05-31-2019, 11:57 AM)Kajah995 Wrote: Do your best to remove the shards, turn on the sink, and wash the cuts, applying pressure to them. Look around for a potential tourniquet. You lower your hand into the sink and turn on the water, nice and warm, washing the blood away so you can see the damage. Slowly, you pick out the smaller shards. None of them bigger than a splinter, you're putting off the big one in your knuckle. But, you sigh to yourself, you're going to have to bite the bullet and just yank it. You pull that asshole out, the bleeding starts afresh. You were already feeling somewhat faint and are worried about that, you need a tourniquet. "maybe I could tear some of that mattress off and use it as fabric for this" you think to yourself. You even have a nice cutting implement you say looking at the incredibly sharp and bloodied hunk of mirror that was not moments ago in your hand. Before you can fully commit to the plan of tearing open the mattress you hear the door open. No, not the one to the bathroom, but coming from the bedroom. The other door. And it was absolutely slammed open, you heard it over the shower. Someone is in the bedroom. Think fast.
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> walk into the other room calmly like the collected person you are and brandish the hunk of mirror at them threateningly
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>act calm. you don't have enemies until they make themselves your enemies. Let's figure out what's going on, and maybe ask about some medical attention to your fist of fury.
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05-31-2019, 12:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-31-2019, 12:50 PM by Lucy.)
(05-31-2019, 12:13 PM)Monologue Wrote: > walk into the other room calmly like the collected person you are and brandish the hunk of mirror at them threateningly
You are brave, and are going to face this head on. They're probably just a nurse or something haha, right? Well you have your mirror knife shiv thing regardless. Just in case. You open the door, steam billows into the bedroom as you enter the room.
There's a person standing there, tall. They're wearing what looks like a school uniform as worn by a delinquent. Fancy white button up shirt with the top three buttons undone and crumpled to all shit as though they haven't even heard of the concept of ironing. Plait skirt short enough that you can see halfway up their thighs, but they're wearing basketball shorts under it. Grey stockings and sneakers, untied but tucked into the shoes. Red and black striped tie loose around their neck.
You can't bring yourself to get a good look at their face, you. You really can't. You just cannot look at this in the face.
Its bothering you that you can't.
"Hello hotstuff" They say to you. You clench the shard in your hand. And then you notice whats in their hands, its a shotgun. You drop your weapon in pure fright and stare at it intensely. "Really into this aren't you. What would your girlfriend think?? Well that's me and I think its cute." They say. You can't respond. You are still staring at the gun, and all you can think about is it and how stupid and awful you are for not being able to even look at them. "Really dont want to make a mess of this nice shirt.......well.....actually......I kinda want to, but only with you~" They chime.
Not that you get much of a chance to dwell on that. You hear a loud explosion a brief but sudden force in your neck and upper shoulders, and then nothing.
You awaken in a bed staring at the ceiling. A light attached to a ceiling fan takes up your view and agitates your mind. You feel a dull throbbing in your head, it's unpleasant. It's cold and you can remember how you got here. You are pretty sure you just got shot, why are you back here. This is incredibly confusing for you. You touch your neck, its slightly hairy. That's weird. Your hand doesn't hurt anymore.
How will you proceed.
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How about we get dressed and go to the general store in our town? (If there is one) It's cheap plushie purchasing time.
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wait, let's go check our hairy neck in the mirror before we go out
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(05-31-2019, 12:58 PM)Monologue Wrote: wait, let's go check our hairy neck in the mirror before we go out
You bolt upright. The rooms just as you remember, except for the black spatter stain on the walls and door frame around the blue door. The door is not stained. Is that your blood? How long as it been. It was real? You get up and walk over to the bathroom and touch the black stain, it crumbles a little. It, really does seem like blood. Regardless you have hair to investigate. You enter the bathroom.
The bathroom is also as you remember it. And the mirror cabinet has been replaced, though there's still a few mirror shards on the floor, and the bottle of whiskey is still on the sink where you left it. You head over to the mirror and look at yourself. Your entire neck and upper shoulder area is coated in a fine white fuzzy hair. Its quite jarring, since you are still bald otherwise. The skin underneath the hair doesn't feel quite right either. There's splotches of pigmentation in there that shouldn't be there. You raise your hand to touch it and notice that where the mirror shard was wedged between your knuckles also has this hair on it, though not as much.
Frightening. You don't really want to think about it too much.
(05-31-2019, 12:49 PM)King-Clod Wrote: How about we get dressed and go to the general store in our town? (If there is one)
It's cheap plushie purchasing time.
And in fact, you wont! So you're going to just get dressed and go buy a teddy bear, that's what you need right now. You exit out the bathroom, and out of the bedroom too through the white door. You are in a hallway, at one end is a sharp turn in the hall with a sign that says "<- Stairs" at the other, a nice painting of a vase of flowers. There's several doors in the hallways, all labelled with a number and a letter. Yours is 5b. Across from yours is 5a. The rest are labelled accordingly with the one next to yours being 4b and then 3b and such. The door that should be labelled 2a instead has no label.
You have no idea where clothes might be, and feel a little silly for it. Where will you go?
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Well, clothes are pretty important. Especially if we plan to go to town. Lets go back to our bathroom, grab a mirror shard, and cut apart the mattress. Take sheet of fabric from it, a rectangle about twice as long as it is wide, and fold it like so into a sort of makeshift dress. ![[Image: unknown.png]]( (art from, not mine.) We'll need to get proper clothes when we get to the department store. ...Actually, do we have any money?
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let's do the mattress thing and get the hell out, check 5a