10-07-2022, 08:26 AM
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: basically, just...and i want to get tester thoughts on this too, when they're around
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i think we should stop marketing this as a game, and be upfront about the construct thing, at the very least if we're taking on any more testers, and to the FF admins
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: push this as a way for people to just...i don't know, be a part of construct making and raising. something special.
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: ...it'll probably attract a different crowd, but hopefully the failsafes we put in will do something
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: basically, just...and i want to get tester thoughts on this too, when they're around
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i think we should stop marketing this as a game, and be upfront about the construct thing, at the very least if we're taking on any more testers, and to the FF admins
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: push this as a way for people to just...i don't know, be a part of construct making and raising. something special.
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: ...it'll probably attract a different crowd, but hopefully the failsafes we put in will do something