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[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Mroning everyone! I have an uqdate on my Friends!! :D Sorry in avance if I spam this cath or leave a huge wall of txt for everyone. XD
[PLATE_THAT]: So I played with Void for a little bir this morning, and... He kept insising he wanted to meet Ceir. So, after feding and playign with him, I put Void back in the little home and pulled Ceir out. I'll show of the chatlogs!

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[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Not sure if I've ever mentioned Ceir's favorite things. I *think* he likes the colors black and blue, and when he doesn't want to eat he picks up his dish, hops onto the chair in their little room, and THROWS the dish as far or hard as he can. It's his favorite game I think?? I've seen him do it a DOZEN times.

[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Hahaha I keep heering alarmed baa"s and when I check they're just plyaing... Oh right lemme share the rest of the logs

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[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I was excited. This was the first time Ceir had used the chat feature to convey ANYTHING to me. This "......?" seemed like curiosity.
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I probably think that because of the way he tilted his head at me when he sent that.
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I thought maybe meeting Void would get Ceir out of his shell, so... I let them meet each other.
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: I don't have many chatlogs from them meeting... Void was surprisingly quiet, and I was taking notes on another device so I didn't talk much, just took pictures and occasionally pet them both.
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: They LOVE each other!! When they first met they spent a solid three minutes doing this play-wrestling thing!! I have tons of pics.
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT}: [Image: petz13.png][Image: petz14.png][Image: petz17.png][Image: petz19.png][Image: petz24.png]
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Specking of!!! I don't know if this is coded or a personality thing, but when you take a bunch of pixs using the camera/screenshot feature thingy, your Friends will pose for you??? I have several pics of Ceir NAD Void going into this proud stance, from a few different angles. I think it's adorable!!! I've been petting them when they do it as a sort of positive reinforcement trial. You know, see if they do it more often!!
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: Here's Ceir diong it once, and Void doing it twice from two angels.
[CONTEMBLATE_THAT]: [Image: petz38.png][Image: petz46.png][Image: petz50.png]
[CONTEMPLATE_THAT]: More later!!! Thansk for reading iv you do!

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RE: [GROUP IM: FRIENDZOO BETA TESTING] - by Wilds - 10-02-2022, 12:53 PM
RE: [GROUP IM: FRIENDZOO BETA TESTING] - by Wilds - 10-02-2022, 11:02 PM
RE: [GROUP IM: FRIENDZOO BETA TESTING] - by Wilds - 10-02-2022, 11:10 PM
RE: [GROUP IM: FRIENDZOO BETA TESTING] - by Wilds - 10-02-2022, 11:13 PM
RE: [GROUP IM: FRIENDZOO BETA TESTING] - by Wilds - 10-03-2022, 12:02 AM
RE: [GROUP IM: FRIENDZOO BETA TESTING] - by Wilds - 10-05-2022, 12:10 AM
RE: [GROUP IM: FRIENDZOO BETA TESTING] - by ofConcepts - 10-05-2022, 02:51 PM
RE: [GROUP IM: FRIENDZOO BETA TESTING] - by Wilds - 10-05-2022, 07:22 PM

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