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[TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative
Spawn points #1

Getting my research to you has proven to be difficult, so I apologize for this taking so long. Lumikki had initially intended for to stop in Hearth, but their contact was missing. Missing is the nice way to put it. They couldn’t handle gathering any scrap there, it seemed unpleasant, so we hurriedly headed to a different contacts house. I didn’t have enough time to find a spawn point while we were there.

We are currently at a beach house in Hoopla, staying with an obj Lumi says is a distant cousin. I believe this may just be endearment. Kringle, the other tcp traveling with me, has taken to following me around, so pardon me mentioning and sharing this research with her. The beach is our selected base for now to hopefully collect coral scrap for me, I’ll bring that up next time. I’ve found two spawn points so far in Hoopla, but neither is easy to get to. I warn if you attempt to look into them to be prepared.

Kringle and I were traveling around the city, trying to get cats to talk to us. We got into a scuffle with a particularly aggressive trash type, who stopped just short of breaking Kringle’s glass. Kringle swears she she would have won, she is wrong. The trash type said we gave him a good fight, so he led me down to a sewer, swearing it was where he himself spawned. Going down into the drain, I was happy to find it was full of incredibly friendly cats. Alligator types and rat types are apparently the most common at this particularly point, along with roach, alley cat, and trash types. I even met one goldfish type, a rather large cat surprisingly, it didn’t like to talk. It just watched from a distance. I was humored when an alligator type appeared, my companion screaming and falling into the water. The goldfish fished her out before she got any damage. This spawn point seems to be fading, less cats are appearing they say.

You can find this spawn point by a BurgerBank, one that sits across from a Wanedy’s. Street was either 22nd or 32nd, I can’t remember.

The second spawn point I found about three miles out into the ocean. Kringle tried to follow but the water pressure bothered her head, so she returned to the land. I hadn’t seen many cats, and the ones I did stayed in schools and seemed to rush away from me. I was close to giving up when I found it. A bustling reef, full of a wide variety of cats. Eels, octopi, fish, crab types, anemone and kelp types, and the most common and most friendly being bubble types. I was in awe by the pure density of cats here, everywhere I looked their seemed to be another one. I watched several spawn, each being greeted by the open arms of a new friend. Here I also found an overwhelming amount of scrap. Happiness and confusion mostly, if you’re curious. I’m going to move on and maybe bring this up another time. 

If you walk the beach you will come across a wide cabin surrounded by sand castles and shells, with a monster that lives in the house. The spawn point is almost straight into the water from there. It takes a while to get there though, so do be patient.

I am not an artist, neither is Kringle, however she insisted on adding these drawings. I think her goal is to embarrass me, but I’m going to include them anyway. Jokes on her.

I will try to respond quickly with more research, I am not sure if Lumikki plans to stay on this beach long or not. I’m going to attempt to send a scrap-globe with my next letter, it’s what Lumikki uses to hold scrap. That would be of interest right? I apologize, not the proper letter for this. 

Stapled to the back are two poorly drawn pencil sketches of what appears to be the spawn points. You honestly can’t tell if effort was point into them or not. 

The letter is only signed on the outside, with Trevor in big bold letters. Lumikki and Kringle have also signed, Lumikki taking the time to dot their i’s with snowflakes. Inside the envelope is an annoying amount of sand, have fun cleaning that up.
Give Me Your Coins

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[TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by skinstealer - 09-23-2019, 11:35 AM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by cosmo - 09-24-2019, 01:18 AM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by cosmo - 09-27-2019, 04:32 AM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by AceOfNothing - 09-27-2019, 07:00 AM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by cosmo - 09-29-2019, 03:17 AM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by knux400 - 09-30-2019, 08:40 AM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by knux400 - 10-07-2019, 09:46 AM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by knux400 - 10-08-2019, 11:57 AM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by cosmo - 10-08-2019, 09:12 PM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by cosmo - 10-09-2019, 12:23 AM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by cosmo - 10-10-2019, 07:31 PM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by cosmo - 10-11-2019, 01:36 AM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by knux400 - 12-22-2019, 12:17 PM

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