12-24-2024, 11:22 AM
HELLO morbit community. going into 2025 (jfc) we are on pace for doing some great revitalization of the TCPdex. for those of you on our Discord, we have updated our Discord bot (Craig) with, finally, an up-to-date list of existing TCP types, modifiers, and conditions!
the past few days alone we have reopened up TCPdex and wiki editing volunteer positions, allowing members of the community to help fill out our TCPdex. capsule made a list of things that wiki volunteers do as part of the position:
if you're interested in doing these things, ask @skinstealer on our discord and we can set you up! you can drop in and out of this position at will.
here is what our wiki team has accomplished in the past few days:
New pages
New data
you may also notice that some of these types have "skin" and "fluid" replaced with "external" and "internals", respectively. we intend to transition all pages to using this classification eventually!
the past few days alone we have reopened up TCPdex and wiki editing volunteer positions, allowing members of the community to help fill out our TCPdex. capsule made a list of things that wiki volunteers do as part of the position:
- organizing TCPdex spreadsheets and documents
- making and editing wiki pages as needed
- image descriptions, external/internal notes, and advanced worldbuilding-related notes for TCP types (NOT in-character notes or health/abilities)
- writing down formal wiki entries in accordance with presented notes
- harvesting canon information from projects
- proofreading
if you're interested in doing these things, ask @skinstealer on our discord and we can set you up! you can drop in and out of this position at will.
here is what our wiki team has accomplished in the past few days:
New pages
- Sponge Type
- Cowboy Type
- Reaper Type
- Haunted Condition
- TCP Health and Injury, a pretty comprehensive lore page on the health and injury system for TCPs!
New data
- Reanimation Type has a secondary ability and research notes.
- Pretzel Type has research notes and an ability name.
- Atychiphobia Type has research and other notes, as well as an ability.
- Lily Type has research notes, other notes, and an ability.
- Bedtime Type has its fluid tweaked.
- Gaseous Modifier has a new image.
- a handful of pages have wording tweaks, a bit too many to list.
- Haunted Modifier was replaced with the condition.
you may also notice that some of these types have "skin" and "fluid" replaced with "external" and "internals", respectively. we intend to transition all pages to using this classification eventually!
VYN - website programmer and designer
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