11-18-2023, 08:34 PM
things we want to do today (and may not get to any of them):
- finalize the first 6 FZ files for advent and send them to queenie for finishing touches
- make an adopt batch of at least 25 winter-themed TCPs to put up for sale. honestly maybe it'd be fun to just do a toy themed batch of critters as well?
- maybe the Birthday Beast hex from that forum game thread
- more tallow/ivory kaleidoclub stuff, either editing or continuing writing or both
- finalize the first 6 FZ files for advent and send them to queenie for finishing touches
- make an adopt batch of at least 25 winter-themed TCPs to put up for sale. honestly maybe it'd be fun to just do a toy themed batch of critters as well?
- maybe the Birthday Beast hex from that forum game thread
- more tallow/ivory kaleidoclub stuff, either editing or continuing writing or both